sfbs fbs and sfcs fcs for s7 communication

Some fundamental issues in receiver design and performance analysis for wireless communication

Some fundamental issues in receiver design and performance analysis for wireless communication

... am also very grateful for his understanding when I face difficulty in work and life I would like to thank Dr Yu Changyuan, Prof Mohan Gurusamy and Prof Marc Andre Armand for serving as my Ph.D ... several layers for design and performance analysis In this thesis, we consider the physical layer and and the data link layer The commonly used physical layer performance measures for fading channels ... detection and decision-aided block detection We compare them with block-by-block detection algorithms and show the former’s advantages in complexity and performance The commonly used performance...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

199 315 0
DSP algorithm and system design for UWB communication systems

DSP algorithm and system design for UWB communication systems

... pulsed UWB, and it is one of the simplest forms of DS-UWB On the other hand, the huge band can be divided into multiple subbands, and the signal can be shaped so that it occupies a subband of 500-800 ... components for each type of the channel are enormous For CM3 and CM4, there are even more multipaths present and the dispersed channel length is also longer than that for CM1 and CM2 When doing performance ... comparison for communication systems Figure 1.2 FCC regulated spectral mask for UWB indoor communication systems Figure 1.3 Operation distance and data rate of major wireless standards ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 17:05

86 224 0
Multiple Access Protocols for Mobile Communications - GPRS, UMTS and Beyond

Multiple Access Protocols for Mobile Communications - GPRS, UMTS and Beyond

... MULTIPLE ACCESS PROTOCOLS FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Multiple Access Protocols for Mobile Communications GPRS, UMTS and Beyond Alex Brand Swisscom Mobile, Switzerland Hamid Aghvami King’s College ... GPRS Random Access Algorithm 4.11.1 Why a New Random Access Scheme for GPRS? 4.11.2 Stabilisation of the Random Access Algorithm 4.11.3 Prioritisation at the Random Access 4.11.4 The GPRS Random ... Account for the Physical Layer? 5.1.1 What to Account For and How? 5.1.2 Using Approximations for Error Performance Assessment 5.1.3 Modelling the UTRA TD/CDMA Physical Layer 5.1.4 On Capture and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2013, 16:59

478 664 0
SIEMENS - simatic ladder logic (LAD) for S7-300 and S7-400 programming pdf

SIEMENS - simatic ladder logic (LAD) for S7-300 and S7-400 programming pdf

... S7- 300/400 manuals • Standard and System Function for S7- 300/400 Provides reference information 6ES7810-4CA07-8BW1 and describes the programming languages LAD, FBD and STL, and standard and system function ... Reference help on SFBs/ SFCs Reference help on Organization Blocks Context-sensitive reference information iv Order Number Part of the STEP Standard software Ladder Logic (LAD) for S7- 300 and S7- 400 Programming ... state is "1" at inputs I0.0 and I0.1 and I0.2 • And there is a negative edge at input I0.3 • And the signal state is "1" at input I0.4 Ladder Logic (LAD) for S7- 300 and S7- 400 Programming A5E00261407-01...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

218 5,5K 0
SIEMENS - simatic standard software for S7-300 and S7-400 PID control ppt

SIEMENS - simatic standard software for S7-300 and S7-400 PID control ppt

... for S7- 300 and S7- 400 Program Design /350/ User Manual: SIMATIC S7, Standard Control Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 – PID Control C79000-G7076-C516-01 A-1 A-2 Standard Software for S7- 300 ... various FBs Further Information PID Control is a subset of Standard Control For further information about the standard controller, refer to /350/ 1-2 Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 – PID Control ... parameter assignment dialogs Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 – PID Control C79000-G7076-C516-01 2-1 Parametrierung 2-2 Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 – PID Control C79000-G7076-C516-01...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

42 1,1K 0
SIEMENS - simatic system software for S7-300/400 system and standard functions pot

SIEMENS - simatic system software for S7-300/400 system and standard functions pot

... xii 19-1 Common Parameters of the SFBs/ FBs and SFCs/ FCs for S7 Communication 19-1 Startup Routine of SFBs for Configured S7 Connections 19-5 How SFBs React to Problems .19-7 ... Requirements of the S7 Communication SFBs/ FBs .19-48 Communication SFCs for Non-Configured S7 Connections 20.1 20.2 18-1 Differences between the Blocks of the S7 Communication and the S7 Basic Communication ... over the S7 Communication and the S7 Basic Communication 18.1 17-1 20-1 Common Parameters of the Communication SFCs 20-1 Error Information of the Communication SFCs for Non-Configured S7 Connections...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20

662 11,6K 1
SIEMENS - simatic standard software for S7-300 and S7-400 standard functions part 2 ppt

SIEMENS - simatic standard software for S7-300 and S7-400 standard functions part 2 ppt

... Immediate Outputs (SETI) Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 Standard Functions Part A5E00066867-03 1-9 Bit Logic Functions 1-10 Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 Standard Functions Part ... Shift Register (SHRB) Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 Standard Functions Part A5E00066867-03 3-5 Shift Functions 3-6 Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 Standard Functions Part A5E00066867-03 ... editors/compilers iv Standard Software for S7- 300 and S7- 400 Standard Functions Part A5E00066867-03 Preface Title S7- GRAPH1 , S7- HiGraph1, CFC1 Manuals Content The languages S7- GRAPH, S7- HiGraph, and CFC (Continuous...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20

106 1,3K 0
The Communication on Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and The Directive on “Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe” pdf

The Communication on Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and The Directive on “Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe” pdf

... legislation and the National Emission Ceilings Directive with a view to reaching long-term environmental objectives; and (3) develops better systems for gathering information, modelling and forecasting ... indicated a clear need for better public information, a greater desire for protection from air pollution and a willingness to pay for reduced risks on a par with those for drinking water Working ... Baseline Scenarios for the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) Programme Service contract for the development of the baseline and policy scenarios and integrated assessment modelling framework for the CAFE...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

170 401 0
MEMS-based Circuits and Systems for Wireless Communication docx

MEMS-based Circuits and Systems for Wireless Communication docx

... exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, ... Switzerland a e-mail: marc-alexandre.dubois@csem.ch; claude.muller@csem.ch C.C Enz and A Kaiser (eds.), MEMS-based Circuits and Systems for Wireless Communication, Integrated Circuits and Systems, ... insertion loss and bandwidth of filters, and power consumption and phase noise in oscillators f Q is inversely proportional to the noise equivalent mass resolution in a resonator and it is therefore important...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 07:20

331 925 0
Chapter 2Communicating Over the Network Quangkien@gmail.com.OverviewDescribe the structure of a network, including the devices and media that are necessary for successful communications. Explain the function of protocols in network communications. Ex potx

Chapter 2Communicating Over the Network Quangkien@gmail.com.OverviewDescribe the structure of a network, including the devices and media that are necessary for successful communications. Explain the function of protocols in network communications. Ex potx

... models: The TCP/IP model and the OSI model Describe the importance of addressing and naming schemes in network communications The Platform for Communications Elements of Communication Communicating ... rules for: (4) Format Accessing the media Error detection Setup and termination 30 Protocol Suites and Standards Early days – proprietary network equipment and protocols Now – Industry standards ... functions: – Regenerate and retransmit data signals – Maintain information about what pathways exist through the network and internetwork – Notify other devices of errors and communication failures...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 12:20

52 550 0
S7-1200 and Step7 Basic v10.5 communication

S7-1200 and Step7 Basic v10.5 communication

... two S7- 1200 Demo Boxes Page 15 S7- 1200 and STEP7 Basic V10.5 Communication Exercise7-1: Create new project Hands-on Overview Open user communication Exercise PtP Communication Communication For ... Communication Exercise for Communication Hands-on Overview Open user communication Exercise PtP Communication Let’s just it the lab for you Communication SIMATIC Systems Support I IA AS CS FA For internal ... Page S7- 1200 and STEP7 Basic V10.5 Communication Overview: Communication interfaces Overview Open user communication Exercise PtP Communication Communication Module (CM) Point-to-Point communication...

Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 21:48

25 833 5
Báo cáo sinh học: "MAC and baseband processors for RF-MIMO WLAN EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and " doc

Báo cáo sinh học: "MAC and baseband processors for RF-MIMO WLAN EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and " doc

... frame and sends it after performing the back-off procedure In parallel, it generates the CRC For frames, for which an acknowledgement is expected, it sets a respective timeout and checks for successful ... acknowledgements and CTS frames The control component, as a broker between MAC and PHY, sets and reads the PHY parameters, controls the timers for handshake of the MIPP interface and stores the ... possible to perform all relevant control and configuration commands for every station The baseband board was used for the real-time tests of the MIMAX baseband processor in several setups First,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

38 424 0
Báo cáo toán học: " An occupancy-based and channel-aware multilevel adaptive scheme for video communications over wireless channels" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: " An occupancy-based and channel-aware multilevel adaptive scheme for video communications over wireless channels" pptx

... address the problem from an information theoretic point of view, and did Page of 17 not account for network performance and protocol issues, including packetization and retransmissions In addition, ... transmission system Moreover, for the same modulation level and the same FEC, GBN, and SR perform better than SW while the difference in performance between SR and GBN is unnoticeable However, ... where Bth = 16 for B frames, Bth = for P frames, and Bth = for I frames The bar graphs in Figures 11, 12, 13, 14 compare the performances of the different QAM streaming systems for the first 15...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

17 432 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Analysis and Construction of Full-Diversity Joint Network-LDPC Codes for Cooperative Communications" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Analysis and Construction of Full-Diversity Joint Network-LDPC Codes for Cooperative Communications" pdf

... Example for the MARC The sources S1 and S2 transmit information bits and parity bits that are related to their own information, and R transmits information bits and parity bits related to the information ... the information bits 1i1 and 2i1 (used for encoding at S1 ), and 1p2 in terms of the information bits 1i2 and 2i2 (used for encoding at S2 ) The first two set of rows 1c and 2c are rootchecks for ... straightforward extension of full-diversity codes for the block fading channel [22].) S1 transmits 1i1 and 1p1 , S2 transmits 1i2 and 1p2 , and the common relay first transmits 2i1 and 2p1 and then...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

16 416 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Biometric Methods for Secure Communications in Body Sensor Networks: Resource-Efficient Key Management and Signal-Level Data " potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Biometric Methods for Secure Communications in Body Sensor Networks: Resource-Efficient Key Management and Signal-Level Data " potx

... the ECG that makes it a prime candidate for good security As already mentioned, good cryptographic keys need a high degree of randomness, and keys derived from random time-varying signals have ... INTRAS, being based on interpolation and random sampling This framework is attractive not only for its convenient and low-complexity implementation, but also for its more graceful degradations ... random set optimization Essentially, for difficult optimization problems, one can perform an (exhaustive) search over some limited random set from the feasible space If the set is sufficiently random,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

16 460 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Wideband Impulse Modulation and Receiver Algorithms for Multiuser Power Line Communications" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Wideband Impulse Modulation and Receiver Algorithms for Multiuser Power Line Communications" doc

... alphabet [18], and it Andrea M Tonello (u,i) (u,i) ··· c0 T used to introduce code diversity and to randomize the effect of the MAI Tf cL−1 Tg 2.2 Figure 2: Frame format for user u and code i carries ... Biglieri, “Coding and modulation for a horrible channel,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol 41, no 5, pp 92–98, 2003 [2] A M Tonello, R Rinaldo, and L Scarel, “Detection algorithms for wide band impulse ... Power-Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC ’04), pp 367–372, Zaragoza, Spain, March-April 2004 [3] A M Tonello, R Rinaldo, and M Bellin, “Synchronization and channel estimation for wide band...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

14 304 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Tree-Based Distributed Multicast Algorithms for Directional Communications and Lifetime Optimization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Tree-Based Distributed Multicast Algorithms for Directional Communications and Lifetime Optimization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks" pptx

... chosen randomly for each session request; the number of destinations is uniformly distributed between and n − Similarly, we randomly generated a sequence of multicast requests in each scenario and ... multiple multicast sessions for all algorithms In all cases, both DMMT-OA and DMMT-DA have better performance than other algorithms, and DMMT-DA is even better and always performs very close (within ... existence of all its neighbors and the information wxy between any two neighbor nodes x and y After the neighbor discovery, any node v will create an entry for each neighbor u and set node u as nontree...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

10 357 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Reconfigurable Signal Processing and Hardware Architecture for Broadband Wireless Communications" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Reconfigurable Signal Processing and Hardware Architecture for Broadband Wireless Communications" docx

... block; “BI” for block interleaving block; “IFFT” for IFFT block; “FFT” for FFT block; “BDI” for block despreading and deinterleaving block; “OTE” for one-tap equalizer; and “DS” for despreading ... required (ii) For SCCP, OTE and IFFE blocks function; for CP-DSCDMA, BDI, OTE, and IFFT blocks are required (iii) For MC-CDMA, both OTE and DS blocks are needed; for CP-CDMA, OTE, IFFT, and DS blocks ... he joined I2R (formerly Centre for Wireless Communications) His research interests include reconfigurable signal processing and architectures for broadband wireless communications and software-defined...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

10 274 0