... came with your hosting to set up your new Wordpress for you, or download and attempt to install it yourself I suggest you try both, to be honest, as downloading and FTPing the files yourself is ... sizes are either set by your theme, or set by you from the Settings -> Media page Though it’s a matter of personal preference, I prefer to set the Medium size as the perfect fit for my content ... none or in the centre of your page Again, if you’ve set up image sizes to fit your page perfectly, you shouldn’t really need this If an image is just half the width of your full content column...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:49
... process of setting up XBMC for the first time Work with me and you’ll have your entire media collection added, extensions for your favorite online media installed and various other tweaks set up to ... even summaries for individual episodes Repeat this process for all of your media folders – your music, your pictures, your TV shows and your movies XBMC should find just about anything As mentioned ... platform: Windows, Mac, Linux and even AppleTV (jailbreak required) There’s a dedicated version for the Raspberry Pi, perfect for those not wishing to spend a lot of money on an XBMC setup And...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 17:26
On Air: Set Up Your Own Online Broadcast
... discussed later, to check your bitrate Once you finish with the video settings, take a look at the Audio settings (Close > Settings > Setup Audio) The two settings here are for microphone selection ... run the test and the website will give you a good estimate for your upload and download speeds You're uploading the stream, so your upload speed is what matters in this case The results will ... “How To Stream Live Video From Your Smartphone” and “Live Reporter: Live Stream From Your Android Phone”.) This guide will go over how to set up your own livestream for a creative project, gaming,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 20:14
Picture Perfect: Set Up Your Own Photoblog
... time, money and effort into presenting yourself to potential clients will ensure that you are taken seriously If you’re setting up a photoblog for fun, to share your photos with your friends and ... on your photos? Another question you should ask yourself when setting up your photoblog is whether or not you want to receive comments Is the aim of your photoblog to advertise and market your ... rather not pay for your hosting there are a few options available for those looking for free hosting Once you have your hosting and domain name, the next step will be to decide which platform you wish...
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 00:53
wordpress complete a comprenensive, step-by-step guide on how to set up, customize, and market your blog using wordpress
... Jimmy Karumalil for their efforts After writing for so many sleepless nights, the book is finally over; but I want to thank all those who supported me at that time My wife Ayesha for storytelling, ... choose WordPress while looking for a platform to profess his obeisance to The Beatles I would like to thank my Mom and Dad for all their love and for keeping me with them for so long To all my friends ... http://www.packtpub.com/ support, selecting your book, clicking on the Submit Errata link, and entering the details of your errata Once your errata have been verified, your submission will be accepted...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 11:32
sba's 7(a) loan program - for your start-up or growing business
... can qualify for If your credit report has errors it may be worth the effort to clear them up before proceeding with your loan application Not indicating what the loan will be used for Lenders ... financial data at your disposal to support your plan Not shopping around before choosing a lender Investigate the loan programs offered through credit unions and other sources in addition to your local ... directly responsible for its debts Term Loan A loan written for a specific term, e.g., 60 months, calling for a monthly principal and interest payments Time Loan A loan written for a set time period,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 23:29
Enhancement of domestic wastewater treatment under long sewer line condition in a laboratory set-up by Aspergillus niger bioaugmentation
... Professor A M Corbisier (MUCL) for providing the stock culture of A niger, and special thanks to Dr Pierre Wattiau for suggestions and Hélène-Christine Massart for analytical support REFERENCES Boczar ... process modelling in order to give an accurate tool for sanitary engineers This could be more economical for wastewater treatment as well as for the management of A niger waste biomass originating ... 4°C no more than a week for the control, to avoid variation in wastewater characteristics Analyses Fungal biomass was determined by dry cell weight (oven drying at 105°C for 24 h) and COD was determined...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08
A capillary-based method determining the permeability of sand layer for geothermal applications
... by laboratory tests Experimental investigations 3.1 Experimental setup Figure gives a simplified diagram of the experimental setup measuring the hydraulic permeability of porous media (e.g sand ... requirement for the amount of test samples The present method can provide an important basis for analyzing the heat transfer process of BHEs in a sand-based aquifer, and also be applied for other ... test lasted for 800-1000 s, depending on the initial sample conditions After treating the images, the dynamic CR curve with time can be plotted Figure Diagram of the experimental setup measuring...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 17:03
Model Predictive Control for small applications for small applications
... Small Applications MPC Replacement for PID with Feedforward MPC Process (2X1) Measured Disturbance ©2006 Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc Slide 12 - 14 MPC – Small Applications MPC Replacement for ... Systems, Inc Slide 12 - MPC – Small Applications Saving by Operating Closer to Product Specification or Operating Limit $$ Savings Limit or Spec Target Setpoint Before ©2006 Fisher-Rosemount Systems, ... Applications MPC Replacement for PID with Feedforward ©2006 Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc Slide 12 - 15 MPC – Small Applications MPC Replacement for PID Overrride MPC Process (1X2) Constraint...
Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2013, 13:49
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 14:15
Are the Strategic Stars Aligned for Your Corporate Brand
... Vision-culture gap Who are your stakeholders? What your stakeholders want from your company? Are you effectively communicating your vision to your stakeholders? Does your company practice the ... subcultures? Are your vision and culture differentiated from those of your competitors? Vision (managers) Culture (employees) ap What images stakeholders associate with your company? In what ways your employees ... devastating Does your company’s vision inspire all its subcultures? Any company, large or small, is made up of subcultures The engineers in your R&D department will have a different set of values...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan _ And How to Focus on the Best One for Your Company’s Needs
... your paycheck every Friday I even put a little bonus money in your pocket each year I’ve probably contributed enough The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan 153 to your 401(k) for ... in your strategic plan and save the other five for your operational plan They are important but not the central force in your universe The single focus is the central organizer that drives your ... hang of this get-the-mostfor -your- money method of evaluating their purchases The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan HOW 169 TO FIND A SINGLE FOCUS TO DRIVE YOUR COMPANY TO SUCCESS...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:20
Correspondence for the Application Process and the Job Search
... marketing yourself To be effective in your overall marketing effort, you need to use strategies that are consistent with your personality and not exceed your comfort level about presenting yourself for ... Correspondence for the Application Process and the Job Search Dr Danielle Linton-Panko Page I am eager to speak with you about procedures for becoming a client with your firm Please fax the appropriate information ... neighborhoods Again, I want to thank you for expressing your enthusiasm for my studies and for the opportunity to discuss some of my ideas with you and your colleagues Sincerely, Qian Xinzhong...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20
Gps Antenna Considerations For Automotive Applications
... passivation for increased performance A poor PCB layout can destroy what may otherwise be a good design The PCB must be laid out to assure that no RF coupling between the line exists to compromise performance ... radomes and determine for them the required distance between the antenna face and inner radome to ensure optimized performance Ground Plane Size The resonant frequency performance of each patch ... +44 (1344) 300-020 GPS Antenna Considerations for Automotive Applications GPS01 LNA PCB Design The LNAs used in M/A-COM’s active antennas are high performance GaAs MMICs in low cost SOIC 8-lead...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu KRONE - Catalogue - Industrial - LSA Series2 modules for Industrial application doc
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15
... activities for the lab missed, obtain the signatures required and submit to lab faculty on the due date indicated NR33 Makeup lab assignments 2006 Page NR33 Nursing Lab MAKE -UP ASSIGNMENT FOR WOUND ... activities for the lab missed, obtain the signatures required and submit to lab faculty on the due date indicated NR33 Makeup lab assignments 2006 Page NR 33 Nursing Lab MAKE -UP ASSIGNMENT FOR PAIN ... _ COMPLETE A VIDEO PERFORMING YOUR PATIENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENT Faculty signature/date _ COMPLETE A SELF ASSESSMENT OF YOUR VIDEO PERFORMANCE AND WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT REVIEW...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Using Ajax for Web Application Development: What Businesses Need To Know ppt
... programming enables a web application development team to create a site that allows users to perform certain functions without the need for redrawing or reloading an entire screen For example, Google ... used to create what are known as "mashups" – situations where content from two different web applications can be combined into a third, newly useful application For example, the apartment listings ... may not be ready for or may find confusing This can cause visitors to leave your site quickly, without actually performing the tasks, making the purchases, or reading the information that you...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Module 2: Planning for Web Application Security ppt
... Planning for Web Application Security Lesson: A Design Process for Building Secure Web Applications Business and Product Business and Product Requirements Requirements Defines Updates Information Information ... specification for the Web application In this practice, you will conduct a threat analysis of the design specification for the Web application 8 Module 2: Planning for Web Application Security Web application ... cycle you analyze a Web application for threats? Analyzing your Web application for threats is an iterative process and it should occur throughout the lifecycle of your Web application What is the...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Megabit Modems 310F/320F ADSL Modem Pair For LAN Applications ppt
... digits: Include power supply for International use, no power cord Include power supply for North American use, North American power connector/cord Include power supply for European use, European ... High-performance Ethernet bridging at maximum ADSL speed Dynamically learns up to 8,192 addresses Service Port: SPEC SHEET LEDs Serial interface for local configuration and management via RS-232 Supports ... Digital Subscriber Line capable of operation up to 7.040 Mbps downstream and 928 kbps upstream Rate Adaptive in 32 kbps increments to a minimum of 64 kbps (upstream and downstream) Connector: RJ-11...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15