servlet calling rmi objects directly

Distributed objects  RMI

Distributed objects RMI

... remote objects –Remote objects are called as CORBA objects but are essentially regular objects wrapped in CORBA IDL –Clients make a request of the ORB –The ORB is responsible for: •locating objects, ... local garbage collectors •Similar to the classic Object Model 10/21/2010 RMI (Remote Method Invocation) RMI RMI cài đặt nào? RMI tổ hợp nhiều đối tượng modules Ví dụ: đối tượng A tạo lời gọi từ ... dispatchers •Module truyền thông RMI RMI •How RMI is implemented •Module truyền thông –Cái đặt nghi thức yêu cầu-trả lờ (Request-Reply) dùng truyền thông Example: Objects A makes a remote method...

Ngày tải lên: 31/01/2015, 11:19

14 256 0
Phân tán đối tượng trong Java bằng RMI

Phân tán đối tượng trong Java bằng RMI

... client/server RMI ta sử dụng ba gói sau: java .rmi, java .rmi. server, java .rmi. registry Gói java .rmi bao gồm giao tiếp, lớp ngoại lệ sử dụng để lập trình cho phía client Gói java .rmi. server cung ... cầu RMI đến truyền yêu cầu tới dịch vụ RMI Đối tượng skeleton không cung cấp cài đặt dịch vụ RMI Nó đóng vai trò chương trình nhận yêu cầu, truyền yêu cầu Sau người phát triển tạo giao tiếp RMI, ... hoạt động RMI Các hệ thống RMI phục vụ cho việc truyền tin thường chia thành hai loại: client server Một server cung cấp dịch vụ RMI, client gọi phương thức đối tượng dịch vụ Server RMI phải đăng...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2012, 15:51

12 940 13
C++ - I/O Streams as an Introduction to Objects and Classes

C++ - I/O Streams as an Introduction to Objects and Classes

... Addison-Wesley Slide 6- 21 Objects and Member Function Names  Objects of different types have different member functions  Some of these member functions might have the same name  Different objects of the ... as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 6- 24 Calling a Member Function    Calling a member function requires specifying the object containing the function The calling object is separated from the ..."infile.dat"); Calling object Member function Dot operator Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 6- 25 Member Function Calling Syntax  Syntax for calling...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:49

117 901 0
Tài liệu Java RMI

Tài liệu Java RMI

... ¨ Ch ¨ Ch it ng RMI ng trình Server ng trình Client Mô hình ng d ng RMI RMIRegistry Client tri u g i ph ng th c t xa RMIClient RMIServer Server tr k t qu v cho client it n ng RMI Interface ¨ ... ch ¨ rmic n ng trình ti n ích rmic ation> JDK1.5+, v i RMI v1.2 ¨ rmic ch t o Stub Server n C n có RMI Registry tr ch ng trình Server c th c thi c thi ch ng trình rmiregistry.exe ... RMISecurityManager()); RMISecurityManager()); n Java ¨ ¨ command line parameter -Djava .rmi. server.codebase= Djava .rmi. server.codebase= http://web .rmi. com/export/ -Djava .rmi. server.codebase= Djava .rmi. server.codebase=...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:21

39 1K 12
Java Servlet

Java Servlet

... javax .servlet     Interface Servlet: khai báo Servlet phương thức servlet (init(), service(), …) GenericServlet thi công interface GenericServlet Servlet HttpServlet lớp dẫn xuất từ lớp HttpServlet ... import javax .servlet. *; import javax .servlet. http.*; public class SimpleHttpServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, ... javax .servlet. *; import javax .servlet. http.*; public class SimpleHttpServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 11:16

36 804 8
How to setup a Linux system that can boot directly from a software RAID

How to setup a Linux system that can boot directly from a software RAID

... the master device on the first IDE channel, to make it the new boot disk It's also possible to directly replace /dev/hda with /dev/hdc if the first fails The next boot will result in: 12 [root@fedora4...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:11

14 568 1
A Knowledgeable Model: Network of C-Objects

A Knowledgeable Model: Network of C-Objects

... problem Network of C -Objects 1.1 C -Objects In many problems we usually meet many different kinds of objects Each object has attributes and internal relations between them Besides, objects can execute ... attributes of certain objects a relation between the objects A relation will help us deduce some attributes from the others Our network of C -objects will consists of a set of C -objects O = {O1,O2, ... relations and objects, and then we use them to extend the set of attributes determined Those actions can be repeated until all of attributes in B are determined or until we cannot determine any more...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:13

8 366 2
Chapter 4 - LINQ to Objects

Chapter 4 - LINQ to Objects

... LINQ to Objects • Using language integrated query operators with objects • Customizing query operators for particular objects • Examples, examples, examples © ... language integrated query operators with objects • Implementing the query pattern for nonIEnumerable objects • Customizing the query behavior for specific objects © Copyright SELA Software & Education ... SELA Software & Education Labs Ltd 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak 51202 Israel LINQ to Objects • LINQ to Objects relies on the Enumerable class, which contains query operators as extension methods...

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2013, 16:18

15 624 4
mapping your objects to database tables with linq to sql

mapping your objects to database tables with linq to sql

... one-to-many: one Customers row to many Orders rows c You can now access Order objects directly from the Customer objects, or vice versa Modify the Main method with the following code to demonstrate ... Features 22 Lab Summary 27 Mapping Your Objects to Database Tables with LINQ to SQL Mapping Your Objects to Database Tables with LINQ to SQL Objectives Scenario Estimated ... Mapping Your Objects to Database Tables with LINQ to SQL Tasks Detailed Steps Note: You can also move the mouse over the variables and see how the IDE is fully aware of the type of the objects we...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:30

29 435 0
110 amazing magic tricks with everyday objects

110 amazing magic tricks with everyday objects

... you return, your accomplice points to objects around the room but you have arranged that the fifth object he points to will be the chosen object Identifying objects three times in succession (after ... hobby We have selected 110 superb magic tricks, most of which can be performed with simple everyday objects Once learned, you will be able to mystify and entertain no matter where you are Read and ... if you have removed your thumb (see figure 3) This trick should be done only to people who are directly facing you Folding Money Effect: A currency note turns itself over Secret: Hold the note...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2013, 13:21

43 429 2
Lập trình Web động với Java Servlet

Lập trình Web động với Java Servlet

... trúc Servlet:  Giao diện Servlet - Là trọng tâm Servlet API - Khai báo không thực thi Servlet Generic Servlet HttpServlet MyServlet 6/18  Tương tác máy khách( Client) - Cho phép viết Servlet ... Server 8/18 2.4 Chu trình sống Servlet - Nạp Servlet - Khởi tạo Servlet - Thực thi Servlet - Dọn dẹp Servlet 9/18 2.4 Ưu khuyết điểm Servlet - Tính bảo mật cao - Các Servlet tương tác liên hoàn ... tiếp Client -> Server + Servlet Response: đóng gói giao tiếp Server -> Client 7/18 2.3 Hoạt động Servlet Server Servlet Code Server Load Servlet Code Handle Client Request Servlet Code Client Client...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2013, 08:32

18 979 7
Java RMI - Remote method invocation

Java RMI - Remote method invocation

... that they reside in an RMI server In fact, the objects you create as RMI servers should be in line with the RMI philosophy These are objects that could just as easily be local objects The fact that ... the RMI Registry by hand RMI objects are not started automatically upon invocation Therefore, because the RMI Registry is an RMI object in its own right, it must be started by hand: D:\ start rmiregistry ... %prompt% rmic CalendarServer New in JDK 1.2 RMI in JDK 1.2 has two major new features—activatable objects and the ability to use a secure transport, like SSL, for RMI Activatable Objects Since...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 08:20

41 995 1
Lập trình phân tán với java RMI

Lập trình phân tán với java RMI

... giao di n t xa HelloRMI import java .rmi. *; public class HelloRMIImpl implements HelloRMI { public String sayHello() throws RemoteException { return "Hello RMI" ; } } V n t làm ... ng ký v i trình rmiregistry theo m u sau: Ví d 1-4: Ví d sau ch ng trình ng ký cài t i t ng HelloRMIImpl v i trình ch rmiregistry import java .rmi. server.*; import java .rmi. *; import ... trình khách M¸y kh¸ch Client Naming.looku p2 M¸y chñ rmiregistry Naming.bin d Naming.rebi HelloRMIIm nd pl HelloRMI HelloRMIImpl_Stub HelloRMIImpl_Skel Ví d 2: Vi t l p Calculator, l p có ph ng...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 09:20

12 722 7
Servlet database connections

Servlet database connections

... connection servlet import import import import*; java.sql.*; javax .servlet. *; javax .servlet. http.*; public class Login extends HttpServlet { public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException ... connection servlet import import import import*; java.sql.*; javax .servlet. *; javax .servlet. http.*; public class CachedConnectionServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet( HttpServletRequest ... session connection servlet import import import import*; java.sql.*; javax .servlet. *; javax .servlet. http.*; public class SessionLogin extends HttpServlet { public void init(ServletConfig...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 09:20

25 337 0
Calling C from MATLAB

Calling C from MATLAB

... request fails, the mexFunction terminates and control is passed backed to MATLAB Any workspace allocated by mxMalloc that is not freed when the mexFunction returns or terminates is automatically 59...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 21:20

8 361 0
Calling Fortran from MATLAB

Calling Fortran from MATLAB

... 11 Calling Java from MATLAB While C and Fortran excel at numerical computations, Java is well-suited to web-related applications and graphical user interfaces MATLAB can handle native Java objects ... user interfaces MATLAB can handle native Java objects in its workspace and can directly call Java methods on those objects No mexFunction is required 11.1 A simple example Try this in the MATLAB ... that pargin and pargout are arrays of integers MATLAB passes its inputs and outputs as pointers to objects of type mxArray, but Fortran cannot handle pointers Most Fortran compilers can convert integer...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 21:20

17 304 0


... cung cấp cục cho SQL Server, Oracle Microsoft Jet/Access Client Application Remote Data Objects ActiveX Data Objects ODBC Driver OLE DB Data Provider ODBC Driver Manager OLE DB Document Server Email ... Visual Basic ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) công nghệ truy cập sở liệu hướng đối tượng tương tự DAO Hiện nay, ADO Microsoft xem kỹ ... Recordset phân phối với thành phần RDS Client Thay vào thư viện đối tượng Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects RecordSet (ADOR) sử dụng Thư viện gồm thành phần hoàn toàn nằm phía client cho phép ta có...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 07:20

14 541 1
New headway- rooms and objects in a house

New headway- rooms and objects in a house

... Starter Rooms in a house Living room = sitting room Bedroom Kitchen Dining room Bathroom Toilet Objects in the house Armchair Fridge Television Coffee table Bookshelf Plant Stereo Lamp Cooker...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 13:10

21 339 2


... Client-Server theo kiểu RMI gói: java .rmi Trong số lớp thường dùng là: • • • • • • java .rmi. Naming java .rmi. RMISecurityManager java .rmi. RemoteException; java .rmi. server.RemoteObject java .rmi. server.RemoteServer ... Bước 03: Viết chương trình Server: o Cú pháp tổng quát: import java .rmi. Naming; import java .rmi. RemoteException; import java .rmi. RMISecurityManager; public class ServerName { public static void ... cài đặt Hello Đăng ký tên cho đối tượng obj HelloObject import java .rmi. Naming; import java .rmi. RemoteException; import java .rmi. RMISecurityManager; public class HelloServer { public static void...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 14:52

18 937 9