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Sams Teach Yourself Dreamweaver CS5 in 24 Hours pdf

Sams Teach Yourself Dreamweaver CS5 in 24 Hours pdf

... development—including Sams Teach Yourself iPhone Application Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself iPad Application Development in 24 Hours, Mac OS X Unleashed, and Maximum Linux Security. He can be ... 74 Introducing Cascading Style Sheets 75 Changing Text Attributes in the Property Inspector 76 Selecting a Text Font 76 Changing Text Size 77 Selecting a Text Color 78 Viewing and Changing ... today. Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 in 24 Hours vi Workshop 241 Quiz 241 Quiz Answers 242 Exercises 242 HOUR 13: Creating CSS for Mobile Devices and Printing Understanding the CSS...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

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... Wallentine, Associate Dean, School of Technology Stevens-Henager College, Logan Utah Campus ptg8286219 Sams Teach Yourself jQuery Mobile in 24 Hours Copyright â 2013 by Sams ... sections. Listing 2.4 contains the same styles as the previous snippet but is an example of the single-line hierarchy style of coding with CSS. LISTING 2.4 CSS Code Using the Single-Line Hierarchy Style ... some add- ing some design and polish. Presenting CSS Cascading Style Sheets are used to transform what would otherwise be boring content into an exciting and captivating experience. You can add...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

493 892 1
Sams teach yourself Visual CSharp in 24 hours

Sams teach yourself Visual CSharp in 24 hours

... Recent Projects category in the upper-left corner is used to create new projects or open projects already created. To create new projects, click the Create: Project link in the Recent Projects ... 242 Defining and Using Constants 246 Declaring and Referencing Variables 249 Working with Arrays 251 Determining Scope 255 Naming Conventions 258 Using Variables in Your Picture Viewer Project 259 Summary ... file, double-click it, or click once to select it and then click Open. The select- ed picture is then displayed in the picture box, as shown in Figure 1.16. When you click the Select Picture button,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2014, 20:16

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... Objective -C? 27 . Instantiation: The process of creating an active object from a class. . Instance method: A basic piece of program functionality implemented in a class. For the reminder class, ... Office of Research. He has written numerous books for Macmillan /Sams/ Que, including Using TCP/IP: Special Edition, Teach Yourself Dreamweaver MX in 21 Days, Mac OS X Unleashed, and Teach Yourself ... Enough Objective -C and Cocoa What You’ll Learn in This Hour: . What Objective -C is . The Objective -C terminology . How to create classes, categories, and protocols . Basic programming concepts . The...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 17:01

635 799 0
Teach Yourself ILLUSTRATOR 7 in 24 hours

Teach Yourself ILLUSTRATOR 7 in 24 hours

... becomes selected. 3. Now click that same circle again. All of the circles are now selected. 4. Click that same circle again, and all of the rectangles become selected as well. Each time you click with ... selecting objects, including: * The selection tools * Grouping objects * Locking and hiding objects * Arranging objects There are three selection tools: the Selection tool, the Direct Selection ... working in the file with all the circles and rectangles. 1. Deselect everything (Command-Shift-A). 2. With the Group Selection tool, click one of the circles. Only the circle you clicked becomes selected. 3....

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15

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... Strengths 244 Writing About Your Strengths 245 Presenting Challenges 246 Choosing Your Challenges 246 Tu rning Challenges into Strengths 247 Core Competencies and Challenges Checklist 248 Homework 249 HOUR ... 365 APPENDIX C Outline 371 Sample Business Plan Outline 371 APPENDIX D Financial Formulas 375 Index 377 hours 24 Business Plans in Alpha Teach Yourself Michael Miller A Pearson Education Company xii Teach ... strategic consulting and authoring firm based in Carmel, Indiana. As a consultant, he specializes in providing strategic advice to and writing business plans for Internet- and technology-based businesses. Dedication To...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 14:50

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Sams Teach Yourself Google AdWords in 10 Minutes pdf

Sams Teach Yourself Google AdWords in 10 Minutes pdf

... about computer hard- ware and software, with more than a million copies sold. Bud’s recent books include Sams Teach Yourself Google Places in 10 Minutes and Sams Teach Yourself iPad in 10 Minutes. ... 117 9 Using Advanced Settings 119 Using the Schedule Advanced Setting 119 Using the Ad Delivery Advanced Setting 122 Using the Demographic Bidding Advanced Setting 123 Setting Advanced Settings ... 15 Search Engine Optimization and AdWords 18 Summary 20 2 Creating an AdWords Account 21 Using a Google Account 21 Creating a Business Google Account 24 Signing Up for Your Gmail and Google Account...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

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... a Free App 96 Purchasing an App 99 Uninstalling Apps 101 Summary 106 8 Making Phone Calls 107 Getting Started with Skype 107 Configure Your Skype Account 110 Making a Call 114 Instant Messaging ... synchronized, as shown in Figure 1.22. Leave all the boxes checked to sync your Facebook friends’ updates and pictures, sync your friends’ contact infor- mation, and sync calendar information. Uncheck a box ... Tab 1 Connecting to a Network and Google Account 4 Synchronizing with Your Google Account 11 Synchronizing with Other Services 13 Summary 17 2 Configuration and Notifications 19 Modifying Galaxy...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

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Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2010 in 24 Hours pot

Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2010 in 24 Hours pot

... the C# Way Watch Out! In fact, the compiler transforms the code shown in Listing 3.2 into code that looks roughly like that shown in Listing 3.3. LISTING 3.3 Declaring a Property class Contact ... applications using Microsoft .NET technolo- gies. Scott runs a software architecture-focused user group, speaks extensively (including at Microsoft TechEd and community-sponsored code camps), and contributes ... Renfrow Managing Editor Kristy Hart Senior Project Editor Lori Lyons Copy Editor Apostrophe Editing Services Indexer Publishing Works, Inc. Proofreader Water Crest Publishing, Inc. Technical Editors Claudio...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 15:20

547 1K 1
Sams teach yourself KDE in 24 hours pdf

Sams teach yourself KDE in 24 hours pdf

... topic in a clear, concise manner by breaking the topic down into logical component parts and explaining each component clearly. Interspersed in each lesson are special elements, called Tips, Cautions, ... ( is the author of several books on Linux- related subjects, including Sams Teach Yourself StarOffice in 24 Hours. After leaving Novell to join Linux-based start-up Caldera, Inc., he ... 254 Exercises 255 HOUR 14 MANAGING PRINTING IN KDE 257 Understanding Linux Printing 257 Reviewing Your Print Configuration 259 Using Linux Print Utilities 259 The /etc/printcap File 261 Using K-LJet...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

474 379 0