... criterion for data saturation During the baseline and follow- up interviews, 43 patients completed all seven items, six patients provided interpretable data for six items, and one patient for five ... The following excerpts exemplify assessments of overall health in which the patient retrieves different samples at baseline and follow- up, albeit both positive and negative ones However, at baseline ... retrieved positive and negative samples in 220 responses at both baseline and follow- up, resulting in 220 comparisons of responses over time The prioritization and combination of retrieved samples changed...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:21
... mental distress These two studies make it difficult to ignore the need for comprehensive ICU follow- up and for a better understanding of the long-term natural history of critical illness Table Frequency ... physical disability, pain, discomfort, anxiety and depression were the most reported QOL issues Severity of illness (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II) and ICU readmission were associated ... Helterbrand JD, Ely EW, Fisher CJ Jr, Recombinant Human Protein C Worldwide Evaluation in Severe Sepsis (PROWESS) Study Group: Efficacy and safety of recombinant human activated protein C for severe...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20
Global Strategy for Women''''s and Children''''s Health : Accountability Commission follow up Recommendation 10 Global Oversight pptx
... CHRONOLOGY: • The UN Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health September 2010 • Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health and Accountability Framework of ... health information systems that combine data from facilities, administrative sources and surveys 14 Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health – Global Oversight Better information for better ... Children’s Health – Global Oversight Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health Name Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health – Global Oversight Commissioners...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Co-morbidity and visual acuity are risk factors for health-related quality of life decline: five-month follow-up EQ-5D data of visually impaired older patients" ppt
... analysis Non-response, loss to follow- up and patient characteristics Non-response from eligible patients at baseline, and between baseline and five-month follow- up, was calculated To examine differences ... baseline were lost to follow- up, whether conditions reported at baseline were still reported at follow- up and, finally, which conditions were newly reported at follow- up This information was reported ... self-reported conditions we observed that between baseline and follow- up the reports on co-morbidity were not stable One reason for this was loss to follow- up, and the other was that the patients did not...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: " Pre-treatment mortality and loss-to-follow-up in HIV-1, HIV-2 and HIV-1/HIV-2 dually infected patients eligible for antiretroviral therapy in The Gambia, West Africa" doc
... Patients are seen at least once every three months by physicians for follow- up clinical assessment and treatment and/ or prophylaxis for common opportunistic infections including Cotrimoxazole (Septrin) ... non-parametric test For the survival analysis, only patients assessed as eligible for ART up to 30 September 2009 were included and the end of observation period was 30 April 2010 Follow- up duration ... starting treatment in our programme, 136 (17.2%) and 118 (14.9%) were lost to follow- up and died respectively without starting treatment Age, HIV type and occupational status were not significantly associated...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:22
Báo cáo y học: " Combined rotation scarf and Akin osteotomies for hallux valgus: a patient focussed 9 year follow up of 50 patients" pptx
... 24 were lost to follow up and 14 refused to attend for review but were contacted by telephone and participated in a brief telephone interview Of the 53 patients who returned for the study, were ... metatarso-cuneiform joint fusion wore a surgical shoe and used crutches for two weeks After two weeks, dressings were removed and the participants were encouraged to wear lace up or running shoes and begin ... assessments following surgery for hallux valgus Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2007, 15:918-931 Merkel KD, Katoh Y, Johnson EW, Chao EYS: Mitchell osteotomy for hallux valgus: Long term follow up and gait...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:24
báo cáo khoa học: " Training community resource center and clinic personnel to prompt patients in listing questions for doctors: Follow-up interviews about barriers and facilitators to the implementation of consultation planning" potx
... contributions BE, CA, and LE conceived the follow- up interviews and invited JB and KS to participate in their design and coordination BE and CA collected the data and performed the qualitative ... preparation We followed up with a group of potential intervention adopters who had sought out training and we were able to identify and interview implementers And our questions and analyses revealed ... template (see Appendix for the most recent edition) to survey the patient for questions and concerns, and then documents these in a consultation plan, or patient agenda for the upcoming visit Copies...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Training community resource center and clinic personnel to prompt patients in listing questions for doctors: Follow-up interviews about barriers and facilitators to the implementation of consultation planning" pdf
... contributions BE, CA, and LE conceived the follow- up interviews and invited JB and KS to participate in their design and coordination BE and CA collected the data and performed the qualitative ... preparation We followed up with a group of potential intervention adopters who had sought out training and we were able to identify and interview implementers And our questions and analyses revealed ... template (see Appendix for the most recent edition) to survey the patient for questions and concerns, and then documents these in a consultation plan, or patient agenda for the upcoming visit Copies...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21
Báo cáo y học: " Baseline factors predictive of serious suicidality at follow-up: findings focussing on age and gender from a community-based study" pdf
... 20s group, 93.0% of the 40s group, and 87.1% of the 60s group At Wave there were 1,009 males and Page of 10 1,119 females in the 20s group, 1,098 males and 1,246 females in the 40s group, and 1,134 ... Descriptive statistics Comparisons of baseline and follow- up sociodemographic characteristics were undertaken separately for age group and compared within and between genders Analysis of continuous ... participants omitted by this process (25.7% for 20s group, 19.1% for 40s group, and 9.7 for 60s group; χ2[2] = 189.9, p < 0.0001) Results showed a significant main effect for marital status (Wald χ2[2] =...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22
Báo cáo y học: " Change in quality of life and their predictors in the long-term follow-up after group cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: a prospective cohort study" pptx
... predictors at baseline for changes in QoL at follow- ups In order to elucidate the baseline predictors of the treatment outcomes at post-treatment and the 3- and 12-month follow- ups, multiple ... Table Predictors at baseline for changes at follow- ups in QoL in SAD patients treated with CBT Characteristics at baseline Post treatment 3-month follow- up 12-month follow- up PF RP BP GH VT SF ... pretreatment and each follow- up time point (post-treatment and 3- and 12-month follow- ups) in terms of the QoL scores (eight domains of the SF-36) as well as the SAD symptomatology scores (SPS, SIAS and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22
Báo cáo y học: " Changes in sedation management in German intensive care units between 2002 and 2006: a national follow-up survey" docx
... reasons for any potential changes that had occurred in the interim period between this survey and the 2002 survey Part 4: Pharmacological and regional analgesia techniques for analgesia and sedation ... Remifentanil was applied more often for sedation periods of up to 24 hours, sedation for less than 72 hours, and during weaning Breen and colleagues [27] and Muellejans and colleagues [28] have shown ... short-acting medications for analgesia and sedation ؠA trend toward conformity with the national guidelines on patient-oriented analgesia and sedation • Also according to our follow- up survey, a daily...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo y học: "Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A): a clinical Trial for Patients with suicidal and self-injurious Behavior and Borderline Symptoms with a one-year Follow-up" pot
... Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A): a clinical Trial for Patients with suicidal and selfinjurious Behavior and Borderline Symptoms with a one-year Follow- up Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental ... psychopathology of patients improved and consistently remained this way over a one-year period up to follow- up Adolescents with suicidal and non-suicidal selfinjurious behavior and traits of a borderline ... group with a DBT-A group, Rathus and Miller have found less psychiatric hospitalizations during DBT-A treatment as well as significantly higher treatment completion rates for the DBT-A group...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21
Báo cáo y học: "Sustained High Quality of Life in a 5-Year Long Term Follow-up after Successful Ablation for Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia. Results from a large Retrospective Patient Cohort"
... significant and sustained improvement in fundamental daily and social life, both for the whole study cohort and for the different types of SVT In contrast, patients without ablation therapy and longstanding ... (4), defective (5) and insufficient (6)) Patients with AVNRT, AVRT and EAT rated their state of health before and after ablation The changes within the ranking scale before and after ablation ... quality of life before and after ablation The general QoL and QoL with respect to the above mentioned symptoms were retrospectively evaluated before and after ablation The aforementioned questionnaires...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:44
Tài liệu Make-up Solvent Considerations for Prep and Semi-Prep LC/MS Mass-Based .... doc
... 0.10 X Make -up flow = 0.4 mL/min HCOOH = Formic Acid % = v/v X = Mix chosen to represent system for cone voltage change This change was a sequential step of voltages at 20, 40, 65, and 95V Table ... from sample solvent PrednisoneMH+(359) and D MSO ( MH +78)+ adduct (438) at 20V and 65V shows that higher voltage drives off this adduct (MW 358, MH+ 359) Figures 11 & 12: Results (Make -up 1) ... functionalities (e.g., phenols and carboxylic acids) tend to form Na+adducts, and the relative intensities tend to increase with cone voltage DMSO adduct is generally fairly weak and can be driven off...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu ISAT Sample Book 3: Sample Items for Reading and Mathematics 2013 doc
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu U.S. Baseline Briefing Book Projections for agricultural and biofuel markets ppt
... responding to swings in production and in markets for vegetable oil, protein meals and hay 310 Dollars per ton Reduced cottonseed supplies and high prices for other oilseeds and hay have driven cottonseed ... 500 alternative outcomes for the future based on different assumptions about the weather, the price of petroleum and other factors that will affect the supply and demand for agricultural commodities ... Renewable Fuel Standard mandates biofuel use The baseline assumes that authority to waive the statutory cellulosic mandate is utilized After 2013, it is also assumed that total and advanced mandates...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20
A Survey on Network Security and Attack Defense Mechanism For Wireless Sensor Networks pdf
... neighboring nodes, and a group key that is shared by all the nodes in the network The protocol used for establishing and updating these keys is communication and energy efficient, and minimizes the ... Singh, M.P Singh, and D.K Singh, "Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Energy-efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network", Global Journal of Computer Application and Technology ... Pearson Education, McGraw-Hill, and Prentice-Hall of India He is widely traveled and has visited various industries in Europe and South Asian countries for study and marketing of process automation...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
Credit Access for Small and Medium Firms Survey Evidence for Ireland doc
... Credit Access for Small and Medium Firms: Survey Evidence for Ireland Martina Lawless and Fergal McCann∗ Central Bank of Ireland Abstract The extension of credit to SMEs in Ireland has been identified ... standards tightening between 2008 and 2010 and remaining unchanged since July 2010 This survey also reported credit demand falling from 2008-10, and stabilising since late 2010 Figures from surveys ... two surveys of Irish SMEs, both of which draw their samples from the whole relevant population and thus provides the first objective evidence on firms’ demand for credit and experience of supply...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20
ISAT Sample Book 5: Sample Items for Reading and Mathematics 2011 pdf
... Then she picks up the bat and hands it to me “Your turn,” she says, smiling “OK!” yells Amanda to the fielders “Everyone spread out!” I step up to home plate, bat in my hands, ready for whatever ... Extended-Response Samples 69 Blank Extended-Response Template 70 Extended-Response Sample Items and Annotated Student Samples 72 2011 ISAT Grade Sample Book Introduction This sample ... Passage Followed by Multiple-Choice Sample Items Reading 2011 ISAT Grade Sample Book A Candlelit Holiday by Elaine Masters On one full-moon night every fall, the rivers and lakes of Thailand are...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 12:20
ISAT Sample Book 5: Sample Items for Reading and Mathematics 2013 doc
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 12:20