sample resume for computer science engineering students

Challenges faced by information technology students in reading english for computer science

Challenges faced by information technology students in reading english for computer science

... English as a foreign language, especially English for computer science in Vietnam. The main goal of ESP course, especially English for Computer Science is aimed at providing the students with ... questionnaires for the research. The ideas for these questionnaires were based on the literature, the challenges in reading English for Computer Science and the author’s observation of the students ... examine the areas of challenges in reading comprehension of English for Computer Science for second-year students in the department of information technology at Nghe An JTTC. To be more specific, the

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 15:37

43 771 1
Factors affecting reading comprehension of English for computer science of the second year students at Vinh Technical Teachers' Training University = Những yếu

Factors affecting reading comprehension of English for computer science of the second year students at Vinh Technical Teachers' Training University = Những yếu

... importance of reading English for Computer Science for IT students It is obvious that both teachers and students often encounter difficulties when teaching and learning English for CS The aims of this ... English for Specific Purposes CS: Computer Science IT: Information Technology L1: The first language L2: The second language v LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Figure: Students? ?? background Table 1: Students? ?? ... of English for Computer Science perceived by the second year students at VTTTU and present some useful techniques for improving the quality of teaching and learning to read English for CS In order

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:36

53 1,7K 1
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 2 pptx

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 2 pptx

... are therefore very nice for sums. But do they have any other redeeming features? Must we convert our old friendly ordinary powers to falling powers before summing, but then convert back before we ... to understand the general formula for the sum of a geometric progression: t a<k<b for c # 1. Every time we encounter a function f that might be useful as a closed form, we can compute its ... Au(x). (2.54) This formula can be put into a convenient form using the shij?! operator E, defined by Ef(x) = f(x+l). Substituting this for v(x+l) yields a compact rule for the difference

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 341 0
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 3 ppsx

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 3 ppsx

... notation for it; but alas, number theorists haven’t come up with a very good one yet. Therefore we cry: HEAR us, 0 MATHEMATICIANS OF THE WORLD! LETUS NOTWAITANYLONGER! WE CAN MAKEMANYFORMULAS ... ma-nb = 1. (4.32) (Actually we said m’m + n’n = gcd( m, n), but we can write 1 for gcd( m, n), a for m’, and b for -n’.) The Farey series gives us another proof of (4.32), because we can let ... entire equations, for which a slightly different notation is more convenient: a s b (mod m) amodm = bmodm. (4.35) For example, 9 = -16 (mod 5), because 9 mod 5 = 4 = (-16) mod 5. The formula ‘a =

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 361 0
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 4 ppsx

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 4 ppsx

... h(n, k) are there for exactly k fans to get their own hats back? For example, if n = 4 and if the hats and fans are... integer x 3 0 (5 .44 ) This formula is valid for any function f(x) ... integers j is zero, by (5.24). Hence -S, is the sum for j < 0. To evaluate -S, for j < 0, let’s replace j by -k - 1 and sum for k 3 0: m! n! sm = (m+n+l)! k>O ~(-l)frn,+“k’l) ... coefficients of the form (p) into binomial coefficients of the form (nm;‘2), where n is some appropriate integer (usually 0, 1, or k); the resulting formula might be much

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 397 0
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 5 pps

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 5 pps

... nearly as often. Therefore it’s best for us just to list the simplest ones, for future reference when a tough Stirling nut needs to be cracked. Tables 250 and 251 contain the formulas that are most ... XpJ,(X)2Q TX>0 (6 .53 ) (iln& - = x&o,(x+n)zn; / Therefore we can obtain general convolution formulas for Stirling numbers, as we did for binomial coefficients in Table 202; the results appear ... numbers. We can therefore perform “absorption” in terms like n[z] and k{ T}, when we do proofs by mathematical induction. Every permutation is equivalent to a set of cycles. For example, consider

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 366 0
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 6 doc

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 6 doc

... F,+I , for n > 0. (We consider this to be a closed form for Tnr because the Fibonacci numbers are important enough to be considered “known!’ Also, F, itself has a closed form (6.123) ... before. tilings, for all n 3 0, and call it T: T =~+o+rn+~+m~+m+a+ (7.1) (The first term ‘I’ on the right stands for the null tiling of a 2 x 0 rectangle.) This sum T represents lots of information. ... and get a closed form for the coeffi- cients, but it’s bett,er to save that for later in the chapter after we’ve gotten more experience. So let’s divest ourselves of dominoes for the moment and

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 338 0
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 7 pot

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 7 pot

... usually obtained by calculating a sample mean & = iX and a sample standard de- viation ir = fi, and presenting the answer in the form ‘ fi f b/,/i? ‘. For example, here are ten rolls ... Introduction “Algorithmic analysis” is a branch of computer science that derives quantitative information about the efficiency of computer methods “Probabilistic analysis of an algorithm” ... going... Let F(z) and G(z) be the pgf’s for X and Y, and let H(z) be the pgf for X + Y Then H(z) = F(z)G(z), and our formulas (8.28) through must have (8.31) for mean and variance tell us that

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 395 1
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 8 doc

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 8 doc

... stands for “‘real part.” valid for !.Xz > 9%~. The asymptotic formula for Bernoulli numbers B, in Table 438 illustrates this principle. On the other hand, the asymptotic formulas for H,, ... a formula. Problem 2: Perturbation of Stirling’s formula. Stirling’s approximation for n! is undoubtedly the most famous asymp- totic formula of all. We will prove it later in this chapter; for ... remainder R, is often small For example, we’ll see that Stirling’s approximation for n! is a consequence of Euler’s summation formula; so is our asymptotic approximation for the harmonic number

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 310 0
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 9 pps

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 9 pps

... + j, a3 , , a, ,,; b2, , b,; z) for 0 6 j 6 d, thereby eliminating an upper parameter and a lower parameter Thus, for example, we get closed forms for F( a, b; a - 1; z), F( a, ... any of these formulas is, of course, sheer lunacy. 502 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES 4.22 (b,” - l)/(b-1)= ((bm-l)/(b-l))(bmn~m+~~~+l). [Theonly prime numbers of the form (1 OP - 1)/9 for p e 2000 ... 1 )/p for some prime p and some positive integer q; this is impossible, since nkq $ 1. Therefore the numbers n’ mod m, . . , nmP’ mod m are distinct and relatively prime to m. Therefore the

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 427 0
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 10 docx

concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 10 docx

... with probability g(l - p)/((l ~ sp)B) Choosing p = i makes Pr (X = x and Y = 9) = & for all x and y (We could therefore make two flips of a fair coin and go back to Sl if both come up heads.) q 564 ... sin28, where X is to be determined It follows by induction (not using the equation for Al) that Ak = X sin2kO Therefore we want to choose X such that ( 4cos28 > 1-p X sin;!10 = + & X sin(21- 218 ... the average is zero Therefore we need only consider the coefficient of si, which is t 1Sh1 , I h,,Sm Pih,, ,h,;k)2 -’ t mn -( lO B,(i)z."'/m! 9.18 The text’s derivation for the case OL = generalizes

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

64 459 0
Keil - Study questions on Discrete Structures for Computer Science

Keil - Study questions on Discrete Structures for Computer Science

... variable maps from (a) a sample space to [0 1]; (b) a sample space to a sample space; (c) a sample space to a number of outcomes; (d) outcomes to [0 1]; (e) outcomes to a sample space Framingham ... distribution maps from (a) a sample space to [0 1]; (b) a sample space to a sample space; (c) a sample space to a number of outcomes; (d) outcomes to [0 1]; (e) outcomes to a sample space 27 A random ... axiom; (e) it is not disproven A formula in logic is satisfiable if (a) it is true for some interpretation; (b) it is true for all interpretations; (c) it is true for no interpretation; (d) it is

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2016, 22:23

31 2 0
Giao trinh     bai tap keil study questions on discrete structures for computer science

Giao trinh bai tap keil study questions on discrete structures for computer science

... steam-curing at 60oC for 24 hours In order to optimize the usage of formwork, the products were cast and steam-cured initially for about hours The steam-curing was then stopped for some time to allow ... used in the case of reinforced Portland cement concrete columns and beams are applicable for reinforced geopolymer concrete columns Mid-span deflection at service load of reinforced geopolymer concrete ... “Bond performance of Reinforcing Bars in Inorganic Polymer Concrete (IPC)”, Journal of Materials Science, Sumajouw, M D J and Rangan, B.V., “Low-Calcium Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Concrete: Reinforced

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 07:56

12 259 0
Chapter 3 Sets and Functions Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CO1007)

Chapter 3 Sets and Functions Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CO1007)

... An Khuong, Huynh Tuong Nguyen Chapter Sets and Functions Contents Sets Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CO1007) on Ngày tháng 10 năm 2016 Set Operation Functions One-to-one and Onto Functions ... Functions Sequences and Summation Recursion Nguyen An Khuong, Huynh Tuong Nguyen Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering University of Technology, VNU-HCM 4.1 Contents Sets and Functions Nguyen ... Contents Sets Set Operation Example • Set of all the students who are currently taking Discrete Mathematics course • Set of all the subjects that K2011 students have to take in Functions One-to-one

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:30

89 536 0
Chapter 4 Sets and Functions Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CO1007)

Chapter 4 Sets and Functions Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CO1007)

... Huynh Tuong Nguyen Chapter Relations Contents Properties of Relations Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CO1007) on Ngày tháng 11 năm 2016 Combining Relations Representing Relations Closures ... Relations Types of Relations Homeworks Nguyen An Khuong, Huynh Tuong Nguyen Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering University of Technology, VNU-HCM 4.1 Contents Relations Nguyen An Khuong, ... equivalence classes of an equivalence relation R on a set S form a partition of S Homework Every partition of a set can be used to form an equivalence relation 4.31 Relations Example Nguyen An

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:30

40 497 0
Chapter 5 Counting Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CO1007)

Chapter 5 Counting Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CO1007)

... Structures for Computer Science (CO1007) on Ngày 17 tháng 11 năm 2016 Counting Techniques Pigeonhole Principle Permutations & Combinations Nguyen An Khuong, Huynh Tuong Nguyen Faculty of Computer Science ... project from one of three fields: Information system (32 projects), Software Engineering (12 projects) and Computer Science (15 projects) How many ways are there for a student to choose? Solution: ... Pigeonhole Principle Question: How many ways we can choose students from the faculties of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering? Permutations & Combinations 5.23 Counting

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:30

28 503 0
Springer mathematical logic for computer science 2nd 2001 m ben ari

Springer mathematical logic for computer science 2nd 2001 m ben ari

... one formula for another ‘true true >A SA - ; ; BOA false + A = true Definition 2.17 A is a subformula of B if the formation tree for A occurs as a subtr A@true = 7A of the formation tree for ... from computer science (graphs, languages, programs) are used Prolog implementations of many of the algorithms are given; for a computer science student, the study of a concrete program can reinforce ... sufficiently elementary for the undergraduate Audience The book is intended for undergraduate computer science students No specific mathe- matical knowledge is assumed aside from informal set theory

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2018, 15:13

160 99 0
 test bank for computer science an overview 12th edition

test bank for computer science an overview 12th edition

... operation does the circuit perform? Full download Test Bank for Computer Science An Overview 12th Edition -for- computer- science- an-overview-12th-edition ... 00001111 - 10101010 Full download Test Bank for Computer Science An Overview 12th Edition -for- computer- science- an-overview-12th-edition A 011000101 ... D B 3/16 C D 1/4 Full download Test Bank for Computer Science An Overview 12th Edition -for- computer- science- an-overview-12th-edition 16 Which

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2018, 15:28

11 270 0
English for Computer Science

English for Computer Science

... LSP computer science Language The idea of a complementary English course book for computer science students evolved for Specific Purposes when I was asked to run an English course for such students ... English for Computer Science Students Complementary Course Book open book Jagiellonian Language Center Jagiellonian University Cracow 2008 English++ Książka English++ English for Computer Science Students ... Institute of Computer Science for the support of my initiative; Professor Władysław Miodunka for helping me to maintain belief in the value of the Project, Dr Rafał Maciąg and Jerzy Zając for their

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2018, 10:59

231 284 0
Test bank for computer science an overview 12th edition by brookshear SM

Test bank for computer science an overview 12th edition by brookshear SM

... This is full of Test bank for Computer Science An Overview 12th Edition by Brookshear SM /computer- science- an-overview-12th-editionby-brookshear-sm ... space General Format Questions Describe how a computer can produce an incorrect answer when performing numerical computations even though it has not malfunctioned ANSWER: Most students will probably ... 101 -4 100 10 To what does the term “normalized form” refer in the context of floating-point notation? ANSWER: Normalized form refers to a standard for positioning the bit pattern within the mantissa

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2019, 14:33

10 162 0