... design is assessed based on the specific economic objective There is also the so-called economic-statistical design which imposes some constraints on the economic models to satisfy both statistical ... descriptive statistics for specific quantitative measurements of the process These descriptive statistics are displayed in a run chart together with their in -control sampling distributions so as to isolate ... control charts for more generalized TBE dada, propose effective control charts for multivariate TBE data and study the optimal statistical design issue of the proposed control charts Chapters...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:58
... [6] For the electrical simulations in this study, simplifying model is used Typical wind profile is shown on Fig 15 Wind speed [m /s] The turbine rotor swing is described by a standard onemass model ... electrical means The grid synchronization is also accomplished by the converters (not considered in this work) As the foreseen power converter configuration consists of passive diode rectifier and ... Lazarov, D Roye, Z Zarkov, O Mansouri, "Modélisation des convertisseurs statique dc-dc pour des applications dans les énergies renouvelables en utilisant MATLAB/Simulink", EF 2009, Compiegne,...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:15
Designing for Digital: Skill Sets Needed to Design for Variable Data doc
... PS6 PS7 PS8 PS9 PS10 PS11 PS12 PS13 PS14 PS15 PS16 PS17 PS18 PS19 PS20 PS21 PS22 PS23 PS24 PS25 PS26 Feedback No response Offers some form of VDP class or training No courses in VDP or designing ... Survey Results Art school AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS6 AS7 AS8 AS9 AS10 Feedback No courses on VDP or designing with databases No courses on VDP or designing with databases No courses on VDP or designing ... with databases No courses on VDP or designing with databases No response No response No courses on VDP or designing with databases No courses on VDP or designing with databases No response No...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 12:20
A rate based TCP congestion control framework for cellular data networks
... Performance of various algorithms for ISP A traces 92 Performance of various algorithms for ISP B traces 93 Performance of various algorithms for ISP C traces 94 Results using ... and HSUPA use Time-division Multiple Access (TDMA) to share the access among users on the data channel The transmit slot size is typically ms The slot scheduling is coordinated by the base station ... different sources This is not an issue for HSDPA because the base station has access to a power source and it is broadcasting from a single source In general, the downlink HSDPA protocol is generally...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:17
A study of new and advanced control charts for two categories of time related processes
... analysis assesses process capability of meeting specification limits This research is classified as belonging to the scope of the SPC techniques which use statistical methods to monitor and control ... fonts describes this research line Statistical Process Control Control Charts Time-between-Events Data Monitoring Periodic Processes Multivariate Cases Univariate Cases Multivariate EWMA Charts ... can be used to present the raw data for process display When a control limit cycle is applied, it is possible to observe out-of -control signals and detect process shift The subsequent steps would...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11
A study of properties and applications of control charts for high yield processes
... charts for attributes Of the two types of Shewhart charts, variable charts are perhaps more widely used than attribute charts Shewhart charts for variable data, e.g X and R charts and individual charts ... of the statistical quality control Control chart is one of the seven (often referred to as the magnificent seven) tools of Statistical Process Control (SPC) Statistical process control (SPC) can ... events: This is an important issue for the end user The user needs to know and decide which control chart is best suited for his/her process requirements The effect of skewness on the sensitivity...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 20:57
iec 60255-24 electrical relays - common format for transient data exchange (comtrade) for power s
... descriptiondesfiltresanti-repliementutilis s; descriptiondescircuitssynoptiquesanalogiques; ordredesphases nombre de disquettes sur lesquelles l’enregistrement est stocké 4.2 des entrées; Nomsdefichiers Les noms des fichiers d’en-tête ... des données surlesévénements et lesformesd’ondes destransitoiresobtenus partirdesréseaux électriques ou de leur modélisation La présente norme s applique des fichiers destin s être stock s sur ... colonnes contient les données sur les informations surles voies d’état S il n’est pas possible d’inscrire toutes les valeurs des données sur une même ligne, elles sont continuées sans retour chariot/changement...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:51
Core Data: Apple''''s API for Persisting Data on Mac OS X pptx
... that shows how you might better take advantage of this: - (NSString*)description { NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"[%@] {" , [self class]]; NSEntityDescription *desc ... Core Data This is especially true when the NSTableView is backed by an NSArrayController that is feeding the data However, it is possible to use NSTableView with a custom data source if that is ... element NSObjectController NSObjectController shares a lot of similarities with the NSArrayController discussed earlier However, unlike the NSArrayController, the NSObjectController is designed...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
delphi - database application developer's book - delphi for windows
... applications.” What is a database? Delphi programmers should understand some basic concepts about databases, data, and data access, before building database applications A database consists of one ... InterBase The following table summarizes Delphi s database features Table 1.1 Database features summary Tool Purpose Data Access components Access databases, tables, stored procedures, and custom ... application • The database exists on a desktop data source, and is being upsized to an SQL server This scenario is discussed in Appendix C, “Using local SQL.” • The database exists on an SQL server and...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:13
Second-Order Sliding Sector for Variable Structure Control
... case there exists a potential possibility for the system state to move out of the sector The VS control law outside the P R-sliding sector lets the system state move back into the sector as soon ... the state space with a VS control law The resultant VS control system thus is quadratically stable and without any chattering Such invariant sliding sector for continuous-time systems remains invariant ... matrices P and R and also the control law to satisfy those conditions for a P R-sliding sector As the switch function is designed so that the reduced order system in Eq.(26) ˜ is stable, there exists...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2015, 10:09
Modeling and designing control chart for monitoring time between events data
... problems for the process The Western Electric Handbook (1956) suggests a set of decision rules for detecting nonrandom patterns on control charts If control charts show any of the patterns listed ... yield processes, it still has some problems First the existing time-between-events chart is designed under an unrealistic assumption that process shift is fixed all the time Second, the design of ... apart Since Dr Shewhart invented control charts in the 192 0s, control charts have been widely used in industry The classification of Shewhart control charts is summarized in Figure 1.1 Because of...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:06
Wiley excel data analysis your visual blueprint for analyzing data charts and pivot tables (2003)
... zeros, such as 08 Make sure to use a capital M, or Excel will view it as months s Use s to display seconds as 0-59 or ss to display single-digit seconds with leading zeros, such as 05 AM/PM Displays ... macros with the VBA editor Excel also provides a set of analysis tools that perform complex analysis, such as calculating descriptive statistics Formula Creation PivotTables You can use formulas ... ensure that your series properly increments, you must provide both the first and second values in the series Excel examines these values, assesses the pattern, and creates the remaining series...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2016, 20:55
... BANKNOTES SERVICES Business Activities foreign currency aspects relating to banking services such as service funds, deposit services, service pay / bar accounting checks tourism, services credit ... currencies by their cash) to pay salary, bonus, allowances for non-residents, the residents are foreigners - Who residents, who are not homeless personal residence is open and use your deposit in foreign ... environments to determine its resources, capabilities, and core competencies – the sources of its “strategic inputs.” With this information, the firm develops its vision and mission and formulates its strategy...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2013, 14:53
Formation of Aerobic Granular Sludge in a Continuous-Flow Reactor – Control Strategy for the Selection of Well-Settling Granular Sludge
... biomass was not excessively washed out in this study, and therefore, nitrification performance was stable, as shown in Figs and The value of SVI gradually decreased due to aerobic granulation, as ... those in Run 2, as shown in Figs and These results contradicted the results in previous studies (McSwain et al., 2004b) This is because the characteristics of the influent wastewater are different ... aeration rates strongly enhanced washout of small particles (dispersed sludge), while these effects were hardly observed in well-settling large particles (granular sludge), as shown in Fig Therefore,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15
Software Development Methodologies for the Database World
... DVDs inheritance in a SQL database Although this model successfully establishes books and DVDs as subtypes for products, it has a couple of serious problems First of all, there is no way of enforcing ... introductory database textbooks that tables can be compared to classes, and rows to instances of a class (i.e., objects) This makes a lot of sense at first; tables, like classes, define a set of attributes ... common for application developers to push these issues as far down into the data tier as possible, and in the absence of a data architect, this leaves the database developer as the person responsible...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
Strengthening WHO''''s Institutional Capacity for Humanitarian Health Action
... crisis Needs assessments processes for identifying critical gaps and intervention priorities are essential to the work on emergencies and crises Rapid Assessments after disasters strike must ... contributions and capacities of women and girls as well as men and boys are addressed; Needs assessment and analysis: • Ensure effective and coherent sectoral needs assessment and analysis, involving all ... (HNTS): It takes into consideration IRA and follow up assessments and measures performances of the humanitarian actors using the same type of indicators It builds on VRAM and assessment 's prior...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 22:15
Using a DataGrid Control to Access a Database
... a DataSet object You use a DataSet object to a store local copy of the information stored in the database A DataSet object can represent database structures such as tables, rows, and columns, ... property of your DataGrid to your DataSet object This sets the source of the data for your DataGrid, allowing the rows from your DataSet to be displayed in your DataGrid To set the DataSource property, ... object to display the properties for this object in the Properties window To enable sqlConnection1 to access the database, you need to set the password for the connection To this, add a substring...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Oracle Real Application Clusters: Quick Installation Guide for Oracle Database Standard Edition ppt
... URL for Database Control is: http://host.domain:5500/em/ To log in, use the user name SYS and connect as SYSDBA Use the password that you specified for this user during the Oracle Database 10g ... Provides guidelines for database administrators who plan and deploy applications on RAC databases and monitor database performance Oracle Database Platform Guide for Windows: Contains information specific ... 32-bit systems, 140 MB on both nodes for 64-bit systems Cluster Ready 500 MB on both nodes Services software Any local system drive but must be the same named drive on both nodes Database software...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:17
Power converter control circuits for two mass vibratory conveying system with electromagnetic drive simulations and experimental results IEEE trans
... FOR TWO-MASS VCS 457 Fig Simulation circuit of the VCS system will be analyzed as follows: the mass of the EVA reac, while the mass constitutes tive section is presented by a sum of masses (the ... masses In order to achieve a dynamic model of this system, the whole system is divided in two subsystems, as shown in Fig and its effect on the Including in consideration the mass , as in rest ... EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section, some experimental results are presented These results are recorded on the real experimental control systems for the SCR and transistor power converter for driving...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:16
Comparison of current control techniques for active filter application
... certain oversizing of the system s reactive components may be necessary [23] C Hysteresis Control The basic implementation of the hysteresis current controller derives the switching signals from the ... the control of the mutual phase of the modulation pulses All of these provisions have allowed a substantial improvement in the performance of the hysteresis current controller, as is discussed ... in the control techniques result in rather satisfactory performance levels for all three controllers However, the results of the comparison show a certain superiority of the hysteresis control...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:45