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biddle et al - 2009 - how does financial reporting quality relate to inestment efficiency- journal of accounting and economics

biddle et al - 2009 - how does financial reporting quality relate to inestment efficiency- journal of accounting and economics

... firm-specific financial reporting quality (see Section 5.2) 3.1 Conditional relation between financial reporting quality and investment First, we test whether higher financial reporting quality is negatively ... by minus one) LogAsset is the log of total assets Mkt-to-Book is the ratio of the market value to the book value of total assets σ(CFO) is the standard deviation of CFO σ(Sales) is the standard ... by minus one) LogAsset is the log of total assets Mkt-to-Book is the ratio of the market value to the book value of total assets σ(CFO) is the standard deviation of CFO σ(Sales) is the standard...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:34

50 518 0
dahya et al - 2009 - one man two hats- what's all the commotion

dahya et al - 2009 - one man two hats- what's all the commotion

... asset ratio is measured as the book value of assets minus the book value of equity plus the market value of equity scaled by the book value of total assets We then replace ROA with the market-to-book ... is calculated as earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation divided by beginning-of-year total book value of assets Figure Return on assets 0.1 J Dahya et al. /The Financial Review 44 (2009) ... is calculated as earnings before interest, taxes, and depreciation divided by beginning-of-year total book value of assets Figure Return on assets 194 J Dahya et al. /The Financial Review 44 (2009) ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:34

34 407 0
chi et al - 2009 - mandatory audit partner rotation, audit quality, and market perception - evidence from taiwan [mapr]

chi et al - 2009 - mandatory audit partner rotation, audit quality, and market perception - evidence from taiwan [mapr]

... Johnson et al 2002, and Myers et al 2003 Additional tests Alternative measures of accruals We test the robustness of our findings to alternative measures of accruals Specifically, we calculate abnormal ... various accrual measures Finally, many studies use abnormal accruals as a metric to gauge audit quality differential between, for example, Big and non–Big auditors (Becker et al 1998) and between auditors ... above; (d) growth potential, Growth, calculated as the sum of market value of equity and book value of total debt, divided by book value of total assets at the end of the first half of year t; (e) earnings...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:41

33 700 0
choi et al - 2009 - do abnormally high audit fees impair audit quality

choi et al - 2009 - do abnormally high audit fees impair audit quality

... Kinney et al 2004; Raghunandan et al 2003), the propensity to issue going-concern opinions (e.g., Craswell et al 2002; DeFond et al 2002), and news-dependent conservatism (Ruddock et al 2006) ... exponential function to convert logged values to actual values) These dollar values of abnormal fees are highly correlated with our original measures and yield almost identical empirical results ... between abnormal NAS fees and audit quality is in line with the findings of several previous studies (e.g., Ashbaugh et al 2003; Chung and Kallapur 2003; DeFond et al 2002; Ruddock et al 2006), which...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:41

40 395 0
casterella et al - 2009 - is self-regulated peer review effective at signaling audit quality

casterella et al - 2009 - is self-regulated peer review effective at signaling audit quality

... perceived audit quality However, whether peer review provides an effective signal of audit quality ultimately depends on whether its results are well calibrated with actual audit quality.4 Unfortunately, ... Unfortunately, audit quality is usually unobservable on specific audits (O’Keefe et al 1994) Because of this, researchers generally use proxies for audit quality in their analyses Such proxies often ... inventory evaluation Failure to detect percentage-of-completion errors Failure to detect related party transactions Failure to detect under- / overstatement of liabilities Other Total Total Claims...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:41

24 505 0
simmons et al - 2009 - mandatory audit firm rotation - evidence from illinois state universities [mafr]

simmons et al - 2009 - mandatory audit firm rotation - evidence from illinois state universities [mafr]

... Johnson, et al (2002) that looks more specifically at the break points in the quality/tenure relationship They use the absolute value of unexpected accruals and the persistence of accruals They ... research on audit tenure uses discretionary accruals to proxy for audit quality These tend to find higher audit quality in the later years of the audit Myers, et al. , (2003) examine over 2,600 firmyears ... higher quality audits in the first two years of the audit They restrict their sample to small, local auditing firms Jennings, et al (2006) examine the perception of auditor independence and legal liability...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43

11 277 0
ruizâ-barbadillo et al - 2009 - does mandatory audit firm rotation enhance auditor independence - evidence from spain [mafr]

ruizâ-barbadillo et al - 2009 - does mandatory audit firm rotation enhance auditor independence - evidence from spain [mafr]

... knowledge is used to evaluate companies’ financial positions (Casterella et al 2004) Biggs et al (1993) showed that industry specialization is a determinant of an auditor’s ability to detect going-concern ... relationship between auditor decisions and auditor independence in dealing with financially distressed companies (Craswell et al 2002; DeFond et al 2002; Geiger and Rama 2003) Auditing: A Journal of Practice ... two years, and otherwise; LEVERAGE ϭ total debt divided by total assets; SIZE ϭ natural log of total assets (in thousands of Pts); SPECIALIST ϭ if the market share of an auditor in the specified...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:44

24 380 1
sanders et al - 2009 - facilitating knowledge transfer during sox-mandated audit

sanders et al - 2009 - facilitating knowledge transfer during sox-mandated audit

... financial knowledge (both of financial measures and company finances); event knowledge (actual and normal events, and company operations); and procedural knowledge (recognition, reasoning, and evaluation ... sharing more tacit knowledge between partners Additionally, change in the leader of a group (e.g., the senior audit partner) has the potential to alter the quality of work (Ballinger & Schoorman, 2007) ... organizational routines Managerial and Decision Economics, 25(6/7), 347—363 Tan, H T., & Libby, R (1997) Tacit managerial versus technical knowledge as determinants of audit expertise in the field Journal...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:44

10 582 0
shafie et al - 2009 - audit firm tenure and auditor reporting quality - evidence in malaysia

shafie et al - 2009 - audit firm tenure and auditor reporting quality - evidence in malaysia

... investigate the quality of the assets and not just “any assets” It is quite possible, if the distressed company has significant portion of assets, which have higher market value and demand such ... uncertainties: An empirical analysis Managerial Auditing Journal,16(3), 165-175 Arrunada, B & Paz-Ares, C (1997) Mandatory auditor rotation: A critical examination International Review of Law and ... Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Fall, 30-49 Chi, W & Huang, H (2004) Discretionary accruals, audit-firm tenure and audit partner tenure: Empirical evidence from taiwan Journal of Contemporary...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:44

11 413 0
bebchuk et al - 2009 - what matters in corporate governance [cgs-e-index]

bebchuk et al - 2009 - what matters in corporate governance [cgs-e-index]

... assets, where the market value of assets is computed as the book value of assets plus the market value of common stock less the sum of book value of common stock and balance sheet deferred taxes ... and Zingales (1997) and subsequently also by Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) According to this specification, Q is equal to the market value of assets divided by the book value of assets, where ... in all of the individual annual regressions Of the 33 estimated negative annual coefficient values on the E index (three sets of annual regressions per year times 11 years), 27 were statistically...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:46

62 355 0
ferris et al - 2009 - the effect of crosslisting on corporate governance - a review

ferris et al - 2009 - the effect of crosslisting on corporate governance - a review

... ownership and firm value, Journal of Financial Economics, 63: 99–131 Volume 17 Number May 2009 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 352 Zingales, L (2007) Is the US Capital Market Losing Its Competitive Edge? Working ... competitive in global markets? Evaluating foreign listing choices over time, Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming Doidge, C Karolyi, G A., Lins, K V., Miller, D P and Stulz, R M (2009) ... Presidential address: A simple model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information, Journal of Finance, 42: 483–510 O’Brien, P and Bhushan, R (1990) Analyst following and institutional ownership,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:49

15 449 0
jaggi et al - 2009 - family control, board independence and earnings management evidence based on hong kong firms

jaggi et al - 2009 - family control, board independence and earnings management evidence based on hong kong firms

... (1) A.2 Calculation of total discretionary accruals (TDA) According to the modified Jones model, the scaled total discretionary accruals are calculated as a difference between total accruals and ... the magnitude of discretionary accruals, and the discretionary component of accrual quality (see, for example, Kothari et al. , 2005; Francis et al. , 2005) Discretionary accruals are measured on ... non-discretionary accruals, scaled by total assets for the beginning period, whereas the total accruals (TA) are the difference between net income and cash flows from operations  Discretionary accruals...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:49

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coma science  -  clinical and ethical implications  -  s. laureys, et al., (elsevier, 2009)

coma science - clinical and ethical implications - s. laureys, et al., (elsevier, 2009)

... frontoparietal network, including the parietal, mesio-frontal, prefrontal, parieto-tem­ poral, precuneus, and posterior cingular cortex are disproportionately disturbed (Laureys, 2004; Laureys et al. , ... (Bekinschtein et al. , 2004; Boly et al. , 2004, 2008; Laureys et al. , 2004b; Schiff et al. , 2005) Perhaps most importantly, there is evidence that patients in MCS retain higher functional connectivity between ... Scale — Intelligible verbalizationa — Vocalization/oral movement — Oral reflexive movement — None Communication Scale — Functional: Accurateb — Non-functional: Intentionala — None Arousal Scale...

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comprehensive vascular and endovascular surgery 2nd ed  -  j. hallett, et al., (mosby, 2009)

comprehensive vascular and endovascular surgery 2nd ed - j. hallett, et al., (mosby, 2009)

... extracellular calcium and atrial natriuretic factor Heart Vessels 1992;7:31    Branco D, Teixeira AA, Azevedo I, et al Structural and functional alterations caused at the extraneuronal level by sympathetic ... the endothelial monolayer transduces mechanical signals into biological responses, and circumferential stretch and deformation, which impose different, usually pathological, biological responses ... 1974;99:2502-2510  Palmaz J, Sibbitt R, Reuter S, et al Expandable intraluminal graft: a preliminary study Radiology 1985;156:72-77  Parodi JC, Palmaz JC, Barone HD Transfemoral intraluminal graft implantation...

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creasy and resnik's maternal - fetal med.  -  prins, pract. 6th ed. -  m. greene, et. al., (saunders, 2009)

creasy and resnik's maternal - fetal med. - prins, pract. 6th ed. - m. greene, et. al., (saunders, 2009)

... Chromosome Defect Deletion Deletion (maternal genes) Deletion Deletion Deletion Deletion (paternal genes) Deletion Deletion Deletion Deletion Deletion *Patients with velocardiofacial (Shprintzen [catch ... matings between affected males and normal females as well as matings between normal males and heterozygous phenotypically normal females When the father is affected, all sons will be normal and all ... Director, Fetal Cardiology Program, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and CHLA-USC Institute for Maternal-Fetal Health, Los Angeles, California Fetal Cardiac Malformations and Arrhythmias: Detection,...

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cosmetic dermatology  -  prins and pract. 2nd ed  -  l. baumann, et al., (mcgraw - hill, 2009)

cosmetic dermatology - prins and pract. 2nd ed - l. baumann, et al., (mcgraw - hill, 2009)

... signaling pathway in human airway epithelial cells exposed to metals Am J Physiol 1999; 277:L924 37 Samet JM, Silbajoris R, Wu W, et al Tyrosine phosphatases as targets in metal-induced signaling ... human airway epithelial cells Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1999;21:357 38 Samet JM, Graves LM, Quay J, et al Activation of MAPKs in human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to metals Am J Physiol 1998;275:L551 ... forehead also consisted of three anatomic units: central, middle, and lateral temporal–cheek fat Orbital fat is noted in three compartments determined by septal borders However, the superior orbital...

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381 451 1
advanced accounting 10th ed. - p. fischer, et al., (cengage, 2009)

advanced accounting 10th ed. - p. fischer, et al., (cengage, 2009)

... Customer list Total assets Method of Estimation Book value Level 1—Market value Level 1—Market value Level 2—Adjusted market value Level 2—Adjusted market value Level 1—Market value Level 3—Other ... market value Total fair value of net assets acquired from Johnson Company $ 800,000 (705,000) Goodwill (excess of total cost over fair value of net assets) ... $ 50,000 Value Analysis: Total price paid: Stock issued, 50,000 shares  $20 market value Fair value of net assets acquired Net value of tax...

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cost management - accounting and control 6th ed (intro txt) - d. hansen, et al., (cengage, 2009)

cost management - accounting and control 6th ed (intro txt) - d. hansen, et al., (cengage, 2009)

... Statement of Ethical Professional Practice Members of IMA shall behave ethically A commitment to ethical professional practice includes overarching principles that express our values, and standards ... the value chain and collects both financial and nonfinancial information The objective is to provide financial statements that better reflect overall performance, using both financial and nonfinancial ... Accounting, Journal of International Accounting Research, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Journal of Forensic Accounting, ACM DataBase, and International Journal of Accounting...

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miller et al - the commercial real estate revolution (2009)

miller et al - the commercial real estate revolution (2009)

... design, speed to market, flexibility, and green initiatives—all at predetermined value The current delivery model forces the industry to trade between these values An adversarial and fragmented ... twentieth century this seemed like an idealist’s dream But for those of us who like to envision better ways of getting things done, this dream was always alive It was just hard to find really good ... twenty-first century: better, more efficient, higher-performing structures that fit the financial, social, environmental, material, and cultural conditions of the twenty-first century It really can be done...

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