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Tài liệu Ruby on Rails Tutorial 2nd Edition pptx

Tài liệu Ruby on Rails Tutorial 2nd Edition pptx

... Users 40 3 9.3.3 Pagination 40 4 9.3 .4 Partial Refactoring 41 0 9 .4 Deleting Users 41 3 9 .4. 1 Administrative Users 41 3 9 .4. 2 The destroy Action 41 7 9.5 Conclusion 42 2 9.6 Exercises 42 4 Chapter 10 User ... 43 9 10. 1.5 Content Validations 44 3 10. 2 Showing Microposts 44 5 10. 2.1 Augmenting the User Show Page 44 6 10. 2.2 Sample Microposts 45 0 10. 3 Manipulating Microposts 45 4 10. 3.1 Access Control 45 6 10. 3.2 ... 148 4. 3 .4 CSS revisited 152 4. 4 Ruby Classes 153 4. 4.1 Constructors 153 4. 4.2 Class Inheritance 155 4. 4.3 Modifying Built-in Classes 158 4. 4 .4 A Controller Class 159 4. 4.5 A User Class 161 4. 5...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 13:20

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Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 19:16

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... dimensions, pinouts) of the connectors 3. Bit representation by the signals (encoding) 4. Definition of control information signals Học viện mạng Bách khoa - Website: 4. Definition ... television signals. Characteristics & Uses of Network Media Học viện mạng Bách khoa - Website: Chapter 8 - OSI Physical Layer CCNA Exploration 4. 0CCNA Exploration 4. 0 Học viện ... physical media and associated connectors – A representation of bits on the media – Encoding of data and control information – Transmitter and receiver circuitry on the network devices Học viện...

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Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 21:15

49 351 1
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Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 20:21

39 430 0

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