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Tài liệu Giáo Trình Ruby on Rails pdf

Tài liệu Giáo Trình Ruby on Rails pdf

... quen với Migrations, cách truy vấn database, và xử lý form Chú ý: khi viết tránh để bị XSS hay SQL injection! Chương Trình Training Ruby on Rails 2. Tài liệu Đây ... 2010 Công Ty TNHH TM - DV Tin Học Giải Pháp Nhanh Chương Trình Training Ruby on Rails 1. Làm quen với Framework 1. Install: 2. Editor (Windows) 1. Text ... Ruby on Rails - - Web framework, tương tự như Zend, nhưng "full stack", hoàn chỉnh từ lớp presentation tới logging. - Full stack:...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 20:20

8 4,4K 144
Tài liệu Ruby on Rails Tutorial 2nd Edition pptx

Tài liệu Ruby on Rails Tutorial 2nd Edition pptx

... comments below contain some suggestions for approaching the Rails Tutorial depending on your background. All readers: One common question when learning Rails is whether to learn Ruby first. The ... version control system is a required skill for every software developer. There are many options for version control, but the Rails community has largely standardized on Git, a distributed version ... libsqlite3-dev # Linux only 1.2.3 The First Application Virtually all Rails applications start the same way, with the rails command. This handy program creates a skeleton Rails application in a directory...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 13:20

589 2,3K 3
Ruby on rails for dummies

Ruby on rails for dummies

... if you want, but you won’t use it for the remainder of this chapter. Creating a New Ruby on Rails Project RadRails is an integrated development environment for Ruby on Rails. (See Chapter 2.) ... your database connection. Fortunately, trou- bleshooting the connection is the topic of the next section. Troubleshooting your database connection What do you do if you can’t connect to your ... the MySQL Server Instance Configura- tion Wizard. 37 Chapter 2: Installing the Software 06_081204 ch02.qxp 11/30/06 11:09 PM Page 37 In this part . . . W hat’s Ruby on Rails all about? And how do you install Ruby on Rails? ...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 00:02

348 654 4
ruby on rails 3 tutorial

ruby on rails 3 tutorial

... Rails educational ecosystem. Finally, since Ruby on Rails Tutorial uses Rails 3.0, the knowledge you gain here will be fully up to date with the latest and greatest version of Rails. 1 Ruby on ... don’t have to dig into the C source to use Ruby. ) If you’re a confirmed pull-back-the-curtain kind of person, I recommend The Rails 3 Way by Obie Fernandez as a companion volume to Ruby on Rails ... minority. RUBY ON RAILS ™ 3 TUTORIAL Acknowledgments Ruby on Rails ™ Tutorial owes a lot to my previous Rails book, RailsSpace, and hence to my coauthor on that book, Aurelius...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:57

571 3,2K 0
ruby on rails for microsoft developers

ruby on rails for microsoft developers

... Associations 270 One-to-one Relationships 270 One-to-many Relationships 271 Many-to-many Relationships 271 Auto-generated Methods 273 Association Extensions 280 ActiveRecord Validations 281 Validation ... mastery of web application development with Rails. Beginning Ruby on Rails 978-0-470-06915-8 This book is for anyone who wants to develop online applications using Ruby and Rails. A basic understanding ... it’s ready to work with Rails. What’s in a Name? The name Ruby on Rails is often shortened to Rails. Another common abbreviation is the acronym RoR (pronounced like a lion’s “roar”). I feel it...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:58

484 499 0
Tài liệu Online Training Courses from php|architect doc

Tài liệu Online Training Courses from php|architect doc

... 3 4 <script> 5 function onButtonClick() 6 { 7 document.location = “”; 8 } 9 </script> 10 11 <input type=”button” onClick=”onButtonClick()” 12 value=”Go To ... ffoooo__iidd__sseeqq . Transactions When performing database modification operations, such as inserts and updates, it is often necessary to maintain consistency between operations. One common way to address ... are divided into three sec- tions. The first of which is “connection time only” attributes, whose values can only be specified when establishing the database connection. These include PPDDOO__AATTTTRR__TTIIMMEEOOUUTT ,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 14:20

68 232 0


... term. 5 FOREWORD UNESCO,asenshrinedinitsConstitution,promotesthe free owofideasbywordand image”,andhascommitteditselftoenablinga free, openandaccessibleInternetspace aspartofpromotingcomprehensivefreedomofexpression online andofine. Asdemonstratedby UNESCO’s2011publicationFreedom of Expression: Freedom of Connection, the Changing Legal and Regulatory ... INTERNET FREEDOM UNESCO SERIES ON INTERNET FREEDOM Communication and Information Sector United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization U NESCO, as enshrined in its Constitution, ... and international collaboration concerning the points of intersection between freedom of expression and privacy. Research on safeguarding the principle of freedom of expression in Internet...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

144 439 0