rob s robot current and future challenges for humanoid robots

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 2 pptx

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 2 pptx

... following subsections One is for the free-flying space robot and the other is for the free-floating space robot This section derives the equations of motion for the space robots consisting of n-links with ... summarizes the conclusions Basic Equations This section presents basic dynamic equations of the space robot The main symbols used in this section are defined in table 30 Robotics 2010: Current and Future ... freeflying and free-floating space robots Section derives the operational space formulation of both types of space robots Section briefly introduces spatial notation to represent complex robot kinematics...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 267 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 3 potx

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 3 potx

... sources of uncertainties The issue of robust control in robotics is not quite new and has been addressed by different authors since more than two 64 Robotics 2010: Current and Future Challenges decades ... manipulators has been presented A discussion on the key issues for a successful control strategy for such systems has been provided The computational efficiency of the control has two aspects: the first ... fails the task, a trial is finished and a new trial is started from an initial state The first assumption is a standard framework for dynamic systems The second assumption is valid for the problems...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 211 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 4 ppsx

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 4 ppsx

... environments designed for humans and to use the same tools that humans use, those hands must have the same size and number of fingers and a tactile sense similar to those of the human hand It is necessary ... sharpness If distribution becomes sharp, kurtosis becomes high, and vice versa Kurtosis is suitable for contact shape classification because it expresses pressure distribution sharpness in a single value ... Kanehiro, S Kajita and H Hirukawa, Constraint-based Dynamics Simulator for Humanoid Robots with Shock Absorbing Mechanisms, The 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 175 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 5 pps

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 5 pps

... Symposium on Humanoid Robots pp.83-91 D Johnston, P Zhang, J Hollerbach and S Jacobsen (1996) A Full Tactile Sensing Suite for Dextrous Robot Hands and Use in Contact Force Control, Proceedings ... three-dimensional motion of the robot hand Analysis of Knot and Skill Synthesis In this section, we analyze the feasibility of some knots based on synthesis of the individual skills described above ... nervous and musculoskeletal systems in various types of robots The mathematical description of a neural oscillator was presented in Matsuoka s works (Matsuoka, 1985) He proved that neurons generate...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 234 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 6 pot

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 6 pot

... properties and behaviour of transmissions Force transmission and force amplification diagram It is possible to use a universal input-output force transmission diagram to represent the concept of force ... DIRECT INDIRECT Fig Force transmission diagram for a reversible transmission To discuss the basic performances of the transmission, it is sufficient to restrain the representation to the dry ... device for rehabilitation purpose is undergoing and future applications of the SCS actuators to low-limb exoskeletons and anthropomorphic assistive arms are also planned Genesis of the SCS actuator...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 223 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 8 pptx

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 8 pptx

... as indicated in (Miyanaka et al., 2007) these robots have such problems as follows: if the bottom sides of the robots, which are not covered by tracks, get on an edge of obstacles, the robots ... length of the tracks gets longer Hence, for getting longer tracks, serpentine robots have the same structure in common; the robots consist of several segments each of which has tracks and they are ... sensors/testing devices through different pipe configurations The sensors on these robots must be small in physical size, lightweight, and low in power consumption as compared to the other systems...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 242 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 9 docx

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 9 docx

... closed-loop system with sinusoidal flow disturbance for Zset = 0.30 m s using PID ˙ Fig 15 Response of the closed-loop system with pulse flow disturbance for Zset = 0.10 m s using PID ˙ Fig 16 Response ... disturbance for Zset = 0.10 m s using FLC ˙ Fig 24 Response of the closed-loop system with sinusoidal flow disturbance for Zset = 0.15 m s using FLC ˙ Fig 25 Response of the closed-loop system with sinusoidal ... complex systems and decision processes, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 3: 28–44 Ziegler, J & Nichols, N (1993) Optimum settings for automatic controllers, Journal of dynamic systems,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 259 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 11 pptx

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 11 pptx

... Network is based on a publish/subscribe architecture To broadcast messages, sender publishes a message to all subscribers and receivers accepts only messages belongs to them according to head-tags of ... industrial areas In contrast to today 's specialized service robots these robotic assistants could be well used in such areas and for a variety of tasks like elderly people care, or helping handicapped ... acoustic and phonetic models for French This set comprises 37 phonemes and pauses (short/long) It is HMMbased (3-state models with 32 Gaussians per state) and was first trained on about 31 hours...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 207 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 12 pps

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 12 pps

... sensors the procedure is similar From the scans landmarks are extracted from scans and used in the estimation of the robot s and landmarks’ position, and this estimate is then sent to the fusion ... general these methods require centralized processing, so the issue of distributed sensing with so called Gaussian particle filters is also discussed Distributed and mobile sensors and fusion architecture ... aimed for car navigation that assumes the localized objects to move alongside some predefined roads and is not easy to use in robotics usage Especially in mobile robots, CRSs defined on a moving robot...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 300 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 13 potx

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges Part 13 potx

... be used still have to be studied Conclusion This chapter discussed the issue of robot tracking inside Intelligent Spaces, where both sensors onboard the robot and sensors distributed in the space ... CMobject) that describes its properties CMobjects can also represent commands not involving any physical objects such as Say-text and Do-Task messages for text-to-speech and task commands respectively ... H & Shibasaki, R (2005) A novel system for tracking pedestrians using multiple single-row laser-range scanners IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part A: Systems and Humans,,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

35 190 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Research ethics in the intensive care unit: current and future challenges" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: " Research ethics in the intensive care unit: current and future challenges" pdf

... effectiveness, have not been clearly elucidated At the same time, issues of accountability and even liability in cases of harm are starting to arise for researchers, REBs and substitute decision-makers: ... Hawryluck REBs are currently asked to ensure that research protocols they approve are ethically conducted The logistics and practicalities of this mandate, ways to minimize intrusiveness and to maximize ... main source of funding for research into innovative therapeutics and most technological advances is industry Yet our relationship with industry is not an easy one Issues of conflict of interest,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20

2 334 0
Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis – A Perspective on Current Applications and Future Challenges docx

Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis – A Perspective on Current Applications and Future Challenges docx

... and computational aspects of EMG research This book was born from discussions with researchers in the EMG community and aims to provide a snapshot of some current trends and future challenges ... superimposed Besides classical signal analysis tools (such as adaptive supervised filtering, parametric or non-parametric spectral estimation, time frequency analysis, and higher order statistics), ... relates to physical disability EMG may be used clinically for the diagnosis of neuromuscular problems and for assessing biomechanical and motor control deficits and other functional disorders Furthermore,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

460 831 0
Báo cáo y học: "Health technology assessment review: Remote monitoring of vital signs - current status and future challenges" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Health technology assessment review: Remote monitoring of vital signs - current status and future challenges" doc

... wireless telemetry, though these are not always standardised across international regions and there are severe bandwidth limitations and interference issues Therefore, most medical device companies ... available bandwidth; network coverage; and the costs of data transmission via public networks There will also be challenges for adoption of such systems because individuals may see constant physiological ... modalities and use them accordingly for the transmission of data are being developed The transmission technology is the essential glue in the various possible chain topologies Its capabilities (bandwidth,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21

8 313 0
Space Command Sustainment Review - Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities pdf

Space Command Sustainment Review - Improving the Balance Between Current and Future Capabilities pdf

... operations squadron SCF space communications flight SCS space communications squadron SLS space launch squadron SMC Space and Missile Systems Center SMS space management squadron SMXS space maintenance ... explicate a space sustainment philosophy and discuss shortfalls in the AS-IS space sustainment philosophies and processes We also address actions that can be taken to address the shortfalls Chapter ... space system sustainment policies.1 This expanded framework incorporates resource allocation processes and constraints in space system sustainment considerations It also describes how space system...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

168 439 0
Human Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: Current and Future Perspectives pot

Human Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: Current and Future Perspectives pot

... “specific measures for the progressive reduction […] and the cessation or phasing-out of discharges, emissions and losses of the priority hazardous substances”, thereby “ensur[ing] the progressive ... products GLs Outgroup GL Yes Yes NI Straightforward for phases and tier A, insufficient for phase tier B and reproductive/endocrine assessment Yes Phase tier A NI base set and in part for phase tier ... the adsorption test or a systems half-life

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 22:20

302 1,6K 2
Past and Future - Insights for Reserve Component Use potx

Past and Future - Insights for Reserve Component Use potx

... apportionment and mission assignment of forces for HLS, and that it seek to balance the risks of dual-tasking units to HLS and overseas missions with the costs of assigning forces exclusively to HLS missions ... hazards” philosophy, in which the greatest possible benefit is derived from HLS-missioned assets by cross-training and cross-equipping those assets for as wide a range of HLS missions as is practicable;13 ... months and what forces and other capabilities will be needed for sustaining HLS steady-state operations, and to provide for HLS crisis response Of the sovereignty missions, it appears to us that...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20

99 309 0
Surviving the Economic Crisis : Current and Future Trends pdf

Surviving the Economic Crisis : Current and Future Trends pdf

... being neighbors and former "ideological foes." China needs resources, whilst Russia needs to sell those resources China needs new markets to sell its goods and Russians could easily switch to cheaper ... taxpayer Is this sending the right message to future business communities? Banking Corporations Small and medium sized business owners must feel bemused After all the risks of business failure, ... responsible for partly owning essential key National assets, like resources, and some subsidized or state owned industries Countries like Indonesia, follow the system were profits from these essential...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

124 506 0
Research Gaps and Measurement Challenges for Studying the Influence of New Media on Adolescent Sexual Health docx

Research Gaps and Measurement Challenges for Studying the Influence of New Media on Adolescent Sexual Health docx

... games, and MP3 players) among adolescents and the potential impact on their sexual health and to identify appropriate measures for assessing this use, thus setting the stage for future research and ... more comfortable talking about sensitive topics and express themselves more freely On the one hand, this social distance may thus lead to frank and helpful discussions of sexual health issues On ... theories for understanding such processes as peer influence, selfpresentation, and relationship formation are somewhat suitable for understanding new media processes of interest We also agreed that...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 05:20

13 414 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges_1 pot

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges_1 pot

... following subsections One is for the free-flying space robot and the other is for the free-floating space robot This section derives the equations of motion for the space robots consisting of n-links with ... summarizes the conclusions Basic Equations This section presents basic dynamic equations of the space robot The main symbols used in this section are defined in table 30 Robotics 2010: Current and Future ... block supporting the servovalve and pressure sensors Servovalve 14 Robotics 2010: Current and Future Challenges performance is traditionally measured on closed apertures But due to fluid compressibility,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

240 270 0
Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges_2 potx

Robotics 2010 Current and future challenges_2 potx

... as indicated in (Miyanaka et al., 2007) these robots have such problems as follows: if the bottom sides of the robots, which are not covered by tracks, get on an edge of obstacles, the robots ... system with sinusoidal flow disturbance for Zset = 0.30 m s using PID 282 Robotics 2010: Current and Future Challenges ˙ Fig 15 Response of the closed-loop system with pulse flow disturbance for ... system with pulse flow disturbance for Zset = 0.10 m s using FLC 290 Robotics 2010: Current and Future Challenges ˙ Fig 27 Response of the closed-loop system with pulse flow disturbance for Zset...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

254 288 0