river plume dynamics in the central great barrier reef

OCEANOGRAPHIC PROCESSES OF CORAL REEFS: Physical and Biological Links in the Great Barrier Reef - Chapter 20 (end) doc

OCEANOGRAPHIC PROCESSES OF CORAL REEFS: Physical and Biological Links in the Great Barrier Reef - Chapter 20 (end) doc

... process itself In hinterland and coastal land use that affects the GBR INNER REEFS Land clearing in the river catchments draining into the GBR has been rapid and is still continuing, and the landscape ... the Great Barrier Reef, and this map states “As per Schedule to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975.” Proclamation S 409 states that the GBR Marine Park line reaches the mainland at the ... “would you kindly advise whether Oyster Point and the rest of the Hinchinbrook Channel is within the Great Barrier Reef Region” (letter obtained under Freedom of Information legislation) The Attorney...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

18 262 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Selection of allozyme genotypes of two species of marine gastropods (genus Littorina) in experiments of environmental stress by nonionic detergent and crude oil-surfactant mixtures" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Selection of allozyme genotypes of two species of marine gastropods (genus Littorina) in experiments of environmental stress by nonionic detergent and crude oil-surfactant mixtures" pptx

... in the PGI system in oil + S + pollution In the AP system, the FIBr in detergent pollution and Min oil pollution) Considering homozygotic genotypes, the detergent applied by itself favoured the ... mixtures in aqueous solutions at the PGI and AP loci for Littorina neritoides The trends were similar in both types of pollution, but more accentuated in the combined pollution Heterozygotes, in general, ... mixtures in aqueous solutions at the PGI locus, for Littorina punctata When the pollutant used was the nonionic detergent by itself, selection acted against the genotype FF and the allele F in general...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20

8 261 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " The role of marine salt and surfactants in the decline of Tyrrhenian coastal vegetation in Italy" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: " The role of marine salt and surfactants in the decline of Tyrrhenian coastal vegetation in Italy" ppt

... etc) The ratio that is most probably the closest to the original ratio in the aerosol is that recorded in the rainwater gathered near the coastline, ie the one closest to the source Here the MBAS/Cl ... binds to the epicuticular wax structures since it is lipophilic, and is therefore not removed by rinsing However part of the chlorides absorbed by the needle are released during rinsing In the ... those with the greatest impact the system because of the amount of salt and surfactants they transport, occur rather infrequently within the total number of samples examined Finally, the ratio...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

11 371 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A rare case of “switch on and off” multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis in an adult patient" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A rare case of “switch on and off” multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis in an adult patient" doc

... performed to date have included children, whereas the available data concerning the origin of LCH in adult patients have been reported mainly in retrospective studies [2] However, the results of trials ... as in infants [10] Also, in other diffuse interstitial lung diseases of unknown origin, such as sarcoidosis, the occurrence of pneumothorax does not necessarily lead to steroid therapy [11] In ... followed up in an outpatient setting All authors contributed equally in writing the manuscript GK wrote the manuscript, AK provided the histological images and MF corrected and refined the manuscript...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 23:21

5 228 0
Báo cáo y học: "Primary malignant pericardial mesothelioma - a rare cause of pericardial effusion and consecutive constrictive pericarditis: a case report" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Primary malignant pericardial mesothelioma - a rare cause of pericardial effusion and consecutive constrictive pericarditis: a case report" pps

... interpreted the patient data regarding the cardiologic disease, therapy and the echocardiographic diagnostic TB was a major contributor in writing the manuscript JK analyzed and interpreted the ... accompanying images A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor -in- Chief of this journal Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests Authors’ contributions ... scan demonstrating an intrapericardial accumulation of the tracer (Siemens ECAT HR+) in an epidemiological survey, the annual incidence of PMPM was reported to be one in 40 million (incidence 0.0022%)...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

4 325 0
color atlas of histopathology of the cervix uteri 2nd ed  -  c. dallenbach - hellweg, et al., (springer, 2006)

color atlas of histopathology of the cervix uteri 2nd ed - c. dallenbach - hellweg, et al., (springer, 2006)

... A continuous positive staining of cells in the basal and parabasal epithelial layers with variable positive staining in the more superficial layers can be seen in the “diffuse” pattern The “focal” ... viruses, to proceed in understanding their action within the genome, and to trace the infected metaplastic and neoplastic-transformed cells to their histogenetic origins The resultant refined classification ... the technical variations confronting the clinical pathologist in his daily routine, where effects of specimen transport, differences in tissue fixation, and variations in embedding and staining...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:59

206 591 0
concise dental anatomy and morphology 4th ed.  -  j. fuller, et. al., (univ. iowa college of dentistry, 2001)

concise dental anatomy and morphology 4th ed. - j. fuller, et. al., (univ. iowa college of dentistry, 2001)

... quadrant The incisor closest to the midline is termed the central incisor, while the second tooth from the midline is the lateral incisor This positions the lateral incisor distal to the central incisor ... curvature c Lingual outline - The lingual margin is somewhat concave in the incisal portion, and convex in the gingival portion, due to the respective contours of the lingual fossa and cingulum The entire ... prominence of the cingulum The labial line angles are more distinct than the lingual line angles Portions of the lingual fossa and cingulum are visible Most often, the greatest contour of the cingulum...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 17:30

218 1,5K 0
encycopedia of materials characterization surfaces interfaces thin films c brundle et al bh 1992 pdf

encycopedia of materials characterization surfaces interfaces thin films c brundle et al bh 1992 pdf

... as a probe beam striking the material to be analyzed The beam interacts with the material in some way, and in some of the techniques the changesinduced in the beam (energy, intensity, and angular ... access to the information Further comparative information is provided in the introductions to the chapters Finally, a table is provided at the end ofthis introduction, in which many ofthe important ... and on the nature of the material being examined Perfbrming measurements at grazing angles of incidence of the probe beain, or grazing exit angles fbr the detected signal, will usually make the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

782 840 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 2 pps

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 2 pps

... characterized The intensity of light diffracted into the various diffraction orders from the periodic structure is indicative of the shape of the lines If the line shape is influenced by steps involved in ... through the condenser lens, the focal length is decreased and the divergence increases The lens therefore passes less beam current on to the next lens in the chain Increasing the current through the ... using a smaller final aperture or by increasing the working distance The smaller the convergence angle, the more variation in the *direction topography that can be tolerated while still remaining...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 254 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 3 pps

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 3 pps

... pulse reaches the main amplifier during the rise time of the preceding pulse The two pulses may then combined into a single pulse whose energy is the combined energy of the two individual pulses ... made in which the peak intensity from each element in the sample is compared to the peak intensity obtained from a reference standard using the same operating conditions The ratio of these two intensities ... determined by the mean distance between electron scattering events The fewer the scattering events, either eLzstic (without energy loss) or inelastic (involving energy loss), the firther the electron...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 358 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 5 ppt

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 5 ppt

... qualitativelywith the use of kinematic scattering theory, i.e., by considering the single scattering of plane waves off a collection of objects (in this case atoms) In the kinematic limit, the scattering of ... recently, by the author et al." for thin Co layers in a Co-Pt superlattice The induced strain in the overlayer alters the angles, excluding the 90" peak, at which the diffraction signals appear The change ... distances in the solid." It is important to point out, however, that using the preceding scattering theories one can get exactly the same information, minus the friendly display Spin-Polarized...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 325 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 6 ppsx

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 6 ppsx

... and insulators the minimum energy loss is the band gap energy Since both the initial and final states of an interband transition are involved in chemical bonding, it is expected that the interband ... that are nearly independent of the chemical species in which the atom is bound, since they are not involved in the bonding process Thus, in nickel carbide, the C Is BE is within a few eV of its ... lowering of the total energy of the ion due to the relaxation of the remaining electrons towards the hole This allows the outgoing photoelectron to carry away greater E,i.e., the BEdetermined...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 305 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 7 ppt

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 7 ppt

... eliminating pulse pileup in the X-ray detection system, minimizing the energy dissipated in delicate specimens, yet maximizing the data throughput of the overall system In essence, 6.3 PIXE 365 the ... allowing the particle beam to exit, through a thin window, the vacuum of the beam line and impinge on the specimen held at atmosphericpressure of air or other gases (e.g., helium) The combination ... has the characteristicenergy of the difference between the binding energies of the inner and the outer shells The penetration depth of a highenergy photon into a material is normally in the range...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 260 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 8 pptx

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 8 pptx

... further here Still, common to all of these methods is the goal of obtaining and analyzing an infrared spectrum Basic Principles Infrared Spectrum Define Io to be the intensity of the light incident ... showing typical line shapes and information available for fingerprinting The broadening of the highwavenumber lines is related to the polar character of the TiOBoctahedra that occur in all of these ... such information may be obtained also about the surface of the solid itself The information obtained is of the same kind as that in infrared and Raman spectroscopy The main reasons for the popularity...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 327 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 9 pps

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 9 pps

... lattice by the As implants is reflected in the peaks near 1.25 MeV in the aligned spectra In the case of the 1015-atoms/cm2implant there is little or no single-crystal structure remaining in the damaged ... edge of the Ta peak corresponds to scattering from Ta at the TaSi,Si interface and the step in the Si peak corresponds to the increase in the 9.1 RBS 479 ing He will backscatter from the first ... eliminate or minimize the effects of these spectral interferences These include channeling crystalline substrates to reduce the backscattering signal from the substrate, using detectors at glancing angles...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 213 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 10 pdf

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 10 pdf

... ofthe material in the mixing zone and can significantly alter the ion yields of elements in the sample However, when sputtering is first started (at the beginning of a depth profile), the mixing ... across the thin film, thereby driving the mobile ions away from the surface, to the intedace between the thin film and substrate In bulk insulators, this problem may be less severe because the electric ... sulfur is found in darker locations These images show that the gold, the geologist’s primary interest, is localized in the outer few Fm of the sulfur-containingpyrite grain By acquiring mass-resolved...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 263 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 11 pps

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 11 pps

... TiN into the overlyingAl However, no Al has diffused into the Si nor Si from the substrate into the Al, demonstrating the effectivenessof the TiN barrier Yet another strength of SNMS is the ability ... Al:Si/TiN/Si are shown in Figure 7b The measurement identifies the redistribution of the Si to the interfaces, the diffusion of Al and Si into the TiN, and a strong difiiiion out of Ti from the TiN ... of the major elements in the thinf film structure o AI /TiN /Si, comparing the annealed and unannealed structures t o determine the extent of interdiffusion of the layers The depth profile of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 266 0
Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 12 pot

Encycopedia of Materials Characterization (surfaces_ interfaces_ thin films) - C. Brundle_ et al._ (BH_ 1992) WW Part 12 pot

... the parentheses is the nucleus of interest (the species to be profded) The first term in parentheses is the incident particle The remaining components are the products of the reaction Those in ... atoms in the material in the neutron beam, h is the wavelength of the impinging neutron wavefront, and 28 is the diffracting angle The difiaction geometry is illustrated in Figure Inspection of the ... effective if the interferant line intensity is not large compared to the elemental line of interest and another line for the interferant element can be measured Although nonspecrral interference...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21

60 285 0