rheological properties of biopolymers and applications to cereal processing

Applications of q-deformed Fermi-Dirac statistics and statistical moment method to study thermodynamic properties, magnetic properties of metals and metallic thin films

Applications of q-deformed Fermi-Dirac statistics and statistical moment method to study thermodynamic properties, magnetic properties of metals and metallic thin films

... application to study the properties of crystals materials We will continue to expand this theory to study the elastic properties, thermodynamic properties of thin films on the substrate and semiconductor ... thermomechanical properties of crystals are represented in the form of analytical expressions that take into account the effects of anharmonicity and correlation of lattice vibrations It can easily to numerically ... value of generalized coordinate Qk and free energy ψ of quantum system under of external force a: ∂ψ < Qˆ k > a = − ∂ak (1.2) ) The relational expression between operator Fˆ and coordinator Qk of...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2016, 20:14

24 312 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Ultrasonication effects on thermal and rheological properties of carbon nanotube suspensions" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Ultrasonication effects on thermal and rheological properties of carbon nanotube suspensions" pot

... B and n are constants, and t is the sonication time The data in Figures 13 and 14 were fit to curves of the forms given by (Equations and 2) The values of the constants and the coefficients of ... conductivity of the nanofluids increases nonlinearly, with the maximum enhancement of 23% at sonication time of 1,355 However, the viscosity of nanofluids increases to the maximum at sonication time of ... nominal outer diameters of 10 to 30 nm, inner diameters of to 10 nm and lengths of 10 to 30 µm The MWCNTs were manufactured by chemical vapor deposition An SEM micrograph of the MWCNTs as received...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

28 651 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Higher-Order Weakly Generalized Adjacent Epiderivatives and Applications to Duality of Set-Valued Optimization" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Higher-Order Weakly Generalized Adjacent Epiderivatives and Applications to Duality of Set-Valued Optimization" docx

... Journal of Inequalities and Applications and strong duality theorems of set-valued optimization problems As to other concepts of derivatives epiderivatives of set-valued maps and their applications, ... higher-order adjacent set of a set and a higher-order weakly generalized adjacent epiderivative of a set-valued map, and study some of their properties In Sections and 5, we introduce a higher-order ... of 19, Theorem 4.1 are omitted 10 Journal of Inequalities and Applications By the similiar proof method of Theorem 4.3, it follows from Proposition 3.14 that the following theorem holds −D and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

18 269 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Representation of Multivariate Functions via the Potential Theory and Applications to Inequalities'''' docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Representation of Multivariate Functions via the Potential Theory and Applications to Inequalities'''' docx

... classical solutions of differential equations One needs to introduce the notion of weak derivatives and to work in Sobolev spaces, which have become an indispensable tool in the study of partial differential ... < ∞ Proof of Theorem 1.3 Since Ω is bounded, we can assume without loss of generality that p < ∞ Proof of (a) Suppose that p > N Then, f ∈ C0,α Ω with α − N/p cf Proposition 2.13 Proof of 1.10 ... From 3.7 and 3.8 , we find Ω ∇f x , ∇E x − y dx div F x dx lim →0 f x D ∂Ω ∂E x − y dσ x − f y , ∂ν 3.10 which concludes the proof of 1.10 for y ∈ Ω Proof of 1.10 when y ∈ ∂Ω We apply 1.10 to get...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20

15 268 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Representation of Multivariate Functions via the Potential Theory and Applications to Inequalities" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Representation of Multivariate Functions via the Potential Theory and Applications to Inequalities" ppt

... classical solutions of differential equations One needs to introduce the notion of weak derivatives and to work in Sobolev spaces, which have become an indispensable tool in the study of partial differential ... < ∞ Proof of Theorem 1.3 Since Ω is bounded, we can assume without loss of generality that p < ∞ Proof of (a) Suppose that p > N Then, f ∈ C0,α Ω with α − N/p cf Proposition 2.13 Proof of 1.10 ... From 3.7 and 3.8 , we find Ω ∇f x , ∇E x − y dx div F x dx lim →0 f x D ∂Ω ∂E x − y dσ x − f y , ∂ν 3.10 which concludes the proof of 1.10 for y ∈ Ω Proof of 1.10 when y ∈ ∂Ω We apply 1.10 to get...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20

15 289 0


... quasimonotone functions in the general system Existence and uniqueness of positive solution Before discussing the asymptotic behavior of the solution of (1.1) we show the existence and uniqueness of ... out the possibility of existence of positive solutions outside of ᏿ Comparison theorems To investigate the asymptotic behavior of the solution we consider a class of quasimonotone functions which ... equilibrium solution exists and is a global attractor of the system The plan of the paper is as follows In Section 2, we show the existence and uniqueness of a positive global solution to the general system...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

23 231 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Stochastic Modeling of the Spatiotemporal Wavelet Coefficients and Applications to Quality Enhancement and Error Concealment" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Stochastic Modeling of the Spatiotemporal Wavelet Coefficients and Applications to Quality Enhancement and Error Concealment" docx

... temporal Stochastic Modeling of the Spatiotemporal Wavelet Coefficients and Applications 1939 Table 2: MSE of the reconstruction of the first frame of the original sequence, when prediction of a subband ... level, our model is able to Stochastic Modeling of the Spatiotemporal Wavelet Coefficients and Applications 1941 Table 4: MSE of the reconstructed first frame of a GOF of original sequence “foreman” ... consists of 12 coefficients of the current one: its Up and Left neighbors, its spatial parent, aunts, and cousins, and its spatiotemporal parent together with its Up and Left neighbors and spatiotemporal...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

12 248 0
Báo cáo toán học: "The inverse problem associated to the Davenport constant for C2 ⊕ C2 ⊕ C2n, and applications to the arithmetical characterization of class groups" doc

Báo cáo toán học: "The inverse problem associated to the Davenport constant for C2 ⊕ C2 ⊕ C2n, and applications to the arithmetical characterization of class groups" doc

... instead of L(B(G)) and refer to it as the system of sets of lengths of G We exclusively use the term factorization to refer to a factorization into irreducible elements (of some atomic monoid that ... group of M via the system of sets of lengths is reduced to the problem of characterizing G via L(B(G)) Recall that we write L(G) instead of L(B(G)) and refer to it as the system of sets of lengths ... only possible to determine from the system of sets of lengths whether the group is isomorphic to one of the groups C1 and C2 , and whether it is isomorphic to one of the groups C2 and C3 ; the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:23

42 350 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Molecular structure and biochemical properties of lignins in relation to possible self-organization of lignin networks" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Molecular structure and biochemical properties of lignins in relation to possible self-organization of lignin networks" pdf

... monocotyledons (grasses and bamboos) and Salicaceae (poplars) Ester bonds of phenolic acids to C and Cy-hydroxyls of a monomeric propane chains (Fig 1C 5to Molecular associations and cell wall lignification ... The biosynthesis of the precursors and the regulation of lignification most likely occurs within individual cells and variations are observed according to the type and the age of cells (Wardrop, ... significant in regard to the structure and functions of plant cell walls Reticulation may be of importance in durability and mechanical properties, as recently discussed in the case of cell wall proteins...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:24

8 312 0
Báo cáo y học: "Effects of intravenous furosemide on mucociliary transport and rheological properties of patients under mechanical ventilation" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Effects of intravenous furosemide on mucociliary transport and rheological properties of patients under mechanical ventilation" pot

... route of administration The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of IV furosemide on the transportability and rheological properties of mucus in patients under MV Materials and ... placed into the gap of a magnetic toroid that was mounted on the stage of a projecting microscope and driven by a sine-wave generator The shadow of the ball was projected onto two photocells that ... its oscillatory movement and provided an electrical output in proportion to the displacement of the moving ball The toroid current and the output of the photocells were transmitted to a digital...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:21

7 291 0
Báo cáo y học: " The SeqFEATURE library of 3D functional site models: comparison to existing methods and applications to protein function annotation" pot

Báo cáo y học: " The SeqFEATURE library of 3D functional site models: comparison to existing methods and applications to protein function annotation" pot

... set Background sites of same atom type and atom density Scoring function Shell 012345 ATOM-TYPE-IS-C ATOM-TYPE-IS-CT ATOM-TYPE-IS-Ca Score cutoff based on training data ATOM-TYPE-IS-N Positive ... examples of functional site ATOM-TYPE-IS-N2 ATOM-TYPE-IS-N3 ATOM-TYPE-IS-Na ATOM-TYPE-IS-O ATOM-TYPE-IS-O2 ATOM-TYPE-IS-OH ATOM-TYPE-IS-S Scores for query sites (predictions) ATOM-TYPE-IS-SH ATOM-TYPE-IS-OTHER ... sensitivity of 86.2% at our most lenient cutoff, and specificity and PPV comparable to Pfam and Gene3D at our more stringent cutoffs Interestingly, all of the sequence-based methods show a marked...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

19 384 0
Bài toán điều khiển cho hệ thời gian tuyến tính rời rạc (theory of fractional caculus and applications ) (to differential fractional equations)

Bài toán điều khiển cho hệ thời gian tuyến tính rời rạc (theory of fractional caculus and applications ) (to differential fractional equations)

... DP (αm ) Khi đó, hàm Green to n m tử L n Am eαm t H(t) = m=1 Chứng minh (Xem [2, trang 155-156]) Ví dụ 3.2.5 Nếu to n tử L = D3 + 3D2 + 2D Khi đó, đa thức đặc trưng to n tử L P (x) = x3 + 3x2 ... đề ứng dụng để giải phương trình vi phân phân thứ autonomous Đồ án gồm có ba phần Một số hàm đặc biệt Lý thuyết giải tích phân số (Theory of fractional caculus) Phương trình vi phân phân thứ ... lần e(t) q−1 αq−k−1Et (−kν, αq ), e(t) = k=0 15 Nguyễn Thị Hằng k35 CN To n q= ν Chương Lý thuyết giải tích phân thứ (Theory of fractional caculus) 2.1 2.1.1 Tích phân Riemann-Liouville Định nghĩa...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2014, 19:28

60 209 0
Electronic and magnetic properties of alkali and alkaline earth metals doped AIN bulk to surfaces

Electronic and magnetic properties of alkali and alkaline earth metals doped AIN bulk to surfaces

... (c) and PDOS of Be and N atoms (d) of 10) Be doped (11¯ surface 107 20) 7.3 Total DOS of (10¯ (a), total DOS of (11¯ (b), and total DOS of p10) 20) (000¯ (c) surfaces of ... O atoms Because of p-d hybridization, there is a possibility of charge hopping from O to Mn atoms According to the Hund′ s rule, spin up electron of O atom will hop to one of the Mn3+ ion and ... locations of Mg represented in numbers and its topview (c), and total DOS of reconstructed AlN (000¯ surface (d) 1) 5.3 79 Total DOS (a), net spin density plot (b), PDOS of sum of N atoms surrounding...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:12

149 688 0
Development of sophisticated unmanned software systems and applications to UAV formation

Development of sophisticated unmanned software systems and applications to UAV formation

... One route of processing is the control commands in the data store of user control commands, which is processed via the Process commands and further stored in the data store of Behaviors and paras ... minute(RPM) of main blades being controlled during take-off and landing From the perspective of implementation, most of the tasks can be categorized into path tracking behavior where take-off path and landing ... implemented and verified This motivates our NUS UAV research team to construct various kinds of UAVs including singlerotor helicopter, coaxial helicopter and quad-rotor helicopter to fulfill different...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:06

180 324 0


... plane, see for instance [18] Now the problem turns to find of set of vectors which satisfy certain conditions For simplicity, we work with unit vectors of real coordinates They can be viewed as points ... On the other hand, if Vd is not N-independent, then we set hVd = By definition, hVd is independent of the ordering of the vectors in Vd In the result below, we fix an order of Vd and identify ... Pk the product of the d − factors at the right hand side of (2.16) and by q j the j-factor of Pk In other words, Pk = ∏dj=1, j=k q j It remains to prove that d Pk ≥ 2d−1 (2.17) Since ξ j = −ξd+1−...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2015, 08:04

17 248 0
Customer satisfaction: review of literature and application to the product-service systems

Customer satisfaction: review of literature and application to the product-service systems

... shopping, and psychographic portrait of customers A number of drawbacks and benefits pertaining to the tools have been pointed out and discussed Both the research models and the tools, while diverse to ... measuring customer satisfaction excluded practical advice on how to develop these tools and how to analyse collected data, due to the general nature of these tools and availability of sources, ... attempt to develop new PSS is vital Development of new offers is a time consuming matter that requires involvement of a number of actors, often of those who are usually considered to be outside of...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 10:15

61 908 0
Tài liệu Evolution of GSM and cdmaOne to 3G Systems pptx

Tài liệu Evolution of GSM and cdmaOne to 3G Systems pptx

... system It had to fight to be born because of the lack of spectrum, and the quasi-religious attitudes 406 CHAPTER EVOLUTION OF GSM AND CDMAONE TO 3G SYSTEMS of engineers towards methods of multiple ... codes to prevent the crest factor, i.e the ratio of the peak -to- mean transmitted power, from becoming too high The crest factor is allowed to be up to 18 dB We recall that in the presence of multiple ... maximum and minimum bit rates that must be handled, and so on, need to be considered, then the maximum bearer rate should be able to accommodate data rates of 384 kb/s for MS speeds up to 100 km/h and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 17:15

100 437 0
Tài liệu The Game of Life and How to Play It pdf

Tài liệu The Game of Life and How to Play It pdf

... mind with a picture of lack and limitation A situation of lack may be changed to one of plenty Fortunately the law works both ways, and a situation of lack may be changed to one of plenty For example: ... mind, body and affairs It is safe to say that all sickness and unhappiness come from the violation of the law of love A new commandment I give unto you, “Love one another,’’ and in the Game of Life, ... go, and take your mental hands off; put it in God’s Hands, and use this statement: I put this situation in the hands of Infinite Love and Wisdom; if this trip is the Divine plan, I bless it and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:17

98 831 5