Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20
Knowledge based expert system to minimise environmental pollution in Malaysian construction sites
... improved by: (i) Refining, expanding, and reinforcing its knowledge base using new findings as reported in literature or new experience from domain expertise; (ii) Adding further functional ... Selangor, Malaysia Her educational background in civil engineering/ water resources. Dr. Lariyah’s major field in hydrology / urban drainage. Dr. Lariyah has earned her PhD in civil engineering from ... Professor in civil and structural engineering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. Her educational background in civil engineering/ Water Resources. Dr. Noor Ezlin’s major...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10
Multi criteria analysis in environmental management: Selecting the best stormwater erosion and sediment control measure in Malaysian construction sites
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11
Sample Programming in an Assembly Language
... addressing) JSR @Subroutine name (Called with absolute address addressing) * Subroutine name: Symbol prefixed to a subroutine In the called subroutine, instructions are executed in ordinary ... function. Subroutine call instructions (JSR and BSR instructions) The CPU always maintains the address of the next instruction in the program counter. The subroutine call instruction first ... used in the following cases: 6.8 Bit Handling The H8/300H is provided with a bit handling instruction for handling a specific 1 bit only. This section introduces a sample program using...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 11:20
Employment agreement in letter format (long form)
... Confidential information will not include information that is in the public domain, or information that falls into the public domain, unless such information falls into the public domain by disclosure ... Confidential information of the Employer includes any and all trade secrets, confidential, private or secret information of the Employer including without limitation (i) business and financial information ... guidelines of the Employer (including, but not limited to, any office Employer may terminate this agreement immediately upon paying to you [INSERT SAME PERIOD AS ABOVE, ex. 8 weeks)] in lieu...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 10:15
Employment agreement in letter format (short form)
... obligations will include [JOB DESCRIPTION]. You may be employed by the Employer in a position other than [TITLE DESCRIPTION OF EMPLOYMENT, ex. Controller] upon the Employer notifying you in writing of ... you in writing of such assignment. In that event, you will continue to be employed by the Employer in the position to which you have been assigned. 2. Changes in Terms and Conditions of Employment: ... Employer having regard to its operations. 5. Expenses: The Employer will reimburse you in accordance with its policies for all reasonable expenses actually and properly incurred by you in the performance...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 16:15
... STRUCTURAL BREAKS IN MALAYSIAN STOCK MARKET GVHD : TS. NGUYÊ ̃ N VĂN MINH MÂ ̃ N HV : TRÂ ̀ N MINH THÊ ́ – MSHV : 90924006 BÙI HOÀNG TÚY – MSHV : 10241118 Tháng 1 năm 2011 HV : TRÂ ̀ N MINH THÊ ́ ... Terengganu 13-14 February 2008, Grand Continental Hotel, Kuala Terengganu (In CD). Karim, S.A.A and Ismail, M.T. (2008). Wavelet Method in Statistics. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Symposium ... J. D. (1993). Estimation, inference and forecasting of time series subject to changes in regime. Handbook of Statistics 11, ed. G.S. Maddala, C. R. Rao, and H. D. Vinod, North-Holland: Amsterdam. Hamilton,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 17:11
... important guidelines for the design of Monte Carlo experiments (at least in the context of SEMs) by indicating the canonical parameter space which is instrumental in influencing the shape of ... econometrician in the precise setting of the model and the data set with which he is working. Moreover, improvements in computing now make it feasible to incorporate into existing regression ... or infinite series. All of the presently known exact small sample distributions of single equation estimators in the SEM can be obtained by following the above steps. When reduced, the final...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Physique Correlates with Reproductive Success in an Archival Sample of Delinquent Youth pdf
... explained in detail in Appendix 1 of Physique and Delinquent Behavior. These scores replace Sheldon’s gynandromorphy index, which combined both the feminine and masculine traits into a single index. ... delinquents and fat ballplayers are uncommon because social behavior involved in these cases puts fat, skinny, or sickly boys at a disadvantage. Following this line of reasoning the findings ... subjects. Sheldon fully acknowledged this latter point; in attempting to define an individual in terms of so general a concept as a patterning of his static and dynamic components, we of course...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Exploring Small-Scale Sport Event Tourism in Malaysia docx
... authorities in Malaysia to implement effective market segmentation and targeting. In tourism marketing, the profiling of sport tourist is an important step in market segmentation. Understanding tourist ... measuring the following dimensions of travel motivations : intellectual (the extent to which an individual is motivated to travel to be involved in activities such as exploring, discovering or ... Research Journal of Internatıonal Studıes - Issue 9 (January, 2009) 47 Exploring Small-Scale Sport Event Tourism in Malaysia Aminuddin Yusof Sports Academy Universiti Putra Malaysia Mohd...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20
... get by in class and in the examination. Such engagement in writing discourages critical thinking and settles for mediocrity in standards. These findings are similar to the findings in Mohd. ... to school writing. The concluding section reiterates the key themes of the study and suggests implications arising from the findings for the teaching and learning of English in Malaysia. ... teaching and learning of writing across a wide range of settings. Using Gee's (1996: 127) understanding of discourses as " ways of being in the world, or forms of life which integrate...
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20
Subjective memory complaints and cognitive performance in a sample of healthy elderly pot
... envelhecimento,memúria,cogniỗóo,testesneuropsicolúgicos. BehavioralandCognitiveNeurologyUnit,DepartmentofInternalMedicine,FacultyofMedicine,FederalUniversityofMinasGerais,BeloHorizonte, Brazil. Paulo Caramelli – Department of Internal Medicine / Faculty of Medicine / Federal University of Minas Gerais - Avenida Prof. Alfredo Balena, 190 / Room 246 - 30130-100 Belo Horizonte MG - Brazil. E-mail: Received 01/30/2008. Received in final form 02/19/2008. Accepted 02/19/2008. ... 2008;2(1):42-45 14 women and 13 men, aged 69.6±5.4 years, with mean educational level of 8.8 years. Mean MMSE score of this group was 27.8. The group of complainers (MAC-Q scores ≥25) was composed by 25 women and 8 men, aged 70.3±7.0 years, with mean educational level of 8.2 years. Mean MMSE score of this group was 27.2. No significant difference for age, gender, education and MMSE scores were found between the two groups. Table 1 depicts the main demographic data as well as the MMSE and MAC-Q values for both groups. The comparison between the performance of the groups of complainers and non-complainers on the dif- ferent cognitive tests yielded no significant difference, al- though there was a trend for non-complainers to perform better in incidental memory. Table 2 presents the scores from the two groups in all tests as well as the statistical comparisons between them. Discussion In the present study, we found no significant difference in the performance of elderly subjects with and without SMCs on a series of brief cognitive tests assessing attention, episodic and semantic memory, and executive functions. Only a trend toward a significant difference emerged for the subtest of incidental memory from the BCSB, an item that is more related to attention than to memory itself. Some previous studies have found a relationship be- tween SMCs and objective memory performance, while many others have not. 2 The methodology adopted by the different studies in assessing SMC varies, where some use only a simple question about perceived memory problems, while others base this classification on the results of specific questionnaires, such as the MAC-Q used in our study. Interestingly, a previous Brazilian study compared the use of the MAC-Q with direct questioning about memory problems, and found that a significant percentage of the sample had SMCs, based on the response to the direct ques- tion along with low scores on MAC-Q, while other subjects had no SMCs and high MAC-Q scores. 18 Performance on a memory test did not differ according to the MAC-Q re- sults, mirroring our findings, although was worse in those individuals presenting SMCs upon direct questioning. High age, female gender and low education have all been associated with an increased prevalence of SMCs. Our sample is composed exclusively by elderly subjects (≥60 years), with a predominance of women (39 vs. 21) and with low to middle educational level, especially com- paring with studies conducted in North America, Europe or Japan. These features might explain the high percentage (55%) of individuals presenting SMCs. Memory complaints are recognized to be frequent within the elderly population, especially among those with depressive and anxiety symptoms. 19,20 In our study, depres- sion is very unlikely as an explanation for the high preva- lence of SMCs, since the presence of significant depressive symptoms, based on the results from the Cornell scale, was part of the exclusion criteria. SMCs have been more related to future cognitive de- cline rather than to current memory deficits. 2 Indeed, in a recent study, the presence of SMCs was found to be a sig- nificant predictor of subsequent decline, although without a “dose-effect” relationship. 21 Moreover, in this same study the investigators observed that the occurrence of SMCs also increased the probability of an unstable diagnosis. We still have no longitudinal data on the cognitive performance of our study participants to be able to contribute to this debate, but we may be able to re-evaluate at least part of the sample in the future in order to replicate such observations. An issue that has not been addressed in our study is the Table ... 2008;2(1):42-45 14 women and 13 men, aged 69.6±5.4 years, with mean educational level of 8.8 years. Mean MMSE score of this group was 27.8. The group of complainers (MAC-Q scores ≥25) was composed by 25 women and 8 men, aged 70.3±7.0 years, with mean educational level of 8.2 years. Mean MMSE score of this group was 27.2. No significant difference for age, gender, education and MMSE scores were found between the two groups. Table 1 depicts the main demographic data as well as the MMSE and MAC-Q values for both groups. The comparison between the performance of the groups of complainers and non-complainers on the dif- ferent cognitive tests yielded no significant difference, al- though there was a trend for non-complainers to perform better in incidental memory. Table 2 presents the scores from the two groups in all tests as well as the statistical comparisons between them. Discussion In the present study, we found no significant difference in the performance of elderly subjects with and without SMCs on a series of brief cognitive tests assessing attention, episodic and semantic memory, and executive functions. Only a trend toward a significant difference emerged for the subtest of incidental memory from the BCSB, an item that is more related to attention than to memory itself. Some previous studies have found a relationship be- tween SMCs and objective memory performance, while many others have not. 2 The methodology adopted by the different studies in assessing SMC varies, where some use only a simple question about perceived memory problems, while others base this classification on the results of specific questionnaires, such as the MAC-Q used in our study. Interestingly, a previous Brazilian study compared the use of the MAC-Q with direct questioning about memory problems, and found that a significant percentage of the sample had SMCs, based on the response to the direct ques- tion along with low scores on MAC-Q, while other subjects had no SMCs and high MAC-Q scores. 18 Performance on a memory test did not differ according to the MAC-Q re- sults, mirroring our findings, although was worse in those individuals presenting SMCs upon direct questioning. High age, female gender and low education have all been associated with an increased prevalence of SMCs. Our sample is composed exclusively by elderly subjects (≥60 years), with a predominance of women (39 vs. 21) and with low to middle educational level, especially com- paring with studies conducted in North America, Europe or Japan. These features might explain the high percentage (55%) of individuals presenting SMCs. Memory complaints are recognized to be frequent within the elderly population, especially among those with depressive and anxiety symptoms. 19,20 In our study, depres- sion is very unlikely as an explanation for the high preva- lence of SMCs, since the presence of significant depressive symptoms, based on the results from the Cornell scale, was part of the exclusion criteria. SMCs have been more related to future cognitive de- cline rather than to current memory deficits. 2 Indeed, in a recent study, the presence of SMCs was found to be a sig- nificant predictor of subsequent decline, although without a “dose-effect” relationship. 21 Moreover, in this same study the investigators observed that the occurrence of SMCs also increased the probability of an unstable diagnosis. We still have no longitudinal data on the cognitive performance of our study participants to be able to contribute to this debate, but we may be able to re-evaluate at least part of the sample in the future in order to replicate such observations. An issue that has not been addressed in our study is the Table...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20
... changes ◾ Recognizing the e ort and exibility of government departments in supporting changing policy objectives ◾ Measuring performance for government units involved in delivering integrated services ... System in ailand 113 PIYAWAT SIVARAKS SECTION II MALAYSIA LOOSEE BEH 7 History and Context of Public Administration in Malaysia 141 JAMES CHIN 8 Decentralization and Local Governance in Malaysia ... disciplinary interests and the possibility of using material in public administration education, in these countries and beyond. e practicality of market- ing matters. For example, public administration...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 06:21
Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS pdf
... questions to obtain specific information The learner may need prompting at this level. OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level 11 Speaking, Listening and Communication ... drinks 2. your friend’s favourite food and drinks 3. anything else that is important OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Entry Level 13 Entry Level 1 Speaking, Listening ... carrying out the assessment 2.1 Learners should take part in a planned learning programme that covers the underpinning knowledge and skills of the qualification. As part of this learning programme,...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20
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