remove social media icons from wordpress posts



...    Whatabout Social Media Releases? Idon’tsupposeIcouldwriteane‐bookabout Social Media Marketingwithoutmentioningmy“baby,”the Social Media Release (SMR). Whatisa Social Media Release,inessence?A Social Media Releaseconvertsthe100‐yearoldtext‐heavypressreleaseintoablog post,withallofthecoolfunctionsofablog–includingmultimedia,theabilitytocommentandaggregateinboundlinks,etc.SMRs canpoweradirectconversationwithstakeholdersaboutyournews,andgivethemthecontentelementstocarryyourmessage forwardontheirown.Cool,right? Buthere’saradicalsuggestion:don’tputany Social Media Releasesoutoverthenewswires. WhileIsincerelyapplaudhowfarthewireservices(BusinessWire,Marketwire,PRNewswire,etal.)haveprogressedinall‐things‐ social, Iamunconvincedthat“distribution”istheBigIssuefor Social Media Releaseadoption.Thepowerofthe Social Media Releaseisnotaboutdistribution,it’saboutempowermentandconversation.  ...   ‐ 23  SoIrecommendyouputoutawell‐written“traditional”releaseoverthewires,withabuilt‐inlinktothe social media version”at thecompany’sonlinenewsroom.Thusyoucanbypassthewireservices’outsizedSMRfeeswithoutgivingupontheirdistribution platform. Todothis,however,youfirstneedtocreatea Social Media Newsroom,usingabloggingengine. The social media versionofapressrelease,postedtoa social media newsroom,canallowfor everything from rippablemultimedia(video,audio,graphics,etc.)tomoderatedcomments. Additionally,witheachnewsitempostedasablogentry,youcanaggregateallconversational elementsaboutthatnewsinonespot,viatrackbacksandother social media trackingtools. Thisapproachofferstheaddedbenefitsofbeingalotlessexpensive;maintainingfullcontrolof brandidentity;andturnsyournewsroom’s“version”ofthereleaseintothetrulyofficialversion. Withsomuchpotentialactivityhappeningaroundeachrelease,it’smorelikelythatanyonewhowritesaboutyournewsonlinewill linkdirectlytothenewsroom,versuslinkingtotheheretofore“official”releasethatcomes from theprofessionalnewswires.This boostsSEO.(Infact,youmightalsoconsideranAdWordscampaigntodriveadditionalwebtrafficdirectlytoyourmostimportant newsreleases.) Socializednews,socializedcontent.It’sjustsomuchmorefriendly! Needexamples?Hereare Social Media Newsrooms from GeneralMotorsEurope,Cisco,Ford,Electrolux(andSHIFT)! ... inthe marketingmix.ButForrester’smostrecentupdatestotheirTechnographicsresearchsuggestthattheonlineopportunityisonly gettingbigger: “Whereisthegrowthinconsumptionofonlinecontentcoming from? From olderpeople… Social activityiswayupamong 35‐to‐44year‐olds,especiallywhenitcomestojoining social networksandreadingandreactingtocontent.Evenamong45‐ to‐54year‐olds,68%arenowSpectators,24%areJoiners,andonly28%areInactives. “Here’swhatitmeans.Itwillsoonbenomoreremarkablethatyourgrandmotherreadsablogthanthatshereadsemail. Social contentisgoingmainstream. Social contentrankshighonsearchenginesbecauseitchangessofrequentlyandgets ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

41 294 0
 6 lessons from the social media world forum

6 lessons from the social media world forum

... socialmediat -social- media- world-forum? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign =Social+ Media+ Today+(all +posts) 6 ... lessons he gleaned from the recent Social Media World Forum (SMWF) conference in New York City. 1. Pair Your Social wit h Ads Chris Thorne, Vice President of Social Media & Media at EA, the ... -social- media- world-forum? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign =Social+ Media+ Today+(all +posts) 6 Lessons From the Social Media World Forum If you go to as many social media conferences as I do, sometimes it is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. At least t...

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 16:34

2 380 0
Social Media for WordPress pptx

Social Media for WordPress pptx

... 7 Before you read this book 8 A brief overview of social media 8 Social media is the new Web 2.0 9 Going social does not mean going viral 9 The WordPress advantage 10 Doing more with core funcons ... reading this book  Gain insight to social media and its benets  Learn the fundamentals, misconcepons, and basic implementaons of social media  Leverage WordPress& apos;s core features to ... on social media markeng techniques. It seemed the best of both worlds. Confession—I don't claim to be a social media guru, ninja, or wizard, and I'm not the biggest proponent of social...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 06:20

166 1,9K 0
Best Practices in Social Media / Summary of Findings from the Second Comprehensive Study of Social Media Use by Schools, Colleges and Universities docx

Best Practices in Social Media / Summary of Findings from the Second Comprehensive Study of Social Media Use by Schools, Colleges and Universities docx

... input from us 3% Another unit manages all of our social media activities, with input from us 12% We handle our own social media activities, with some input from others 59% We handle our own social ... help from your professional association (e.g. CASE) in the area of social media 23% 33% 30% 11% 3% 2.4 Hiring staff for social media implementation 40% 28% 18% 9% 5% 2.1 Getting help from ... dedicated to social media: How many full-time people does your unit have working on social media that are 100 percent dedicated to it (all of their job responsibilities relate to social media) ?...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 19:20

16 378 0
The New Conversation: taking Social Media from talk to action pptx

The New Conversation: taking Social Media from talk to action pptx

... of social media to make a difference in your business Educating your staff on how to use social media Integrating social media analytics into your broader company analytics Leveraging social media ... they are either currently using social media channels (58%) or preparing to launch social media initiatives (21%). The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from Talk to Action full report ... sharing of social media insights so they are quickly addressed by relevant department Responding to findings from social media (i.e., quickly resolving/addressing an issue raised via social media) Capturing/analyzing...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

24 843 0
 Social Media Marketing là một cuộc dạo chơi!

Social Media Marketing là một cuộc dạo chơi!

... niệm mới là Social Media Marketing và 1 bộ phận Marketers trẻ xuất thân từ ngành CNTT cung cấp dịch vụ Social Media Marketing với 1 mức phí đắt đỏ. Thống kê về FB Việt Nam của SocialBakers Nhưng ... và ưu tiên lựa chọn trong suy nghĩ của khách hàng. Social Media Marketing là một quá trình dài ví như trồng trọt Có thể rút lại rằng, Social Media Marketing là một cuộc dạo chơi, suốt quá trình ... tưởng hơn.Rõ ràng là Social Media nói chung và Facebook nói riêng đang trở thành thành phần không thể thiếu của những cư dân Việt Nam thời đại internet. Theo thống kê của Social Bakers, hiện...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 10:57

4 509 4
Primer in social media

Primer in social media

... 1, 2008 A Primer in Social Media 7smashLAB White Paper: A Primer in Social Media Suggestions on social media Although organizations will increasingly employ social media in their marketing ... is social media? The term social media represents media that users can easily participate in and contribute to. Forms of social media include blogs, forums, virtual worlds, wikis and social ... podcast. 9 SOCIAL MEDIA BLUNDERS Meanwhile, other companies have (sometimes undeservedly) experienced just how rapidly social media can expose weaknesses. Some early adopters have also had social media...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 13:49

8 446 1
What is Social Media iCrossing

What is Social Media iCrossing

... 6 What is Social Media? : an e-book by Antony Mayfield from iCrossing updated 01.08.08 basic forms of social media At this time, there are basically six kinds of social media. Note, ... speed in social media. A good way to think about social media is that all of this is actually just about being human beings. 9 What is Social Media? : an e-book by Antony Mayfield from iCrossing ... network Facebook 3 Very big indeed. 12 What is Social Media? : an e-book by Antony Mayfield from iCrossing updated 01.08.08 how social media works… A popular type of mash-up cannibalises...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 13:51

36 811 0
Social media và digital arts

Social media và digital arts

... Digital Media, Social Media, Media Arts…với các chuyên gia giỏi nước ngoi đầu ngnh từ TBWA & ARTI Vietnam. Báo cáo với các ch đề sau: - Ch đề 1: “Bản chất thật ca social media - ... hng tiêu dùng đng gi, bảo tồn năng lượng. 1 WORKSHOP: SOCIAL MEDIA & DIGITAL ARTS 1. Chuyên đề: Social Media & Digital Arts” 2. Loại ngành: Marketing/ Advertising/ Brand/ ... marketing, thương hiệu, truyền thông v quảng cáo. Và cung cấp mt cái nhìn tổng thể về Social Media, Media Arts v cách thức ứng dụng chúng trong hoạt đng truyền thông xây dng thương hiệu...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2013, 15:20

4 374 1
social media for Sme

social media for Sme

... publications – Be on social networking sites – Show yourself to be an expert ã Network, Network & Network Social Media for SMEs SOCIAL MEDIA – WORD OF MOUSE Social Media for SMEs Social Media for ... ã Wordpress ã Blogger ã Windows Live Spaces ã Typepad Social Media for SMEs BLOGGING BLOGGING Social Media for SMEs – BRAINfoodforBusiness THE ENTRY TO SOCIAL MEDIA What is Social Media? Competitive ... brands Social Media for SMEs Competitive Edge Social Media for SMEs What has changed?? 4P’s 4C’s Content + Context + Connections + Community = Social Media Marketing Competitive Edge Social Media...

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2013, 15:34

40 466 1
social media in vietnam2

social media in vietnam2

... 15. Social knowledge : Wiki 16. Social job : Linkedin, calavat, TVN 17. Social shop : Vatgia, 18. Social reviews: Aha, Vatgia ,agoda 19. Social lens : Squidoo 20. Social study ... hình của Mạng xã hội tại Việt nam 1. Social Networking : Facebook, Zing.Me,, G+,, … 2. Social News : Linkhay, Newsvine, Digg, 3. Social Measuring : Technorati, BlogPulse ... WP 6. Social Bookmarking : Diggo, Delicious 7. Social Q&A : Google, Yahoo answer, Vatgia 8. Video Sharing : Youtube, Viadeo, 9. Photo Sharing : Picasa, Flickr, 10. Social...

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38 545 2
social media marketing by-seomoz

social media marketing by-seomoz

... Social Sites Social Media Marketing Benefits of Social Media Marketing ● Rule the SERPs ● Control your Brand ● Get Link Love ● Show the Community You're a Participant ● Build Traffic from ... Social Media & Community Sites to Target 15 Additional Sites Worth Targeting Get the Full List at: Social Media Marketing ● Benefits of Social Media ... Social Media Marketing How Social Communities View SEO ● SEO = Perceived Spam ● In fact, SEO helps these communities...

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2013, 15:34

17 532 0
4 bước để thành công với social media

4 bước để thành công với social media

... ra những sản phẩm cụ thể làm vừa lòng khách hàng. Kho thông tin 4 bước để thành công với social media Nếu đến bây giờ mà truyền thông xã hội chưa phải là một yếu tố quan trọng trong chiến...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2013, 21:03

4 311 0