red hat linux server system requirements

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P1) ppt

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P1) ppt

... covered is the Red Hat Network, a subscription service available with Red Hat Enterprise Linux that you can use to keep your system current. You can register your systems with Red Hat and then ... mainframes. Linux in general, Fedora Core 4 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux in particular, are very powerful operating systems that can be used at the enterprise level as a full-fledged server. Linux ... We want to emphasize that this book is useful for users of Fedora Core, the open source community–based Linux project supported by Red Hat, as well as users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Preface ix 02_599496...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 363 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P2) pot

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P2) pot

... subscribe to the Red Hat Linux security mailing list? (Find it at /linux- security/index.html.) Have you established a procedure that makes sure that every security ... whatever came on the com- puter, assuming that things came properly configured from the factory. The user or enterprise that decides on Linux has decided, also, to assume the con- trol that Linux ... Luckily for you, Red Hat has created the Red Hat Network, a program intended to help keep your system updated with the latest security updates. CROSS-REFERENCE Learn how to use the Red Hat Network...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 348 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P3) potx

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P3) potx

... Red Hat boot disk starts your PC and the Red Hat Linux installation program. After you install Red Hat Linux, you no longer need the Red Hat boot disk (except when you want to reinstall Red Hat ... installation section. Creating the Red Hat Boot Disk To boot Red Hat Linux for the first time and start the Red Hat Linux installa- tion program, you need a Red Hat boot disk. For this step, you ... reinstall Red Hat Linux from the CD-ROMs). The Red Hat boot disk contains an initial version of the Red Hat Linux installation program that you use to start Red Hat Enterprise Linux, prepare the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 337 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P4) ppsx

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P4) ppsx

... or deselect that package group. TIP In an actual Red Hat Linux installation, you install exactly those package groups that you need. Each package group requires specific packages to run. The Red Hat installation ... PC. Atable then lists the Linux partition and any other partitions that may contain another operating system. If your system has a Linux partition and a DOS partition (that actually has Windows ... default operating system. The default operating system is the one with a check mark in the Default column in Figure 3-10. In this case, Red Hat Linux is the default operating system. All of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 367 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P5) potx

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P5) potx

... configure a DHCP server. See Chapter 11 for details about configuring a DHCP server. Summary In this chapter, you learned about installing Fedora Core and Red Hat Enter- prise Linux using the ... the system volume, use the utility here. ■■ System Settings — This menu item contains Enterprise Linux system administration utilities and some GNOME configuration utilities as well. ■■ System ... the folder that con- tains the system mount point for the CD-R drive. Double-clicking this icon displays the contents of the CD-ROM disk that you inserted in the CD-R drive. ■■ Filesystem — This...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 356 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P6) ppt

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P6) ppt

... at the file system structure are the file system commands, essential to proper file system management. In addition to the native Linux file system, Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux support ... Configuration All Red Hat systems, whether Fedora Core or Enterprise Linux, use a similar procedure for starting up the operating system. As the system boots, the oper- ating system loads programs ... typical Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux system. 142 Chapter 7 12_599496 ch07.qxd 8/30/05 6:45 PM Page 142 141 The File System Explained IN THIS CHAPTER ■■ Understanding the File System Structure ■■...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 338 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P7) pps

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P7) pps

... handy since it reduces system administration time. This is a fast file system, and now you can read and write to and from it with your Red Hat Linux machine. Nonstandard Linux File Systems Support ... written and configured by Red Hat and Red Hat administration tools as well as files con- taining variable settings used by system startup scripts. /etc/sysconfig contains both system and networking ... more important system configuration files on your Red Hat system. Systemwide Shell Configuration Scripts These files determine the default environment settings of system shells and what functions...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 428 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P8) ppsx

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P8) ppsx

... directory should be edited by hand. For more informa- tion on Red Hat Network, see the Red Hat Network Web site at https:// Examining the Network Configuration Files This section ... /etc/sysconfig directory Files to Change When Setting Up a System or Moving the System Whenever you set up a system to work on a new network, either because you’ve just installed Red Hat or you’re moving the machine from ... use it. APM is a monitoring daemon that works with power man- agement code within the Linux kernel. It can alert you to a low battery if you are using Red Hat Linux on a laptop, among other things. Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 334 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P9) ppsx

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P9) ppsx

... example, a printer attached to another Red Hat Linux system on your network). If you choose this type of queue, you need to enter the server name and path to the server, as shown in Figure 10-6. Figure ... Window System 211 file that was created during system installation. A description of the section of the file follows the file. # XFree86 4 configuration created by redhat-config-xfree86 Section “ServerLayout” Identifier ... Enterprise Linux also give you similar features. Configuring the X Server with the X Configuration Tool You have basically two ways to configure the X server on your Fedora Core or Enterprise Linux system. ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 280 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P11) ppt

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P11) ppt

... and Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems, the /etc/exports file is the main NFS configuration file. It lists the file systems the server exports, the systems permitted to mount the exported file systems, ... mp. If set, the NFS server will not export a file system unless that file system is actually mounted on the server. The reasoning behind this option is that a disk or file system containing an NFS ... Services Configuration Tool (Red Hat ➪ System Settings ➪ Server Settings ➪ Services on Fedora Core and Applica- tions ➪ System Settings ➪ Server Settings ➪ Services on RHEL); system- config-services...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 399 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P12) ppsx

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P12) ppsx

... administered repository for infor- mation shared across the network using NIS. NIS clients are programs that use NIS to query designated servers for information that is stored in the servers’ databases, ... ancient server running Red Hat Linux 6.2 (we told you it was ancient). We kept getting an error indicating the server was down when we knew it wasn’t. Finally, we logged into the server, discovered it ... servers, you need to make sure that they can successfully communicate with the master server. From each slave server, make sure that the command ypwhich -m works, which means that the slave servers...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 390 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P13) pot

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P13) pot

... connect Linux networks to Windows networks. You installed and configured Samba on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server and configured the Windows clients. You also learned how to configure your Red Hat ... configure Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems as NIS servers and clients. You first learned how to set up and test an NIS server and how to ensure that the NIS server comes up after ... Novell Networks With Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you can easily configure your system to con- nect to Novell Netware servers. In this section, you learn how to configure your Red Hat system to be a Novell...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 393 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P14) pps

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P14) pps

... PM Page 354 Summary Linux- based database servers are becoming as ubiquitous as Linux- based Web and email servers, so it is likely that you will need to create a database server at some point. ... the server is running and responding to connections. For example, the following mysqladmin command shows the server version: $ mysqladmin version mysqladmin Ver 8.23 Distrib 3.23.58, for redhat -linux- gnu ... software. Setting Up a VNC Server In this context, a VNC server is the machine you want to access remotely. So, if you’re at home and want to connect to the Linux system on your desk at work, the system at work...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 298 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P15) ppsx

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P15) ppsx

... cut by a backhoe, say), access to that time server will be impaired. NTP is engineered to select an alternative server, but if all your servers use that same severed backbone, you’re hosed. So, ... the servers. NTP is also hierarchical and organizes time servers into several strata to reduce the load on any given server or set of servers. Stratum 1 servers are referred to as primary servers, ... 2 servers as secondary servers, and so on. There are far more secondary servers than primary servers. Secondary servers sync to pri- mary servers, and clients sync to secondary or tertiary servers. NTP...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 352 0
Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P16) ppsx

Red Hat Linux Networking , System Administration (P16) ppsx

... Web server ■■ sshd — SSH server ■■ sendmail — Mail server ■■ qmail — Mail server ■■ postfix — Mail server ■■ thttpd — Semilightweight Web server ■■ boa — Lightweight Web server ■■ named — DNS server ■■ ... popular. Using Your Linux Machine as a Server The following sections give you an overview of what common server proto- cols are available on Linux. HTTP The most common Web server used on Linux is Apache. ... chat) server ■■ rsync — Remote file transfer protocol ■■ telnet — Telnet server ■■ wu-ftpd — An FTP server ■■ daytime — Gives you the time over TCP ■■ eklogin — Encrypting kerberized rlogin server ■■...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 09:20

30 340 0