recurrent neural network c library

Automatic text extraction using DWT and Neural Network

Automatic text extraction using DWT and Neural Network

... Figure 6. Proposed architecture of the neural network 2.2 Neural Network In this subsection, text extraction from static image or video sequences is accomplished using the back-propagation (BP) ... Chen, Bourlard H., Thiran J. -P., “Text Identification in Complex Background Using SVM,” IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2001. CVPR 2001. Proceedings ... Automatic Text Extraction Using DWT and Neural Network Po-Yueh Chen (陳伯岳), Chung-Wei Liang (梁忠瑋) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 14:51

5 507 1
Text extraction from name cards using neural network

Text extraction from name cards using neural network

... ∑∑ == ×= cavg c c cavg c c ncnlavg _ 0 _ 0 _ ; (2) ∑∑ == ×= 255 _ 255 _ _ cavgc c cavgc c ncnravg ; (3) ]255,0[),(_ ∈= cnstdstdn c ; (4) ]_,0[),(_ cavgcnstdstdl c ∈= ; (5) ]255,_[),(_ cavgcnstdstdr c ∈= . ... Take cavgF _= as an example, then: )_,_max( )_,_min( ))(),(max( ))(),(min( ),,( 21 21 21 21 21 cc cc cavgcavg cavgcavg CFCF CFCF FCCSIM = = (7) then the relative similarity RSIM for a certain ... found in name card scanners which readily capture name card images followed by optical character recognition (OCR) to build a name card database. The application provides for document information...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 14:54

6 563 3
Mô hình mạng neural network

Mô hình mạng neural network

... hàm truyền Vậy một ngõ vào với c c hàm truyền kh c nhau sẽ cho c c kết quả kh c nhau. Để c giải pháp tối ưu thì c n phải c kinh nghiệm sử dụng c c hàm truyền ho c phải tốn một khoảng thời gian ... linear c thể đư c huấn luyện đến một hàm gần đúng với một số kết nối c định. 2. C U TR C DỮ LIỆU C u tr c định dạng c a dữ liệu vào ảnh hưởng đến vi c mô phỏng c a mạng. C hai loại mạng static network ... (không c hồi tiếp ho c trễ), thứ tự c a c c vector đầu vào không quan trọng và chúng không ảnh hưởng lẫn nhau. Kiểu đầu vào xảy ra liên t c đư c mô phỏng trong mạng dynamic. Thứ tự c c giá trị...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 06:20

6 762 6
043_Nghiên cứu mạng Neural Network trong nhận dạng chữ viết

043_Nghiên cứu mạng Neural Network trong nhận dạng chữ viết

... (ouput). Ch c năng chính c a chương trình: - Xây dựng mạng Neural Networks và khởi tạo trọng số (Weight) một c ch thường xuyên. - Phân tích ảnh điểm c a những ảnh cho kí tự đư c nhận đư c. - ... biệt cho tập hợp những kí tự huấn luyện (*.cts – character trainer sets). - Tải và lưu trữ thường xuyên mạng đã huấn luyện. - Chuyển đổi kí tự sang mã nhị phân Unicode và ngư c lại một c ch ... [3] Artificial Intelligence and cognitive science. © 2006, Nils J.Nilsson Stanford AI Lab [4] Offline Handwring Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 20:20

2 730 10
Tài liệu Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing P2 docx

Tài liệu Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing P2 docx

... 2002 by CRC Press LLC • Chapter 13: Hierarchical Fuzzy Neural Networks for Pattern Classification. In this chapter, Taur, Kung, and Lin introduce the decision-based neural network, a modular network, ... fuzzy logic inference into the neural network for rule-based inference and classification. References [1] W. McCulloch and W. Pitts, A logical calculus of ideas imminent in nervous activity, Bulletin ... require PCA. Pattern Classification Pattern classification is perhaps the most important application of artificial neural networks. In fact, a majority of neural network applications can be categorized...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 23:15

20 461 0
Tài liệu Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing P1 ppt

Tài liệu Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing P1 ppt

... a neural network with cyclic topology contains at least one cycle formed by directed arcs. Such a neural network is also known as a recurrent network. Due to the feedback loop, a recurrent network ... LLC Contents 1 IntroductiontoNeuralNetworksforSignalProcessingYuHenHuandJenq- NengHwang 2 SignalProcessingUsingtheMultilayerPerceptronMichaelT.Manry,Hema Chandrasekaran,andCheng-HsiungHsieh 3 RadialBasisFunctionsAndrewD.Back 4 AnIntroductiontoKernel-BasedLearningAlgorithmsKlaus-RobertMüller, SebastianMika,GunnarRätsch,KojiTsuda,andBernhardSchölkopf 5 CommitteeMachinesVolkerTresp 6 DynamicNeuralNetworksandOptimalSignalProcessingJoseC.Principe 7 BlindSignalSeparationandBlindDeconvolutionScottC.Douglas 8 NeuralNetworksandPrincipalComponentAnalysisKonstantinosI. Diamantaras 9 ApplicationsofArtificialNeuralNetworkstoTimeSeriesPredictionYuansong Liao,JohnMoody,andLizhongWu 10 ApplicationsofArtificialNeuralNetworks(ANNs)toSpeechProcessingShigeru Katagiri 11 LearningandAdaptiveCharacterizationofVisualContentsinImageRetrieval SystemsPaisarnMuneesawang,Hau-SanWong,JoseLay,andLingGuan 12 ApplicationsofNeuralNetworkstoImageProcessingTülayAdali,YueWang, andHuaiLi 13 HierarchicalFuzzyNeuralNetworksforPatternClassificationJinshiuhTaur, Sun-YuanKung,andShang-HungLin © ... neural network, neurons, as well as external inputs) and directed arcs (in the case of a neural network, synaptic links). The topology of the graph can be categorized as either acyclic or cyclic....

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 23:15

30 466 0
Tài liệu Neural Network Applications ppt

Tài liệu Neural Network Applications ppt

... pros and cons, computational performance and application domain for various neural network architectures. 4.2 Artificial Neural Networks Artificial neural networks have emerged in recent years ... Family Identification Engineering Design Process Planning Production: Cellular Manufacturing Production Planning & Control Other Functions GROUP TECHNOLOGY & CELLULAR MANUFACTURING ©2001 CRC Press LLC 4 Neural Network Applications ... Technology and Cellular Manufacturing 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Artificial Neural Networks 4.3 A Taxonomy of Neural Network Application for GT/CM 4.4 Conclusions 4.1 Introduction Recognizing...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 06:15

23 466 1
Tài liệu Neural Network Applications in Intelligent doc

Tài liệu Neural Network Applications in Intelligent doc

... Controller Failure Detection Lee and Kramer /CMAC (1993) Currie and LeClair /BP (1993) Balazinski /BP (1993) Lichtenwalner /CMAC (1993) Chen /BP (1996) Vancherck et al. /BP (1997) ©2001 CRC Press LLC performance ... collected over a period of time under artificially created machining conditions and input to the neural network. The neural network had excellent performance, correctly identifying the fault class ... turning process. The system could accumulate machining experience and recommend process parameters of each machine tool. Machining conditions such as flank wear and surface roughness were predicted...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 06:15

29 336 0
Tài liệu A neural-network-based space-vector PWM controller for a three-level voltage-fed inverter induction motor drive doc

Tài liệu A neural-network-based space-vector PWM controller for a three-level voltage-fed inverter induction motor drive doc

... various capacities, including Chairman of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Power Electronics Council, Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRIAL E LECTRONICS , IEEE IECON ... The computational delay of this mapping becomes negligible if parallel architecture of the network is imple- mented by application-specific IC (ASIC) chip. A feedforward carrier-based PWM technique, ... a faculty member at Bengal Engineering College for 11 years (1960–1971). He is specialized in power electronics and motor drives, specifically including power converters, ac drives, microcomputer/DSP control,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 08:16

10 521 0
Tài liệu Neural Network Applications to Manufacturing Processes: Monitoring and Control pptx

Tài liệu Neural Network Applications to Manufacturing Processes: Monitoring and Control pptx

... frame l=1 lead lnput color image o k W(l,i,j) (b) The neural structure of LVQ for solder joint inspections ©2001 CRC Press LLC 12.6.3 Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor manufacturing processes typically ... ©2001 CRC Press LLC neural network is presented with a training set consisting of a group of examples that can occur during manufacturing processes and from which the neural network can learn. ... defects (void, crack) Pipe welding Optical image Kohonen Weld pool geometry PCB solder joint CCD image LVQ Surface dimension IC fabrication Chamber pressure DC bias, reflected RF power Etch time,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 19:15

34 468 1
Tài liệu Fuzzy Neural Network and Wavelet for Tool Condition Monitoring ppt

Tài liệu Fuzzy Neural Network and Wavelet for Tool Condition Monitoring ppt

... successful due to the complex nature of the machining processes. These methods have been classified into direct (optical, radioactive, and electrical resistance, etc.) and indirect (acoustic emission ... Monitoring" Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing Handbook Edited by Jun Wang et al Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC,2001 ©2001 CRC Press LLC Figure 15.27 shows an AE signal under a typical cutting condition ... condition design Real cutting current design Calculating regression coefficient Calculating S i , F i (i=1,2, ,6) by equation (32) Calculating the membership of spindle current Calculating the membership...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 01:20

36 616 2
Tài liệu A Backpropagation Neural Network for Computer Network Security doc

Tài liệu A Backpropagation Neural Network for Computer Network Security doc

... chaotic signal generator and a clipped neural network. Advances in Neural Networks-ISNN, Intl. Symp. Neural Networks Proc., Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3174: 639-644 J. Computer ... JPEG2000 encoded images. Advances in Neural Networks, Intl. Symp. Neural Networks Proc., Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3174: 627-632. Journal of Computer Science 2 (9): ... Cryptanalysis of a chaotic image encryption method. Proc. IEEE Intl. Symp. Circuits and Systems, 2: 708-711 16. Lian, S., G. Chen, A. Cheung and Z. Wang, 2004. A chaotic -neural- network- based encryption...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 16:20

6 536 0
Tài liệu Evolving the neural network model for forecasting air pollution time series pdf

Tài liệu Evolving the neural network model for forecasting air pollution time series pdf

... because in a poor encoding, the search might be confined in a certain area of the search space and consequently, stuck in a local minimum. Numerous encoding approaches, such as direct where each phenotypic ... the episodic situations. Statistical measures selected for exceedance assessing were the success index (SI) which has been detected to be able to represent performance in exceedance forecasting ... data (Sections 2.1 and 2.6) and using the practice discussed later in Section 2.2. The search was focused on the architectural issues of the MLP (Section 2.4), because it is still unclear how these...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

9 529 1
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