realization system to french

Knowledge based expert system to minimise environmental pollution in Malaysian construction sites

Knowledge based expert system to minimise environmental pollution in Malaysian construction sites

... rapid prototyping expert system is developed to give advices on how to minimise the erosion and sedimentation during construction to the adjacent water bodies. The ESCES observed to be able to provide ... as to select the best control measure among many stormwater control alternatives. A questionnaire has been distributed to the relevant experts so as to rank the stormwater control measures to ... different uses. This paper aimed to develop and create the main features of an expert system prototype (ESCES) for minimising erosion and sedimentation due to stormwater generated from the construction...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

10 472 0
Countdown To French Learn to communicate in 24 hours

Countdown To French Learn to communicate in 24 hours

... (post office) pohst le tour (tour) la tour (tower) toor Some nouns are always masculine or feminine no matter the sex of the person to whom you are referring: COUNTDOWN TO FRENCH 20 02 (015-028) ... (koh-mahN-day), to order coûter (koo-tay), to cost *demander (duh-mahN-day), to ask (for) dépenser (day-pahN-say), to spend *désirer (day-zee-ray), to desire *dîner (dee-nay), to dine donner (doh-nay), to ... (ay-koo-tay), to listen (to) emprunter (ahN-pruhN-tay), to borrow *entrer (ahN-tray), to enter étudier (ay-tew-dyay), to study *expliquer (ehks-plee-kay), to explain fermer (fehr-may), to close *garder...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 08:15

337 738 7
Introduction to French Pronunciation doc

Introduction to French Pronunciation doc

... Introduction to French Pronunciation There are 37 speech sounds in French. You already use most of them in English. Learn how to distinguish them to gain confidence when you speak French. Y ... (which you normally do not pronounce) by adding it to the next word; phonetically it alters the word oiseau to become toiseau. Liaison in French is the connection of two words when you speak. ... each letter in French, as opposed to it’s sound. * When you pronounce g or j in English there is a d sound right at the begin- ning; the d sound is achieved when your tongue touches the back...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 08:20

16 241 0
Neuropilin: From Nervous System to Vascular and Tumor Biology potx

Neuropilin: From Nervous System to Vascular and Tumor Biology potx

... using a viral vector, and found to be expressed on the surface of the cells (as expected) and to confer Sema3A responsiveness to these neurons, despite the absence of the neuropilin cytoplasmic domain. 55 Subsequent ... revealed. 17 Together, these studies suggested that the differential responses of different neurons to class 3 Semaphorins might be mediated by different receptors. A candidate for a receptor that ... preferentially to neuropilin-1 (at least 30 times more avidly than to neuropilin-2), and Sema3F binding with high affinity and preferentially to neuropilin- 2 (at least 10 times more avidly than to neuropilin-1). 24 ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

156 4K 2
A new system to remove cd from contaminated aqueous medium

A new system to remove cd from contaminated aqueous medium

... studies were observed to fit the Langmuir isotherm model. A fixed-bed column bioreactor packed with 1:017 Æ 0:017 g immobilized C. sorokiniana showed sorption capacity at saturation to be 192.0 and 188.7 ... attributed to their aggre- gation, thus reducing their three dimensional surface area for sorption. Raw, non-living algal cells, as were C. sorokiniana cells used in present studies, tend to clump together ... clump- ing, and the reticulated open network of immobilization matrix, together contributed to enhanced surface area and free access of Cd 2þ to sorption sites. A similar sorp- tion trend was observed at...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:17

3 468 0
A Shared Global Event Propagation System to Enable Next Generation Distributed Services pptx

A Shared Global Event Propagation System to Enable Next Generation Distributed Services pptx

... Future research We plan to continue exploring what features the event- propagation system should provide, and how best to expose those in a general way to maximize utility to loosely bound distributed ... self-describing events to a communication channel rather than waiting to be contacted by clients. To validate our system, we converted the PlanetLab Database (PLDB) and Trumpet sensors/monitors from a ... progresses, we hope to be able to quantify this for optimal, normal, and pathological workloads. 5.2. Instant Messaging as Foundation We elected to build our PsEPR prototype on top of an instant-messaging...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20

6 388 0
How To Create An Online System To Generate Insurance Agent Leads pdf

How To Create An Online System To Generate Insurance Agent Leads pdf

... looking to make six figures, you’re typically going to have to spend about 20% of the amount that you want to earn on advertising. So if you want to make $100,000, you’re probably going to have to ... want to have 60 quality leads a month,” then you know you got to spend $1,500. Russ: Yeah. Jason: So you want to use that testing to get your numbers down and then you do the math backwards to ... able to determine, you know, how much you got to spend to get that lead volume. Russ: Right. Right, okay, well, that makes total sense. So in my case, you know, I’m sure you’ve talked to, you...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20

10 430 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Subcategorization Acquisition System for French Verbs" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Subcategorization Acquisition System for French Verbs" doc

... Conclusion We have introduced a system which we have devel- oped for acquiring large subcategorization lexicons for French verbs. When the system was applied to a large French newspaper corpus, it ... France Abstract This paper presents a system capable of auto- matically acquiring subcategorization frames (SCFs) for French verbs from the analysis of large corpora. We applied the system to a large newspaper ... NLP. We developed ASSCI, a system capable of ex- tracting large subcategorization lexicons for French verbs from raw corpus data. Our system is based on a approach similar to that of the well-known...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 00:20

6 391 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Language Resources in an Intelligent Tutoring System for French" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Language Resources in an Intelligent Tutoring System for French" pptx

... Universit6 de Moncton, and to TPS Moncton for partially financing this project. References Boitet, C. & Seligman, M. (1994) The 'WhiteBoard' Architecture: a way to integrate heterogeneous ... -wn/current/reader.html Wengers, E. (1987) Artificial Intelligence and Tutoring Systems. Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA. 890 ungrammatical input? How to implement teaching strategies that are appropriate for ... qui as in 18. 3 General System Overview The system we are building has a mixed initiative, multi-agent architecture. Mixed initiative because we want the system to serve both the teacher...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 04:20

5 333 0
Countdown to french doc

Countdown to french doc

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 23:20

336 324 0

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