reading comprehension test for intermediate students



... some suggestions for test designers to get better and more effective test for their students 3 Objectives of the study The study is aimed at evaluating final reading test for the students at Hanoi, ... receptive understanding; performance tests Regarding to test purpose he divides language tests into two types: achievement tests and proficiency tests 1.2 Testing reading Reading can be defined as ... final reading test for students at HATECHS is reliable in terms of internal consistency In testing, a test valid must be reliable, but a reliable test may not be valid at all The final reading test...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:40

60 721 3
Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt

Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt

... 414.html (January 11th 2001) [8] E.K Knutson, Reading with a purpose: Communicative reading tasks for the foreign language classroom, Foreign Language Annals, 30 (1997) [9] G Schraw, R.S ... a question, or to perform another task The information used may be rules, principles, formulas, theories, concepts, or procedures Nguyen Chi Duc / VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages 24 ... presents the quality of judging the information, but yet producing something new Therefore, he would employ this classification for his question design in reading class Benefits of Designing Questions...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20

9 744 3
Tài liệu Longman English Grammar Practice for intermediate students docx

Tài liệu Longman English Grammar Practice for intermediate students docx

... LONGMAN E N G L I S H GRA MMA R PRACTICE for intermediate students L G Alexander For more material and information, please visit Addison Wesley Longman ... just can't without it Who is this book for and what does it cover? This book deals entirely with English as a foreign language (EFL) It is for intermediate students who are working with a teacher ... toinfinitive The '-ing' form Verb + the '-ing' form Adjectives, nouns and prepositions + '-ing' The toinfinitive or the '-ing' form? Index Key For more material and information, please visit

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 18:20

15 1,5K 7
Tài liệu Test for gifted students ( grade 8) 2009 2010 pptx

Tài liệu Test for gifted students ( grade 8) 2009 2010 pptx

... types in your booking Then the computer will ask for your name and address as well as for certain other information It will also ask how you will pay for your ticket (by cheque or by credit card) ... makes a request for payment When you have made for your ticket, the travel agent types this information into the computer as well Finally, some computers print out a ticket before you leave the ... 8. _ The bicycle is so expensive for me to buy 9. _ Dave is a friend of mine I knew him for a long time 10. V Give the correct form of the bold verbs in parentheses (2.0pts)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 05:20

7 1,5K 16
LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE(for intermediate students) L. G. Alexander pptx

LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE(for intermediate students) L. G. Alexander pptx

... LONGMAN E N G L I S H GRAMMAR PRACTICE for intermediate students L G Alexander For more material and information, please visit Addison Wesley Longman ... just can't without it Who is this book for and what does it cover? This book deals entirely with English as a foreign language (EFL) It is for intermediate students who are working with a teacher ... whether for means 'instead of youlme' or 'for yourlmy benefit' to 10 I've cooked a meal for you and I hope'you enjoy it Let me cook the dinner for you this evening -Thanks! I've made this cake for...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 15:20

302 1,3K 9
LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE for intermediate students L. G. Alexander doc

LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE for intermediate students L. G. Alexander doc

... LONGMAN E N G L I S H GRAMMAR PRACTICE for intermediate students L G Alexander For more material and information, please visit Addison Wesley Longman ... just can't without it Who is this book for and what does it cover? This book deals entirely with English as a foreign language (EFL) It is for intermediate students who are working with a teacher ... whether for means 'instead of youlme' or 'for yourlmy benefit' to 10 I've cooked a meal for you and I hope'you enjoy it Let me cook the dinner for you this evening -Thanks! I've made this cake for...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 15:20

302 993 3
Test for good students

Test for good students

... have to waste time for a taxi or a bus at the beginning or end of my journey V Verb form By this time tomorrow, we(travel) .to Nha Trang Up to now, we (complete) .four tests The student (punish) ... chair Why are you under the table? You (look) for something? By the end of this week, my illness (cost) me $100 I’ll never forget (see) her for the first time Where’s John? He said he (be) ... in each blank with a suitable word Reading Who read? All kind of people: the old, the(1) , everyone And why people read? For( 2) .variety of reaons Some for pleasure,(3) because they have...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 22:00

6 365 3
Test for good students 2

Test for good students 2

... an hour/ wash/ his car -> V Verb form The restaureant already (close) .by the time (arrive) “I (try) to get hold of you for ages! Where have you been? Five minutes after ... Yesterday we did nothing but A talking B talked C talk D had talked The problem is difficult, therefore students could answer it A few B a lot of C a great number of D a few It was his to retire from ... in advance -> Unless III Correct the mistakes This is the bad storm they have had for long time She is one of the more popular writer in the country My sister is...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 22:00

3 490 1
READING COMPREHENSION TEST 17 Minutes — 20 Questions ppt

READING COMPREHENSION TEST 17 Minutes — 20 Questions ppt

... Duckworth, the mother of Virginia Woolf These photographs are among the greatest ever made and should answer the question once and for all whether 90 photography is a fine art and whether women are capable ... According to the passage, Cameron is most respected by modern critics for her: F G H J portraits allegorical pictures use of a large format service in recording the faces of so many twentieth century ... more opportunities than did other art forms because it: A B C D F G H J did not require expensive materials allowed the artist to use family and friends for subject matter was non-traditional...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 06:20

8 892 3
English Grammar in Use: A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English doc

English Grammar in Use: A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English doc

... book is intended mainly for intermediate students (students who have already studied the basic grammar of English) It concentrates on those structures which intermediate students want to use but ... leave out for (but not usually in negative sentences): * They've been married (for) ten years (with or without for) * They haven't had a holiday for ten years (you must use for) We not use for + ... using the words in brackets Tom started reading a book two hours ago He is still reading it and now he is on page 53 (read /for two hours) He has been reading for two hours (read/53 pages so far)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 23:20

508 1K 6

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