... Chapter 3: Read This Before You Break Something Else! (Backup and Recovery) .48 Overview 48 System Backups 48 Tape Devices .49 How to Read Dmesg.boot ... Dmesg.boot 49 Controlling Your Tape Drive 50 ii Table of Contents Chapter 3: Read This Before You Break Something Else! (Backup and Recovery) Device Nodes ... hardware you' re using, but if you' re interested enough to pick up this book and read this far, you probably have the hardware knowledge that you need We'll make this a little easier by assuming you' re...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 19:57
... (T ) and w ∈ W (T ) the corresponding Weyl group element Then w(X0 ) = X0 if and only if n ∈ NG (A) It follows that w ∈ W G if and only if n ∈ NG (A) By (2) w ∈ W0 if and only if π (w) = This ... 1, sα (α) = −α and similarly for sα Put E = X ⊗Z R For a subset Ω of X we denote the subgroup of X generated by Ω by ΩZ and write ΩQ := ΩZ ⊗Z Q and ΩR := ΩZ ⊗Z R We consider ΩQ and ΩR as linear ... these In this section we give some general results of a group acting on a root datum, and this can be applied to each of these cases We will mainly focus on the action of the Galois group on this...
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 09:13
Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 1
... straightforward answers: You should try to get some idea of what your function looks like before trying to find its roots If you need to mass-produce roots for many different functions, then you should at ... understanding and increased self-esteem Hamming’s motto, “the purpose of computing is insight, not numbers,” is particularly apt in the area of finding roots You should repeat this motto aloud whenever your ... problems This crucial beginning usually depends on analysis rather than numerics Carefully crafted initial estimates reward you not only with reduced computational effort, but also with understanding...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 2 docx
... interval becomes smaller than this tolerance in absolute units Usually you may wish to take the tolerance to be (|x1 | + |x2 |)/2 where is the machine precision and x1 and x2 are the initial brackets ... float *x2) Given a function func and an initial guessed range x1 to x2, the routine expands the range geometrically until a root is bracketed by the returned values x1 and x2 (in which case zbrac ... if (fabs(f1) < fabs(f2)) f1=(*func)(*x1 += FACTOR*(*x1-*x2)); else f2=(*func)(*x2 += FACTOR*(*x2-*x1)); } return 0; } Alternatively, you might want to “look inward” on an initial interval, rather...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 3 pptx
... } else { if (fl == 0.0) return x1; if (fh == 0.0) return x2; nrerror("root must be bracketed in zriddr."); } return 0.0; Never get here } CITED REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING: Ralston, A., and ... both reliability and speed, Ridders’ method is generally competitive with the more highly developed and better established (but more complicated) method of Van Wijngaarden, Dekker, and Brent, which ... Method, False Position Method, and Ridders’ Method f(x) 356 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations f (x) Figure 9.2.3 Example where both the secant and false position methods will...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 4 doc
... guards against this problem by maintaining brackets on the root and checking where the interpolation would land before carrying out the division When the correction P/Q would not land within the ... supposed to, and, if it is not, we can intersperse bisection steps so as to guarantee at least linear convergence This kind of super-strategy requires attention to bookkeeping detail, and also careful ... Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations } a=b; fa=fb; if (fabs(d) > tol1) b += d; else b += SIGN(tol1,xm); fb=(*func)(b); Move last best guess to a Evaluate new trial root } CITED REFERENCES AND...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 5 doc
... (x) This shortcut is recommended only when you confidently understand the generic behavior of your function, but it speeds computations when the derivative calculation is laborious (Formally this ... superlinear order of √ convergence will be only (ii) If you take dx too small you will be wiped out by roundoff, while if you take it too large your order of convergence will be only linear, no better ... all scales of magnification.) How does this fractal emerge from something as simple as Newton’s method, and an equation as simple as (9.4.8)? The answer is already implicit in Figure 9.4.2, which...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 6 docx
... (outside North America) Given B and C, R and S can be readily found, by polynomial division (§5.3) We can consider R and S to be adjustable functions of B and C, and they will be zero if the quadratic ... unusual, and, further, can almost always be fixed by a simple scheme to break a nonconverging limit cycle (This is implemented in our routine, below.) An example of a polynomial that requires this ... coefficients, i=0 and the coefficients a[0 m] The method is to construct an upper Hessenberg matrix whose eigenvalues are the desired roots, and then use the routines balanc and hqr The real and imaginary...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 7 doc
... algorithms for finding minima come to rest on global and local minima indiscriminately You will often find, to your great dissatisfaction, that your function F has a great number of local minima ... simplest multidimensional root finding method, Newton-Raphson This method gives you a very efficient means of converging to a root, if you have a sufficiently good initial guess It can also spectacularly ... values F and the Jacobian matrix J If J is difficult to compute analytically, you can try having usrfun call the routine fdjac of §9.7 to compute the partial derivatives by finite differences You should...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 8 ppt
... components of x and of F are of order unity, and it can fail if this assumption is badly violated You should rescale the variables by their typical values before invoking newt if this problem occurs ... While the method can still occasionally fail by landing on a local minimum of f, this is quite rare in practice The routine newt below will warn you if this happens The remedy is to try a new starting ... Advanced Implementations CITED REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING: Dennis, J.E., and Schnabel, R.B 1983, Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations (Englewood Cliffs,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Module 4: Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores docx
... full-text indexing and identify the tools you can use to troubleshoot indexing Materials and Preparation This section provides the materials and preparation tasks that you need to teach this module ... emergency or disaster You can configure each mailbox in its own dedicated store, enabling you to perform individual backup and recovery The more stores and storage groups you create, the more ... where data recovery is important Using Circular Logging You should consider using circular logging if data recovery is not important and you not have a regular backup process in place This would...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18
Functional Groups and Chemical Families pptx
... carbon members of the oxahydrocarbon families (alkanes to carbon dioxide) Hydrogen and oxygen are redox standards at +1 and –2, respectively Thus, the carbon oxidation state in methane is –4, in methanol ... it is +2, and in carbon dioxide it is +4 From these few examples, one sees that carbon is very versatile in the oxidation states it can adopt Crudely separating reactivity into redox and acid/base ... our knowledge of reactivity, and at the same time it prepares us to think of yet unseen transformations on the basis of how those transformations might be effected This abstraction of chemical...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20
Conservative and Aesthetic Emergency Management in Adolescent with Complex Crown-Root Fracture and Simultaneous Oblique Root Fracture in Upper Maxillary Central Incisor: Clinical Outcome after 18 Months Follow-up Period docx
... and period and antibiotics Dent Traumatol.; 20:203-11, 2004 36 Andreasen, F M.; Andreasen, J O & Cvek, M Root fractures In: Andreasen, J O.; Andreasen, F M & Andersson, L (editors) Textbook and ... 2007a p.p 337-71 Andreasen, F M & Andreasen, J O Luxation injuries of permanent teeth; General Findings In: Andreasen, J O.; Andreasen, F M & Andersson, L (editors) Textbook and Color Atlas of ... easier and more accurate (Cohenca et al., 2007) CONCLUSION The functional and aesthetic recovery in young patients with C-CRF represents a challenge for dentists, who should be well prepared and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
Đề tài " Derived equivalences for symmetric groups and sl2-categorification " pptx
... , D and D be four categories, G : C → C , G∨ : C → C, H : D → D and H ∨ : D → D, and (G, G∨ ) and (H, H ∨ ) be two adjoint pairs Let F : C → D and F : C → D be two fully faithful functors and ... extensions and direct summands and containing E i T for all i ≥ and T a simple object of A such that F T = Then, in general, not every projective object of A is in F (cf the case of S3 and p = in ... We fix q ∈ k × and a ∈ k with a = if q = Let n ≥ and Bi = Hi,n for ≤ i ≤ n B We put A(n)λ = B(λ+n)/2 -mod and A(n) = i Bi -mod, E = i
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20
introduction to lie groups and symplectic geometry - bryant r.l.
... solution does not give you the rest of the solutions There is in fact a world of difference between this and the Riccati equation, although this is far from evident looking at them Before leaving these ... (e)(gm ) and this latter space is clearly Ψ (x, g)(0 ⊕ Tg Gm ) On the other hand, since φ(Ψ(x, g)) = φ ◦ ψ(x), it follows that φ (Ψ(x, g)) Ψ (x, g)(Tx Rd ⊕ 0) = (φ ◦ ψ) (x)(Tx Rd ) and this latter ... A ∈ GL(n, R) and B ∈ Rn acting on Rn by the standard affine action as before If we embed Rn into Rn+1 by the rule x , x→ then the standard affine action of G on Rn extends to the standard linear...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:15
an elementary introduction to groups and representations - b. hall
... violate (2), and hence are non-compact: O(n; C) and SO(n; C); O(n; k) and SO(n; k) (n ≥ 1, k ≥ 1); the Heisenberg group H; Sp (n; R) and Sp (n; C); E(n) and P(n; 1); R and Rn ; R∗ and C∗ It is ... etX term-by-term (You might worry whether this is valid, but you shouldn’t For each i, j, etX ij is given by a convergent power series in t, and it is a standard theorem that you can differentiate ... (g1 g2 , h1 h2 ) This operation makes the Cartesian product of G and H into a group, called the direct product of G and H and denoted G × H It is a simple matter to check that this operation truly...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:18
isometric actions of lie groups and invariants [jnl article] - p. michor
... that dist(l l0) distL (l l0) dist(l l0) The lefthand side of this inequality is clear To show the righthand side let l = (t y) and l0 = (t0 y0 ) and suppose without loss of generality that t0 t ... (Rn )G and consider t(f ) Then there;is a power series p R Rk with (p) = t(f ) and a smooth function g C Rk with T (g) = p Now f ; g Ker t = Im i, and by the surjectivity of the on the lefthand ... right and this term would have degree > di0 So we have a nontrivial polynomial relation between the i and a contradiction to (1) 3.19 Lemma 15] Consider U Rn V Rm open, f : U ; V smooth and !...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:18
algebraic groups and number theory - platonov & rapinchuk
... clearly compact groups, and Ui and Ci are open in UD and D(') respectively (and, moreover, generate a base of neighborhoods of the identity), and the indexes [U : Ui] and [D(') : Ci] are finite ... We omit the proof here and refer the reader to Ono [5] and to his article in "Arithmetic groups and automorphic functions." 2.1.8 Solvable and unipotent groups Throughout this subsection we assume ... w(L*) and the residue fields where OK(V),OL(W)are the valuation rings of v and w in K and L, and = I, ', p ~ ( v ) !J~L(w) the respective valuation ideals, but in fact , - are I = I k, = k, and...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:21