qui trình phát triển hệ thống tích hợp dữ liệu

Áp dụng mạng Neuron điều khiển công suất truyền tải trên đường dây AC với thiết bị SVC

Áp dụng mạng Neuron điều khiển công suất truyền tải trên đường dây AC với thiết bị SVC

... xác hệ thống điều khiển bảo đảm làm việc tin cậy hệ thống bù, góp phần nâng cao tính ổn định hệ thống điện Một giải pháp nhằm nâng cao tính ổn định hệ thống mở rộng khả truyền tải sử dụng hệ thống ... đường dây siêu cao áp phát triển nhiều quốc gia, khu vực khắp giới Đây xu hướng phát triển tất yếu hệ thống điện đại nhằm nâng cao tính kinh tế - kỹ thuật sản xuất, vận hành hệ thống điện thành viên ... trữ toàn hệ thống hệ thống lớn nhờ khả huy động công suất từ nhiều nguồn phát + Giảm dự phòng chung HTĐ liên kết, qua giảm chi phí đầu tư vào công trình nguồn - gánh nặng lớn việc phát triển HTĐ...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2015, 21:54

109 749 3
neural systems for control

neural systems for control

... algorithms require a complete and accurate model of the process to be controlled, sequential reinforcement learning algorithms not require such a model Instead of computing the required quantities ... Conventional DP algorithms require lookup-table storage of evaluations or actions for all states, which is impractical for large problems Although this is also required to guarantee convergence ... under these conditions are not adequate when it is costly, or even impossible, to obtain the required training examples Reinforcement learning allows autonomous systems to learn from their experiences...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 06:23

357 265 0


... above, it is appears that maintenance measures to arrest or delay road deterioration are required and should be quick to implement and long-lasting These help to reduce traffic congestion by both keeping ... reliable design methods are required h) To develop the design methods in g) good understanding of the in which grids and fabrics influence pavement performance manner is required i) Results of well-documented ... results of the trials are known, required has to be carried out, and so funding may be provided for maintenance still unsuitable treatments Alternatives to quicken the production of results,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

381 415 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Probabilistic polynomial dynamical systems for reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Probabilistic polynomial dynamical systems for reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks" docx

... originating from Step of Algorithm 2.1: finding all polynomials that vanish on a set of points This is equivalent to computing the ideal of these points and computation of an ideal of points boils down ... finite dynamical system of dimension n is a function F = (f1, , fn) : Xn ® Xn with fi : Xn ® X By requiring that the cardinality of the set X be a power of a prime number, one can impose on X the ... under ≻ ≥0 A monomial ordering can also be defined by a weight vector ω = (ω1, , ωn) in Zn We require that ω have ≥0 nonnegative coordinates in order for to always be the smallest monomial Fix...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

13 451 0
Báo cáo y học: " Risk scoring systems for adults admitted to the emergency department: a systematic review" potx

Báo cáo y học: " Risk scoring systems for adults admitted to the emergency department: a systematic review" potx

... ICU or patients admitted with sepsis) were included The system had to be practicable without requiring extensive computer resources Thus, we conducted a search of PubMed (1950 till 2008 week...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:21

8 337 0
An evaluation of the appropriateness of material elementary market   leader for hanoi university of business and technology

An evaluation of the appropriateness of material elementary market leader for hanoi university of business and technology

... Rất đồng ý Phần ngữ pháp giáo trình khó Phần từ vựng giáo trình khó Phần luyện nghe giáo trình khó Phần đọc hiểu giáo trình khó 5 Phần luyện tình (Skills) giáo trình khó Phần nghiên cứu giải ... thiện giáo trình Elementary Market-Leader đ-ợc sử dụng cho sinh viên năm thứ tr-ờng ĐH Kinh Doanh va Công Nghệ Hà Nội (HUBT), thiết kế phiếu thăm dò nhằm thu hút ý kiến sinh viên giáo trình bạn ... Làm việc theo nhóm Đóng vai (luyện nói) Thuyết trình cá nhân Thuyết trình theo nhóm Dịch đọc sang tiếng Việt Chơi trò chơi chủ đề kinh doanh Tài liệu bổ trợ thú vị Bạn thích hay không thích hình...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2016, 18:14

50 1K 2
Robotic systems for inspection  surveillance of civil structures

Robotic systems for inspection surveillance of civil structures

... Advanced methods are often costly due to the need for expensive equipment Analysis and interpretation of data acquired by this equipment require a high level of operator skill, and thus create the need ... photo sensor and inductive power coil 27 Typical data acquired by Phase I robot 28 Phase II robot 29 Strain data acquired by Phase II robot 31 Chapter Figure 3-1 Beam ... advancements have been made in developing portable and compact devices, the equipment is still somewhat bulky and often requires setup time Visual Inspection Due to the cost of advanced inspection...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2016, 10:27

106 366 0
A063  precast concrete pier systems for rapid construction of bridges in seimic regions

A063 precast concrete pier systems for rapid construction of bridges in seimic regions

... site and erected quickly, significantly reducing the disruption of traffic and the cost of traffic control 1.1.2 Improved Work Zone Safety Bridge construction sites often require workers to operate ... of cast-in-place concrete Traditional bridge construction requires significant access underneath the bridge for both workers and equipment to perform tasks such as erection of formwork and placement ... prestressing strand to decrease the amount of steel required in the beam 30 tailieuxdcd@gmail.com for flexural resistance Reducing the required area of steel in the cap-beam helps to reduce the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2016, 21:34

308 304 0
Tài liệu Priority Setting for Reproductive Health at the District Level in the context of Health Sector Reforms in Ghana doc

Tài liệu Priority Setting for Reproductive Health at the District Level in the context of Health Sector Reforms in Ghana doc

... faster and more responsive to programme requirements such as procurement of equipment, supplies and logistics, as well as to donor accountability requirements Unless explicitly included in proposals, ... distribution of drugs and other supplies required for the integrated delivery of RH services This is 28 particularly important because inadequate inputs, including equipment and supplies,at the points ... the challenge facing RH is not HSR per se but the broad range of RH services and the capacity required to ensure that they are fully integrated into the health system The contribution of health...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

42 1,4K 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators Part 11 ppt

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators Part 11 ppt

... — Availability of make-up water — Disposal and treatment of waste water — Space required for liquid-handling equipment — -Vapor plume visibility — Operating and installed costs — Maintenance and ... either under-bed feed system or over-the-bed feed system The under-bed feed system is quite complex It requires coal at less than percent surface moisture and crushed to about MM top size to ... and limestone requirements have been demonstrated to be substantially less than with bubbling bed combustor The combustion air is supplied at 1.5 to psig rather than 3-5 psig as required by bubbling...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 01:21

10 331 0
Tài liệu Matlab tutorial for systems and control theory pdf

Tài liệu Matlab tutorial for systems and control theory pdf

... prompt, i.e., the m-file filename.m is executed by typing >> filename Execution of the m-file is equivalent to typing the entire list of commands in the command window at the MATLAB prompt All the ... scaled by 0.3 and included in the document 9.1.1 Simple solution The simplest way to obtain the requisite plots is to let MATLAB choose all the scales, labels, and annotations with the following...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 07:15

18 715 0
Tài liệu Design of Feedback Control Systems for Stable Plants with Saturating Actuators ppt

Tài liệu Design of Feedback Control Systems for Stable Plants with Saturating Actuators ppt

... the problem has been solved completely in principle, the solution to even the simplest systems requires good modelling, is difficult to calculate open loop solutions, or the resulting switching ... the closed loop system may suffer For example, when global stability is guaranteed, it is often required that the final open loop system is strictly positive-real with all the limitations that such ... any modelling error as long as the "true" plant is open loop stable (d) The on-line computation required to implement the control system is minimal and realizable in most of today's microprocessors...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 10:20

39 597 0
Expert Systems for Human Materials and Automation Part 11 pot

Expert Systems for Human Materials and Automation Part 11 pot

... without taking into account that quite often network managers rely on limited skill personnel Specifically, even a protocol analyzer that is equipped with the best data acquisition hardware and application-level ... right tools are needed, i.e the test equipment that is capable of making the measurements necessary to thoroughly evaluate the network health The test equipment should be able to accurately monitor ... between the user side (represented by the Data Terminal Equipment – DTE), and the network side (represented by the Data Communications Terminating Equipment - DCE) A protocol analyzer is considered...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

30 319 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_1 docx

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_1 docx

... rates, and the selection of control equipment required to meet local, state, and federal compliance levels Presented herein are fuel classifications, burning equipment types, emission rate factors, ... measuring techniques, control equipment types, and control methods Also included are discussions of stack dispersion techniques, and control equipment selection b Each control equipment chapter provides ... performance data and equipment limitations which aid in the comparative selection of control equipment types Each chapter includes a discussion of the basic control theory, various equipment types,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 437 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_2 pptx

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_2 pptx

... minimized in gas combustion, resulting in reduced levels of emissions (2) Solid and liquid fuels Solid and liquid fuels require more time for complete burning because they are fired in droplet or particle ... certain threshold levels ("de minimis" emission rate) require New Source Review d General determinants for steps required for permitting Steps required for a New Source Review depend upon the location ... they are in molecular form, they are easily mixed with the air required for combustion, and are oxidized in less time than is required to burn other fuel types Consequently, the amount of fuel/air...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 461 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_3 pot

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_3 pot

... Cyclone energy requirements Energy requirements in the form of fan horsepower are directly proportional to the volume of gas handled and the cyclone resistance to gas flow Fan energy requirements are ... efficiency is not a critical requirement Because collection efficiencies are low compared to other collection equipment, cyclones are often used as pre-cleaners for 6-6 other equipment or as a final ... pollution test requirements for federal installations appear in the Federal Register 5-2 Stack and source measurement techniques The point source emission rate test methods and requirements are...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 399 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_4 potx

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_4 potx

... on liquid droplets and utilizes spray nozzles for liquid droplet atomization (figure 7-2) The sprays are directed into a chamber suitably shaped to conduct the gas through the atomized liquid ... scrubbers employ a shell which holds liquid (figure 73) Gas introduced into a scrubber is directed over the surface of the liquid and atomizes some of the liquid into droplets These droplets act ... absorption efficiency is low because of the co-current nature of the gas and liquid flow Liquid pumping power requirements are high and capacity is low making this type impractical for boiler...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 413 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_5 docx

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_5 docx

... clean gas stream Here a more efficient air-foil or squirrel-cage rotor can be used b Liquid transport (1) Pipework For most scrubbing duties, the liquid to be conveyed will be corrosive There exists ... used to supply the scrubbing liquid or recycled slurry to the scrubber nozzles at the required volume flow rate and pressure Where no solids are present in the liquid, bare metal pumps, either ... consistency to meet the scrubber and pump requirements c Entrainment separation After the wetted gas stream leaves the scrubbing section, entrained liquid droplets must be removed Otherwise they...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 498 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_6 doc

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_6 doc

... control devices (4) Identify the required equipment modifications, including transport, storage, handling, preparation, combustion, and control equipment (5) For the required heat output calculate ... requiring an increase in baghouse size It is possible the outside air which is added may also require conditioning to control dust and moisture content from ambient conditions 9-6 Energy requirements ... turbulent effects In small or moderately sized baghouses, energy required to drive the cleaning mechanism and dust disposal equipment is small, and may be considered negligible when compared with...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 418 0
Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_7 doc

Air Pollution Control Systems for Boiler and Incinerators.Unique control problems_7 doc

... — Type of FGD system and required equipment, — Whether simultaneous particulate emission reduction is required 10-3 Procedure to minimize SOX emission a Efficiency requirement The SOx removal ... inefficient operation of combustible equipment A load reduction may permit more accurate control of the combustion equipment and allow reduction of excess air requirements to a minimum value NOx ... gas and coal fired units equipped with standby oil firing with steam atomization, the atomizer offers a simple means for injection Other installations require special equipment and a study to determine...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:20

13 313 0