queuing theory applied to optimizing and tuning software performance and scalability

the method of investment appraisal which may be applied to evaluated and rank potential investment opportunities and their relative merits and limitations

the method of investment appraisal which may be applied to evaluated and rank potential investment opportunities and their relative merits and limitations

... appraisal which may be applied to evaluated and rank potential investment opportunities and their relative merits and limitations In this report, I will give methods to evaluate and rank potential ... a distributor or customer This most commonly occurs with distributors, especially when they have good relationship with customers (Accountingtool) Thirdly, I will give some method to takeover ... involved in takeovers and large companies tended to engage in higher gearing and this led to higher retention ratio and eventually higher growth is attained (international business and management)...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 13:02

17 576 0
principles of quantum mechanics, as applied to chemistry and chemical physics

principles of quantum mechanics, as applied to chemistry and chemical physics

... (1927) and by Davisson and Germer (1927), for neutrons by E Fermi and L Marshall (1947), and by W H Zinn (1947), and for helium atoms and hydrogen molecules by I Estermann, R Frisch, and O Stern ... states ỏ9 and õ9 ỏ c9 ỏ9 c9 õ9 ỏ õ where ỏ9 and õ9 refer to states with atomic magnetic moments parallel and antiparallel, respectively, to the second magnetic đeld gradient and where c9 ỏ and c9 ... recursion relations and to consider asymptotic behavior and convergence Although there is no need to invoke Hermite, Legendre, and Laguerre polynomials when using ladder operators, these functions...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:11

361 492 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Psychometric properties of the Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) applied to children and adolescents with cerebral palsy" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Psychometric properties of the Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) applied to children and adolescents with cerebral palsy" ppt

... Journal of Rheumatology 1994, 21:2349-2352 Ruperto N, Ravelli A, Pistorio A, Malattia C, Cavuto S, Gado-West L, Tortorelli A, Landgraf JM, Singh G, Martini A: Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric ... quadriplegia according to motor involvement [24] The motor function was evaluated according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) and the patients were grouped into five levels [25] ... so as to guarantee reliability, validity and sensitivity to changes, and should be easy to apply and to interpret [2,3] In the past decade health status and health related quality of life (HRQOL)...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

10 503 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " A heuristic two-dimensional presentation of microsatellite-based data applied to dogs and wolves" pot

Báo cáo sinh học: " A heuristic two-dimensional presentation of microsatellite-based data applied to dogs and wolves" pot

... polymorphic with 31 alleles and presented null alleles; markers 2130 and 2142 were not able to generate reproducible PCR results 2.3 Laboratory analysis Samples of Saarloos Wolfhounds and Entlebuch mountain ... were mixed together for fragment analysis with an ABI 310 Sequencer (Perkin Elmer) using an internal TAMRA-labelled standard For each run, internal and external standards were used to determine ... one population to the coordinate origin and rotating the 2DI to set the second one on the diagonal in quadrant II We then rotated all 2DI around this diagonal (quadrant II and IV), and accepted...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

17 200 0
Coupled fluid flow geomechanics simulations applied to compaction and subsidence estimation in stress sensitive  heterogeneous reservoirs

Coupled fluid flow geomechanics simulations applied to compaction and subsidence estimation in stress sensitive heterogeneous reservoirs

... related to the development of the mathematical models related to coupled theory as applied to stress sensitive reservoir The applications of stochastic methods as applied to compaction and subsidence ... simulation and compaction research previous research on this topic and prior investigations are based on coupled theory applied to continuum porous media in which coupled equations between fluid flow and ... theory and show how to create and integrate all these above aspects (Figure 1-1) 1.4 Outline of the thesis Chapter has covered the general introduction relating to subsidence and compaction and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/05/2016, 22:32

227 506 1
Applied Software Project Management - HOW TO DIAGNOSE AND FIX A TROUBLED SOFTWARE PROJECT pptx

Applied Software Project Management - HOW TO DIAGNOSE AND FIX A TROUBLED SOFTWARE PROJECT pptx

... activities are cut and the software is released before it’s finished 11 Applied Software Project Management MISUNDERSTOOD PREDECESSORS The project manger does not take the time to understand how tasks ... version control software like Subversion  Use unit tests and test-driven development to increase the quality of the build  Use refactoring to keep the code readable 28 Applied Software Project ... engineers don’t understand the users’ and stakeholders’ needs, they build the wrong softwareAnd they might not find out that there’s a problem until after the work is done! Applied Software Project...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 07:20

34 500 1
Ordinary Reason Applied to Law - Natural Reasoning and Deduction from Rules

Ordinary Reason Applied to Law - Natural Reasoning and Deduction from Rules

... sound as applied to most pit bulls and superior to any alternatives, Heidi must apply it to Martha’s pit bull even if she is convinced that Martha’s pet is gentle, well behaved, and unlikely to harm ... continue to engage in moral and empirical reasoning to resolve disputes If, however, the case is governed by a precedent rule, courts turn instead to interpretation and deductive reasoning.14 To make ... adjudicators Traditionally, common-law judges were reluctant to assume lawmaking authority: their task, as they saw it, was not to make law but to find it embedded in social and legal practice and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

33 334 0
Basic music theory how to read, write and understand written music (jonathan harnum)

Basic music theory how to read, write and understand written music (jonathan harnum)

... begins a note and holds it She sings with power and confidence and clarity The note is high and clear and like a laser beam A tall empty champagne glass sits on a stool nearby and begins to vibrate ... instrument and their music theory Learning theory will take some focus and some work, but that work will be clearly explained, and you’ll be surprised to find how easy it can be Nobody likes to work ... about it, how to structure it, how to record it in a journal and on a tape recorder, equipment you’ll need and how to use it, and how to what must be done to become a better player Part IV: See...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 12:41

354 456 1
System dynamics applied to project management: a survey, assessment, and directions for future research potx

System dynamics applied to project management: a survey, assessment, and directions for future research potx

... decision making and test option valuation theory (Bhargav and Ford, 2006) Ford and Sobek (2005) applied this approach to a product development project to more fully describe Toyota’s unique product ... is ideally suited to determine the magnitude of these ripple effects and explain their origins It can also apportion costs to the client, to other parties, and to the contractor through simulations ... initiatives to be adopted on future projects Abdel-Hamid and Madnick (1991) and Abdel-Hamid (1993a, 1993b) applied their software project dynamics model to five organizations during model development, and...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20

33 719 0
applied graph theory in computer vision and pattern recognition

applied graph theory in computer vision and pattern recognition

... 978-3-540-68019-2 Abraham Kandel Horst Bunke Mark Last (Eds.) Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition With 85 Figures and 17 Tables Prof Abraham Kandel Prof Dr Horst Bunke ... method to visualize a time series of graphs, and show potential applications in computer network monitoring and abnormal event detection In the last chapter, A Schenker, H Bunke, M Last, and A Kandel ... images are shown in Fig 16 in and of Bor˚ Seg with MIS [24] decimation strategy in and 8; with u MIES [8] in 9, and 10; and with D3P [52] in 11 and 12 Note that the NCutSeg and Bor˚ Seg methods are...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 12:34

261 670 0
how to recruit and hire great software engineers

how to recruit and hire great software engineers

... Generalists Two categories of tools are required to build software products First are the tools at hand: the methods and construction tools you use to build software and solutions to meet current goals ... competitors because I could not move quickly enough Sometimes the interviews took too long to schedule, sometimes it took too long to present an offer, and sometimes I didn’t have time to negotiate ... How to Recruit and Hire Great Software Engineers Find and interview candidate Record feedback Debrief Find and interview another candidate Record feedback Debrief Find and interview another candidate...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 15:18

247 3,6K 0
introduction to languages and the theory of computation

introduction to languages and the theory of computation

... the most elementary to the most general: finite automata and regular languages; context-free languages and pushdown automata; and Turing machines and recursively enumerable and recursive languages ... continues to be to rely on the clarity and efficiency of appropriate mathematical language and to add informal explanations to ease the way, not to substitute for the mathematical language but to familiarize ... entire set B A function from A to B that is both one -to- one and onto is called a bijection from A to B Another way to say that a function f : A → B is one -to- one is to say that for every y ∈ B,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 00:58

449 582 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Human-machine interfaces based on EMG and EEG applied to robotic systems" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Human-machine interfaces based on EMG and EEG applied to robotic systems" pot

... manipulators (robotic arms and hands) and mobile robots (robotic wheelchairs) The goal is to develop systems capable to help people with different motor disabilities The systems shown in [6] and ... muscle on the forehead), to generate a series of activations to open/close a gripper, and to move it to pre-defined positions, thus allowing people with severe motor disability to execute activities ... send it to the signal filtering and amplification subsystem Afterwards, this signal is sent to another board to be converted to digital data Finally, such signal is transmitted to a desktop computer,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

15 382 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Time-Frequency-Based Speech Regions Characterization and Eigenvalue Decomposition Applied to Speech Watermarking" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Time-Frequency-Based Speech Regions Characterization and Eigenvalue Decomposition Applied to Speech Watermarking" pptx

... the autocorrelation matrix RSMD is calculated according to (21) The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are obtained by using the eigenvalues decomposition of RSMD The eigenvectors are equal to the ... Dww σ wr + σ ww , (32) where D and σ represent the mean value and the standard deviation of the detector responses, while the subscripts wr and ww indicate the right and wrong keys (trials), respectively ... decomposition is applied to separate the signal components [17, 18] In order to provide suitable compromise between imperceptibility and robustness, the watermark should be shaped according to the time-frequency...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

10 204 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Design and Implementation of a Generic Energy-Harvesting Framework Applied to the Evaluation of a Large-Scale Electronic Shelf-Labeling Wireless Sensor Network" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Design and Implementation of a Generic Energy-Harvesting Framework Applied to the Evaluation of a Large-Scale Electronic Shelf-Labeling Wireless Sensor Network" pdf

... define a capacitor with initial voltage of V and a harverster which is equal to 0.855 mA (50) and a capacitor of 875 μF On the DUT, the first thing to is to check if there is enough energy and if the ... loop, in order to configure the output voltage for the battery interface of the DUT The energy harvester and the storage element (e.g., ultracapacitor) are virtual, and implemented in software The ... connected VDD (voltage drain drain) to the USB power of the board The ADC (analog -to- digital converter) and DAC (digital -to- analog converter) lines are connected to DAC1 and ADC4 of the EE’s MSP430 Next,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

12 524 1
Analytic Number Theory A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet William Duke Yuri Tschinkel Editors doc

Analytic Number Theory A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet William Duke Yuri Tschinkel Editors doc

... but he held a chair for astronomy o and was first and foremost Director of the Sternwarte, and almost all his courses were devoted to astronomy, geodesy, and applied mathematics (see the list in ... question and answer to and fro, and intermingled in graceful curves before it rose to the ceiling and mixed with the common atmospheric air, ‘If all be well, we will smoke our friendly cigar together ... teacher in Germany to give lectures on his favourite subject, number theory, and on the application of analytical techniques to number theory; 23 of his lectures were devoted to these topics ([Bi.1];...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 14:20

266 188 0
software that sells a practical guide to developing and marketing your software project

software that sells a practical guide to developing and marketing your software project

... Software That Sells A Practical Guide to Developing and Marketing Your Software Project TEAM LinG TEAM LinG Software That Sells A Practical Guide to Developing and Marketing Your Software ... merit So not to be too hard on your thoughts, however ungainly Gather them reverently, and allow them to settle and find a niche Once you have enough, you are in a position to pick and choose Sometimes ... designed to be ported to other computers easily (remember there were many different types at the time and it took years before the IBM PC became the standard it is today) This appealed to the manufacturers,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:29

380 288 0
An introduction to the theory of functional equations and inequalities

An introduction to the theory of functional equations and inequalities

... chapter, and then the trichotomy law for the cardinals follows from Theorem 1.4.1 and 1.7.1, and hence also condition (1.5.3) We define Ω to be the order type of the set M (ℵ0 ), and ℵ1 to be the ... appropriate to speak about the two classes of functions together Even in such a large book it was impossible to cover the whole material pertinent to the theory of the Cauchy equation and Jensen’s ... Introduction to the Theory of Functional Equations and Inequalities Cauchy’s Equation and Jensen’s Inequality Second Edition Edited by Attila Gilányi Birkhäuser Basel · Boston · Berlin Editor: Attila...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2014, 22:25

609 435 1