put verbs into the correct form p 88

Irregular verbs   fill in the correct form   t13

Irregular verbs fill in the correct form t13

... (keep) She was lying in her bed when the phone rang (ring) During the war they shot many people (shoot) I will show you my new house some time next week (show) Last night I slept in my bed for the ... a deep breath and then opened the door (take) The girl drove her mother to New York the day before yesterday (drive) I think my nephew has grown six centimeters since last summer (grow) The Titanic ... yesterday The children went swimming (go) Since his departure to France I have not heard any news from him (not hear) The ball hit me on the head and I went to the ground (hit) Please keep on the shirt!...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:21

2 1,4K 3
Tài liệu Supply the correct form of the verbs1 docx

Tài liệu Supply the correct form of the verbs1 docx

... a snake.were / wouldn't want 14 My brother managed to kill the snake just at the time when I (be) almost exhausted If he (be) a little late, I (kill) by the snake.was / had been / would have ... a snake 14 My brother managed to kill the snake just at the time when I (be) had been almost exhausted If he (be) had been a little late, I (kill) would have been killed by the snake 15 Had I ... lũ bạn , làm bừa ^^! Trả lời Trả lời: Bài t p câu điều kiện nè, người làm nha! Làm vội, ko bik có sai ko Cats could fly if they (have) had wings If Peter (study) studied harder, he would get better...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 07:20

5 1K 3
Báo cáo Y học: Introducing Wilson disease mutations into the zinc-transporting P-type ATPase ofEscherichia coli The mutation P634L in theÔhingeÕ motif (GDGXNDXP) perturbs the formation of the E2P state pdf

Báo cáo Y học: Introducing Wilson disease mutations into the zinc-transporting P-type ATPase ofEscherichia coli The mutation P634L in theÔhingeÕ motif (GDGXNDXP) perturbs the formation of the E2P state pdf

... (dephosphorylation via the E 2P intermediate) and in the presence of ADP (dephosphorylation directly from the E 1P form) The membrane fractions were first phosphorylated with [c-3 3P] ATP as in the phosphorylation ... with ADP to remake ATP In contrast, in the absence of substrate ions, ZntA and other P- type ATPases can be pulled into the E2 state and be phosphorylated by inorganic phosphate Pi [9] The E 2P state ... an explanation for the impaired Pi phosphorylation, which requires the occupation of the E2 state The severely impaired ADP-dependent dephosphorylation indicates that also the E1 state of the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20

8 500 0


... for the job was refused , she felt very disappointed A) applicant B) applicable C) application D) apply 25 My father helps my mother with the housework He proves to be _ especially ... does the housework A) disappoint B) disappointed C) disappointing D) disappointedly The fight against the _of our environment is important as well A) pollution B) polluting C) the pollution ... before picking them up A) poison B) poisoned C) poisonous D) poisoning He is interested in the of old buildings A) preservation B) preserve C) preserved D) preserves Getting such a well-paid...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:20

6 2,7K 21
Supply the correct form of the words in brackets

Supply the correct form of the words in brackets

... the country 81 The sudden ( appear) of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run 82 Parent is( condition) upon delivery of the goods 83 The sky began to ( dark) .as the ... wonderful( invent) at the time 22 Their music still enjoys widespread ( popular) among teenagers 23 Put an( advertise) in the local paper to sell your car 24 There’s a world of ( differ) ... out in the sun for too long you can’t be too( care) 40 The government is responsible for the ( provide) of health care 41 The team has had a( disappoint) start to the season 42 These...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2015, 16:09

7 6,4K 25
translate irregular verbs into the ipa 1

translate irregular verbs into the ipa 1

... English Banana.com Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Translate Irregular Verbs into the IPA Answers: LÄáWL LêáWÇL Lâ¾ãL LëáWL Lëïfã/ LÄêÉfâL LáWíL Lê~fíL ... more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:55

2 114 0
translate irregular verbs into the ipa 2

translate irregular verbs into the ipa 2

... English Banana.com Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Translate Irregular Verbs into the IPA Answers: LóẫfõL LfọầL L~fL= LớẫfõL Lầờfẽõ/ LọẫớL= LĩụợL LõụồL LầỡWL= 10 LõụớpL 11 LờfẽL= 12 LệẫớL 13 ... more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:55

2 154 0
Fill in the correct form   t14

Fill in the correct form t14

... new car? I met him last Monday The band was playing while I was writing She bought the new car in 2005 Her mother has been living in Victoria for the past five years They had already been in Germany ... Loch Ness last week - Did you see the Loch Ness monster? I’m afraid I’m not hungry I have already eaten Peter was playing football in the afternoon when he got the call “What were you doing between ... between and 12 yesterday morning”, the detective said He kept looking at her, wondering where he had seen her before The doctor’s waiting room was full of people Some were reading a magazine,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:16

2 2,3K 4
Fill in the correct form   t16

Fill in the correct form t16

... drive I am sure you will enjoy the scenery The car doesn’t start If you get in Tom and I will give you a push I put the five-pound notes into one of the books; but the next day it took me ages ... Tenses: Fill in the correct form When we reach Land’s End we will have walked 1,500 km I just remembered that I have not paid the rent yet I’m surprised that the landlord has not rung me up and reminded ... took me ages to find it because I forgot which book I had put it in He has been playing the bagpipes since six this morning He has just stopped My son has not started work yet He’s still at High...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:16

2 3,8K 0
Fill in the correct form   t20

Fill in the correct form t20

... for the bus there was (be) a robbery at the bank After the robbers had gone (go) away the police came (come) but they were not able (not can) to catch them 20 I used (use) to ski when I was at the ... the garage When he founded (found) Microsoft, Bill Gates was only 20 years old He had already written (already write) his first computer programme six years earlier An accident happened (happen) ... his bike when someone in front of him suddenly opened (open) a car door Many people saw (see) the accident The police interrogated (interrogate) them last night Mrs Smith said that one day she...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:16

2 886 0
Fill in the correct form   t26

Fill in the correct form t26

... in the correct form of the verb – All tenses They have been in Chicago for 20 years (be) I saw a wonderful film in the cinema last night (see) The sun rose at 6:38 yesterday morning (rise) The ... quiz so far (be) 16 They are living in an apartment right now because they can’t find a cheap house (live) 17 Everyone was sleeping when the earthquake hit the small town (sleep) 18 He has been ... when the climber reached Mount Everest (shine) I promise that I will not tell this secret to anyone (not tell) Unfortunately, just as we got to the airport their plane was taking off (take) They...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:17

2 934 1
GI002   gerund or infinitive   fill in the correct form 3

GI002 gerund or infinitive fill in the correct form 3

... – Fill in the correct form I can’t imagine working at home We have decided against buying a new car She seems to like her new job The students hope to pass the exam He won’t go by plane He is ... Remember to post the letter Otherwise they won’t get it by Saturday Have you ever learned how to fly such a plane? They were too lazy to go out with us 10 I always enjoy talking to my grandfather He ... gave him back the money I remember giving it back to him 22 She eventually managed to repair her bike 23 Would you like to drink a cup of coffee? 24 There’s no point in discussing the matter He...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:17

2 1,7K 4
GI002   gerund or infinitive   fill in the correct form 6

GI002 gerund or infinitive fill in the correct form 6

... Would you mind passing me the sugar (pass) She promised to read the report as soon as possible (read) I had a hard time explaining the situation to my husband (explain) She had some problems reading ... Infinitive – Fill in the correct form They are likely to show up at any time (show) The man denied committing the crime (commit) Their memories of traveling in Africa will stay with them forever (travel) ... glasses (read) 10 Paul gave up smoking five years ago (smoke) 11 What about going to the zoo tomorrow? (go) 12 Barca succeeding in winning the Spanish championship (succeed) 13 They had fun skiing...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:17

2 1,9K 4
GI002   gerund or infinitive   fill in the correct form 7

GI002 gerund or infinitive fill in the correct form 7

... in the correct form Don't let them cross that dangerous road on their own What about having a last drink ? They accused me of breaking the window They'd rather go to Tuscany than to Ireland There ... to phone Tom tomorrow - OK I won't forget The teacher watched the pupil cheat Why not spend our holiday in Florida this year ? 10 She is always the last to arrive 11 Most teachers insist on their ... footballer He had to stop playing because of an injury 28 How you make this machine work ? - I'm not sure Try pressing the button and see what happens ! 29 What you advise me to ? 30 They intend to buy...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:17

2 1K 1
GI002   gerund or infinitive   fill in the correct form

GI002 gerund or infinitive fill in the correct form

... smoking in bars Nancy seemed to be disappointed I can’t bear having so much responsibility She is fond of having picnics She promised to stop smoking They urge their citizens to recycle more waste ... asleep Sheila stopped to say hello to her friends It’s no use crying over spilt milk The following questions are easy to answer She told us where to find the necessary material Would you mind posting ... her I couldn’t help hugging her My favorite hobby is cooking My father helped me my homework I’m sick of eating hamburgers every day It is important to surf the net for more information She advised...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:17

2 4,9K 4
phrasal verbs followed by the -ing form

phrasal verbs followed by the -ing form

... through the desert; we took forty liters of water zip up zip up & zips up zipping up zipped up zipped up zip up p. v When you zip up a coat or other item of clothing, you close it with a zipper It's ... zip your coat up I can't zip my dress up Can you? zipped up part.adj After you zip up a coat or other item of clothing, it is zipped up Look at Timmy out there in the snow without his coat zipped ... think pick on pick on & picks on picking on picked on picked on pick on p. v When you pick on people, you continually tease and criticize them Susie, you shouldn't pick on your little brother The...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

16 741 0