psychrometry evaporative cooling and solids drying

Fundamental design and study of an evaporative cooling system

Fundamental design and study of an evaporative cooling system

... direct evaporative cooling Figure 1.3 Indirect evaporative cooling (a) Typical configuration of indirect evaporative cooling system (b) Psychrometric chart representation [4] On the other hand, ... Figure 1.2 Direct evaporative cooling (a) Typical configuration of direct evaporative cooling system (b) Psychrometric chart representation [4] Figure 1.3 Indirect evaporative cooling (a) Typical ... refrigeration an unsustainable and environmentally unfriendly strategy, letting evaporative cooling come into sight Actually, evaporative cooling had its birth around one thousand years ago invented...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 10:11

142 503 0
Fundamental design and study of an evaporative cooling system

Fundamental design and study of an evaporative cooling system

... direct evaporative cooling Figure 1.3 Indirect evaporative cooling (a) Typical configuration of indirect evaporative cooling system (b) Psychrometric chart representation [4] On the other hand, ... Figure 1.2 Direct evaporative cooling (a) Typical configuration of direct evaporative cooling system (b) Psychrometric chart representation [4] Figure 1.3 Indirect evaporative cooling (a) Typical ... refrigeration an unsustainable and environmentally unfriendly strategy, letting evaporative cooling come into sight Actually, evaporative cooling had its birth around one thousand years ago invented...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 21:29

142 683 0
The phenomenon of evaporative cooling from a humid surface as an alternative method for air-conditioning

The phenomenon of evaporative cooling from a humid surface as an alternative method for air-conditioning

... and dehumidified, loosing enthalpy Commonly, air in the adiabatic evaporative coolers evolves between case b and c represented above Conventional evaporative cooling systems The evaporative cooling ... theoretical and real processes of evaporative cooling are introduced following 3.1 Theoretical evaporative cooling process The study of the psychrometric diagram lead to a better understanding of ... Navy He built and studied four prototypes of plate evaporative coolers, one of them constituted of two stages; as well as a cooling tower and coil, determining their efficiency and cooling capacity...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

28 653 0
cryopreservation and freeze-drying protocols

cryopreservation and freeze-drying protocols

... factor References Berny, J F and Hennebert,G L (1991) Viability and stability of yeastcells and filamentous fungus sporesduring freeze -drying- effects of protectantsand cooling rates.Mycologia 83,805-815 ... for the freezing and drying of organisms (2) Thus, heat and vapor transfer can be manipulated to maintain sublimation under optimal conditions of temperature and time, Freeze -drying is a process ... filling and sealed under vacuum on a manifold at the end of the secondary drying stage However, for the inexperienced and infrequent user, centrifugal freeze -drying is more technically demanding...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2014, 09:38

250 204 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 1 pot

Waves in fluids and solids Part 1 pot

... a stack of thin shale-sand layers we use standard AVO-attributes to estimate net-to-gross and oil saturation Necessary input is Gassmann rock physics properties for sand and shale as well as the ... is AVO intercept and gradient The method is based upon thin layer reflectivity modeling It is shown that random variability in thickness and seismic properties of the thin sand and shale layers ... 3C33C3n  Cmn    I , where p1 and p2 are the horizontal slowness in x1 and x2 direction, respectively, and  is 1 the density The matrices C33 and B are symmetrical, and matrix M satisfies the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 384 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 2 pot

Waves in fluids and solids Part 2 pot

... 1996; Ursin and Stovas, 2002; Stovas and Ursin, 2003; Stovas and Arntsen, 2003) Physical experiments were performed by Marion and Coudin (1992) and analyzed by Marion et al (1994) and Hovem (1995) ... values E A1  E  and u  and is limited from the left and the right by the points B1 and B2 , respectively The coordinates of these points are (Figure 23) 38 Waves in Fluids and Solids u B  1, ...  , (73) reduces to x  x  1 and the roots of equation (64) corresponding to qP- and qSV-waves,  P and  S , satisfy the equations 16 Waves in Fluids and Solids     cos  H qP  cos...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 423 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 3 doc

Waves in fluids and solids Part 3 doc

... Haskell (1953) and more recent papers by Ryden et al (2006) and Lowe (2008); and, (ii) the global matrix (GM) method; see, 56 Waves in Fluids and Solids Knopoff (1964) and Mal and Knopoff (1968) ... more recent work by Pagneux and Maurel (2001), where the dispersion relations in the complex 54 Waves in Fluids and Solids space were analyzed, and a paper by Kaplunov and Nolde (2002), where an ... technique and discuss very important symmetries of propagator and reflection/ transmission matrices The weak-contrast reflection and transmission coefficients are derived in first- and second-order...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 448 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 4 docx

Waves in fluids and solids Part 4 docx

...  and on the relative layer thickness h/for Al (a) and Au (b) The first and third Euler angles are equal to zero (ppm/oC) 2nd 83 Surface and Bulk Acoustic Waves in Multilayer Structures Al and ... – 268 Kliakhandler I.L., Porubov A.V., and Velarde M.G Localized finite-amplitude disturbances and selection of solitary waves, Physical Review E 62 (2000) 4959-4962 Korteweg D.J and de Vries ... density, t – time, and the summation convention for repeated indices is used The expression (1) contains three equations and (2) gives one more equation, totally 70 Waves in Fluids and Solids four equations...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 479 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 5 docx

Waves in fluids and solids Part 5 docx

... solid 104 Waves in Fluids and Solids solution with heavy isotope impurities and randomly distributed impurities weakly coupled both with the atoms of the host lattice and among themselves As is ... indexes F and G also designate the corresponding packets, MF and MG are the whole 8x8 matrices of the corresponding packets, ME1m and ME2m – the “mechanical” parts of the electrodes 8x8 matrices and ... for membrane type resonator) and for thickness of SiO2 and Mo layers in a Bragg reflector 0.71 m and 0.75 m respectively The AlN layer thickness remains 1.9 m and a resonance frequency slightly...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 404 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 6 pot

Waves in fluids and solids Part 6 pot

... both for transverse and longitudinal modes Thus, these frequencies play the role of the van Hove frequencies  * and are shown in Figs 8a-d and 9a as vertical dashed lines  and   l Fig displays ... (points D1, D2 and D4) an abrupt change of the propagon group velocity occurs This leads to the appearance of peaks on the dependences    and    2 (curves and in Fig 10a) and to the formation ... with Tmax by the 122 Waves in Fluids and Solids Fig 11 a) Schematic model of a contact T and T0 are the temperatures of the massive edges of the contact; a1, a2, and a3 are the zones with different...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 389 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 7 potx

Waves in fluids and solids Part 7 potx

... (26) and (27) To so we first recall that the extinction time of mode n is given by 1/τn = −2ImΣn (ω ) and replace in Eq (27) the integers n and m by iki and jk j , respectively, where i and j ... 144 18 Waves in Fluids and Solids Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH ∗ and q = k − k is the scattering wave vector If we now multiply Eq (32) by Sm Sm and sum over the integer indices m and m , we obtain that ... (Pa) and density, and the dimension of density is kg/m3 Both the volume stiffness and density are properties of the medium, and therefore depend on external conditions such as pressure and temperature...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 362 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 8 pptx

Waves in fluids and solids Part 8 pptx

... collected in underwater and seismic experiments 166 Waves in Fluids and Solids 4.1 Experimental setup and data collection In conventional underwater experiments both the source and receiver array ... (blue dots) and vx (red dots) are plotted in Figure 10 The advantage by using multi-component data is that one can identify and 172 Waves in Fluids and Solids separate different modes and obtain ... Fluids and Solids group velocities and effective mass of the corresponding acoustic phonons are solved The results of the theoretical analysis and the data of experimental studies of the optical and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 366 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 9 doc

Waves in fluids and solids Part 9 doc

... constant and a wavelength in the visible range (b) – PTC, filled with glycerol-water mixture 192 Waves in Fluids and Solids (a) (b) Fig 10 The images of (111) surfaces for two ((a) and (b)) ... Fluids and Solids substance, characterizing by the presence of resonances close to the band-gap spectrum, the dispersion curves ω(k) drastically change; it becomes possible that new band-gaps ... 200 (а), 240 (b) and 290 nm (с) 198 Waves in Fluids and Solids Here θ is the angle of the radiation incidence onto the interface (111) of the PTC, D is the globule diameter, and n1, n2 are the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 319 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 10 pdf

Waves in fluids and solids Part 10 pdf

... μ1=2.5 GPa and ρ1=1.5g/cm3, λ2=11.0 GPa, μ2=15.0 GPa and ρ2=2.0g/cm3, corresponding to the P- and S-wave velocities of 2.082 km/s and 1.291 km/s in the top layer medium, and 4.528 km/s and 2.739 ... computational domain, and ∂f/∂x and ∂f/∂z are set to be zero in this example and other experiments in the following section The spatial and temporal increments are chosen by h=Δx=Δy=Δz=25 m and Δt=1.5×10-3s, ... errors and the convergence orders, measured by equations (18) and (19), respectively In Table the first column shows the spatial increment h, and the following four columns show L1 and L2 errors and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 398 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 11 pdf

Waves in fluids and solids Part 11 pdf

... located at ri and express the incident plane wave as pinc ( r , t ) = pinc ( r )exp( −iωt ) , (2.4) 262 Waves in Fluids and Solids Substituting Eqs (2.2) and (2.4) in Eq (2.3) and discarding ... becomes important and the motional spectrum contains only a few significant lines, namely at f for r (t) and at f /2 and f /2 for x (t), respectively Fourier transforms X ( f ) and R( f ), of the ... Fluids and Solids Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH (a) q x =0.1 (b) q x =0.5 (c) q x =0.9 (d) q x =0.908 Fig Xn ( f ) = X ( f )/Xmax ( f ) (red) and Rn ( f ) = R( f )/Rmax ( f ) (blue) where X ( f ) and R(...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 414 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 12 potx

Waves in fluids and solids Part 12 potx

... Fluids and Solids equilibrium values of the inner and outer radius as R1 and Rs , respectively The geometry is shown in Fig 4.1 Figure 4.1(a) shows an unstressed case where one has R0 = R1 and Rs ... “intermediate”) and ( Wb is “broad”) and ( σ is “small”) then (s is “very good”) Rules 7: If ( f is “low”) and ( Wb is “average”) and ( σ is “small”) then (s is “very good”) Rules 7: If ( f is “low”) and ... attenuation band and higher efficiency Moreover, the width and the location of its attenuation band may be conveniently controlled due to the adjustability of the objective function and the optimizer...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 256 0
Waves in fluids and solids Part 13 pptx

Waves in fluids and solids Part 13 pptx

... grq and total cross-sections σrq are of order κ and κ independently of q, (ii) for a hard, resistive, and penetrable core the leading order terms of grq and σrq are of order κ for q=0 and κ and ... ηi = k i /k0 , κ = ik0 a1 , where ξ and ξ represent the thicknesses of layers V1 and V2 and ̺i and ηi the relative with respect to free space mass densities and refractive indices of layers Vi ... (21) The T-matrix method handles the effect of the sphere’s layers and the Sommerfeld’s method handles the singularity of the point-source and unifies the cases of interior and exterior excitation...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

25 426 0