... Data Link Layer Protocols- The Frame 31 • Remember that although there are many different Data Link layer protocols that describe Data Link layer frames, each frame ... www.bkacad.com Overview Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: • Explain the role of Data Link layer protocols in data transmission. • Describe how the Data Link layer prepares data for transmission ... consists of virtual connections between the nodes of a network independent of their physical layout. – These logical signal paths are defined by Data Link layer protocols. • The Data Link layer...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 13:17
... manageability. WHITE PAPER The Three Principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design The Three Principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design Page 5 Choosing the Right Mix of Equipment Since the total spend ... fraction of the entire data center cost, decisions for the so-called physical layer are often taken lightly. But the fact remains that 70% of all network downtime is attributed to the physical layer, ... percentage of terminations as copper, fiber optic cabling and connectivity is a significant part of the data center. Fiber links are also the most critical links because they carry data to and...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 21:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Evaluation of a pig femoral head osteonecrosis model" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Optimum Detection of Ultrasonic Echoes Applied to the Analysis of the First Layer of a Restored Dome" pot
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu The OSI Model: Understanding the Seven Layers of Computer Networks ppt
... developed standards for this layer. Note: The Physical Layer of the OSI model is only part of a LAN (Local Area Network). Layer 2 – The Data Link Layer Layer 2 of the OSI model provides the following ... 9 T he TCP/IP model uses four layers to perform the functions of the seven -layer OSI model. The network access layer is functionally equal to a combination of OSI physical and data link layers (1 ... differently layered arrangement. An Overview of the OSI Model Paul Simoneau, Global Knowledge Course Director, Network+, CCNA, CTP The OSI Model: Understanding the Seven Layers of Computer Networks Copyright...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo " On the detection of gross errors in digital terrain model source data " pdf
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
MOB TME - Other aspects of wireless The layer transport - Bluetooth - Wifi Security
... of TCP be affected in by the use of wifi connections? 3. What does the use of the mechanism of fast retransmit improve the performances of TCP in wireless environments in? 4. Another series of ... information such as the type of packet and the address of the recipient. The body contains the data to transmit. The radio layer uses the dispersion of spectrum by jumping of FHSS frequency (Frequency ... a packet of duration of a time interval each one. b) Represent then the sequence of frequencies used on the successive time intervals when the master station has a packet of a duration of three...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 09:13
Radio Link Performance of Third Generation (3G) Technologies For Wireless Networks
... 3.2 Link Quality Control GPRS introduces the concept of Link Quality Control (LQC) to the packet-switched overlay. Link quality control adapts the protection of the data to the quality of ... for data services, but offers the possibility of handing over to a regular 1X carrier in the case of simultaneous voice and data connections. The separate carrier offers the advantage of delivering ... with standard deviation of 7 dB. Single - slot mobile stations. Single Packet Data Channel (SPDC) dedicated to data traffic. Traffic model: Poisson distribution of packet of packet inter-arrival...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 11:15
nghiên cứu về tầng vật lý (physical) và tầng liên kết dữ liệu (Data Link) của mô hình OSI
Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2013, 10:37
Bullding tables of data
... unnamedTable = new System .Data. DataTable(); System .Data. DataTable namedTable = new System .Data. DataTable("Customer"); Visual Basic Dim unnamedTable As New System .Data. DataTable() Dim namedTable ... the process of crafting tables that ensure data integrity and take advantage of the processing power of relational database systems. E.F. Codd, inventor of the relational database model, proposed ... tabular data as a collection of collections. Each DataTable object contains a collection of ordered rows, each existing as an instance of a DataRow object. Each row contains its own collection of...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20
Statistical Description of Data part 1
... measures of central tendency, the moments of a distribution, the median and mode. In §14.2 we learn to test whether different data sets are drawn from distributions with different values of these ... of integer powers of the values. Best known is the mean of the values x 1 , ,x N , x= 1 N N j=1 x j (14.1.1) which estimates the value around which central clustering occurs. Note the use of an ... 610 Chapter 14. Statistical Description of Data Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES IN C: THE ART OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (ISBN 0-521-43108-5) Copyright (C) 1988-1992...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
Statistical Description of Data part 2
... with positive kurtosis is termed leptokurtic; the outline of the Matterhorn is an example. A distribution with negative kurtosis is termed platykurtic; the outline of a loaf of bread is an example. ... (outside North America). The standard deviation of (14.1.6) as an estimator of the kurtosis of an underlying normal distribution is 96/N. However, the kurtosis depends on such a high moment that there ... the mean is not the only available estimator of this 614 Chapter 14. Statistical Description of Data Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES IN C: THE ART OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (ISBN 0-521-43108-5) Copyright...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15
Statistical Description of Data part 3
... makes use of the following routine for computing the mean and variance of a set of numbers, 620 Chapter 14. Statistical Description of Data Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES IN C: THE ART OF SCIENTIFIC ... can be given lists of individual burnout times or of stellar positions. The data sets on chicken pox and educational level are binned, since we are given tables of numbers of events in discrete ... 1 degrees of freedom. The routine is #include <math.h> void tptest(float data1 [], float data2 [], unsigned long n, float *t, float *prob) Given the paired arrays data1 [1 n] and data2 [1 n] ,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15