project topics for final year computer science students in nigeria

Tài liệu Discrete Math for Computer Science Students doc

Tài liệu Discrete Math for Computer Science Students doc

... we get by putting ones in row n and column 0 and in row n and column n of a table for every positive integer n and then filling the remainder of the table by letting the number in row n and column ... idea in hand, we could now explain why the product in the denominator of the formula in Exercise 1.4-5 for the number of labellings with three labels is what it is, and could generalize this formula ... explanation using the quotient principle of why this counts multisets. The formula for the number of multisets is also a binomial coefficient, so it should have an interpretation involving choosing k items...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 09:20

344 561 0
Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

... is covered by Lifelines series in which the students only pay attention to reading skill and grammar. Phase 2, including three final semesters with 93 forty-minute periods in total, is wholy ... and findings Basing on the above findings, the evaluation of the final achievement test (test 6) can be made in accordance with three research questions as follows: 3.5.1 Reliability The final ... implied that teaching and learning provide a great source of language materials for testing to make use of. In turn, testing reinforces, encourages and perfects the teaching/ learning process. Hughes...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:05

38 1,9K 13
Tài liệu Final report "The Situation of Learning English for Electrical Engineering of D06k52 Students in Faculty of Foreign Language, Ha Noi University of Technology" docx

Tài liệu Final report "The Situation of Learning English for Electrical Engineering of D06k52 Students in Faculty of Foreign Language, Ha Noi University of Technology" docx

... of learning EEE of d06, k52 students in FOFL, HUT. Before studying this topic, a small survey was carried out to investigate the attitude and score for EEE of d06, k52 students in the final test. ... the final test. Techniques of gathering data including different types of questionnaires administered to students in d06, k52 in FOFL, HUT. The study found that most of them found difficulties in ... D06K52 Faculty of Foreign Language Ha Noi University of Technology Final report "The Situation of Learning English for Electrical Engineering of D06k52 Students in Faculty of Foreign Language,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 12:15

7 768 2
A study of using english songs as a type of supplementary material in teaching listening for first year non major students of english at phuong dong university

A study of using english songs as a type of supplementary material in teaching listening for first year non major students of english at phuong dong university

... the beginning or the end of the lesson, an exciting learning environment is recreated, students, therefore, regain their interest in learning and then do the listening skill better. In addition ... the students interest in learning English. In short, speaking like Finocchiaro (1973:174) by using songs “language learning can be combined with recreation or aesthetic appreciation for ... listening is special because listening comprehension is a process in which our mind has to complete instantly the process of receiving, processing, and interacting with the relevant linguistic...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

39 1,1K 3
motivation for the first year english major students in listening courses

motivation for the first year english major students in listening courses

... taking in meaningful sounds and noises and in some way, retaining and using them. Just as we speak for different purposes, we also listen for different purposes. We listen for enjoyment, information, ... required at the very beginning level. It is, therefore, assumed that they definitely encounter certain difficulties in listening acquisition. In reality, every final listening exam has seen a high ... motivation in English listening It is undeniable that motivation in English listening are classified into 2 main types: intrinsic motivation and instrumental motivation. a. Intrinsic motivation refers...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 22:34

67 810 3
Mathematics for informatics and computer science

Mathematics for informatics and computer science

... Ltd. Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science Pierre Audibert PART 1 Combinatorics â 2010 ISTE Ltd. Published 2010 by ISTE Ltd. Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science ... set in a n-element set causes a unique element in the final set to correspond to each element in the initial set. In other words, an arrow leaves each initial element and lands in the final ... this interpretation in mind. But if we consider Chinese writing itself to be organized using keys, themselves classified according to their number of lines, a counting process appears in the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:02

915 343 2
Student Handbook for the Master of Science Programs in: Business & Management pdf

Student Handbook for the Master of Science Programs in: Business & Management pdf

... for the MBM, MECON & MFINA Programs 41  Submitting an examination: When a monitor informs students that the time allotted for the examination is over, students must stop writing. ... credits). Students may also apply for the Executive Trainee Module (one semester), and successful applicants must take 30 ECTS credits in the main subject during year 2 instead. Year 2: Students ... specializations in Corporate Finance and Investment Management. In subsequent semesters, there are no mandatory courses for students who specialize in Investment Management (IM). Instead, students...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

66 723 0
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  3

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 3

... and its advantages in language classroom…………….………… 10 II.2. Reading comprehension …………………………………………………….………… 11 II.2.1. Reading comprehension and its roles in language learning………….……………11 II.2.2. ... teaching ……………………………………….…………… 6 II.1.4.1. Why use literature in language classroom. ………………………….…………… 6 II.1.4.2 Literature in the ESL classroom……………………….……………….…………… 9 II.1. 4.2.1.Poetry in the ... Reader and the text…………………………… ………………………………………11 II.2.3. Students difficulties with reading………………………….…………………………12 II.3. Literature and Reading…………………………… …………………………………….13 ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

3 581 0
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  5

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 5

... reading skills such as skimming, scanning, reading for main ideas or for specific information, etc. The reading materials mostly are taken from course books like: Think First Certificate, Reading ... reader in efferent reading is supposed to carry the information away, he, in aesthetic reading often makes judgments about the 13 • Creating another ending for the story • Role-playing or acting ... make a new path way in language teaching in general and in reading comprehension teaching in particular. The students under investigation were in their second term of the second year. They are between...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

43 597 4
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  6

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 6

... examples) Thanks a lot for yours great assistance! Questionnaire N o 2 e. Interpreting characters in the short story or figurative meanings in the poem. □ I think understanding the content is enough. □ ... Appendix Survey questionnaires for students at HPU Questionnaire N o 1 Questionnaires on the students attitude toward literary texts 1. Rank the following genres of literature according to your preference ... content is enough. □ This activity is interesting, we can look at different features of the event. □ It is helpful, we can think in our own ways, we can be independent from the text. □ Others……………………………………………………………… f....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

3 424 0
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  7

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 7

... 1 1 Integrating short stories and Integrating short stories and poems in developing the poems in developing the reading skills for 2 reading skills for 2 nd nd year year students in Haiphong ... 8 Results and Findings  Results:  Pointed out that integrating short stories and poems in reading class makes the lesson more enjoyable and helps enhance students reading skills.  Most students ... stories and poems in teaching and learning reading  Method of collecting data:  At the end of term, 2 weeks before the final exam. 13 13  Thank you for Thank you for your attention! your...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

13 569 0
Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-year students

Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-year students

... and learning and (3) advantages of using computers in reading ESP teaching and learning. I. of teaching ESP reading with computers Some models of using computers in teaching FL can ... of computers for teaching and learning (in general) and teaching and learning FL (in particular). As far as this study is concerned, certain applications of computers in teaching and learning ... following main methods to do the research:  Consulting books, journals and newspapers on applying IT in teaching and learning foreign languages or ESP;  Searching information on the Internet...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:31

43 1,4K 8
A study on possible effective pre-reading activities to improve reading skills for 2nd- year english majors at the military science academy

A study on possible effective pre-reading activities to improve reading skills for 2nd- year english majors at the military science academy

... comprehension, creating students interest, enhancing their motivation and 42 Pre - reading activities interesting normal boring 1. using games to introduce the text 75% 15% 10% 2. using pre-reading questions ... concentrate on the nature of reading. Definition of reading comprehension In teaching and learning a foreign language in general and teaching reading in particular, reading comprehension plays ... lead them to seek for certain information, 31 influences the students motivation in a reading lesson. First of all, if the reading material is interesting and relevant to the students, it will...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

45 1,7K 22
Developing critical reading skills for first year students in English department, college of foreign languages, Vietnam national university, Hanoi

Developing critical reading skills for first year students in English department, college of foreign languages, Vietnam national university, Hanoi

... exploring the problems that students encounter in studying and applying critical reading; (3) offering suitable teaching strategies in developing critical reading skills for first year students. 3. ... a text Interpreting text by going outside it Recognizing indicators in discourse Transcoding information into other types of display Table 5 - Types of reading tasks in general reading skills ... following reading skills for the students including getting the gist of a topic, drawing key concepts out of a reading, practicing reading strategies, learning how to use some clues for understanding....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

59 1,4K 4