project—selectwizard with sql server database

Working with SQL Server Database Objects - Managing Views pot

Working with SQL Server Database Objects - Managing Views pot

... Working with SQL Server Database Objects Assignments Clark in the column Author with Mary Higgins Clark Remove all the books from the view whose...

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 08:21

2 293 2
Tài liệu Defensive Database Programming with SQL Server ppt

Tài liệu Defensive Database Programming with SQL Server ppt

... Kuznetsov has been working with object-oriented languages and databases for more than a decade He has worked with Sybase, SQL Server, Oracle and DB2 He currently works with DRW Trading Group in ... procedure as a result Defending Against Changes in SQL Server Settings A common mistake made by developers is to develop SQL code on a given SQL Server, with a defined set of properties and settings, ... to the underlying database schema, changes in SQL Server settings, and so on If you fail to program defensively, then code that runs as expected on a given standalone server, with a specific configuration,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

302 608 0
Defensive Database Programming with SQL Server pdf

Defensive Database Programming with SQL Server pdf

... Kuznetsov has been working with object-oriented languages and databases for more than a decade He has worked with Sybase, SQL Server, Oracle and DB2 He currently works with DRW Trading Group in ... procedure as a result Defending Against Changes in SQL Server Settings A common mistake made by developers is to develop SQL code on a given SQL Server, with a defined set of properties and settings, ... to the underlying database schema, changes in SQL Server settings, and so on If you fail to program defensively, then code that runs as expected on a given standalone server, with a specific configuration,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 10:21

302 692 1
Design and Implement a SQL Server Database

Design and Implement a SQL Server Database

... Một User Database Chúng ta tạo database dễ dàng dùng SQL Server Enterprise cách right-click lên "database" chọn "New Database" hình vẽ sau: Sau việc đánh tên database click OK Ngoài dùng SQL script ... file SQL Server hoàn toàn có đầy đủ sở để viết vào dĩa cứng Còn transaction chưa commited (do bị down bất ngờ) SQL Server roll back hai transaction dựa ghi log file Cấu Trúc Logic Của Một SQL Server ... Server Transaction log file SQL Server dùng để ghi lại thay đổi xảy database Quá trình diễn sau: có thay đổi data Insert, Update, Delete yêu cầu từ ứng dụng, SQL Server tải (load) data page tương...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2012, 09:00

11 881 0
Design and Implement a SQL Server Database

Design and Implement a SQL Server Database

... tạo User Database Chúng ta tạo database dễ dàng dùng SQL Server Enterprise cách right-click lên "database" chọn "New Database" hình vẽ sau: Sau việc đánh tên database click OK Ngoài dùng SQL script ... Cấu Trúc Logic Của Một SQL Server Database Hầu thứ SQL Server tổ chức thành objects ví dụ tables, views, stored procedures, indexes, constraints Những system objects SQL Server thường có bắt đầu ... file SQL Server hoàn toàn có đầy đủ sở để viết vào dĩa cứng Còn transaction chưa commited (do bị down bất ngờ) SQL Server roll back hai transaction dựa ghi log file 3.4 Cấu Trúc Logic Của Một SQL...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 17:20

10 462 0
Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database

Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database

... the command SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, conn, tran); // Create the DataAdapter and CommandBuilder SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da); ... a SQL Server Locks Object counter that can be used to monitor lock activity For more information about database locks, using locking hints, or monitoring database locks, see Microsoft SQL Server ... actions; they are managed internally by database software A locking hint can be specified with SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements to instruct SQL Server as to the type of lock to use...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 20:15

5 417 0
Designing SQL Server Databases for .NET Enterprise Servers

Designing SQL Server Databases for .NET Enterprise Servers

... delivery: s SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition s SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition s SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition s SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition s SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) s SQL Server ... Create Database Backup Wizard The Database Maintenance Plan Wizard Transact -SQL Backing Up SQL Server Databases Performing a Database Backup Backing Up System Databases Restoring SQL Server Databases ... Indexes SQL Server Services SQL Server Service SQL Server Agent Service Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service Microsoft Search Service MSSQLServerADHelper Service MSSQLServerOLAPService...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15

753 473 0
Performing a Bulk Insert with SQL Server

Performing a Bulk Insert with SQL Server

... finally { bl = null; } Discussion The SQL Server XML Bulk Load component is used through COM interop to bulk insert data contained in a XML document into a SQL Server database This component controls ... type="xsd:string" sql: datatype="nvarchar(30)" />

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 12:15

5 395 0
Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 1

Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 1

... "server= localhost ;database= Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=sa"; SqlConnection mySqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); Or more simply: SqlConnection mySqlConnection = new SqlConnection( "server= localhost ;database= Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=sa" ... passed to SQL Server SQL Server will then check its list of users to see if you have permission to access the database (For further details on integrated security, consult the SQL Server Books ... Console.WriteLine("mySqlConnection .Database = "+ mySqlConnection .Database) ; Console.WriteLine("mySqlConnection.DataSource = "+ mySqlConnection.DataSource); Console.WriteLine("mySqlConnection.PacketSize = "+ mySqlConnection.PacketSize);...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

7 730 0
Transfer Tables Between SQL Server Databases

Transfer Tables Between SQL Server Databases

... System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load LoadSQLServers(Me.lstFromSQLServer) LoadSQLServers(Me.lstToSQLServer) End Sub On the lstFromSQLServer and lstToSQLServer list boxes, add the code in Listing ... use Dim odb As SQLDMO .Database Dim otbl As SQLDMO.Table Dim oapp As New SQLDMO.Application() Dim osvr As New SQLDMO.SQLServer() Try osvr.LoginSecure = True osvr.Connect(Me.lstFromSQLServer.SelectedItem) ... As System.EventArgs) Handles lstFromSQLServer.SelectedIndexChanged GetSQLDatabases(Me.lstFromSQLServer.SelectedItem, Me.lstFromDB) End Sub Private Sub lstToSQLServer_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 15:15

9 275 0
Tài liệu Professional ADO.NET 2 Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle and MySQL (P2) ppt

Tài liệu Professional ADO.NET 2 Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle and MySQL (P2) ppt

... applications, as SQL Server checks inside the “Master” database for anything prefixed with “sp_” or “xp_” before looking inside the specified database If you’re using another database server, make ... next couple of decades, databases continued to evolve Modern databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and LDAP are all highly influenced by these first few databases They have improved ... truly disconnected data access Maintaining a connection to a database server such as MS SQL Server is an expensive operation The server allocates resources to each connection, so it’s important...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:16

20 561 0
Tài liệu Professional ADO.NET 2 Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle and MySQL (P1) docx

Tài liệu Professional ADO.NET 2 Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle and MySQL (P1) docx

... Management Building a SQL Connection with the SqlConnectionStringBuilder Class 278 279 280 281 SQL Server Types (SqlTypes) 283 Structures Using SqlTypes Using SqlDbType Bulk Copy with SQL Server Provider ... Zongker Professional ADO.NET Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle® and MySQL® , Professional ADO.NET Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle® and MySQL® , Wallace B McClure Gregory A Beamer ... Provider Statistics SqlCacheDependency 284 287 290 291 292 293 xix Contents SqlCacheDependencyAdmin SqlDependency Summary For More Information Chapter 11: SQL Server 2005 Server- Side Programming...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:16

30 484 0
Tài liệu Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 2 doc

Tài liệu Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 2 doc

... mySqlConnection.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(InfoMessageHandler); // open mySqlConnection mySqlConnection.Open(); // create a SqlCommand object SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); ... SqlConnection mySqlConnection = new SqlConnection( "server= localhost ;database= Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=sa"); // monitor the InfoMessage event using the InfoMessageHandler() method mySqlConnection.InfoMessage ... mySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // close mySqlConnection mySqlConnection.Close(); } } The output from this program is as follows: The following message was produced: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError:...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

7 593 0
Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with SQL Server doc

Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with SQL Server doc

... SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[ "Sql_ ConnectString"]); SqlCommand cmdWrite = new SqlCommand(sqlWrite, conn); // Create parameter for insert command SqlParameter ... a SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement and pass in the BLOB value as an input parameter as shown in the solution code With SQL Server, if the BLOB contains character data, use a SqlDbType.Text or SqlDbType.NText ... the connection SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[ "Sql_ ConnectString"]); // Create the command to retrieve the image from the database String sqlText = "SELECT...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

10 624 0
Tài liệu Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database doc

Tài liệu Specifying Locking Hints in a SQL Server Database doc

... the command SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, conn, tran); // Create the DataAdapter and CommandBuilder SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da); ... a SQL Server Locks Object counter that can be used to monitor lock activity For more information about database locks, using locking hints, or monitoring database locks, see Microsoft SQL Server ... actions; they are managed internally by database software A locking hint can be specified with SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements to instruct SQL Server as to the type of lock to use...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

5 541 0
Tài liệu To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN Systemô XT Server pptx

Tài liệu To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN Systemô XT Server pptx

... opn_mssql .sql My SQL opn_mysql .sql Oracle opn_oracle .sql How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for the OPN System™ XT Server? Connecting to MySQL database When you connect to the MySQL database ... a sql file that you need to: Modify to point to the right database Run to create the database and the tables needed for the OPN System™ XT Server Database sql file Microsoft SQL Server opn_mssql .sql ... database name, e.g opnMSSQL: Save the file How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for the OPN System™ XT Server? Step 3: Run the opn_mssql .sql on Microsoft SQL Server Start Aqua Data Studio,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15

10 580 0
Tài liệu Create a Detach/Attach SQL Server Database Dialog Box ppt

Tài liệu Create a Detach/Attach SQL Server Database Dialog Box ppt

... btnAttach.Click Dim oSQLSvr As New SQLDMO.SQLServer() Dim strAttachMsg As String Try oSQLSvr.LoginSecure = True oSQLSvr.Connect(Me.lstSQLServers.SelectedItem) ' Attach the database strAttachMsg = oSQLSvr.AttachDBWithSingleFile( ... Handles btnDetach.Click Dim oSQLSvr As New SQLDMO.SQLServer() Dim strDetachMsg As String Try ' Connect to the server oSQLSvr.LoginSecure = True oSQLSvr.Connect(Me.lstSQLServers.SelectedItem) ' ... to the server, this code calls the AttachDBWithSingleFile method Then it refreshes the database list using the routine GetSQLDatabases Listing 7.30 frmHowTo7_5.vb: Attaching a SQL Server Database...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17

8 503 0
Tài liệu Creating a New SQL Server Database doc

Tài liệu Creating a New SQL Server Database doc

... DROP DATABASE MyDatabase The DROP DATABASE statement will fail if the database is in use; therefore, it might be necessary to restart the SQL Server in order to drop the database System databases— ... CREATE DATABASE statement, the DROP DATABASE statement, or DDL, see Microsoft SQL Server Books Online The solution for Oracle databases and other databases is similar to that shown for SQL Server ... DDL CREATE DATABASE statement to create a new database on a SQL Server You can programmatically drop the database by using the DROP DATABASE statement in a similar way To drop the database created...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 11:20

3 410 1