... behind the core of PHP. Why use PHP? Put simply, when it comes to developing dynamic Web sites, PHP is better, faster, and easier to learn than the alternatives. What you get with PHP is excellent ... Microsoft construct), JSP (Java Server Pages) , ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails (a Web development framework for the Ruby programming language), and PHP. Dynamic Web sites don’t always rely on a database, ... PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.” According to the official PHP Web site, found at www .php. net A , PHP is a “widely used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20
... the World Wide Web. Icon, like many other programming languages, has evolved over a period of time. The first edition of this book described Version 5 of Icon, and the second edition described ... understanding of the concepts of computer programming languages and a familiarity with the current terminol- ogy in the field. Programming experience with other programming languages, such as Pascal ... changes the length of s, the result can be confusing. THE ICON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Ralph E. Griswold • Madge T. Griswold Third Edition Characters, Csets, and Strings Chap. 4 60 CSETS Cset Literals A...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:20
essentials of programming languages 3rd edition apr 2008
... by an ever—growing collection of programming languages and programming frameworks—all erected on an ever-expanding platform of interpreters. Do you want to create Web pages? In 1990, that meant formatting ... formatting static text and graphics, in effect, creating a program to be run by browsers exe- cuting only a single “print” statement. Today’s dynamic Web pages make full use of scripting languages ... draft of the second edition, assumed the onerous task of suggesting a difficulty level for each exercise for that edition. Chung-chieh Shan taught from an early draft of the third edition and provided...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:24
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 1 pdf
... solid foundation. 12 Practical PHP and MySQL $pages = $stories / $pagesize; echo "Rounded down: " . floor( $pages) . " Rounded up: " . ceil( $pages) ; ?> To use these handy ... develop and now forms the comprehensive PHP platform we know today. PHP provides a solid and well-defined programming language that includes support for object-orientated programming, conditions, file ... database. In addition to PHP s capability as a Web scripting language, PHP also can be used as a shell scripting language. This means that you can use a single language to write Web applications and...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 2 doc
... feel. 70 Practical PHP and MySQL Creating the Header File Create a file called header .php and add the code shown in Example 4-2. EXAMPLE 4-2 This simple header file will be used across all pages. < ?php require("config .php& quot;); ?> <!DOCTYPE ... work by creating a file called index .php and adding the code in Example 4-4. EXAMPLE 4-4 With a header and footer, actual site pages become very simple. < ?php require("header .php& quot;); require("footer .php& quot;); ?> Iterating ... you will make use of phpMyAdmin, a tool included with XAMPP, to create the database. First, open your Web browser and connect to phpMyAdmin by accessing http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. A login...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 3 pps
... header .php. In login .php and logout .php, you added ses- sion_start() at the beginning of the page. You will use session_start() in most of your pages, so add it to the top of header .php: < ?php session_start(); This ... viewcat .php page to view the newly created category. Finally, close the else and include the footer .php file (all after the form): < ?php } require("footer .php& quot;); ?> CREATING ... Create a file called index .php and start by including header .php: < ?php require("header .php& quot;); Run a query to get all of the categories: require("header .php& quot;); $catsql = "SELECT...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 4 pdf
... footer: </table> </form> < ?php } require("footer .php& quot;); ?> CREATING ADMINISTRATOR-SPECIFIC PAGES With the user-accessible pages complete, you can now create the administrator- specific pages. These pages ... addforum .php) , cat (redirects to addcat .php) , and del (redirects to delete .php) . With the ability for an administrator to log in, add the administrator links above the table on index .php: < ?php require("header .php& quot;); if(isset($_SESSION['ADMIN']) ... bestorangejuice.jpg. Create a new file called products .php and start to add the code: < ?php require("db .php& quot;); require("functions .php& quot;); $validid = pf_validate_number($_GET['id'], "redirect",...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 5 pptx
... “</p>”; 228 Practical PHP and MySQL Create a file called index .php and add the following code: < ?php require(“config .php ); require(“functions .php ); One of the planned features for index .php is to list ... Site Create a new file called itemdetails .php and add the usual introductory code: < ?php session_start(); include(“config .php ); include(“functions .php ); $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, ... id=”menu”> <a href=”index .php >Home</a> < ?php if(isset($_SESSION[‘USERNAME’]) == TRUE) { echo “<a href=’logout .php >Logout</a>”; } else { echo “<a href=’login .php >Login</a>”; } ?> <a...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 6 potx
... . $config_basedir . “/addimages .php? id=” . $itemid); } else { header(“Location: “ . $config_basedir . “/newitem .php? error=date”); } } 277 CHAPTER 8 Creating a Web- Based Calendar FIGURE 8-2 Because ... button. 287 CHAPTER 8 Creating a Web- Based Calendar After you have protected the page from any users not logged in, create a small function: < ?php session_start(); require("config .php& quot;); if(isset($_SESSION['LOGGEDIN']) ... out regularly or on reboot. Configure this directory inside php. ini by setting the upload_tmp_dir option in php. ini. 265 Creating a Web- Based Calendar CHAPTER 8 For most of us, life is increasingly...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 7 ppt
... project. Create a new file called addquestion .php and add the following code: < ?php session_start(); require("db .php& quot;); require("functions .php& quot;); Only logged-in users should ... file called login .php and add the code shown in Example 9-4. EXAMPLE 9-4 This code is virtually the same as previous login pages. < ?php session_start(); require("config .php& quot;); if($_SESSION['SESS_USERNAME']) ... $config_basedir . "userhome .php& quot;); } else { header("Location: " . $config_basedir . "/login .php? error=1"); } } else { require("header .php& quot;); if($_GET['error'])...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 8 pot
... file called functions .php and add the configuration file: < ?php require("phphomeprojectconfig .php& quot;); Add pf_protect_nonadmin_page(): require("phphomeprojectconfig .php& quot;); function ... subject is deleted. Create deletesubject .php and add the following code: < ?php session_start(); require("db .php& quot;); require("functions .php& quot;); if($_SESSION['SESS_ADMIN']) ... "details": require("header .php& quot;); 388 Practical PHP and MySQL Accessing the Database In the base directory (phphomeproject), create db .php and add the connection code shown in...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 9 pps
... involves creating a fairly common form that takes in information and puts it in the database. Create addstory .php and begin including your files: < ?php session_start(); require("config .php& quot;); require("functions .php& quot;); require("db .php& quot;); In ... files: < ?php session_start(); require("config .php& quot;); require("functions .php& quot;); require("db .php& quot;); In addition to the usual include files, include HTML_QuickForm: require("db .php& quot;); require_once 'HTML/QuickForm .php& apos;; When ... 443 CHAPTER 11 Building a News Web Site </tr> </table> </form> < ?php } require("footer .php& quot;); ?> Logging Out Users To log out a user,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21
Practical PHP and MySQLBuilding Eight Dynamic Web Applications phần 10 ppsx
... code, 384-385 news Web sites. See news Web sites date(), 76 delete .php, discussion forums, 167 delete .php file (auction site), 256-259 deletesubject .php, 358-359 deletetopic .php, 363 deleting auction ... ($validpage - 1) * $pagesize; $pagesql = $query . " ORDER BY dateposted DESC LIMIT " . $offset . ", " . $pagesize . ";"; $pageres = mysql_query($pagesql); $pagenumrows ... the footer .php file: require("footer .php& quot;); ?> 462 Practical PHP and MySQL NOTE Optimizing the Database Optimizing your search engine is coupled closely with the size of a Web site. Aside...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21