professional english in use ict teachers book

cambridge - professional english in use - marketing

cambridge - professional english in use - marketing

... Press 978-0-521-70269-0 - Professional English in Use Marketing Cate Farrall and Marianne Lindsley Excerpt More information 2 3Professional English in Use Marketing 8.1 Match the types of research in the box ... Press 978-0-521-70269-0 - Professional English in Use Marketing Cate Farrall and Marianne Lindsley Excerpt More information 24 Professional English in Use Marketing A 9 Describing survey results There ... Press 978-0-521-70269-0 - Professional English in Use Marketing Cate Farrall and Marianne Lindsley Excerpt More information 1 9Professional English in Use Marketing Decide whether the following market environment...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 11:41

123 2,8K 31
Professional English in Use Medicine

Professional English in Use Medicine

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 15:03

163 752 7
english in mind - student's book 3

english in mind - student's book 3

... ha Stress in phrasal verbs. ,-:ronation in repartee questions. ~ - ::ns. Defining & non-defining relative clauses. Articles. be used to + gerund vS used to + infinitive. Grammar of phrasa e-D: Reported statements ... from Izmir, has interviewed her family and friends about what is popular in Turkey. As you read her report, put these headings in the correct place: Conclusion Introduction Findings The most surprising aspect of the report is that a large number don't like sport. I was also surprised to find out that it is quite common for my friends to listen to music in English. Sport: Football is the most important sport for more than half of the people interviewed. About a quarter prefer basketball to football. A quarter of those interviewed said they didn't like sport. Music: About three-quarters of my family prefer Turkish music to that from other countries. Among my friends, the majority usually listen to songs by British and American singers. 3 The aim of this report is to present what is popular in Turkey. I interviewed ten of my friends and all the people in my family, by telephone and in person. The questions concerned food, free time activities, sport and music. 2 lMA~ES OF TUPJ<EY Food: Well over three-quarters prefer Turkish food - especially meze (lots of small dishes with -, ~'es in olive oil) - to food from other COuntries. About two-thirds like Turkish fast food, especially pide (Turkish pizza). Over half say their favourite drink is ayran (a yoghurt drink). Free time: The majority of people like hanging out with friends and having picnics on the beach or in the park. All the adults like going to restaurants. More than half my friends go shopping every weekend. 40% play computer games every day. ã ... or cartoons that involve dogs or other animals? đ Match the phrases with the pictures. Write 1-5 in the boxes. 1 a man fighting in a war 2 someone com Ing out of a train station 3 someone patting a dog on the head 4...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 16:20

132 1,3K 0
Advanced writing with English in Use [CAE]

Advanced writing with English in Use [CAE]

... would climb the mountain. 4 High in the sky an eagle soared effortlessly enjoying the sunshine. C Defining and non-defining relative clauses Bearing in mind that a phrase in parenthesis can be ... rate (1, 3) (INF) By the waij (1, 3) (INF) Incidentally (1. 3) Now fo r . , , Regarding. . . Speaking o f . . . Talking abo u t, . . (INF) That brings me on to (F) That reminds me (INF) To turn ... connecting words in bold in the boxed parts of the story {beginning with 'so 1 did use to complain’). What is the difference between the connecting words in the forma! speech and those in...

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2014, 21:32

158 1,3K 3