production of clinically used antineoplastic compounds

Production of Trichloromethylphenol from Organophosphorus Pesticide Fenitrothion by Chlorination

Production of Trichloromethylphenol from Organophosphorus Pesticide Fenitrothion by Chlorination

... obtained by custom order from Chemical Soft R&D Inc (Kyoto, Japan) 20 mg of each of the chemicals is dissolved into L of distilled water and mg-Cl/mg-C of sodium hypochlorite was added at pH 7.0±0.2 ... spectrum of peak b’ and that of the standard compound (data not shown), peak b’ was identified as a 3M4NP derivative The production of 3M4NP derivative would be due to contamination of a derivatizing ... observed in the mass spectrum, production of trichloro-3-methylphenol (TC3MP) in the sample of chlorinated fenitrothion was inferred To confirm the production of TC3MP, 3M4NP was chlorinated...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

7 296 1
Production of hydrogen using composite membrane in PEM water electrolysis

Production of hydrogen using composite membrane in PEM water electrolysis

... has been made to evaluate the performance of composite membrane in water electrolysis process for the production of hydrogen The characterization studies of the Composite membrane are done by ion ... concentration of the titrant, Wsample is the dry mass of the sample (g) 2.7 Hydrogen production The hydrogen produced during the electrolysis operation is collected in vessels provided at the top of the ... gases are collected in respective vessels The yield of hydrogen is calculated by taking the volume of the vessel and length of the vessel and length of the hydrogen gas occupied in the vessel at atm...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

8 499 0
The Use of Plant Cell Biotechnology for the Production of Phytochemicals

The Use of Plant Cell Biotechnology for the Production of Phytochemicals

... increase the content of desired secondary compounds, to lower the levels of undesirable compounds, and finally to introduce novel compound production into specific plants This kind of research must, ... applications of genome sequencing of plants is functional genomics In simple words, an understanding of the function of genes and other parts of the genome is known as functional genomics It is a field of ... engineering studies have focused on manipulations of enzyme levels and the effect of amplification, addition, or blockage of a particular pathway A new area is the manipulation of cofactors, which play...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 05:20

19 759 1
Microbial Production of Amino Acids in Japan

Microbial Production of Amino Acids in Japan

... causes constitutive production of glutamate even in the presence of excess amounts of biotin and suggested that the overproduction of glutamate is caused by the imbalance of the coupling between ... various amounts of sodium pyruvate, g of ammonium acetate, 0.6 g of pyrocatechol, 0.2 g of sodium sulfite, 0.1 g of EDTA, and cells harvested from 100 ml of broth, in a total volume of 100 ml.The ... interesting to know of the existence of this new lysine decarboxylase in lysineproducing Corynebacterium and to investigate the effects of the deletion of the gene on the amounts of l-lysine production...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 02:20

15 758 5
A study on translation of expression used in some vietnamese dishes into english

A study on translation of expression used in some vietnamese dishes into english

... study Aims of the study Research methods applied in the study Design of the study PART II: DEVELOPMENT Chapter one: Theoretical background of translation Concepts of translation Types of translation ... extent of the relationship between SL and TL texts or smaller linguistic units The problem of equivalence is one of the most important issues in the field of translating It is a question of finding ... adaptation of the cake‟s feature, shape and ingredient Glutinous rice dumpling is also used to present meaning of Banh Giay but not popular Another name of Banh Giay is rice pie but rarely used because...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:55

61 679 1
Analysis of language used in business letters in term of speech acts = phân tích ngôn ngữ trong thư tín thương mại dưới góc độ hành động lời nói

Analysis of language used in business letters in term of speech acts = phân tích ngôn ngữ trong thư tín thương mại dưới góc độ hành động lời nói

... number kinds of letters written in business, we can not include all in this thesis, but only kinds of business letters: - Letters of sales - Letters of inquiry - Letters of order - Letters of complaint ... 15% of directives are used and most of them are indirect when the writer wants to give a command Of kinds of letters, there is only one commisive speech act (3%) which is in the letters of credit ... Table of content Acknowledgement Part A: Introduction Page 1.Rationale of the study………………………………………………… Aims of the study…………………………….………….…………… Scope of the study…………………………………………………… Method of the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:12

58 1,2K 10
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Production of biologically active forms of recombinant hepcidin, the iron-regulatory hormone docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Production of biologically active forms of recombinant hepcidin, the iron-regulatory hormone docx

... of E coli in plate assay using 100 pmol of each peptide, complete disappearance of ferroportin signal at the membrane of iron treated macrophage J774 cells in the presence of 700 lM of each of ... 6.2 (instead of pH for m1hepc) and the UnoQ chromatography step was run at pH 6.2 rather than pH The production yield of m1hepc was slightly lower than that of huhepc (8% instead of 13%, respectively, ... microlitres of hepcidin (0.1 mgÆmL)1) were eluted with the following gradient at mLÆmin)1 from 90% of (H2O, 0.1% TFA) and 10% of (H2O 30%, CH3CN 70%, TFA 0.1%) to 10% of (H2O, 0.1% TFA) and 90% of (H2O...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 18:20

11 517 0
Tài liệu Huntington’s Borghese Style Urn as a Study of Two-Dimensional Art & The Production of a Piece of Two-Dimensional Art pptx

Tài liệu Huntington’s Borghese Style Urn as a Study of Two-Dimensional Art & The Production of a Piece of Two-Dimensional Art pptx

... science of the “beautiful” in a work of art The aesthetic appeal of a work of art is defined by the visual Social, ethical moral, and contemporary standards of a society armature A structure of wood ... it has hardened it is taken out of the mold as a solid piece of cast sculpture ceramic Used to describe the shaping, finishing and firing of clay classical Term used to identify Greek art from ... appearance of the contrapposto pose composition The arrangement of lines, areas, colors and forms contrapposto A twist or “S” curve of the human figure caused by placing the weight of one foot...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20

6 681 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets" pdf

... categories of production, point out basic operations often used in them, and finally, establish and implement a formalism for specifying and doing production 2.1 Categories o f production Production ... for this Briefly, the structure complexity (SC) of a dictionary is equal to the sum of the number of elementary information types and the number of set components in its entry structure For example, ... an English-French dictionary whose entries consist of an English headword, a part -of- speech, and a set of French translations, will have a SC of (1 + 1+ 1)+ 1-4 Based on this measure, some others...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

5 334 0
Tài liệu Electrochemical Production of Metal Powders ppt

Tài liệu Electrochemical Production of Metal Powders ppt

... volume of metal [5] It is valid at extremely low rcur, being of the order of few millivolts, and it can be neglected except in some special cases, like the stability of the shape of the tips of dendrites ... purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of ... description of chapters in this volume of Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry ´ Popov and Nikolic in Chapter discuss the fundamental aspects of disperse metals electrodeposition The shapes of polarization...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 18:20

411 1,1K 0
Tài liệu SuStainable Production of Second-Generation biofuelS pot

Tài liệu SuStainable Production of Second-Generation biofuelS pot

... Sustainable Production of Second-Generation Biofuels – © OECD/IEA 2010 Status Quo of Second-Generation Biofuels Key messages  Biofuel production in 2008 reached around 83 billion litres, of which ... share of 9.3% of total transport fuel6 It assumes a rapid increase in the production of second-generation biofuels, accounting for all of the biofuel growth between 2020 and 2030 One-third of the ... presented in Annex A of this study assess the current state of the art of biofuel production and perspectives on second-generation biofuels This includes the assessment of agricultural and forestry...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

222 323 0
Tài liệu Novel Design of an Integrated Pulp Mill Biorefinery for the Production of Biofuels for Transportation pot

Tài liệu Novel Design of an Integrated Pulp Mill Biorefinery for the Production of Biofuels for Transportation pot

... List of Figures Figure 1: Price of wood as a function of transportation distance 9  Figure 2: Chemrec gasification process 19  Figure 3: Conceptual diagrams of different types of ... been creating production facilities as FTD has become more economically feasible with the onset of high petroleum fuel costs Production efficiency of FTD is lost to low selectivity of hydrocarbon ... is around 4.4 GJ/ton of pulp [14] Canadian Office of Energy estimates 3.1 GJ/ADt and 30 kWh/ADt are used for a modern kraft pulp mill [22] In a recovery boiler, the organic compounds that exist...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 14:20

105 518 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Muramyl-dipeptide-induced mitochondrial proton leak in macrophages is associated with upregulation of uncoupling protein 2 and the production of reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Muramyl-dipeptide-induced mitochondrial proton leak in macrophages is associated with upregulation of uncoupling protein 2 and the production of reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species docx

... significant enhancement of superoxide production after a period of h of stimulation (data not shown) The effect of muranyl peptides on the total NO (nitrite and nitrate) production of murine peritoneal ... species (RNS) production The increased production of reactive species was apparent after h of stimulation Since UCP2 is described as a regulator of ROS production, the expression of UCP2 in macrophages ... mechanism of action of MDP on the mitochondrial bioenergetics system and since mitochondria are an important source of ROS production and especially of superoxide anion, we investigated the effect of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

11 430 0
Báo cáo khoa học: In vivo production of catalase containing haem analogues pot

Báo cáo khoa học: In vivo production of catalase containing haem analogues pot

... presence of Fe-meso, Ru-meso, and PP The concentrations of porphyrins used in the growth medium are given in Table In the case of Ru-meso, a low concentration had to be used because of the toxicity of ... presence of 1.12 mol of iron atoms per mol of KatA polypeptide in Fe-PPKatA Isolated Ga-PP-KatA contained 0.96 mol of gallium per mol of KatA polypeptide, and only trace amounts of iron (Table 2) ... Susceptibility of E faecalis to haem analogues The recombinant E faecalis strain V583 ⁄ pLUF15 used in this work carries, on a plasmid, a variant of the E faecalis katA gene, resulting in overproduction of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:20

10 419 0
Business water footprint accounting: A tool to assess how production of goods and services impacts on freshwater resources worldwide pdf

Business water footprint accounting: A tool to assess how production of goods and services impacts on freshwater resources worldwide pdf

... suppliers of the sugar provide the following data: kg of sugar is produced from kg of sugar beets or from kg of sugarcane Unit C produces litre of beverage C from kg of oranges The PWF of sugar ... of freshwater used at a specific business unit, i.e the direct freshwater use The second refers to the amount of freshwater used to produce all the goods and services that form the input of production ... “blue” component of the water footprint refers to the volume of surface and groundwater evaporated as a result of the production of the product or service For example, for crop production, the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

46 960 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Degradation of chitosans with chitinase B from Serratia marcescens Production of chito-oligosaccharides and insight into enzyme processivity docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Degradation of chitosans with chitinase B from Serratia marcescens Production of chito-oligosaccharides and insight into enzyme processivity docx

... al Degradation of chitosans with ChiB Fig Time course of ChiB degradation of a chitosan with FA ẳ 0.65 The graph shows the degree of scission (a) as a function of time The slope of the line at ... end of the reaction, the relative amount of DA starts to increase, nally reaching 34% of the total amount of dimers NMR analyses of the tetramer fraction at a ẳ 0.11 (Fig 5A) revealed a FA of ... fraction had a DP of 3.04 and a FA of 0.44, and was concluded to consist mainly of DDA and DAA, in addition to minor amounts of ADA The tetramer fraction showed a DP of 4.1 and a FA of 0.33 and the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

12 474 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Project for production of closed-caption TV programs for the hearing impaired" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Project for production of closed-caption TV programs for the hearing impaired" docx

... automatic synchronisation of text and speech • building an efficient closed caption production system The outline of the system is shown in Figure Although all types of TV programs are to be handled ... 3.1.1 1) Shotening and deletion of sentence ends We find some of phrases which come at the end of the sentence can be shortened or deleted If a sahen verb is used as the main verb, we can change ... keywords pairs were taken from the data which was not used in the training and selected for the evaluation of the model We used the speech of four people for the evaluation The evaluation results...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

5 445 0


... included articles Creation of an ethical framework for consideration of conflict of interest in the production and development of drug compendia 17 The second component – review of compendia policies, ... process of making study data available; 3) Conflict of interest leading to biased selection of indications to review, and of evidence sources; and, 4) Bias in the interpretation of evidence Two of ... risk of conflict of interest Psaty and Kronmal present a recent case study illustrating the problem of sponsor conflict of interest, based upon their review of Merck archives related to rofecoxib...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

111 403 0
A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

... other types of water production problems Water Shut-Off Chemicals Another approach to shutting off water production while allowing continued production of oil involves the use of chemicals ... federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico seaward of the outer boundary of the territorial seas offshore off Louisiana and Texas The general permit includes: - No discharge within Area of Biological ... volume of water produced increases with the age of the crude oil production In these surveys, API had calculated a water-to-oil ratio of approximately 7.5 barrels of water for each barrel of oil...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

87 560 0