... designed based on characteristics of WSN which follow the goal of low cost and low power consumption For practical deployment as a automatic monitoring system, this system must be low power consumption ... without recharging Power supply design is investigated in next section POWER CONSUMPTION ESTIMATION AND POWER SUPPLY DESIGN In this section the power consumption estimation of the designed monitoring ... (WSN), design of a wireless sensor network and a low power water level monitoring station for urban environment are proposed in this paper A ubiquitous WSNs based on a high performance and low power
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2020, 13:15
Design for Low Power potx
... to CMOS VLSI Design Design for Low Power Outline Power and Energy Dynamic Power Static Power Low Power Design CMOS VLSI Design Design for LowSlide Power Power and Energy Power is drawn ... Design for Low Power Slide 19 Low Power Design Reduce dynamic power – α: clock gating, sleep mode – C: – VDD: – f: Reduce static power CMOS VLSI Design Design for Low Power Slide 20 Low Power Design ... low leakage devices, Pstatic = 749 mW (!) CMOS VLSI Design Design for Low Power Slide 18 Low Power Design Reduce dynamic power – α: – C: – VDD: – f: Reduce static power CMOS VLSI Design Design
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20
... transceiver with a single 0.5-Volt power supply voltage, which may further reduce the power consumptions of the overall system Therefore low- voltage, low- power designs for frequency synthesizer and ... to achieve low- power RX on the sensor nodes Secondly, a new low- power Class-E PA is proposed, which helps to increase the overall efficiencies of the TX The PA is suitable for low- power applications ... impedance transformation Comprehensive design equations are derived to aid the PA design, characterization and optimization The proposed design facilitates fully on-chip solution for low- power Class-E
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:49
Tunneling field effect transistors for low power logic design, simulation and technology demonstration
... TRANSISTORS FOR LOW POWER LOGIC: DESIGN, SIMULATION, AND TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION YANG YUE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2013 TUNNELING FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS FOR LOW POWER LOGIC: DESIGN, SIMULATION, ... has a relatively large bandgap, leading to a low band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) rate and low drive current for Si TFETs Therefore, novel structure designs and materials are need advance the TFET ... as it can potentially replace the metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) for low power applications Among the device candidates, the tunneling field effect transistor (TFET)
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:24
DCG Deterministic Clock Gating For Low-Power Microprocessor Design
... no way for the client program to tell the DBMS to “skip” some tuples, or to run asynchronously until the client is ready for new information Nor is it possible for the DBMS to pass information ... ranked B+-tree for a range query, one knows the size of subranges before those ranges are retrieved This information can be used to help compute approximations or answers for aggregates For example, ... lower = lowest value in column c, available from db stats; } count++; return ((1.36*(upper - lower)) / sqrt(count)); running_confidence(float current) { return(95%); } Figure 5: Psuedo-code for
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 22:27
The design of low power ultra wideband transceiver
... employing current reuse technique to maximize the gain for a given power, we achieve the lowest power consumption Table 5.2 Beamforming receiver performance summary and comparison with others T.S Chu, ... THE DESIGN OF LOW POWER ULTRAWIDEBAND TRANSCEIVERS Wang Lei NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2013 THE DESIGN OF LOW POWER ULTRAWIDEBAND TRANSCEIVERS Wang Lei ... and 600 pJ/bit during receiving For UWB beamforming transmitter design, we propose relative delay approach both to enhance phase resolution and to minimize power consumption Novel DLL based
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:21
Design of low power CMOS UWB transceiver ICs
... choice of technology for low data rate low power applications such as wireless sensor networks [12]-[13] based on IEEE 802.15.4a standard for reasons such as low cost, low power and low complexity. ... based on the noncoherent architecture and are thus of low system complexity and low power consumption. For low data rate applications, the power consumption of the transceivers can be significantly ... to be designed and implemented. In this thesis, the objective is to design a low power CMOS impulse radio UWB receiver (3-5 GHz) that can be implemented in a complete UWB transceiver for low data
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:45
Functional unit selection in microprocessors for low power
... FUNCTIONAL UNIT SELECTION IN MICROPROCESSORS FOR LOW POWER PAN YAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2006 FUNCTIONAL UNIT SELECTION IN MICROPROCESSORS FOR LOW POWER PAN YAN (B.Eng., Shanghai ... switching frequency dramatically increase on-chip power dissipation. To address this, we propose here in this thesis a low power design technique for microprocessors where multiple Functional Units ... that usually higher performance comes at the price of higher power. Thus, one important branch of low power technique is based on the trade-off between performance and power. The basic idea behind
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 21:28
Advanced memory optimization techniques for low power embedded processors
... Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques for Low- Power Embedded Processors Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques for Low- Power Embedded Processors By Manish Verma Altera European Technology ... Marwedel Memory Optimization Techniques for Low- Power Embedded Processors In Proceedings of VIVA Workshop on Fundamentals and Methods for Low- Power Information Processing, Bonn, Germany, Sep ... Verma and P Marwedel Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques for Low- Power Embedded Processors In Fundamentals and Methods for Low- Power Information Processing Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2016, 10:33
A Software Approach for Lower Power Consumption: . M.A Thesis
... code driven generation for low power 2.3 Reducing memory access 2.4 Software power optimization using symbolic algebra 2.5 List scheduling for low power 2.6 Instruction ... activity 2.7 Low power instruction scheduling as traveling salesman problem 2.8 Force-directed scheduling for low power 2.9 Instruction scheduling to reduce the off-chip power 2.10 ... Appendix C Power Dissipation Table 55 Appendix D An example of scheduling a basic block 56 List of Figures Figure 2.1 List scheduling for low power Figure 3.1 Flow of low power
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:37
Báo cáo hóa học: " Design of a Low-Power VLSI Macrocell for Nonlinear Adaptive Video Noise Reduction" doc
... filtering performances, the noise distribu- tion must be known a priori or an external circuit must be used for its estimation. Secondly, the filters are not optimized for low- power consumption ... allows for real-time processing of main video for- mats, up to 30 fps 4CIF, with a power consumption in the order of few mW. Simulation results with monochrome test videos prove its efficiency for ... identifying, realizing, and testing a design methodology based on systolic arrays. For the past years he has been involved in the design of high-performance low- power digital systems. Professor Terreni
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20
Design implementation of low power MAC protocol for wireless body area network
... DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LOW POWER MAC PROTOCOL FOR WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORK PAN RUI (Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.), National University of Singapore, Singapore) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR ... activities, and should be battery-powered to work for days or even months for a single charge This requires the sensor nodes to be in small size and consume low power In this dissertation, the ... as a baseline design such that future systems can be built upon it Besides the effort in hardware design, the MAC protocol also plays an important v role An efficient MAC protocol design can ensure
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:16
Low power high data rate transmitter design for biomedical application
... Low- Power High-Data-Rate Transmitter Design for Biomedical Application Liu Xiayun (B.Eng., UESTC) A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ... ultra -low power injection locked transmitter for wireless sensor networks," in Proc IEEE Custon Integrated Circuits Conf (CICC), 2005, pp 797-800 [38] L Kwan Wai, L Leung, and L Ka Nang, "Low power ... transmitter for mobile phones," IEEE J Solid-State Circuits, vol 40, no 12, pp 2469-2482, Dec 2005 [31] M Youssef, A Zolfaghari, H Darabi, and A Abidi, "A low- power wideband polar transmitter for 3G
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:19
Low power low noise analog front end IC design for biomedical sensor interface
... LOW POWER LOW NOISE ANALOG FRONT-END IC DESIGN FOR BIOMEDICAL SENSOR INTERFACE ZOU XIAODAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2010 LOW POWER LOW NOISE ANALOG FRONT-END IC DESIGN FOR BIOMEDICAL ... comparable performance with much lower power consumption and smaller chip area, providing an optimum and robust solution for the low power low noise biomedical sensor interface design 6.2 Future ... biomedical sensor nodes for continuous health monitoring This thesis presents the design of the low power low noise analog front-end IC for biomedical sensor interface Power consumption is one of
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:07
Micro architecture level low power design for microprocessors
... efficient designs for reducing power dissipation of the microprocessor First of all, we investigate background and techniques for reducing microprocessor power dissipation Then we attempt to address power ... Kawaguchi, and T Kuroda Low- power CMOS design through Vth control and low- swing circuits In Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 1997, pp 1-6 [46] ... technology, power dissipation has become a great concern in modern microprocessor design, not only for battery-operated potable devices but also for high-end computer systems Minimizing power dissipation
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:05
A low power design for arithmetic and logic unit
... performance and high power consumption and another with slow performance and low power consumption Both are used to execute instructions, but slow functional units are used whenever possible, for ... Inverter 5.74 Table A1.3 XOR/XNOR Static Power Consumption As a stand alone circuit, the 4-transistor design has the lowest static power consumption because of its low transistor count However, when ... segment for Case 76 Table 4.3 Program segment for Case 76 Table 4.4 GIn segment for Case 77 Table 4.5 Program segment for Case 77 Table 4.6 GIn segment for Case 78 Table 4.7 Program segment for Case
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 14:04
Design and implementation of ultra low power sensor interface circuits for ECG acquisition
... DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ULTRA -LOW- POWER SENSOR INTERFACE CIRCUITS FOR ECG ACQUISITION XU XIAOYUAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2010 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ULTRA -LOW- POWER ... chip integrates a low- noise frontend amplifier with programmable bandwidth and gain, and a 12-bit SAR ADC incorporating a dual-mode lowpower clock module. The ultra -low power consumption is achieved ... even lower. Fortunately, the sensor interface deals with low frequency and narrow bandwidth signals with medium dynamic range accuracy, which makes such low current consumption feasible. b) Form
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 11:57
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Efficient Algorithm and Architecture of Critical-Band Transform for Low-Power Speech Applications" pdf
... Brodersen, Low- power CMOS digital design, ” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Cir- cuits, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 473–484, 1992. [18] B. M. Bass, “A low- power, high-performance, 1024-points FFT processor, ” ... with the Center for Signal Processing, NTU as a Research Engi- neer. His research interests include digital IC design, VLSI architec- tures for digital signal processing, low- power design, and embed- ded ... power [11]. The existing CBT methods are not suitable for low- power VLSI realiza- tion because of the high computation complexity and high hardware complexity. Therefore, there is a need to design...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
ultra low-power electronics and design
... to proposals on other levels in the design flow and to future work. Keywords: Low- power design, dynamic power reduction, leakage power reduction, ultra- low- V th devices, multi-V dd , multi-V th , ... of dynamic power consumption is a concern for almost all IC products today. For battery-powered products, reduced power consumption directly results in longer operating time for the product, ... search for optimization of power consumption. For leading-edge products which need to optimize both power consumption and system performance, optimization techniques on architecture and design...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 11:43
Báo cáo hóa học: "Novel low-PAPR parallel FSOK transceiver design for MC-CDMA system over multipath fading channels" pdf
... Open Access Novel low- PAPR parallel FSOK transceiver design for MC-CDMA system over multipath fading channels Juinn-Horng Deng * and Jeng-Kuang Hwang Abstract A low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) ... performance and outperform the con- ventional STBC MISO and MIMO systems. The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Sec- tion 2, we pre sent the SISO system block d iagram and formulate ... 2011:144 http://jwcn.eurasipjournals.com/content/2011/1/144 Page 2 of 14 to signal power. For performance comparisons, BER simulations are conducted for the proposed QPS K-FSOK MC-CDMA, conventional MC-CDMA [8],...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
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