Fundamentals of Linux Final
... the software by the programmers at Berkeley was the addition of networking software which allowed the operating system to function in a local area network (LAN) Linux is a UNIX-like operting system, ... distributed processing capabilities of the Linux system Think Beyond What features of the Linux UNIX environment set it apart from a typical standalone PC environment? What would some of the benefits of ... Multitasking Linux is a true preemptive multitasking operating system All processes run independently of each other and leave processor management to the kernel • • • • Symmetrical multiprocessing Linux...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:11
... install Linux in the graphical mode, press the Enter key and Linux will go to the next screen If the enter key is not pressed in approximately thirty seconds, Linux will start the installation process ... Cisco Systems, Inc Step 9: Automatic Partitioning The following are the automatic partitioning options: • Remove all Linux partitions on this system — This option will remove existing Linux ... option to edit the settings For the purpose of this lab, accept the default settings and click the Next button 10 - 27 IT Essentials II v2.0 - Lab 9.2.1 Copyright 2002, Cisco Systems, Inc Step...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 15:15
... /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 b) /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 c) /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2 24) Which Linux command can be used to modify the list of groups ... grep smbd You want to check what shares are offered by a Windows system Which of the following commands could you use to perform this task on your Linux system? a) smbclient b) smbstatus c) smbshares ... used to customize the bash (Bourne-Again shell) environmment ? a) profile and bash_profile b) profile and bashrc c) bash_profile and bashrc You issue the command jobs and receive the following...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 21:20
settings of jane eyre
... within are attractive At Moor House, Jane isexposed to a way of living she had never quite seen before and, having seen the reality ofthe world she had previously only imagined She then takes ... Jane learns what it is to be an independent woman Of course thetwenty thousand pounds from John Eyre's inheritance doesn't hurt In the final setting of the book at Ferndean, this is the place at ... Moor House and is taken in.Soon she regains her health and is allowed to stay The companionship of Mary andDiana is perhaps the best suited to her intellect and temperament than any she has hadbefore...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:50
Cinema 4D Training Introducing VRay: A short guide to the settings of VRayForC4D pptx
... Adaptive amount of 1, we hand over control of all of the samples (Fully adaptive) Having covered two of the possible GI engines and how their individual passes contribute towards the quality of the final ... the default settings of the VRay Physical camera provide a similar result, they differ greatly from a camera that has no Physical properties The proof is in the numbers A couple of tweaks later ... not just have a Min value of -1 and a Max value of -1? Or a fixed value? A Hemispheric SubDivision is part of the Irradiance map and is used to determine “the quality of individual GI samples”...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Molecular epidemiology of clinical and carrier strains of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the hospital settings of north India" pptx
... Table 2: Antibiotic resistance profiles of 61 strains of MRSA isolated in an orthopaedic surgical ward Pattern Antibiotic resistance profiles of MRSA No of resistance markers Strains 10 11 12 ... JMR-7, 10, 47, 49, 57 case of nasal swabs of hospital workers and patients (n = 225) the frequency of MRSA isolates was 28.9% that is equivalent to MRSA carrier rate of 23.1% Of the 76 MRCNS studied ... (18.4%) and nasal swabs of patients having ocular infections (14.5%), where as 10.5% of MRCNS were isolated from ocular swabs of hospital workers Resistance Profiles of Staphylococcal Isolates...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:20
technical summary of linux distribution
... phối lại… Lịch sử Linux Linux Linus Torvalds viết năm 1991 Được cộng đồng Internet đón nhận Nhiều người tình nguyện tham gia phát triển Linux Hệ điều hành Linux gồm: Linux kernel Những ... Public License Lịch sử phát triển Linux Đặc điểm hệ điều hành Linux Khác biệt hệ điều hành Linux Windows Lợi ích hạn chế hệ điều hành Linux Các phiên Linux Mã nguồn mở GPL GNU GPL: GNU ... MandrakeSoft http://www .linux- Red Hat Slackware Linux SuSE TurboLinux
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2014, 10:07
The art of linux kernel design
... 3.1.5 Process Shares Files of Process 103 3.1.6 Set the Table Item in the GDT of Process 104 3.1.7 Process Is in Ready State to Complete the Creation of ... management, multiple processes operating files, and IPC among user processes with the background of the implementation of these procedures We try to integrate the principle of the operating system into ... help of Mr Zhang Guoqiang and Miss Yang Jin Yang Lixiang University of Chinese Academy of Sciences xii Preface Author Lixiang Yang is an associate professor of the University of Chinese Academy of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2015, 15:03
The concise handbook of linux for embedded real time systems
... About TimeSys Linux • 15 TimeSys Linux in Embedded Systems TimeSys Linux was designed with the requirements of embedded systems in mind The small footprint and reliability of TimeSys Linux make ... Linux/ CPU™) • Network reservation modules (TimeSys Linux /NET ) • TimeTrace™ About TimeSys Linux • 17 Key Features of TimeSys Linux TimeSys Linux adds numerous features to the standard Linux base, ... variety of application requirements The basic components of TimeSys Linux are: • Linux kernel (TimeSys Linux ) • Real-time extensions (TimeSys Linux/ Real-Time™) • CPU reservation modules (TimeSys Linux/ CPU™)...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2016, 09:24
... OVERVIEW OF INTERNET ADDRESSING The Internet Protocol (IP) enables many different types of physical networks, such as cable TV systems, telephony systems, or wireless networks, to transport packets of ... the packaging of IPv6 data through encapsulation or address assignment so it can travel across an IPv4 network, or, less often, the packaging of IPv4 data to travel across an IPv4 network Translation ... services, has led the development of Internet infrastructure and services from a small community of users, to a global network of networks The implementation of IPv6 will entail continued private...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20
Investigation into performance of IPV4 and IPV6 transition mechanisms and distributed NAT PT implementation
... auto-configuration, security and mobility Migrating from IPv4 to IPv6 in an instant is impossible because of huge size of the Internet and of the great number of IPv4 users Moreover, many organizations are ... IPv6 server of another IPv6 network, are reached by configured or automatic IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels over the IPv4 Internet: conventional IPv4 services are provided to users having IPv4 or dual ... public IPv4 addresses of and corresponding IPv4- compatible address of :: sends traffic to Host2 (with the public IPv4 addresses of and corresponding IPv4- compatible...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2015, 17:00
Foundations of ASP .NET AJAX
... Microsoft integrated the power of AJAX with the productivity of ASP .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 to develop ASP .NET AJAX In the next chapter, you’ll be introduced to the wonderful world of ASP .NET ... Microsoft officially released the ASP .NET AJAX Extensions, which include a set of client- and server-side controls and functionality leveraging some of the existing technologies in ASP .NET This ... branch ( He is a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer for NET, a Microsoft Certified Application Developer for NET, a Microsoft Certified Professional, and a prolific author and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 09:26
Nghien cuu IPv4 & IPv6-NHOM.doc
... chuyển đổi IPv4 sang IPv6, địa IPv4 tạm thời đợc gán cho nút mạng IPv6 - Các gói tin đến thiết bi SIIT đợc chuyển đổi header địa từ IPv4 sang địa IPv4- dịch (IPv4- translated) IPv4- ánh xạ (IPv4- mapped) ... phân địa dùng hết ô địa IPv4, mau chóng không địa để cấp cho hệ thống muốn kết nối vào Internet Mặc dù sách lợc subnet supernet giảm bớt vấn đề địa chỉ, nhng subnet suprnet làm cho đờng truyền ... cáo trờng + Chứng thực Subnet (Subnet indentifier): Mỗi subscriber có nhiều subnetwork khác nhau, network có nhiều chứng thực Chứng thực Chứng thực subnet định nghĩa network cụ thể dới khu vực...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 16:18
Chuyển đổi giao thức IPv4 sang IPv6
... header gia IPv4 v IPv6 So sỏnh gia gúi header ca gúi tin IPv4 v IPv6: IPv4 Header Field Version Internet Length Header Type of Service Total Length Identification Fragmentation Flags Fragment Offset ... tay bao gm cỏc giao thc IPv6 Node IPv6 /IPv4: Mt nỳt m thc hin c IPv4 v IPv6 Node IPv4: Mt nỳt m thc hin Ipv4 Mt nỳt cú th l nỳt ch IPv4 hoc mt nỳt IPv6 /IPv4 Node IPv6: Mt nỳt m thc hin IPv6 Mt ... c cp nht h tr c IPv4 v IPv6, ch cú th truy cp so vi IPv4 Vỡ vy, mỏy ch phi cú kh nng s dng c hai IPv4 v IPv6 s dng c hai lp Internet IPv4 v IPv6 trờn cựng mt mỏy ch, IPv6 /IPv4 mỏy ch cú th...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:15
Tìm hiểu IPv6 và cấu hình chuyển đổi giao tiếp từ IPv4 sang IPv6
... version ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol version IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol ID Indentify Digital IP Internet Protocol IPSec Internet Protocol Security ISP Internet Service Provider ... giao tip t IPv6 sang IPv4 CHNG 1:NHNG HN CH CA A CH IPV4 V CU TRC A CH IPV6 NHNG HN CH CA A CH IPV4 V S RA I CA A 1.1 CH IPV6 1.1.1 NHNG HN CH CA A CH IPV4 S cn kit a ch IPv4: theo s liu ca nhng ... ch IPv4 - compatible: a ch IPv4 tng thớch c to t 32 bits a ch IPv4 theo cỏch thc gn cỏc bits ton vo trc 32 bits a ch IPv4 v c vit nh sau: 0:0:0:0:0:0:w.x.y.z hoc ::w.x.y.z (w.x.y.z l a ch IPv4...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 14:55
Giải pháp khắc phục và các đặc điểm nổi trội của IPv6 so với IPv4
... tay bao gm cỏc giao thc IPv6 Node IPv6 /IPv4: Mt nỳt m thc hin c IPv4 v IPv6 21 Node IPv4: Mt nỳt m thc hin Ipv4 Mt nỳt cú th l nỳt ch IPv4 hoc mt nỳt IPv6 /IPv4 Node IPv6: Mt nỳt m thc hin IPv6 ... c cp nht h tr c IPv4 v IPv6, ch cú th truy cp so vi IPv4 Vỡ vy, mỏy ch phi cú kh nng s dng c hai IPv4 v IPv6 s dng c hai lp Internet IPv4 v IPv6 trờn cựng mt mỏy ch, IPv6 /IPv4 mỏy ch cú th ... hai phn, phn u gi l Network ID (a ch mng) v phn sau l Host ID a ch Internet cú th biu din dng bit nh phõn Hỡnh 1.1: a ch IPv4 dng bit nh phõn Cỏc lp a ch IPv4 a ch IPv4 chia lp A, B,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 10:02