problems dynamics and control methods

process dynamics and control, wiley

process dynamics and control, wiley

... Process Dynamics and Control Modeling for Control and Prediction Brian Roffel University of Groningen, The Netherlands and Ben Betlem University of Twente, The Netherlands Process Dynamics and Control ... Control Process Dynamics and Control Modeling for Control and Prediction Brian Roffel University of Groningen, The Netherlands and Ben Betlem University of Twente, The Netherlands Copyright © ... control X application control tools from from process technology control technology Fig Process dynamics and control area in three dimensions The three disciplines process, control and information...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:10

562 864 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 2 docx

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 2 docx

... the first link and the support q1 and between the particular links q1 and q1 Analogously, we can introduce the internal coordinates of a four-DOF manipulator q2 , q2 , q2 , q2 and q3 , q3 , q3 ... number and character of state quantities of the cooperative system will be changed too 1.5 General Convention on Symbols and Quantity Designations In the description of the statics and dynamics, ... object rc2 f f and the vector of manipulator tip position rc2 are identical, rc2 = rc2 For a stiff and rigid contact of the manipulator tip and object, the contact space vector A c2 f f and vector...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 208 2
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 3 pot

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 3 pot

... manipulator tip with the object and the determination of the object position on the basis of the known manipulator position and vice versa These problems can be defined as the problems of choice of the ... contact forces are the same and also equal to one-half of the force at the object MC One possible approach is to consider both the object dynamics and manipulator dynamics For the case of the ... constraints on driving torques of the ‘leader’ and ‘follower’, by combining the right-hand sides of the behavior of the object and manipulator and minimizing the driving vector norm (which is...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 234 1
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 4 ppt

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 4 ppt

... sition and velocity of the object MC Y2 and Y2 The elastic forces are at the same time the contact forces F1 = −fc1 and F3 = −fc2 (fc1 and fc2 are the forces at the tips of the manipulators) and ... components (manipulators and object), • elastic manipulators and rigid object, • rigid manipulators and elastic (deformable) object, and • rigid manipulators, rigid object and elastic interconnections ... MC position and force of the manipulated object are X0 , Y0 and FI , whereas Yi , Fi , Fci and τi , i = 1, are the displacements of contact points, elastic forces, contact forces and manipulator...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 216 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 5 pdf

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 5 pdf

... , m, (72) where ri0 , ria and Ai0 , Aia are the MC positions and orientations of the ith body in the unloaded and loaded states; δi and Ai are the MC displacements and change of orientation of ... the stiffness matrix; y0 and Fe0 are the vectors of displacements and forces at the manipulated object MC, whereas yc and Fec are the expanded vectors of displacements and forces at the MCs of ... constant intensity and changeable direction In the case of a translatory motion of the unloaded state 0, we have ω0 = and ρij = const, and in the case when the MCs of the ith and j th body coincide...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 172 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 6 ppsx

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 6 ppsx

... contact of the manipulator and object is stiff and rigid The contact position is determined by the position and orientation of the manipulator gripper tip on the one hand and by the position of the ... if we determine the force in the initial moment and denote it by Fe (Y ), and bearing in mind (137) and that, for a = 0, there will be ar (a) = and Ar (a) = I , then relation (163) can be used ... wma (Y, Y ))T ∈ R 6m×1 , (116) where Yc denotes the expanded vector of contact position in the 6m-dimensional space and Fc stands for the expanded vector of contact forces acting at the contact...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 253 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 8 doc

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 8 doc

... Y1 and ϕ1 of the first contact point, while F 1X, F 1Y y x and M1 are the symbols of the components of the forces F1 and F1 and moment y x M1 in the direction of the displacements Y1 , Y1 and ... quantities) and manipulator (6m quantities) and seek active forces (6m quantities), as there can appear excessive contacts and internal stress of the object and manipulators On the other hand, active ... the internal coordinate q1 , whereas QS13 and SS13 are the symbols for its ¨3 first and second derivatives q1 and q1 Diagrams of the dependent variable and its ˙3 derivatives are always given one...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 282 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 9 ppt

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 9 ppt

... connections and after introducing the subscripts for the leader v (yv = y1 ) and s for the followers, and having in mind the notations (206), (207) and (203) for the structure of matrices and vectors ... beginning and end of gripping, which is ended by static conditions, are defined by the relations (219) and (221) or (222) when assigning nominal conditions to the manipulated object MC and relations ... y0 = and Fe0 = G0 are determined ˙ ¨ For the nominal gripping determined by the requirements for the leader’s con˙ ¨ tact point, the conditions (yv , yv , yv ) and gripping forces (elastic and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 168 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 10 pps

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 10 pps

... stabilized first and then Steps 10, 11 and 12 replaced by Steps 10a, 11a and 12a Step 10a By introducing the coordinates, velocities, and accelerations of the nodes, deter0 mined in Step 4, and the coordinates ... gripping, and about which proceeds the oscillatory motion of the MC; Ay and Ty are the amplitude and period of oscillation; Tks , Td and Tkraj are the respective moments at which gripping, lifting, and ... of the object MC y0 , s and the force at the leader’s contact point Fev are calculated from (229) and s s s (230) as a function of the displacements yv and forces Fes and Fe0 , given as independent...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 151 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 11 pptx

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 11 pptx

... the above, control theory defines the state controllability, output controllability, and state observability The system state x(0) is controllable Cooperative System Control 193 if and only if ... output γ (t) and control υ(t) on some limited time interval t ∈ [0, T ] If all the system states are controllable, the system is (completely) controllable, and if the output is completely controllable, ... Definitions and theorems of controllability and observability specify the properties and conditions of mapping between the domains of inputs, states, and outputs The necessary condition of state controllability...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 276 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 12 pptx

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 12 pptx

... manner and with the prescribed quality requirements, given indirectly by (312) and Y0 (315) As the dependence of deviation of the third and second derivatives and ηs = qs − qs of the controlled ... of the control laws by which requirements are explicitly preset for the manipulated object MC and contact points of the followers Controlled inputs are defined by (282) or (284), (286 ) and (289) ... cooperative system and vector of elasticity forces are equivalent The choices of the controlled output Y u = Yc , Y u = q and Y u = Fec are equivalent, so that it suffices to choose control laws for...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 188 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 13 ppt

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic Part 13 ppt

... Y3 and Y3 ) and nominal contact forces (Fc3 and Fc3 ) of the followers are introduced simultaneously The switches F and q in the main branch and feedback branch are switched on simultaneously and ... non-controlled quantities ˙ ¨ Fcv , q, q, q (i.e Yc , Yc , Yc ) and calculated driving torques τ in considering the ˙ ¨ elastic system with controlled trajectories of contact points and controlled ... derivatives Y and µs = Fcs − Fcs of the controlled outputs Y0 and Fcs adopted by the control laws (341) are realized, then, according to (325), the deviation of the lower derivatives of the controlled...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 208 0
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic part 14 pptx

Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots- Dynamics and Control - Zivanovic and Vukobratovic part 14 pptx

... uncertainty problems are not essentially problems of cooperative manipulation any more, but it is the cooperative system control Control schemes ‘leader/follower control and ‘master/slave control ... system and cooperative manipulation, synthesized nominals, along with the selected control laws and conclusions about the properties of the controlled cooperative system, can easily be expanded and ... analysis of definitions and criteria for assessing the controllability and observability of linear systems showed that these definitions and criteria determine the conditions of direct and inverse mapping...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

20 261 0
Động lực học và điều khiển ô tô vehicle dynamics and control

Động lực học và điều khiển ô tô vehicle dynamics and control

... radius 108 xiv VEHICLE DYNAMICS AND CONTROL 4.2 Driveline Dynamics 111 4.2.1 Torque converter 112 4.2.2 Transmission dynamics 114 4.2.3 Engine dynamics 116 4.2.4 Wheel dynamics 118 4.3 Chapter ... Jalón and E Bayo, Kinematic and Dynamic Simulation of Multibody Systems: The Real-Time Challenge W.K Gawronski, Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures W.K Gawronski, Dynamics ... Systems: Theory, Methods, and Algorithms, 2nd ed P Basu, C Kefa, and L Jestin, Boilers and Burners: Design and Theory J.M Berthelot, Composite Materials: Mechanical Behavior and Structural Analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2014, 22:09

485 461 0
Dynamics and control of a flapping wing aircraft

Dynamics and control of a flapping wing aircraft

... specification 144 Dynamics and Control of a Flapping Wing Aircraft xv Introduction Introduction The objective of this project is to determine the dynamics and control of a flapping wing ... are the power supply and the ornithopter’s weight Dynamics and Control of a Flapping Wing Aircraft Literature Review O’Halloran and Horowitz (1998) have also designed, built, and tested an autonomous ... monitor and an emergency takeover circuit are designed and built Balancing, takeover, and landing behaviours using these sensors and assembly language programs running on a 68HC11 microcontroller...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 17:06

161 659 0
Dynamics and control of distributed parameter systems with recycles

Dynamics and control of distributed parameter systems with recycles

... nature of the DPS and design the controller The control performance with these controllers suffers from strong interactions and apparent time delays due to the underlying diffusion and convection ... operation of control of such linear distributed systems using modal control theory A new and novel technique called the modal feedback-feedforward controller has been introduced and found to ... objectives of the present study are to understand the dynamics of distributed parameter systems & recycle systems and to control distributed parameter systems with and without recycle A set of tools were...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 17:06

143 470 0
theory of applied robotics  kinematics  dynamics  and control  second edition springer (2010)

theory of applied robotics kinematics dynamics and control second edition springer (2010)

... 817 819 821 15 Control Techniques 15.1 Open and Closed-Loop Control 15.2 Computed Torque Control 15.3 Linear Control Technique 15.3.1 Proportional Control 15.3.2 Integral Control 15.3.3 ... send information about each link and joint to the control unit, and the control unit determines the configuration of the robot 1.2.8 Controller The controller or control unit has three roles 1-Information ... and ψ, but is independent of θ 1.5 Problems of Robot Dynamics There are three basic and systematic methods to represent the relative position and orientation of a manipulator link The first and...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2015, 12:31

893 1.5K 3