... CHAPTER 7 ■ OVERVIEW OF ASP. NET MVC PROJECTS 219 10078ch07.qxd 3/26/09 12:24 PM Page 219 Figure 7-8. The ASP .NET MVC r equest processing pipeline Stage 1: IIS I nter net Infor mation Ser vices ... the Available Processes list (see Figure 7 -5) . CHAPTER 7 ■ OVERVIEW OF ASP. NET MVC PROJECTS210 10078ch07.qxd 3/26/09 12:24 PM Page 210 •In ISAPI mode, also called Classic mode, ASP. NET is invoked ... Invoking Controllers F or ASP. NET MVC applications, almost all RouteTable.Routes entr ies specify one particular r oute handler : MvcRouteHandler. That ’ s ASP. NET MVC s built-in default route...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
... but first, we provide a quick introduction to the new AJAX functionality first available in ASP. NET 3.0 and enhanced in ASP. NET 3 .5. ASP. NET AJAX ASP. NET AJAX 1.0 released after .NET Framework ... func- tionality with ASP. NET. In addition to the ASP. NET AJAX 1.0 release, the ASP. NET AJAX Control Toolkit released as a shared-source implementation built on top of the ASP. NET AJAX Extensions ... control. The .NET Framework 3 .5 provides additional enhancements to ASP. NET, building on the currently available ASP. NET AJAX functionality, which we cover in Chapter 9. In this chapter, we provide...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:35
Pro ASP .NET MVC 4 4th Edition pdf
... interactions in an MVC application The ASP. NET MVC Framework provides support for a choice of view engines. Earlier versions of MVC used the standard ASP. NET view engine, which processed ASPX pages ... www.it-ebooks.info CHAPTER 2 YOUR FIRST MVC APPLICATION 16 Creating a New ASP. NET MVC Project We are going to start by creating a new MVC project in Visual Studio. Select New Project ... ideas of ASP. NET MVC, including the new features in ASP. NET MVC 4, and to experience in practice what the framework is like to use. www.it-ebooks.info CHAPTER 3 THE MVC PATTERN 57 }...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20
Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework potx
... interactions in an MVC application The ASP. NET MVC Framework provides support for a choice of view engines. Earlier versions of MVC used the standard ASP. NET view engine, which processed ASPX pages ... frameworks like Ruby on Rails and ASP. NET MVC. Node.js is mentioned here only to put some of ASP. NET MVC s design into context against industry trends. For example, ASP. NET MVC includes asynchronous ... you’ll learn, ASP. NET MVC integrates very well with sophisticated JavaScript code running in the browser (which we introduce in Chapters 18, 19, and 20). Key Benefits of ASP. NET MVC ASP. NET has...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20
Apress Pro ASP NET MVC 2 Framework 2nd edition
... MVC Framework US $54 .99 Shelve in: .NET User level: Intermediate–Advanced THE APRESS ROADMAP Pro Silverlight 4 in C# Pro LINQ Pro ASP. NET MVC 2 Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform Pro ASP. NET ... www.wowebook.com Sanderson SECOND EDITION ASP. NET MVC 2 Companion eBook Available 7 .5 x 9 .5 spine =1.468 75 776 page count THE EXPERTS VOICE đ IN .NET Pro ASP. NET MVC 2 Framework SECOND EDITION Steven ... .NET Framework 3 .5) , and then select ASP. NET 2 Empty MVC Web Application. ■ CONTENTS vi Modern API 11 ASP. NET MVC Is Open Source 11 Who Should Use ASP. NET MVC? 11 Comparisons with ASP. NET...
Ngày tải lên: 10/05/2014, 11:41
pro asp.net 4.5 in vb, 5th edition
... End Sub Protected Function GetMessage() As String ' create a new Product object Dim myProduct As New Product() ' set the property values myProduct.ProductID = 100 myProduct.Name ... as illustrated in Figure 1- 15. Figure 1- 15. The effect of custom validation www.it-ebooks.info CHAPTER 1 ■ YOUR FIRST ASP. NET APPLICATION 15 Double click the Default.aspx.vb file to open it in ... Nothing is specific to ASP. NET in these elements—they are standard HTML. www.it-ebooks.info 3 Chapter 1 Your First ASP. NET Application The best way to get started with ASP. NET is to jump right...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:43
pro asp.net 4.5 in c#, 5th edition
... the ASP. NET Framework and describe the rest of the book. An Overview of the ASP. NET Framework The structure of the ASP. NET Framework is shaped by its history. Microsoft started developing ASP. NET ... }; www.it-ebooks.info CHAPTER 1 ■ YOUR FIRST ASP. NET APPLICATION 5 Adding a New Web Form As you saw when you created the Visual Studio project, there are different kinds of ASP. NET applications. ... about ASP. NET development. Those parts of the ASP. NET Framework that provide generic services (such as session management, caching, authorization, and so on) are now part of the core ASP. NET...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:43
mobile asp.net mvc 5
... For is book is for the ASP. NET developer who knows how ASP. NET MVC works and is eager to learn how to use it for building mobile websites. orough knowledge of ASP. NET MVC is not at all required ... Need? To do mobile web development with ASP. NET MVC 5, you will need a copy of Visual Studio 2013. But almost nothing changed between ASP. NET MVC 4 and 5, so everything except a few things (covered ... BlackBerry devices. www.it-ebooks.info ■ IntroduCtIon xxv As you can see, there is no “Mobile” web project. ere was one in ASP. NET MVC 4 for Visual Studio 2012 and this project type pre-installed...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:47
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 1 pps
... ASP. NET MVC) , and tend to attract the same kind of developers. There are differ- ences, though: ã MonoRail can run on ASP. NET 2.0, whereas ASP. NET MVC requires version 3 .5. ã Unlike ASP. NET MVC, ... Strengths Weaknesses 2002/03 20 05 2007 2008 ASP. NET 1.0/1.1 ASP. NET 2.0 ASP. NET AJAX ASP. NET 3 .5 Compiled “Stateful” UI Vast infrastructure Encourages object-oriented programming Heavy on bandwidth Ugly ... . . . . . . . . . 55 9 Using ASP. NET MVC in a WebForms Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3 Upgrading an ASP. NET WebForms Application to Support MVC. . . . 56 4 Getting Visual...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 2 pdf
... UI application when you feel it’s the best trade-off of pros and cons for your project (in which case, use classic WebForms, not ASP. NET MVC, because WebForms has an easier event model), as long ... fight- ing against the platform. Many have tried, and many have given up. ASP. NET MVC follows the MVC pattern rather than MVP because MVC remains more popular and is arguably simpler for a web application. Domain ... in this book, and I am happy to use it in real projects. Of course, ASP. NET MVC has no dependency on LINQ to SQL, so you’re free to use alternative ORMs (such as the popular NHibernate) instead. Most...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 3 ppt
... CategoryLink(null)); CHAPTER 5 ■ SPORTSSTORE: NAVIGATION AND SHOPPING CART 1 35 10078ch 05. qxd 3/11/09 9:09 PM Page 1 35 { / / Arrange: 5 products in the repository IProductsRepository repository = MockProductsRepository( new ... selected Assert.AreEqual("P4", products[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual("P5", products[1].Name); } static IProductsRepository MockProductsRepository(params Product[] prods) { // Generate an implementor of IProductsRepository ... Cart(); cart.AddItem(new Product { ProductID = 1, Price = 5 }, 10); cart.AddItem(new Product { ProductID = 2, Price = 2.1M }, 3); cart.AddItem(new Product { ProductID = 3, Price = 1000 }, 1); Assert.AreEqual(1 056 .3,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 4 docx
... RedirectToRouteResult Delete(int productId) { Product product = (from p in productsRepository.Products where p.ProductID == productId select p).First(); productsRepository.DeleteProduct(product); TempData["message"] ... class: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public ViewResult Edit(int productId) { Product product = (from p in productsRepository.Products where p.ProductID == productId select p).First(); return View(product); } CHAPTER 6 ■ SPORTSSTORE: ... name . CHAPTER 5 ■ SPORTSSTORE: NAVIGATION AND SHOPPING CART 1 65 10078ch 05. qxd 3/11/09 9:09 PM Page 1 65 p ublic void SetUp() { // Make a new mock repository with 50 products L ist<Product> allProducts...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 6 pps
... Internally, it holds a cache of all the types in all your ASP. NET MVC project’s referenced assemblies (not just in your ASP. NET MVC project itself!) that qualify to be controller classes, according ... aren’t authorized. Fortunately, the ASP. NET MVC team has anticipated this problem, and has added special logic to AuthorizeAttribute to make it play well with ASP. NET output caching. It uses a little-kno wn ... assign an instance of your provider to the controller’ s TempDataProvider property . The MVC Futures assembly contains a ready-made alter- native provider , CookieTempDataProvider, which works by...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22