Principles of Option Pricing
... and a short position of one share; the option value is the payoff of 18.37 47 Principles of Option Pricing In our example, the numbers are close but not exact The reason of course is that we ... the value of an option changes over time 48 4.5 ∂ GREEKS ∂2 f Gamma: St t = ∂ SStt t = ∂ SS2t t The second derivative is a measure of the rate of change of t the slope of the curve of f St t ... 4 Principles of Option Pricing rate, but remember that this is only valid for finding the present value of some certain future amount; for a risky asset, we must discount back by the rate of...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
... center of this model lies in the health territory, which is straddling the outer core of the zone of order and the inner edge of chaos (Fig 2, 3) The health territory is an active space of 165 ... nonlinear dynamical system following the principles of organized complexity; stable boundaries depend on the efficacy of resetting mechanisms Outside of the boundaries of a well-functioning system’s health ... edge of chaos A singularity of oscillation is an imaginary fixed point of the pendulum-like movements Embryonic stem cell renewals may serve as an example of such repetitious endless cycles of...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 10:04
... Underlying such failures is often a lack of understanding of some of the key principles of service marketing and management Technological change affects many other types of services, too, from airfreight ... not-for-profit basis, but forprofit versions of each type of institution also exist CHAPTER ONE WHY STUDY SERVICES? MARKETING SERVICES VERSUS PHYSICAL GOODS The dynamic environment of services ... nature of these interactions strongly influences the customer's perceptions of service quality 14 Customers often judge the quality of the service they receive largely on their assessment of the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:52
Principles of macroeconomics
... price of cheese affects the average price of pizza and the amount of pizza sold, then the diversity of pizza prices is probably not important.The simple model of the pizza market does a good job of ... Bureau of Economic Analysis (a part of the U.S Department of Commerce) from a large number of primary data sources.The goal of GDP is to summarize in a single number the dollar value of economic ... which equals the sum of wages and profit—the top half of the circular flow of dollars GDP is also the total expenditure on purchases of bread—the bottom half of the circular flow of dollars.To compute...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 11:22
principles of microeconomics
... pounds of potatoes If you give me of those pounds, I’ll give you pounds of meat in return In the end, you’ll get to eat pounds of potatoes and pounds of meat every week, instead of the pounds of ... pounds of meat and pounds of potatoes After I give you pounds of meat in exchange for pound of potatoes, I’ll have 21 pounds of meat and pounds of potatoes In the end, I will also get more of both ... sources of income, including compensation of employees, corporate profits, and so on A slice of the pie represents each source’s share of the total The bar graph in panel (b) compares a measure of...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 11:22
Principles of corporate financ brealey myers 6e
... market offer a return of 7%, then Cost of capital = r = 7% 16 Valuing an Office Building Step 3: Discount future cash flows PV = C1 (1+r) = 400 (1+.07) = 374 Step 4: Go ahead if PV of payoff exceeds ... higher rate of return w Higher required rates of return cause lower PVs PV of C1 = $400 at 7% 400 PV = = 374 + 07 19 Risk and Present Value PV of C1 = $400 at 12% 400 PV = = 357 + 12 PV of C1 = $400 ... of C1 = $400 at 7% 400 PV = = 374 + 07 20 Rate of Return Rule w Accept investments that offer rates of return in excess of their opportunity cost of capital Example In the project listed below,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 11:32
Principles of marketing
... Equation 310 11 Pricing Strategies 312 New-Product Pricing Strategies 314 Market-Skimming Pricing 314 | Market-Penetration Pricing 314 Product Mix Pricing Strategies 315 Product Line Pricing 315 ... Product Pricing 316 | Captive Product Pricing 316 | By-Product Pricing 316 | Product Bundle Pricing 318 Price Adjustment Strategies 319 Discount and Allowance Pricing 319 | Segmented Pricing ... share of their business Customer-perceived value The customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 09:20
Principles of management
... within • Role of modern managers Learning Outcomes • Upon completion of this module, you should be module able to comprehend: – Fundamental functions of management – Skills profile of an effective ... skills required of a manager is the importance of managing people p f g gp p Defining Management: Art of Getting Things Done through People (C) • Management is – the process of achieving organisational ... four functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling – the process of planning, organising, leading and p p g, g g, g controlling the work of organisation members and of using all available...
Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2013, 15:55
Ten Principles of Economics - Part 44
... of utilitarians is to apply the logic of individual decisionmaking to questions concerning morality and public policy The starting point of utilitarianism is the notion of utility—the level of ... measure of well-being and, according to utilitarians, is the ultimate objective of all public and private actions The proper goal of the government, they claim, is to maximize the sum of utility of ... total amount of income— $100,000 in our example—were fixed But, in fact, it is not Utilitarians reject complete equalization of incomes because they accept one of the Ten Principles of Economics...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15
The Principles of Psychology
... complex impression of a ball, which is there, in our hand, is the resultant of optical impressions of touch, of muscular adjustments of the eye, of the movements of our fingers, and of the muscular ... seems to be of the point of his pencil, the sur- [p 38] geon's of the end of his knife, the duellist's of the tip of his rapier as it plunges through his enemy's skin When on the middle of a vibrating ... judgment of small differences than of large ones; also where there is but one element of difference instead of many In a large number of cases of contrast, in all of which a whitish spot is surrounded...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 12:15
Principles of Accounting
... calculation and allocation of revenues and expenses over more than one period such as – Deferred Revenue – Depreciation of Fixed Assets by Nguyen Bao Linh Nguyen Bao Linh Principles of Accounting Fulbright ... Linh Principles of Accounting Fulbright Economics Teaching Program 2005-2006 Lecture Notes Income Statement Cost of Supplies Suppose that an ending-period inventory reveals a stationery balance of ... 2005-2006 Principles of Accounting Lecture Notes Income Statement Depreciation Expense Suppose that the office equipment is depreciated under the straight-line method and has a usable life of years...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 10:15
Ten Principles of Economics - Part 47
... by cutting back on the luxury of meat and buying more of the staple food of potatoes Thus, it is argued that a higher price of potatoes actually raised the quantity of potatoes demanded Whether ... Consumption Hours of Labor Supplied Wage BC2 When the wage rises Labor supply BC1 I2 I1 hours of leisure increase Hours of Leisure Hours of Labor Supplied and hours of labor decrease ... THE THEORY OF CONSUMER CHOICE the labor supply curve slopes upward Wage Labor supply When the wage rises BC1 BC2 I I1 hours of leisure decrease Hours of Leisure and hours of labor...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15