The Law of Marketing pptx
... Background This case arises out of the allegedly infringing use by defendants Darba Enterprises, Inc and Darren Bagnuolo of plaintiff American Automobile Association’s (“AAA”) trademarks AAA ... AAA trademarks (the “AAA Marks”) for over 100 years, and has registered more than 70 of these marks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office Defendant Darba Enterprises is a corporation ... Marketing treaties A valid treaty has the legal force of a federal statute If a treaty and a federal statute conflict, the last to have been adopted prevails In addition, as noted earlier, each of the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:20
... Sustainability of a soil penetration facility for storm water runoff was analyzed by carrying out a mass balance analysis using data measured from surveys of permeability, flow rate and water quality ... water quality data and actual measurement data of pollutant load in soil Gross water flow and gross pollutant load of road surface runoff, overflow water, flow into soil, infiltrated water and ... is Road surface runoff ratio, R is precipitation (L) and Iw is Initial lost water (L) Initial lost water was calculated by the amount of initial rainfall and the measured value of Road surface...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08
... the natural logarithm of the ratio between the total assets at the end of the financial year and total assets at the beginning of the same financial years This is calculated from the consolidated ... Thao 20 Empirical investigation of stock price volatility in Vietnam stock market developed market such as the United States and Australia as well as emerging market such as Pakistan and Bangladesh ... general as a whole The mean value and standard deviation of price volatility in 2007 are 0.51 and 0.48 respectively The mean value and standard deviation of price volatility in 2008 is largest at...
Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2013, 21:53
Tài liệu Discipline of Market Leaders: Published by HaperCollins Publishers ppt
... chỵi cấc cû a hâng khùỉp nûúác M nhû D’Agostino vâ Star Market Bấnh khoai têy sưcưla ca Loblaw àang qåt ngậ Nabisco’s Chips Ahoy, mưåt nhận hiïåu hâng àêìu nùm Loblaw àõnh giấ thêëp hún Nabisco vâ ... hún, àang chiïëm dêì n thõ phêì n c a cấ c cưng ty lúá n nâ y Nhậ n hâ n g The President’s Choice ca Loblaw, chỵi siïu thõ ca Canada, àang chiïëm 55% Cola bấn àûúåc tẩi cấc cû a hâng ca hổ vâ ... Discipline of Market Leaders: Published by HaperCollins Publishers First published by Addison Wesley Publishing Company 1995 Copyright © Michael Treacy, Fred Wiersema and CSC Index 1995, through arrangement...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: NirF is a periplasmic protein that binds d1 heme as part of its essential role in d1 heme biogenesis pdf
... encodes a ( 42 kDa) protein that has an N-terminal signal sequence suggestive of a location in the periplasm On the other hand, in Ps aeruginosa (PAO1), NirF has no apparent signal sequence and ... lacking iron and ⁄ or with the side chain saturated, but accessing these putative substrates is not trivial An alternative approach would be to seek accumulation of the substrate of NirF in a ... sequencing and mutational analysis of a gene cluster involved in nitrite reduction in Paracoccus denitrificans Antonie Leeuwenhoek 66, 111–127 13 Kawasaki S, Arai H, Kodama T & Igarashi Y (1997)...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Structural Definition of Affixes from Multisyllable Words" docx
... definition is based on a probable syllabic break rather than on a mandatory one Because such probable breaks are not interior to a consonant string, weak prefixes end with a vowel and weak suffixes begin ... actually acting as a suffix in a given word could reasonably be anticipated It would be interesting to subject each of the weak suffixes to a qualifying test, namely, that in the two-syllable data ... point in the research What is indicated, perhaps, is the structural classification of the weak suffixes by degree of weakness as a means of approaching the suffix-incontext problem Table 2, which...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu The wisdom of coaching: Essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change pot
... human behavior, and the psychodynamic aspects of organizational and managerial life and the lack of practical guidance for how consultants and coaches can and should work with executives and managers ... analyses of both qualitative and quantitative data Qualitative data indicated that both coaches and coachees had favorable reactions to the coaching process Two themes emerged from these data: ... PREPARE FOR A PRACTICE AS A PROFESSIONAL EXECUTIVE COACH Professional executive coaches are not born As described above, it is a specialty of organizational consultation that requires a complicated...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 16:20
Elderly people´s definition of quality of life potx
... estar no dia-adia citada era o envolvimento com atividades rurais ou domésticas Entre os entrevistados, a perda da saúde física era a principal fonte de mal estar, sendo que havia variabilidade ... positiva seja equivalente a uma pluralidade maior de categorias como atividade, renda, vida social e relação com a família, categorias diferentes de sujeito para sujeito O aspecto saúde parece assim ... interpessoal quanto ao que cada sujeito considerava como “perda de saúde” Conclusão: É possível que para idosos, qualidade negativa de vida seja equivalente a perda de saúde e qualidade de vida positiva...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20
The intersection of market and credit risk ppt
... (1993) and Longsta and Schwartz (199 5a, b) take an alternative route in an attempt to avoid some of these practical limitations In their approach, capital structure is assumed to be irrelevant Bankruptcy ... the change in the 30 year Treasury, st denotes the return on the appropriate equity index and et denotes a zero mean unit variance random term For credit classes Aaa, Aa, A, and Baa industrials, ... default rates While the Rsquares are impressive, the explanatory importance of the macro-economics variables is debatable If an economic variable has explanatory power, then a change in the variable...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 04:20
... spread tends to result in a relatively large underpricing Award ratio: a bidder’s award in an auction as a percentage of his demand Award to total award: a bidder’s award in an auction as a percentage ... median is 400%, and the maximum is 26,997% Imbalance×nex has a mean of -208,065%2 and a standard deviation of approximately (minus) 13 times that Imbalance×ln(assets) has a mean of 7,543 and a ... Bundesbank: private banks, savings banks, cooperatives, branches of foreign banks, Landesbanks, and cooperative central banks The variables are defined in Subsection 3.3 Means of each variable are calculated...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of recombinant forms of the yeast Gas1 protein and identification of residues essential for glucanosyltransferase activity and folding pot
... (5¢-ATCGTCGGG CTCAGGATCCTTAGTGATGGTGATGGTGATGAGA TGAAGATGAAGCTGAAGA-3¢), for Gas1523-H, or His-XH-Sdown (5¢-GTCGTCGAGCTCAGGATCCTTA GTGATGGTGATGGTGATGATCAACACTACCTGAT GCAGA-3¢), for sGas1482-H (the histidine ... (5¢-ATCGTCGGGCTCAGGATCCTTAAGATGAAGA TGAAGCTGAAGA-3¢) or XH-Sdown (5¢-GTCGTCG AGCTCAGGATCCTTAATCAACACTACCTGATGC AGA-3¢), respectively XHup is complementary to nucleotides +68 to +87 of the coding region of GAS1 and has ... pairing of the forward primer XHup and reverse primer Ó FEBS 2004 Production and characterization of Gas1p (Eur J Biochem 271) 3637 RMGLN262 (5¢-TACAACCGTATTGAGAGAAGA AAAC-3¢), and a pairing of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20
Definition of Non Investigational Medicinal Products (NIMPs) docx
... for a specific indication (recognised standard of care), or a component of the standard care for a particular medical indication, is based on national and international consensus When used as a ... compared with an active comparator and/or a placebo, each of which would be an IMP Clinical trial patients would also be on a multi-medicinal products ‘standard of care’ regimen These standard of ... plus the standard care medicine(s) is compared to a placebo or active comparator plus the standard care medicine(s) The timing of the start of standard care as a background treatment may be different...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20
SITUATION MODELS AND LEVELS OF COHERENCE: Toward a Definition of Comprehension potx
... resources available to so, and one crucial question that arose was what elements are activated at a particular point in the reading These two constraints, related to inference making (or the lack of ... that are on the causal chain are better recalled than those that are located at dead-ends (i.e., assumed to be outside the causal chain) In the second theoretical approach (see Kintsch & van ... lack of adequate formal theories characterizes all research areas in higher order cognition—concept formation, analogical reasoning, decision making, and so on Models in all of these areas suffer...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20
Definition of an Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Document Stream docx
... Submission and Use of Material The goals of the IRTF Stream are based on a desire that research within the IRTF have broad impact and the publication rights should, in general, not restrict republication ... Statement In its capacity as the body that approves the creation of document streams (see [RFC4844]), the IAB has reviewed this proposal and supports it as an operational change that is in line with ... the IRTF Stream rests with the IRTF Chair Compliance with these terms is not a guarantee of publication In particular, the IRTF Chair may question the appropriateness of a "no derivative works"...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20
the interaction between the frequency of market quotes spread and volatility in forex
... the small number of quotations during that period; that is, a few observations out of ‘equilibrium level’ can have a dramatic increase in the sample variance of the rate The increase of average ... Futures Market, mimeo, Department of Finance, University of Texas at Austin O’Hara, M and Oldfield, G S (1986) The Microeconomics of Market Making, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, ... stock market volume and volatility data [see Gallant, Rossi, and Tauchen (1990), and Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990)] It turns out that informational theories can only partially explain the facts...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 15:52
dynamic time and price analysis of market trends - gilmore 1997
Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 16:07
definition of sport
... LEBRON JAMES ($45.779,912) Award: McDonalds All-American MVP (2003) Parade All-American Second Team (2001) USA TODAY's High School Player of the Year (2002, 2003) USA TODAY's All-USA First Team (2001, ... League - Winner (Manchester United) 2007 - La Liga - Winner (Real Madrid) 2008 - English Football Hall of Fame USA SPORT MAIN SPORTS OF USA MAIN SPORTS OF USA pics USA MAIN SPORTS - BASKETBALL ... long and 50 ft (15.24 m) wide By 1897-1898, teams of five became standard By the 1950s basketball had become a major college sport a popular informal outdoor game National Basketball Association...
Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2014, 22:13
Báo cáo sinh học: " Selection of Recombinant MVA by Rescue of the Essential D4R Gene" doc
... and Probe (5′-6FAMAAG GGC GAT CGG TGC G-MGB-3′) MVA 173R gene-specific: FWD (5′-GCA ACG GCG AAA CAA AAT ATT T-3′), RWD (5′ATT AGG ACA CGT AAC AGT ATC ATT CCA-3′), and Probe (5′-6FAM-TTG CGA AGA ... CGA AGA AAA AAA TGG AA-MGB-3′) Specific for plasmid DNA (Ampr gene): FWD (5′-CCA ACG ATC AAG GCG AGT TAC3′), qPCRVVamp-RWD (5′-CCG AAG GAG CTA ACC GCT TT-3′), and Probe (5′-6FAMTGA TCC CCC ATG ... of recombinant replicating MVA, we assessed it for propagation of MVA using primary CEF as a reference In DF-1, a maximal MVA titer (about 7.4 log10 TCID50) was reached as early as day In plaque...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20
báo cáo hóa học: " A new definition of burnout syndrome based on Farber''''s proposal" pptx
... this profile may also be explained by a background of prior learning within an organization managed with bureaucratic rules and demands, with an organizational system that does not rec- Page of 17 ... speaks of the semiotic square as a canonical representation of a set of relations Quoting Greimas, Imbert [24] states that it is "the visual representation of the logical articulation of any ... information contained in each of the selected units was compared and a common conceptual denomination was assigned to the group of segments sharing the same clinical profile as a standard As a next...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20