preparation fluorescence microscopy image analysis and counts

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Combining Global and Local Information for Knowledge-Assisted Image Analysis and Classification" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Combining Global and Local Information for Knowledge-Assisted Image Analysis and Classification" potx

... Informatics and Telematics Institute/Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece His research interests include image and video analysis, content-based and semantic image and video ... extracted at the image level for every examined image and form an image feature vector The image feature vector employed in this work comprises of three different descriptors of the MPEG-7 standard, namely ... Section and the subdomains and concepts of it can be seen in Figure Then, a set of 1800 randomly selected images belonging to the aforementioned domain were used to assemble the image collection B and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 20:20

15 336 0
Aerobiology, image analysis and allergenicity of pollen and spores in singapore

Aerobiology, image analysis and allergenicity of pollen and spores in singapore

... AEROBIOLOGY, IMAGE ANALYSIS AND ALLERGENICITY OF POLLEN AND SPORES IN SINGAPORE ONG TAN CHING 2004 AEROBIOLOGY, IMAGE ANALYSIS AND ALLERGENICITY OF POLLEN AND SPORES IN SINGAPORE ONG ... traps, sample collections and preparation for the image analysis Finally, my thanks to my family who provided me with unconditional love and support to undertake this challenge and complete it to what ... broad double peaks in March and November and counts for all five years were significantly correlated 26 Figure 2.3: Scatter plots and comparisons of counts made at 250× and 400× magnifications for...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 21:49

286 343 0
Introduction to Confocal Microscopy and Image Analysis

Introduction to Confocal Microscopy and Image Analysis

... light (left, columns 1 and 2) and multiphoton microscopy with 4.3 mW of 1047-nm light (descanned; right, columns 3 and 4) were compared At the surface, the image quality and signal intensity are ... the microscope stand is divided by the beam splitter BS and focused onto the same spot by the opposing objective lenses O1 and O2 The lenses L1, L2, and L3 and the mirrors M1, M2, and M3 form the ... novel 3-D microscopy techniques rely on non-linear optical phenomena – 2-p and multiphoton microscopy – Higher harmonics microscopy (SGH, TTH) – Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2016, 10:57

50 611 0
state of the art in color image processing and analysis

state of the art in color image processing and analysis

... Austria Color image processing & analysis Color image analysisAnalysisimage content interpretation, far beyond processing & segmentation: Image preprocessing U Identification and selection ... Color image processing & analysis 4.3 Color image enhancement (4) SSIP’08 – Vienna, Austria Color image processing & analysis Color image segmentation • • Segmentation = partition the image in ... Color image quantization 4.2 Color image filtering 4.3 Color image enhancement Color image segmentation Color image analysis 6.1 Color features 6.2 Color based object tracking 6.3 Some analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 13:36

50 1,3K 1
designing and implementing a neural network library for handwriting detection, image analysis etc

designing and implementing a neural network library for handwriting detection, image analysis etc

... this network with AND truth table As you know, AND truth table is AND TRUTH TABLE A B Output 0 0 1 1 0 Fig: A 2-2-1 Neural Network and Truth Table Of AND In the above network, N1 and N2 are neurons ... step by step And Develop a Simple Handwriting Detection System" You can read it and download the source code, [ Click Here ] If you are really a beginner, it will help you a lot, and may provide ... neural networks in particular) Understand how neural networks actually 'work' Understand in more detail, the design and source code of BrainNet library Understand in more detail, how to use BrainNet...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:10

20 416 0
image analysis, sediments and paleoenvironments developments in paleoenvironmental research

image analysis, sediments and paleoenvironments developments in paleoenvironmental research

... Introduction Digital imaging and sampling theory Dealing with the available information Digital image analysis strategies Intensity and color analysis Blob analysis Structural analysis Summary Acknowledgments ... 165 Introduction Image acquisition Image processing Image measurement Advantages of using image analysis Drawbacks to image analysis Example: case study of five diamicton ... reliable results Image analysis implies the following steps whatever the image application: image acquisition, calibration and filtering (or pre-processing), image enhancement and classification...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:32

349 149 0
grahn, geladi  -  techniques and application of hyperspectral image analysis

grahn, geladi - techniques and application of hyperspectral image analysis

... concepts of digital image, multivariate image and hyperspectral image and gives an overview of some of the image generation techniques for producing multivariate and hyperspectral images The emphasis ... (Esbensen and Geladi, 1989) and Lowell and Esbensen (Lowell and Esbensen, 1993) argued against what has been termed the traditionalist image analysis paradigm, the position of always starting image analysis ... Esbensen and Geladi (Esbensen and Geladi, 1989), Esbensen and colleagues (Esbensen et al., 28 PRINCIPLES OF MIA 1993), Lowell and Esbensen (Lowell and Esbensen, 1993) and Geladi and Grahn (Geladi and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:47

399 537 0
 pattern recognition and image analysis

pattern recognition and image analysis

... of Transparent and Opaque Surfaces from Texture Images Mohamad Ivan Fanany and Itsuo Kumazawa 380 Sedimentological Analysis of Sands ... shadows from images IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 28(1) (2006) Wyszecki, G., Stiles, W.: Section 1.2 In: Color science: concepts and methods, quantitative data and formulae ... {img1 } and {img2 }, and the BEV defines another ones, {bev1 } and {bev2 } See Fig The projection matrix, P relating {cami } and {imgi } is given by the camera manufacturer or by a standard calibration...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:50

674 1,8K 0
principles and advanced methods in medical imaging and image analysis (wsp, 2008)

principles and advanced methods in medical imaging and image analysis (wsp, 2008)

... Imaging and Image Analysis: A Multidisciplinary Paradigm Atam P Dhawan, HK Huang and Dae-Shik Kim Part I Principles of Medical Imaging and Image Analysis Medical Imaging and Image Formation ... PRINCIPLES AND ADVANCED METHODS IN MEDICAL IMAGING AND IMAGE ANALYSIS This page intentionally left blank PRINCIPLES AND ADVANCED METHODS IN MEDICAL IMAGING AND IMAGE ANALYSIS ATAM P DHAWAN ... Optical Images of Skin Lesions Song Wang and Atam P Dhawan Multimodality Image Registration and Fusion Pat Zanzonico Wavelet Transform and Its Applications in Medical Image Analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:52

868 2,6K 0
christine fernandez - maloigne  -  advanced color image processing and analysis

christine fernandez - maloigne - advanced color image processing and analysis

... Finland, Joensuu, Finland School of Engineering, Monash University Sunway Campus, Selangor, Malaysia e-mail: C Fernandez-Maloigne (ed.), Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis, ... 1931 and later, it was further extended in 1964 [2] The major components include standard colorimetric observers, or colour matching functions, standard illuminants and standard viewing and illuminating ... matching technique; Helson et al [19], Lam and Rigg [20] and Braun and Fairchild [21] using the memory matching technique; and Luo et al [22, 23] and Kuo and Luo [24] using the magnitude estimation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:57

511 2,7K 0
guillermo sapiro  -  geometric partial differential equations and image analysis

guillermo sapiro - geometric partial differential equations and image analysis

... geometry and geometric partial differential equations, both in theory and applications in computer vision, image analysis, and computer graphics GEOMETRIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND IMAGE ANALYSIS ... research in image processing and computer vision My interest in image processing and computer and biological vision began when I was an undergraduate assistant at the Signal and Image Processing ... Patrick Teo, and Brian Wandell Parts of this book are based on material developed with these collaborators (and with David and Allen), and a big thanks goes to them My graduate and post-doctoral...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:58

412 514 0
kropatsch, bischof  -  digital image analysis selected techniques and applications

kropatsch, bischof - digital image analysis selected techniques and applications

... xxxi Mathematical Methods for Image Analysis Introduction to Part I Numerical Harmonic Analysis and Image Processing H.G Feichtinger and T Strohmer 1.1 Gabor Analysis and Digital Signal Processing ... Spatial subpixel analysis applied to LANDSAT TM image (only nearinfrared band is shown) Segmented synthetic image LANDSAT TM (band 4) and vector segmentation ... images and image sequences, and multimedia data On the one hand, some features of the analyzed signals are often known, e.g., smoothness, frequency band, and number of colors; on the other hand,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:59

512 269 0
dahlhaus, kurths, maass, timmer  -  mathematical methods in signal processing and digital image analysis

dahlhaus, kurths, maass, timmer - mathematical methods in signal processing and digital image analysis

... quantification of motion, orientation, and symmetry in images and image sequences It focuses on those aspects of motion and orientation that cannot be handled successfully and reliably by existing methods, ... Winterhalder, and J Timmer, editors, Handbook of Time Series Analysis Wiley, New York, 2006 1 Multivariate Time Series Analysis 37 [16] M Eichler, R Dahlhaus, and J Sandk¨hler Partial correlation analysis ... ξ1 and ξ2 and between oscillators ξ1 and ξ3 are varied between and 0.3, for an absent coupling between ξ2 and ξ3 Values of the bivariate phase synchronization index (above the diagonal) and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 12:03

302 414 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Evaluation and Design Space Exploration of a Time-Division Multiplexed NoC on FPGA for Image Analysis Applications" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Evaluation and Design Space Exploration of a Time-Division Multiplexed NoC on FPGA for Image Analysis Applications" docx

... parameterized and adaptable architecture for FPGA 2.1 Characteristics of Image Analysis Algorithms Image analysis consists of extracting some relevant parameters from one or several images Image analysis ... Result and command flow Data flow Figure 1: The proposed adaptable architecture dedicated to image analysis applications (iv) The Control Module performs decisions and scheduling of operations and ... architecture dedicated to image analysis applications on FPGA All flows and data are analyzed to propose two generic NoC architectures, a ring for results and command and a dedicated FT NoC for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

15 390 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Rate Distortion Analysis and Bit Allocation Scheme for Wavelet Lifting-Based Multiview Image Coding" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Rate Distortion Analysis and Bit Allocation Scheme for Wavelet Lifting-Based Multiview Image Coding" potx

... images such as Haar or 5/3 wavelet lifting The analysis side of the lifting scheme decomposes multiview images to H and L subbands Suppose that we have N image views We divide this group of image ... effectively integrated into the P and U steps The synthesis side reconstructs the multiview images from H and L subbands by inverting U and P steps in the analysis side Figures and show the first level ... → 2i+2 , where X2i and X2i+1 are the reconstructed versions of image views X2i and X2i+1 Li and Hi are the reconstructed versions of low-pass and high-pass subband i of Li and Hi Note that at...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

13 219 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Interaction between High-Level and Low-Level Image Analysis for Semantic Video Object Extraction" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Interaction between High-Level and Low-Level Image Analysis for Semantic Video Object Extraction" docx

... between low-level and high-level image analysis results Experimental results are presented in Section 4, and in Section 5, we draw the conclusions VISUAL DATA REPRESENTATION Digital images are traditionally ... use of images and image sequences, the visual information should be represented in a more structured form This would facilitate operations such as browsing, manipulation, interaction, and analysis ... features and their representation is dynamically adapted, based on low-level analysis and on the interaction between the region and semantic partitions 3.3 Visual content description The region and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

12 360 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Image Analysis of Soil Micromorphology: Feature Extraction, Segmentation, and Quality Inference Petros Maragos" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Image Analysis of Soil Micromorphology: Feature Extraction, Segmentation, and Quality Inference Petros Maragos" doc

... Soil Image Analysis 903 Chemical analysis Soil (map image) Soil sampling Digital image acquisition system (digital camera, scanner) Multiscale image analysis Size distribution histograms and moments ... filtering and soil image analysis tasks, attempting first to understand the effect that the type of fuzzy norm and the shape and size of structuring function have on the resulting new image operators ... Serra, Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology, Academic Press, New York, NY, USA, 1982 P Maragos, “Pattern spectrum and multiscale shape representation,” IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

11 291 0
Báo cáo y học: " In vivo imaging of the airway wall in asthma: fibered confocal fluorescence microscopy in relation to histology and lung function" potx

Báo cáo y học: " In vivo imaging of the airway wall in asthma: fibered confocal fluorescence microscopy in relation to histology and lung function" potx

... for pattern analysis by histology and FCFM Two subjects, including asthmatic patient and control subject, were excluded from analysis due to instability and/ or overexposure of the FCFM images Subject ... Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) [19] Participants received local anaesthetic by Lignocaine 1% and 10% spray in the nose and ... study, and wrote the manuscript JHVDT carried out the sectioning, staining, and analysis of the biopsy specimens, and helped to draft the manuscript EHB participated in the design of the study and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

9 406 0
Báo cáo y học: "CellProfiler: image analysis software for identifying and quantifying cell phenotypes" potx

Báo cáo y học: "CellProfiler: image analysis software for identifying and quantifying cell phenotypes" potx

... available modular image analysis software that is capable of handling hundreds of thousands of images The software contains already-developed methods for many cell types and assays and is also an ... options side by side, and built-in image and data tools to interact with processed images and cell measurements (Additional data file 5) The flexible, modular design and pointand-click interface ... interest in each image) Modules are mixed and matched for a specific project and each module's settings are adjusted appropriately Upon starting the analysis, each image (or group of images if multiple...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22

11 453 0