... important in the examination of images of breasts, this results in higher performance of PAM Using expert elicitation in the absence of clinical data, prior distributions of the range of sensitivity ... Models of Medical Diagnostic Devices in Development | Page |5 Introduction Worldwide, companies and research institutes are investing billions of dollars in the development of medical devices ... group of the in situ carcinomas and is, unlike DCIS, typically an incidental finding in a biopsy The prevalence of LCIS ranges from 2.3% to 9.8% Invasive cancer The most common type of invasive...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20
... following minimal training This ability was independent of prior first-aid education or its age Despite the inherent limitations of the scenario (plastic device inserted into plastic mannequin) ... mouth-to-mouth ventilation is the use of one of these devices (demonstrated) Simply take one of them, insert it into the mouth of the patient, with the opening facing in the same direction as the belly ... more comprehensive training session prior to intonation Few studies have focused on the use of supraglottic airway devices by subjects having received minimal training prior to intubation [9,18,19]...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
an analysis of lexical cohesive devices in funtional food advertisements in english and vietnamese = phân tích các phương tiện liên kết từ vựng trong quảng cáo thực phẩm chức năng trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt
... been increasing during the late twentieth century as people's interest in achieving and maintaining good health increased People‟s demand has increased; offering an opportunity for the age of advertising, ... the interesting use of “we” in which writers includes the readers e Mode: The mode of FFAs is in the form of written discourse FFAs are presented in one popular kind of publication- magazines- ... FFAs in English and Vietnamese (in the light of pragmatics) - Investigation into advertisements of other kinds of functional products Due to the constraints in time, the framework of a minor...
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25
an analysis of lexical cohesive devices in funtional food advertisements in english and vietnamese = phân tích các phương tiện liên kết từ vựng trong quảng cáo thực phẩm chức năng trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt tt
... FFAs in English and Vietnamese (in the light of pragmatics) - Investigation into advertisements of other kinds of functional products Due to the constraints in time, the framework of a minor ... understanding on a new and blooming kind of product in the world in general, in Vietnam in particular, then it is my hope that this study can contribute to raising people’s awareness of functional ... food products and language of advertising is set up in order to find out the defining characteristics of functional foods and FFAs - Inductive method: As introduced in the previous part, the study...
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25
an analysis of lexical cohesive devices in aesop's fables = phân tích phương tiện liên kết từ vựng trong truyện ngụ ngôn của êzốp
... reveal clear distinction in the use of lexical cohesive devices in a fable and in other kind of texts Chapter 3: Lexical cohesive devices in the English version of Aesop’s fables According to McCarthy ... to informal" (Hatim and Mason, 1990:50) In the same vein, the mode of an interaction which manifests the nature of the language code being used can be distinguished in terms of, among other things, ... freeing it from redundant and boring expressions 3.1.3 Superordinates The category of superordinate refers to any items of which meaning includes that of the earlier ones From a lexical point of...
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25
An nalysis of lexical cohesive devices in functional food advertisements in English and VietNamese
... FFAs in English and Vietnamese (in the light of pragmatics) - Investigation into advertisements of other kinds of functional products Due to the constraints in time, the framework of a minor ... food products and language of advertising is set up in order to find out the defining characteristics of functional foods and FFAs - Inductive method: As introduced in the previous part, the ... use of lexical cohesive devices in FFAs in English and Vietnamese The analysis process is mainly based on the linguistic views of Halliday & Hasan 3.1 An overview of Lexical Cohesive Devices in...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50
... been increasing during the late twentieth century as people's interest in achieving and maintaining good health increased People’s demand has increased; offering an opportunity for the age of advertising, ... on this new kind of product The idea of investigating this kind of product to have a better understanding on it comes deeply to my mind As mentioned before, consumers’ interest in functional ... important role in the socio-economy of any country For this reason, I decide to involve myself in the field of advertising Reasons for investigating lexical cohesive devices During my attending discourse...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50
In silico methodologies for selection and prioritization of compounds in drug discovery
... supervised learning and unsupervised learning Supervised learning involves the deduction of a function from training data The training data typically consist of vectors of input variables describing properties ... state of the art of the existing scoring functions is still unable to reliably predict the native binding mode and CHAPTER associate free energy of binding 88 This is because the existing scoring ... the one of their initial cluster The choice of the value of k remains subjective.165 Supervised machine learning methods use a training set of items that have previously been classified into two...
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 22:12
Study of domain wall devices in magnetic nanowires
... of domain walls in nanowires The most common approach to pin a domain wall is by introducing a constriction along the lateral edge of the nanowire The parameters such as pinning fields and pinning ... is the design of pinning sites for DWs in nanowires The DW behavior at the pinning site strongly depends on its geometry Pinning sites in the shape of triangles and rectangles forming lateral constrictions ... : Domain wall pinning at nanotrench pinning sites 57 4.1 Motivation 57 4.2 Introduction 57 4.3 Simulation studies on pinning sites 59 4.3.1 Nanotrench pinning site...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:28
Application of biologically active micelles in drug delivery across the blood brain barrier
... performance Liquid Chromatography IC Intra-cerebral ICV Intracerebroventricular IFN-Ȗ Interferon gamma IL-1ȕ interleukin-1 beta IL-2 interleukin-2 IL-4 interleukin-4 IL-6 interleukin-6 IR infrared XIV iNOS ... thereby inhibiting the unwinding of bacterial chromosomal DNA during and after the replication (Ball, 1986) Ciprofloxacin is used in the chemotherapy of various infectious diseases, including CNS infectious ... blood to brain, including CNS drugs The limited penetration of drugs through the BBB into the brain parenchyma is the rule, not the exception In the treatment of brain infection or inflammatory...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:10
Biointormatics of targeted therapeutics and applications in drug discovery
... source of courage and happiness i Bioinformatics of Targeted Therapeutics and Applications in Drug Discovery ii Bioinformatics of Targeted Therapeutics and Applications in Drug Discovery Table of ... industry has received roaring attention and showed promising future A tremendous amount of money, time and human resources have been injected into drug discovery, in the hope of finding new drugs ... Bioinformatics of Targeted Therapeutics and Applications in Drug Discovery x Bioinformatics of Targeted Therapeutics and Applications in Drug Discovery List of Tables Chapter Table Statistics of...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:10
The use of liquid organic fertilizers in improving soil chemistry and fertility without harming soil and the environment
... used in the experiment is Organosol Water This used to add also in making the LOF to add more liquid and helps in the fermenting or composting the LOF ingredients It also used for everyday watering ... rate of the LOF dilution were at the ratio of 1:100 (e.g L of LOF : 100 L of water) The rate of LOF (diluted with water) that were applied in this experiment was liters (L) LOF/hectare (ha) in ... buildings, houses, roads, plants for forestry and agriculture and others It is where all living and non-living things standing including humans Soils are a combinations and interactions of solids...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2016, 13:49
A discourse analysis of information organizing devices in lectures in english
... summarizing ideas 4.2 INFORMATION ORGANIZING DEVICES IN BODY OF 4.3.3 Organizing devices in terms of emphasizing ideas LECTURE 4.3.4 Organizing devices in terms of listing elements Due to different ... the speaking This consideration would create 4.3.1 Organizing devices in terms of opening another topic interest in understanding the article 4.3.2 Organizing devices in terms of summarizing ideas ... Organizing devices in terms of compare-contrast expressions 4.2.2 LINGUISTIC 4.2.4 Commissive speech acts 4.5 INFORMATION ORGANIZING DEVICES AT THE Organizing devices in terms of contrasting expressions...
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:36
Advanced Computer-Assisted Techniques in Drug Discoveryedited by Han van de Waterbeemd.Methods pot
... to be involved in the biological interaction, define our pharmacophore In principle, the definition of the relative spatial disposition of the six atoms of the pharmacophore requires 15 interatomic ... series of handbooks and monographs introduces the reader to basic principles and state -of- the-art methods in medicinal chemibtry Topics treated in- depth include W W W W chemical propertiesofdrugs ... step of the PCDD-Ah receptor interaction, seeking patterns in the MEP of PCDDs which could be related to their binding affinities A series of 14 PCDD isomers, which showed a significant range of...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:20
Development and interpretation of machine learning models for drug discovery
... the interpretation of machine learning for LBVS will be covered Hence, the following chapter will introduce some basic concepts of in silico modeling for drug discovery Concepts Machine learning ... development and interpretation of machine learning models for pharmaceutical tasks In drug discovery, project teams usually consist of experts from a variety of disciplines, including biology, chemistry, ... the sum of correct profile positions (bits) minus the sum of incorrect bits in the generated profile Thus, the regression value was maximal for the true profile of a training compound and minimal...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 09:59
Theory and practical application of nominal clauses, adverbial clauses, direct & indirect speech in finance
... the to of the infinitive is omitted, it is called bare- infinitive The bare- infinitive nominal clause is used when the infinitive clause supplies a predication corresponding to an use of the ... pronoun in the objective case shouldn’t be used in subject position For example, it is very informal to say “Him singing in the shower is an interesting hobby” c Bare- infinitive nominal clause ... meeting The pointer word “ ask” can be changed into “want to know” to make the sentence more meaningful and interesting Commands → To infinitive clause In reporting commands and requests, the indirect...
Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 14:57
Stability and in vivo evaluation of pullulan acetate as a drug nanocarrier
... were fixed in 10% phosphate buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) In vivo pharmacokinetics and bioavailability In vivo pharmacokinetic study ... 6. Plasma drug concentration of EPI and PA/EPI after i.v injection in rats at a single equivalent dose of 10 mg/kg Table 5. Pharmacokinetic parameters of EPI and PA/EPI i.v injected in rats at ... i.v at a dose of 200 mg/kg In vivo pharmacokinetics The plasma levels of EPI were determined following a single i.v injection of EPI or PA/EPI (10 mg/kg EPI equiv.) in female Wistar rats The plasma...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 21:38
Quantification of Microcystin-degrading Bacteria in a Biofilm from a Practical Biological Treatment Facility by Real-time PCR
... ratio of the microcystin-degrading bacteria increased to approximately 0.005% of the total bacteria The number of cells increased in fall, and the number of microcystin-degrading bacteria increased ... bacteria present in the biofilm, and their cell number increased during fall (Fig 3) Fig - Seasonal changes in the abundance ratio of microcystin-degrading bacteria in the biofilm from a practical biological ... Microcystin-degrading bacteria examined in this study Strains Reference MD-1 C-1 Y2 MG-15 MG-22 Paucibacter * Species Sphingomonas sp Sphingopyxis sp Sphingosinicella microcystinivorans Sphingopyxis...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15