... for power system security analysis • On-line dispatcher power flow • Contingency Analysis • Load Frequency Control To provide diagnostics for modeling & maintenance Power System State Estimation ... estimate the “states” of the power system, then we can go on to calculate any power flows, generation, loads, and so forth that we desire State Estimation: determining our best guess at the state • ... Execution parameters (dynamic weightadjustments…) Power System State Estimation (Cont.,) • The state estimator provides Bus voltages, branch flows, … (state variables) Measurement error processing...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:35
... Preface Introduction 1.1 Operating States of a Power System 1.2 Power System Security Analysis 1.3 State Estimation 1.4 Summary Weighted Least Squares State Estimation 2.1 Introductio 2.2 Component ... of the most commonly used state estimation methods in power systems, namely the weighted least squares (WLS) method Application of the WLS method to power system state estimation presents several ... operating states defined above 1.2 Power System Security Analysis Power systems are operated by system operators from the area control centers The main goal of the system operator is to maintain the system...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 15:26
Reliability analysis of a power system based on the multi state system theory
... reliability of the power system obtained by the traditional system reliability theory is always conservative [5] (2) The power system is a multi -state system The multistate system theory can define ... possible states of the system; Gs is the performance of the system; qs is the corresponding probability M U j ( z ) = ∑ ql ⋅ z gl f ( g k , gl ) s =1 s system; N is the number of subsystems in the system; ... g3 = 5700 , g = 5850 , V RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE POWER SYSTEM The reliability of the power system is analyzed using the multi -state system theory According to (2), the universal generating...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:38
Optimal cost and allocation for UPFC using HRGAPSO to improve power system security and loadability
... of reactive power 2.2 Mathematical model of power systems with UPFC devices The objective of this section is to give a power flow model for a power system with a UPFC device Modified Newton-Raphson ... then presented in section and conclusion is made in section Implemented power system model 2.1 Power flow in line transmission Power flow through the transmission line i-j namely Pij and Qij are ... to the power system through two coupling transformers The series inverter injects a controllable AC voltage system in series with the transmission line to control the real and reactive power flows...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
power system analysis stevenson, grainger
... Single Contingencies State Estimation of Power Systems 15.2 591 587 5.3 15 578 586 Zbus Methods in Contingency Analysis 14.2 xv Statistics, Errors ,wd Estimates Power System State Estimation Thc Structure ... Systems Theory Gonen: Electric Power Distribution System Engineering and Stevenson: Power System Analysis Krause and Wasynczuk: Electromechanical Motion Devices Stevenson: Elements of Power System ... Grainger, John J Power system analysis / John J Grainger, William D Stevenson p cm Based on: Elements of power system anal ys i s by William D Stevenson , Stevenson, W illi am D ISBN power system analys...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 20:29
Lesson18-The Power System
... main and emergency power stations fail to supply power Main switchboard and emergency switchboard are to be provided respectively in the main power station and the emergency power station so that ... guarantee the quality of power supply (3) Operation under different working conditions of generating sets, e g generation, power supply, parallel of generators, load transfer, etc (4) Power supply is ... electrical power directly for some primary electrical users, and supplying the rest of the users with electricity through a distribution panel or box Apart from what has been stated, power supply...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 01:15
Chương 7: Power system blockset
... gian tr ng thái c a mô hình ct7_1 b ng hàm power2 sys Nh p dòng l nh sau ây vào c a s MATLAB : [A,B,C,D,x0,states,inputs,outputs] = power2 sys(’ct7_1’); Hàm power2 sys tr v mô hình không gian tr ng ... áp tr i i n áp vao Ch n menu Tool | Staedy State Voltages and Currents xem tr s xác l p c a dòng i n i n áp Bây gi ch n menu Tool | Initial Value of State Variables hi n th giá tr kh i u c a bi ... cho vi c phân tích tr ng thái xác l p c a m ch i n chúng ta, th vi n powerlib cung c p giao di n ho (GUI) Copy kh i giao di n Powergui vào c a s ct7_1 nh n úp vào icon m M i d ng c o i l ng c xác...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 06:15
Practical power system protection
... inductive circuit 3.2.4 Power and power factor In a DC system, power dissipated in a system is the product of volts × amps and is measured in watts P =V × I For AC systems, the power input is measured ... protective apparatus A power system is not only capable to meet the present load but also has the flexibility to meet the future demands A power system is designed to generate electric power in sufficient ... Summary Power System Protection – Main Functions To safeguard the entire system to maintain continuity of supply To minimize damage and repair costs To ensure safety of personnel Power System...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:37
Power system stabilizer
... Accelerating Power Type PSS (Power System Stabilizer) Step respnse of voltage reference Power AVR without PSS AVR with PSS time (sec) Power system fault (1 line open after phases grounding) Power AVR ... of Accelerating Power Type PSS (Power System Stabilizer) A POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER (PSS), which is installed in the Automatic Voltage Regulator of a Generator, can improve power system stability ... Mitsubishi Power System Stabilizer (PSS) A POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER (PSS) which is installed in the Automatic Voltage Regulator of the Generator, can improve the power system stability Therefore...
Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 21:14
Reliability analysis of power system based on generalized stochastic petri nets
... markings (states), and consequently the reachability graph, may grow quite fast [1] Z Bie and X Wang, “Evaluation of power system cascading outages,” in International Conference on Power System ... power system blackouts: preventive relaying strategies,” IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, vol 11, no 2, pp 708–715, 1996 [12] X Yu and C Singh, “A practical approach for integrated power system ... Proceedings PowerCon 2002., vol 1, October 2002, pp 415–419 [2] Q Chen, “The probability, identification, and prevention of rare events in power systems,” Ph.D dissertation, Iowa State University,...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:35
Graph theory application to deregulated power system
... following description will use active power flow and a lossless system 1n this 6-bus system, there are four generators supplying the power to the system By taking the net power at buses 1, 3, 4, and 6, ... The net power formulation as following: Net Power = Generation Power - Load Power (MW) IFrom the result above, buses , , and are generation buses and bus is a load bus In order to have power only ... generating power and supplying local load, the bus is determined whether as a generation bus or a load bus by subtracting the local load power from the generation power If the net power is positive,...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:37
Reliability modeling and evaluation of sulaimani erbil electrical power system
... kV transmission line power system that energized by 33 kV system reduces the reliability of the system Therefore, in order to improve the reliability of the 132 kV power systems, these lines ... regional power system evaluated, with 29 MW Diesel power station are taken into account for both Sulaimani and Erbil governorate Case study 11 and 12 reliability of the regional power system evaluated ... the system will be increased if the 29 MW diesel power station is taken into account for Sulaimani-Erbil region 3-As the outage of power plant greatly reduces the reliability of the power system, ...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:39
Topological analysis in bulk power system reliability evaluation
... is resented by a two -state model Suppose that a specific equipment is up in a system failure state Xa If this equipment fails, the new system state xb will also be a failure state and its failure ... Indices for Bulk Power Systems", IEEE Trans on PAS, Vol PAS-103, No 8, Aug 1984, pp 2318-2325 Billinton, R., and Li, W., " A System State Transition Sampling Method for Composite System Reliability ... representation Table Annualized System Indices for the IEEE - RTS, SaskPower Model and RBTS Index Annualized System Indices (IEEE - RTS ) PLC 0.092546 Annualized System Indces (SaskPower) 0.000873 A B C...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:40
... Interconnected Power Systems Chapter Objectives Interconnected Power Systems The North American Power Grids Regulatory Environment Interchange Scheduling Interconnected System Operations System Demand ... alternating current power systems began appearing throughout the United States These power systems became interconnected to form what we know today as the three major power grids in the United States and ... terms used in today’s electric power systems based on this history SYSTEM OVERVIEW Electric power systems are real-time energy delivery systems Real time means that power is generated, transported,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Power System Modelling and Scripting doc
... 16.3 Power System Stabilizer 16.3.1 Simplified Power System Stabilizer Model 16.3.2 Power System Stabilizer Type I 16.3.3 Power System ... 4.4 10.5 power power power power flow flow flow flow results: results: results: results: power supplies generator reactive powers bus voltages bus power injections ... the expression “electric power system is somewhat incomplete, since a power system is essentially an energy conversion system For this reason, the expression power system is used in this book,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 22:20
power system (the electric power engineering)
... volume of the handbook is devoted to the subjects of power system analysis and simulation, power system transients, power system planning, and power electronics If your particular topic of interest ... Electric Power Systems Mariesa L Crow 5-1 Power Flow Optimal Power Flow ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC State Estimation ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 1 The Per-Unit System ... fundamental to the study of power systems; in fact, power flow forms the core of power system analysis A power flow study is valuable for many reasons For example, power flow analyses play a key...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:11
power system stability and control chuong (1)
... to record power quantity data while searching for power quality problems For example, the author found a shortcut to the source of a disturbance affecting a wide area by using the power quantity ... power quality monitors cannot record these quantities, but other devices exist that can be used in conjunction with power quality monitors to find a solution to the problem 33.4 Summary Most power ... that may be needed for a power quality investigation, and the characteristics of some commercially available monitors 33.3.1 Voltage The most commonly recorded parameter in power quality investigations...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:11
power system stability and control chuong (2)
... George G Karady IV Distribution Systems 20 Power System Loads Raymond R Shoults and Larry D Swift 21 Distribution System Modeling and Analysis William H Kersting 22 Power System Operation and Control ... and Grounding for Power Quality Christopher J Melhorn 30 Harmonics in Power Systems S.M Halpin 31 Voltage Sags Math H.J Bollen 32 Voltage Fluctuations and Lamp Flicker in Power Systems S.M Halpin ... to the subjects of electric power generation by both conventional and nonconventional methods, transmission systems, distribution systems, power utilization, and power quality If your particular...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:11
power system stability and control chuong (3)
... than power producers That is, it is easier to estimate the energy production for the next month or year than it is to estimate the power that will be produced at 4:00 PM next Tuesday Wind power ... are summer peaking, and hence need the most power when winds are the lowest and the least power when winds are highest The diurnal variation of wind power is thus a fairly good match to utility ... E.W., and Kaplan, M.M., Powering the Midwest, A Report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, 1993 Johnson, G.L., Wind Energy Systems, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1985 Wind Power Monthly, 15(6), June,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:11