porcine model to examine the adjuvant effect of interleukin 12

Development of a model to calculate the economic implications of improving the indoor climate

Development of a model to calculate the economic implications of improving the indoor climate

... analysis of the proposed model The initial R commands used to run the ‘mlmmm’ routine are shown in Appendix 1a The outcome of running the routine included a 2x3 matrix of the coefficients of the fixed ... their effect on occupant performance and total building economy” documented the development of a BN model used to estimate the effects of air quality on performance The BN model consisted of three ... methodology to estimate the effects of the indoor environment on performance of office work and the consequences for total building economy of modifying the indoor environment was developed During the

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2016, 20:32

149 256 0
Applying m porter’s diamond model to analyze the competitiveness advantages of vietnam’s dragon fruit to japanese market

Applying m porter’s diamond model to analyze the competitiveness advantages of vietnam’s dragon fruit to japanese market

... Vietnam into Japan decreased by 16.3 percent, to $1.062 million in the first quarter of 2023, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade The new rule prohibiting the export or repatriation of significant ... determine the direction of international trade and its ability to compete in the global market (Porter, 1990) Porter emphasizes that the key lies in the effective utilization of these elements rather ... advanced to fulfill the stringent requirements of the Japanese market The two countries' free trade agreements and efforts to liberalize their respective markets have also helped the export of dragon

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2023, 21:41

24 16 0
Using swot model to analyze the potential impact of the eu vietnam freetrade agreement (evfta) on vietnam’s leather and footwear exports

Using swot model to analyze the potential impact of the eu vietnam freetrade agreement (evfta) on vietnam’s leather and footwear exports

... significant exporters of leather and footwear to the EU market They benefit from economies of scale, technology, innovation, branding, and other factors that allow them to offer cheaper and better ... dramatically after the mid-1980s In the 1990s, the volume of footwear imported from outside the EU surpassed the volume of footwear traded within the EU for the first time Imports from outside the EU increased ... Vietnam's exports to the EU by roughly 42% by 2025 Because the EVFTA tariff preferences are constant independent of the amount of total imports into the EU and gradually decline to 0%, Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2023, 04:22

26 12 0
A randomized controlled trial to examine the effect of two teaching methods on preschool children’s language and communication, executive functions, socioemotional comprehension, and early

A randomized controlled trial to examine the effect of two teaching methods on preschool children’s language and communication, executive functions, socioemotional comprehension, and early

... The stories were differentiated by content, by gender of the voice of the reader, and by presentation to the left or right The child was instructed to attend to one story while ignoring the other ... measured, together with clear description of the implementations provided and, in particular, the fidelity of the implementation, need be addressed Turning to the other main explanatory factor of diverging ... units, these could be randomized to one of the interventions or to the control Yet another condition for the randomization was to have as equal a distribution of ages as possible For SEMLA, the

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 15:02

28 53 0
Summary of PhD dissertation in medicine The real situation of occupational safety and health on Thainguyen medical personal exposed to ionizing radition and effect of interventions

Summary of PhD dissertation in medicine The real situation of occupational safety and health on Thainguyen medical personal exposed to ionizing radition and effect of interventions

... on RS were issued, too aiming to guide implementation of the law Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act, based on the standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Directorate for Standards, ... efficacy of interventions to improve the use of means of personal protection reaches 25.6% Intervention models receive the support and cooperation of the community and it is able to be kept in the ... health of RWs in the health sector are not so good To solve this problem, it is necessary to propose measures to well implement the regulations on radiation safety, to protect the health of RWsand

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2016, 22:32

27 346 0
DSpace at VNU: Research using the 2-D model to evaluate the changes of riverbed

DSpace at VNU: Research using the 2-D model to evaluate the changes of riverbed

... lu m e (F C V ) m e th o d a n d im p lic it sch e m e o f C n k - Nicolson The resu lts of tho model arc tho values of bod elevation , velocity íìeld and s c c ỉim c n t c o n c e n tra tio n ... C IE N C E Nat., S ci & Tech I XIX N.,1 2003 RESEARCH ƯSING T H E 2-1) MO DEL TO EVALƯATE THE C H A N G E S OF IUVERBKI) N g u y ê n H u 11 K h a i, N g u y ê n T ie n G ia n g , T r a n N ... r e x te n d e d fro m th e b o tto m to bed s u rfa c e in g e n e l c o o rd in a te s y s te m ca n e xp re sse d b y: R e s e a rc h u s ỉ n g th e 2-1) to c v a ỉ u n t c th e c h a n g

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2017, 12:26

10 179 0
Examine the mediating role of organizational citizenship behaviour in the relationship between perceived human resource management practices and intention to leave of employees

Examine the mediating role of organizational citizenship behaviour in the relationship between perceived human resource management practices and intention to leave of employees

... Research model and hypotheses 17 2.3.1 The effects of HRM on OCB 17 2.3.2 The effect of Retention Oriented Compensation on Intention to Leave 19 2.3.3 The effect of Formalized Training ... monitor rapid changes in the business, and figure out how to deal with these changes to sustain or enhance effectiveness (Organ, Podsakoff and MacKenzie 2006) Therefore, it is argued that the ... 5-4: The MLR analysis on the effect of Retention-oriented Compensation and Formalized Training on Employees’ Intention to Leave c Model Summary Model R Square R Adjusted R Square Std Error of the

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2018, 15:55

78 244 0


... specificity Establish a model of HCC using HepG2 cell line in mice Study the anti-tumor effect of liposome paclitaxel formulation METHODS - RESULTS In vivo model of HCC (xenograft model) Culturing HepG2 ... Study the anti-tumor effect of liposome paclitaxel formulation 17 METHODS - RESULTS Study the anti-tumor effect of liposome paclitaxel formulation 18 CONCLUSIONS  Evaluated and chose the suitable ... induced model on Swiss albino Ip CYP day 1, 3: weak, ruffled fur, normal movement, dead Total leucocytes were lowest on day 5, then recovered by 33% on day 21 Choose this protocol for the study of

Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2018, 16:20

20 74 0
Potential gene network for the health effect of exposure to pcb fs on human diffuse large cell lymphoma

Potential gene network for the health effect of exposure to pcb fs on human diffuse large cell lymphoma

... exposure To identify the gene regulatory sub-network between DLBCL and PCB modules, the gene ontological networks via the analysis of ClueGo plug-in were further conducted into Cluepedia plug-in The ... stimulate the biological pathway including these kind of gene According to the result of this study, the potential pathway underlying cause of PCB/ Furan to DLBCL disease can be easily to find ... Itishencesuggestedthatfurtherstudiescanconcentratedonexploringtheeffectof chemicals on human body by the advanced application of bioinformatics, especially the effect of dioxins coming from various

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2020, 11:29

58 27 0
A randomised active-controlled trial to examine the effects of an online mindfulness intervention on executive control, critical thinking and key thinking dispositions in a university

A randomised active-controlled trial to examine the effects of an online mindfulness intervention on executive control, critical thinking and key thinking dispositions in a university

... during the beginning of the intervention collected during the week following vention The data was collected in the week preceding Follow-up data was the end of the interthe PC suite of the The FFMQ ... how to control their awareness of their body or breath This approach was designed to control for the effects of expectations surrounding mindfulness and physiological relaxation to ensure that the ... [53] These studies can also be considered more rigorous due to the standardisation of instruction across participants in the experimental group and the use of objective measures of adherence to the

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 15:01

18 33 0
Applying vector error correction model to analyze the bi-directional linkage between FDI and pillars of sustainable development in Vietnam

Applying vector error correction model to analyze the bi-directional linkage between FDI and pillars of sustainable development in Vietnam

... integrated of order Then, as they are put into the research model, the final model is integrated of order (I(1)) 2.3 Selection-order criteria After the structure of the final model is determined to be ... research model on the basis of Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Theoretically, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) for multi-variables is constructed on the basis of Vector Autoregressive Model ... at the beginning, researchers usually look into this topic from the perspective of each pillar Therefore, for the purpose of clarifying the literature review, at first, the author looks into the

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 19:36

17 91 0
An appropriate model to fit the production of rice and wheat data for India

An appropriate model to fit the production of rice and wheat data for India

... Let, denote the value of at the beginning of the time period and denote the value of at the end of period , The growth relatives are defined as follows: as, The significance of the average ... is the standard deviation of the detrended values ( ) of y and is the mean of values The coefficient of variation (C.V.) is used to measure the instability in production To eliminate the effect ... period and post-reform period The work focuses on the comparison of the efficiency of different models fitted to the data such as linear model, compound model, quadratic model (1) where = dependent

Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2020, 13:55

11 48 0


... future To have a thorough understanding of the student's cosmetic consumption behavior, our team chose the topic: "USING THE RECOVERY MODEL TO ASSESS THE FACTORS AFFECTING COSMETIC CONSUMER ACTS OF ... PART THEORETICAL BASIS An overview of related theory A thorough research into customer behavior is an important stage to identify the needs of customers, helping businesses choose the right customer ... because there are many variables involved and their tendency is to interact and influence each other The marketing and environmental factors come into the consciousness of the buyer The characteristics

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2020, 21:35

52 94 0
To examine the drought pattern during pre and post global warming behind and it impacts on rice productivity for Different districts of Chhattisgarh, India

To examine the drought pattern during pre and post global warming behind and it impacts on rice productivity for Different districts of Chhattisgarh, India

... Chhattisgarh and as a result the drought situation has increased in all the districts of Chhattisgarh This is one of the causes of the low productivity of rice in Chhattisgarh state The total drought pattern ... present the state has 27 districts But the historical meteorological data is available for only 16 districts Hence, the analysis of drought climatology of 16 districts of Chhattisgarh for the period ... variation of annual rainfall ranged from 25 percent over Seoni district in the east to nearly 40 percent in Murena district in the extreme north west Further, they concluded that the coefficient of

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2020, 01:40

12 27 0
Applying logistic model to predict the probability of default for construction enterprises in vietnam from 2014 to 2016

Applying logistic model to predict the probability of default for construction enterprises in vietnam from 2014 to 2016

... financial factors To create the best model, we find the set of weights β to create the best fit between Pi and observations are default It means that we want Pi close to 100% for default customers ... Building models 32 3.2.4 Apply the models into estimating the PD in 2016 35 3.2.5 Choosing cutoff values 35 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 36 CHAPTER 4: VALIDATING MODEL? ??S ... table of Logit model 37 Table 4.4 Regression table of Probit model 38 Table 4.5 Regression table of C log-log model 39 Table 4.6 Matrix confusion for logit model at cutoff

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2020, 10:46

70 21 0
Application of the Champion Health Belief Model to determine beliefs and behaviors of Turkish women academicians regarding breast cancer screening: A cross sectional descriptive study

Application of the Champion Health Belief Model to determine beliefs and behaviors of Turkish women academicians regarding breast cancer screening: A cross sectional descriptive study

... mammography Furthermore, a consultancy service must be offered to every woman over 20 years of age to enable them to perform BSE on their own, to create awareness in the society [6] According to the national ... Champion Health Belief Model Scale Acknowledgements The researchers would like to thank the University for allowing them to conduct the study The authors are grateful to the Deanship of Faculties at ... specific aims of this study were to examine the projected risk of BC in female Turkish academicians, determine the levels of their BC screening behaviors and uncover the relationship between their health

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 11:55

10 18 0
Research using the 2 d model to evaluate the changes of riverbed

Research using the 2 d model to evaluate the changes of riverbed

... lu m e (F C V ) m e th o d a n d im p lic it sch e m e o f C n k - Nicolson The resu lts of tho model arc tho values of bod elevation , velocity íìeld and s c c ỉim c n t c o n c e n tra tio n ... C IE N C E Nat., S ci & Tech I XIX N.,1 2003 RESEARCH ƯSING T H E 2-1) MO DEL TO EVALƯATE THE C H A N G E S OF IUVERBKI) N g u y ê n H u 11 K h a i, N g u y ê n T ie n G ia n g , T r a n N ... r e x te n d e d fro m th e b o tto m to bed s u rfa c e in g e n e l c o o rd in a te s y s te m ca n e xp re sse d b y: R e s e a rc h u s ỉ n g th e 2-1) to c v a ỉ u n t c th e c h a n g

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2021, 10:39

10 2 0
Application of swat model to assess the impact of land use changes on stream discharge in nghing tuong watershed thai nguyen province

Application of swat model to assess the impact of land use changes on stream discharge in nghing tuong watershed thai nguyen province

... need much time to process the data, the input data requirements for models and need much time to process the data To be able to use this model to quantitatively assess the impact of the floods forest ... basin ? What is the modeling effort to simulate these problems in Nghinh Tuong watershed? The application of SWAT model- Soil and Water Assessment Tools understand the effect of land-use changes ... much time to process the data especially, maps like topographic maps, soil maps, forest maps and their attribute data To be able to use this model to quantitatively assess the impact of the floods

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 07:42

65 9 0
Summary of doctoral thesis: Building numerical model to simulate the flow and sediment transport on small and medium watershed

Summary of doctoral thesis: Building numerical model to simulate the flow and sediment transport on small and medium watershed

... should be connected to set up a model on the basis of digitizing the detailed topography of the watershed, thus it will increase the accuracy of the model 24 PUBLICATIONS OF THE AUTHOR Dao Tan ... based on the understanding of the laws of motion and the physical mechanism of the process of erosion, it means that this model based on the understandinghas been theorized as the laws of physics ... forces dispersing the particles of soil, to the amount of water and to the velocity of runoff Rainfall in a short time will limit erosion due to the insufficiency of water to form flow When it

Ngày tải lên: 25/05/2021, 20:07

28 13 0
Applying house's translation quality assessment model to assess the Vietnamese translation of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn -chapter XX and it105920

Applying house's translation quality assessment model to assess the Vietnamese translation of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn -chapter XX and it105920

... translator‘s intention to that of the author of the original, not of the appropriateness of the translator‘s intention to that of the evaluator‖ (1987:223) He proposes a multilevel grid for textological ... address the target audience of the translation because they are tight to the culture and the language community where they originate Therefore, to this type of translation, the function of the translation ... SEPT: the objective of the translator To avoid subjectivity and hypercriticism in TQA, Larose reminds the evaluator the necessity to assess a translation ―in terms of the appropriateness of the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 15:48

118 697 1