... Enclosure Using Taylor Series The use of Taylor series for validation, as well as for tight enclosure, is suggested by pictures such as those in Figure 2, which shows Taylor series enclosures ... Eiermann 3], which provides the enclosure of a xed number of Taylor coe cients of standard operations and standard functions on interval polynomialsas well as the enclosure of the respective remainders ... guessed h and u0] subject to u](t) := ?1 X p (t ? t0 ) (u0) + (t ? t0) ( u0]) i i p p u0 ] i=0 Remark E ectiveness Either Lohner's enclosure by polynomials or our enclosure by Taylor series is...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:06
... Harmonics and Power Systems where P1, V1, and I1 are fundamental frequency quantities and Vh, Ih, θh, and δh are related to a frequency, h, times the system power frequency Because true power factor ... Handbook Ion Boldea and Syed Nasar Power Quality C Sankaran Power System Operations and Electricity Markets Fred I Denny and David E Dismukes Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems Mariesa ... POWER ENGINEERING Series Series Editor Leo L Grigsby Published Titles Electric Drives Ion Boldea and Syed Nasar Linear Synchronous Motors: Transportation and Automation Systems Jacek Gieras and...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 05:20
Exergoeconomic performance optimization of an endoreversible intercooled regenerative Brayton combined heat and power plant coupled to variable-temperature heat reservoirs
... where CH and CH max are the smaller and the larger of the two capacitance rates CH and Cwf , CL and CL max are the smaller and the larger of the two capacitance rates CL and Cwf , CIm in and CIm ... cycle with gas turbine and steam turbine J Power Engng., 1998, 8(6): 118-124 (in Chinese) Bo Yang received his BS Degree in 2008 and MS Degree in 2010 in power engineering and engineering thermophysics ... plant with heat resistance and internal irreversibility [27] and an irreversible Dual cycle CHP plant with heat resistance, heat leakage and internal irreversibility [28], and compared the results...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:59
Tài liệu tiếng anh Điện tử công suất mạch MERS A new AC current switch called MERS with low on state voltage IGBTs for renewable energy and power saving applications
... (b)Voltage and power factor control of induction motor (c )Series compensation in transmission system Fig Example of resulting voltage and current curves when controlling the MERS load voltage or the power ... In the high end power scale of MERS applications is the series compensation in transmission systems By controlling the injected series voltage, the flow of power can be controlled and increased ... a result, the maximum output power is limited and the armature loss is increased for a given power output By inserting a capacitor in series between the generator and the diode bridge, the voltage...
Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:10
... sample calculations using power density and power terms from Table and Table 2, whereas Section 4-12 uses these terms plus field intensity and voltage terms from Table and Table Refer the examples ... effective capture area term, Ae relates free space power density PD with received power, Pr , i.e Pr = PD Ae Ae is a function of frequency and antenna gain and is related to AF as shown in Section 4-12 ... of power density to actual measurements with a spectrum analyzer attached by coaxial cable to a receiving antenna Conversion Between Field Intensity (Table 1) and Power Received (Table 2) Power...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu The Computer Case and Power Supply pptx
... to the local power requirements when selecting the voltage for the power supply Step Power supplies are rated by wattage, which is usually between 250 and 300 watts What is the power supply rating ... Systems, Inc Step Most computer cases come complete with a power supply However, not all cases are built for the United States market and therefore may not be set for the correct voltage Look ... mini DIN _ USB (Make sure it matches the connector on the Motherboard) Power Supply AT ATX _ Other _ Power Supply Wattage _ Step Examine the screws that will be used for the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
... Then the Taylor models (Pf +g , If +g,h ) and (Pf ãg , If ãg,h ) for the sum and products of f and g obtained via addition and multiplication of Taylor models satisfy If +g,h = O(hn+1 ), and If ... (x)/cf and evaluate in Taylor model arithmetic, obtaining a pure interval contribution from the remainder term Sine We use the addition theorem and power series expansion of the sine function and ... C n+1 (D) and (Pf,h , If,h ) and (Pg,h , Ig,h ) be n-th order Taylor models for f and g around xh on xh + [h, h]v D Let the remainder bounds If,h and Ig,h satisfy If,h = O(hn+1 ) and Ig,h =...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 21:47
taylor model and floating point arithmetic proof
... are the multiplication of a Taylor model by a scalar in Section 4, the addition in Section and the product in Section of two Taylor models Section defines Taylor models and Section recalls useful ... References [1] American National Standards Institute and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE standard for binary floating-point arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Standard, Std 754-1985, New York, ... [2] American National Standards Institute and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE standard for radix independent floating-point arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Standard, Std 854-1987, New...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 22:06
Tài liệu Noblewoman aristocracy and power in the twelfth century anglo norman realm pptx
... vi Contents tables and figures preface abbreviations page viii ix xi introduction part i Literary sources Power and portrayal 13 Patronage and power 30 part ii Noblewomen and power: the charter ... 1331 15 J Hudson, ‘Anglo-Norman land law and the origins of property’, in G S Garnett and J G H Hudson (eds), Law and Government in Medieval England and Normandy: Essays in Honour of Sir James ... in the social identities of men and women, the way that men and women exerted power and influence in society through complex power structures such as the family and lordship, were crucially affected...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 20:20
Governing Electronically E-Government and the Reconfiguration of Public Administration, Policy and Power potx
... writings and in his earlier writings, Foucault articulates different types of power – for example, disciplinary power, bio -power, sovereign power, pastoral power These different forms of power help ... of understanding, being and acting both within and beyond government Deploying e-government can and does generate new insights into the way in which we think about and design public and social ... and Government 27 domain of reality, and to establish ‘in the world of persons and things’ spaces and devices for acting upon those entities of which they dream and scheme (1990a: 8) Miller and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 06:21
Integrating Electronic Equipment and Power into Rack Enclosures pot
... understanding of proper design and installation of power distribution and grounding to avoid potential noise and safety problems In order to get a good understanding of how some potential power and ... 2” between untwisted signal and power conductors Use tightly twisted pair signal wire and AC power cables with twisted conductors Integrating Electronic Equipment and Power into Rack Enclosures ... twisted power conductors Shielded isolation transformer Coaxial cables or twisted conductors within signal and power cables; separation of signal and power wiring bundles Same phase power Heavy...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 13:20
Foucault - Beyond Structuralism and Hermenutics - The Subject and Power
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 17:08
... Sector Governance and Accountability Series advances our knowledge by providing tools and lessons from practices in improving efficiency and equity of public services provision and strengthening ... (Norway) and the City University of Hong Kong Among his recent publications are The Handbook of Public Administration and The Handbook of Public Policy, both coedited with Jon Pierre, and Institutional ... inefficiency, and waste in developing countries This dysfunctionality is attributed to a lack of citizen empowerment to hold the government to account In earlier volumes in this series, Shah (2005) and Andrews...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
Quality and Power in the Supply Chain: What Industry Does for the Sake of Quality pdf
... Part I Prologue: On Power and Its Impact on Customer-Supplier Relations Power and Its Impact on Customer-Supplier Relations Introduction The Role of Power in Dictating Demands The Vendor-Vendee ... Interested Parties? 114 The Economics of Standardization 116 The Limits of Standardization 117 Standards and the Law: A Powerful Combination 119 Standards Proliferation in an Age of Regulation ... 1994 8 Quality and Power in the Supply Chain As companies become larger, their economic dominance and power over so-called "peripheral" firms increase and so their contractual demands or, rather,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:21
.Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context.Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology SeriesEdited by Eric DelsonVertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, USA delson@amnh.orgEric J. Sar pdf
... Noiti suggests that woodlands and forest covered the lower slopes of the volcanic highlands to the east of Laetoli, and that a mosaic of woodland, bushland and wooded grasslands occurred more distally ... woodland, open woodland, shrubland and grassland It was certainly more densely wooded than the modern-day Laetoli ecosystem, which is dominated by grassland and open woodland (Andrews et al 2011) ... vegetation and making standing bodies of water toxic (Peters et al 2008) The subsequent formation of calcretes and hardpans would have led to a landscape dominated by grasslands and open woodlands...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20
cirstea, m. n. (2002). neural and fuzzy logic control of drives and power systemsl
... networks, fuzzy logic, electric machines and drives, power systems and VHDL and forms a basic guide for the understanding of the fundamental principles of modern power electronic control systems design ... for drives and power systems 3 Electric motors and power systems 3.1 Electric motors Electric motors are major users of electricity in industrial plants and commercial premises Motive power accounts ... by the desired power frequency and 26 Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems N is the number of sampling points in one cycle of the carrier signal For a 50 Hz power frequency,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:29