polynomials ideals and manifolds

Polynomials, Interpolation, and integralon

Polynomials, Interpolation, and integralon

... of the function better than spline Polynomial multiplication and division (convolution and deconvolution) are performed by the conv and deconv functions MATLAB also has a built-in fast Fourier ... closed form, and the last example cannot be solved by int at all It can only be computed numerically, with quad 121 The function f provided to quad and quadl must operate on a vector x and return ... of the vector An optional fourth argument to quad and quadl modifies the error tolerance Double and triple integrals are evaluated by dblquad and triplequad Arrayvalued functions are integrated...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 22:20

10 580 0
moral animals ideals and constraints in moral theory sep 2004

moral animals ideals and constraints in moral theory sep 2004

... own and each other’s skin and hair They take turns grooming each other and can treat each other’s splinters and abscesses with some success.2 Aggressive interactions between males and males and ... remain undermoralized The modern market economy, and the relationships of employer and employee, investor xii p r e f a c e and worker, husband and wife to be found within it, represent the modification ... Morality and Hypermorality Paraworlds and Confirmation 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Moral Belief-Sets and Theory M Authored and Unauthored Norms The Form of a Moral Theory Moral Theories and Paraworlds...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:59

333 273 0


... (3.11) Clearly, H0 = r and H1 = r So, r f and r f are homotopic Lemma 3.3 L(r f ) = L(r f ) and I(r f |∂ M ) = I(r f |∂ M ) Proof By Lemma 3.2, r f and r f are homotopic and, consequently, L(r ... Let V1 = {x ∈ M | f (x) ∈ ◦ M } and V2 = {x ∈ M | f (x) ∈ M \M }, then V1 and V2 are disjoint open subsets of the C.-F Benjamin and D H Gottlieb / manifold M and V1 ∪ V2 contains all the fixed ... of V and whose union n=1 V j contains all the fixed points of f , then j n I f |V = I f |V j j =1 (2.6) Fixed point indices and manifolds with collars Proposition 2.9 Assume X is compact and V...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

8 319 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Integral Closures of Monomial Ideals and Fulkersonian Hypergraphs" ppsx

Báo cáo toán học: "Integral Closures of Monomial Ideals and Fulkersonian Hypergraphs" ppsx

... Herzog, T Hibi, and N V Trung, Symbolic powers of monomial ideals and vertex cover algebras, ArXiv, math.AC/0512423, Adv Math (to appear) J Herzog, T Hibi, N V Trung, and X Zheng, Standard graded ... Mengerian hypergraph if and only if Δ is a Fulkersonian hypergraph and R[It] is normal In an earlier paper, Escobar, Villarreal and Yoshino showed that I (k) = I k for all k ≥ if and only if Δ is a ... North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989 H Duchet, Hypergraphs, Handbook of Combinatorics, Vol 1, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995, 381–432 C A Escobar, R Villarreal, and Y Yoshino, Torsion freeness and normality...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20

6 276 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Betti numbers of monomial ideals and shifted skew shapes" potx

Báo cáo toán học: "Betti numbers of monomial ideals and shifted skew shapes" potx

... topology and commutative algebra are provided Contents Introduction and the main problems PART I Shifted skew diagrams and graph ideals 2.1 Shifted diagrams and skew diagrams 2.2 Graphs and ... these ideals, and indicate how to compute their Krull dimension and projective dimension Part II investigates a different generalization of the Ferrers graph’s and threshold graph’s edge ideals, ... diagrams and graph ideals Shifted diagrams and skew diagrams We begin with some terminology for diagrams in the shifted plane that are perhaps not so standard in commutative algebra, but fairly standard...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20

59 271 0
Đề tài " Holomorphic disks and topological invariants for closed three-manifolds " pptx

Đề tài " Holomorphic disks and topological invariants for closed three-manifolds " pptx

... ⊂ Tα , and u({0} × R) ⊂ Tβ , which are asymptotic to x and y as t → −∞ and +∞, in the following sense There is a real number T > and sections ξ− ∈ Lp [0, 1] × (−∞, −T ], Tx Symg (Σ) 1,δ and ξ+ ... to the α, in the sense that for all i and j, #(αi ∩ γj ) = δi,j (the right-hand side is Kronecker delta, and the left-hand side denotes both the geometric and algebraic intersection numbers of ... manifold is Symg (Σ) and the submanifolds playing the role of the Lagrangians are tori Tα = α1 ×· · ·×αg and Tβ = β1 ×· · ·×βg These tori are half-dimensional totally real submanifolds with respect...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

133 327 0


... counselor -no fees -it is Sunday you know," and I held out my hand The girl smiled and I smiled; and then, he smiled and grasped my hand We sat down and I talked about idealizing things as they ... illusionary shirts, handle illusionary money, use and depend upon ten thousand illusionary things and live upon an illusionary earth I hold that matter is existent and that it is very unwise and detrimental ... suns thousands of millions of millions of miles apart There is no density of matter to hinder the manifestation of your ideals and desires Since you, your ideals and desires are of God, and since...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 20:20

63 752 0
The Jew And American Ideals By John Spargo pdf

The Jew And American Ideals By John Spargo pdf

... most difficult and dangerous problems confronting civilized mankind, his views and his acts assume public importance The Jew and American Ideals and invite and compel attention and discussion ... Poland, and, to a less extent, in Germany under the Hohenzollern Unless this propaganda is checked, unless the intelligence and the conscience of England can be marshaled against it, England ... authentic, and without adequate corroboration, documents whose origin and history are so clouded with secrecy, mystery, and ignorance? And how can men and women who are to all appearances rational and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

74 431 0
manifolds, tensor analysis and applications 3rd ed. - marsden, ratiu and abraham

manifolds, tensor analysis and applications 3rd ed. - marsden, ratiu and abraham

... Proposition Let S and T be topological spaces and denote by p1 : S × T → S and p2 : S × T → T the canonical projections: p1 (s, t) = s and p2 (s, t) = t Then (i) p1 and p2 are open mappings; and (ii) ... S.) If the map ϕ : S → T is a bijection (i.e., one-to-one and onto), and both ϕ and ϕ−1 are continuous, ϕ is called a homeomorphism and S and T are said to be homeomorphic For example, notice that ... if f and g are continuous, then so are f + g and f g Proof that Let s0 ∈ S be fixed and ε > By continuity of f and g at s0 , there exists an open set U in S such |f (s) − f (s0 )| < ε , and |g(s)...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:21

617 2,5K 0
quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds 2nd (revised) ed. - v. turaev (de gruyter, 2010) ww

quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds 2nd (revised) ed. - v. turaev (de gruyter, 2010) ww

... of bands lie on the bases of coupons; otherwise the bands, coupons, and annuli are disjoint; (iii) the bands and annuli of ˝ are directed The surface ˝ with the splitting into annuli, bands, and ... works of M Atiyah, A Joyal and R Street, L Kauffman, A Kirillov and N Reshetikhin, G Moore and N Seiberg, N Reshetikhin and V Turaev, G Segal, V Turaev and O Viro, and others (see References) ... number of important properties of 3 -manifolds and 4 -manifolds In analogy with 3 -manifolds they may serve as ambient spaces of knots and links In analogy with 4 -manifolds they possess a symmetric...

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 17:47

605 468 0
knots groups and 3-manifolds papers dedicated to the memory of r h fox aug 1975

knots groups and 3-manifolds papers dedicated to the memory of r h fox aug 1975

... form of ideals in R, ideal classes, and ranks These include all the rational invariants (L 1] and the ideal class invariants of lFSJ, and the ideals are certainly related to the elementary ideals ... 120-167 "Knots and Periodic Transformations." Topology of 3 -Manifolds and Related Topics, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 177-182 "Some Problems in Knot Theory." Topology of 3 -Manifolds and Related ... braid b· c k , k (Z and k -J- 0, closes to a nontrivial knot the trivial knot, and c f Proof First observe that if b l and b are n-stranded braids which have identical permutations and which close...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:31

334 361 0
princeton university press renormalization and 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle jul 1996

princeton university press renormalization and 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle jul 1996

... Rigidity of hyperbolic manifolds 2.1 The Hausdorff topology 2.2 Manifolds and geometric limits 2.3 Rigidity 2.4 Geometric inflexibility 2.5 Deep points and differentiability ... points, and more generally yields inflexibility results for hyperbolic 3 -manifolds and holomorphic dynamical systems R,; INTRODUCTION We now turn to a more detailed s~mmary Hyperbolic manifolds ... 1994 Many useful corrections and suggestions were provided by G Anderson and the referee This research was funded in part by the Miller Institute for Basic Research and the NSF I would like to...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 15:10

253 197 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: " Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" ppt

... q-Bernoulli and q-Euler numbers and polynomials and a class of generalized q-Hurwitz zeta functions Appl Math Comput 215(3), 1185–1208 (2009) [12] Kim, T: On the analogs of Euler numbers and polynomials ... move on to the p-adic q-Bernoulli and p-adic q-Euler polynomials The p-adic q-Bernoulli and p-adic q-Euler polynomials in q x are defined by means of the bosonic and the fermionic p-adic integral ... eB(q)t k! and Gq (t) = Ek (q) k=0 tk = eE(q)t , k! where the symbol Bk (q) and Ek (q) are interpreted to mean that (B(q))k and (E(q))k must be replaced by Bk (q) and Ek (q) when we expanded the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

17 369 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" ppt

... q-Bernoulli and q-Euler numbers and polynomials and a class of generalized q-Hurwitz zeta functions Appl Math Comput 215(3), 1185–1208 (2009) [12] Kim, T: On the analogs of Euler numbers and polynomials ... move on to the p-adic q-Bernoulli and p-adic q-Euler polynomials The p-adic q-Bernoulli and p-adic q-Euler polynomials in q x are defined by means of the bosonic and the fermionic p-adic integral ... eB(q)t k! and Gq (t) = Ek (q) k=0 tk = eE(q)t , k! where the symbol Bk (q) and Ek (q) are interpreted to mean that (B(q))k and (E(q))k must be replaced by Bk (q) and Ek (q) when we expanded the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

17 423 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" doc

Báo cáo toán học: " Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" doc

... q-Bernoulli and p-adic q-Euler polynomials The padic q-Bernoulli and p-adic q-Euler polynomials in q x are defined by means of the bosonic and the fermionic p-adic integral on ℤp : [x + z]k dμ1 (z) and ... can be represented by the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers, and polynomials q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials related to the Bosonic and the Fermionic p-adic integral on ℤp In this section, ... (1991) doi:10.1016/0022-314X(91)90048-G 11 Choi, J, Anderson, PJ, Srivastava, HM: Carlitz’s q-Bernoulli and q-Euler numbers and polynomials and a class of generalized q-Hurwitz zeta functions...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

16 442 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Automated target tracking and recognition using coupled view and identity manifolds for shape representation" pot

Báo cáo toán học: " Automated target tracking and recognition using coupled view and identity manifolds for shape representation" pot

... results of target tracking and recognition on both IR sequences from the SENSIAC dataset and some visibleband video sequences, and we also discuss the limitations and possible extensions of the ... to integrate these two manifolds into a compact generative model Because the two variables, view and identity, are continuous in nature and defined along their respective manifolds, the ATR inference ... the proposed model for shape interpolation and matching This new approach supports joint tracking and recognition for both known and unknown targets and achieves superior results compared with...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

17 323 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some new identities on the twisted carlitz’s q-bernoulli numbers and q-bernstein polynomials" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Some new identities on the twisted carlitz’s q-bernoulli numbers and q-bernstein polynomials" ppt

... twisted q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials related to q-Bernstein polynomials From these properties, we derive some new identities for the twisted q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials Final purpose ... the q-Bernstein polynomials, q-Stirling numbers and q-Bernoulli numbers Adv Stud Contemp Math 20, 335–341 (2010) 11 Kim, T: Barnes type multiple q-zeta functions and q-Euler polynomials J Physics ... twisted carlitz’s q-bernoulli numbers and q-bernstein polynomials Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2011 2011:52 Submit your manuscript to a journal and benefit from: Convenient online submission...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

6 401 0