plug flow activated sludge

Characteristics of hydrogen production from food waste and waste activated sludge

Characteristics of hydrogen production from food waste and waste activated sludge

... sewage sludge or sewage sludge/ food waste codigestion, sewage sludge will be the important source for hydrogen production due to its amounts Thus, in this work, food waste and sewage sludge were ... concentration of the sludge were 7.6, 2.83 g CaCO3/L, and 5.5 g/L, respectively Substrate The feed was a mixture of food waste and sewage sludge, representing typical Korean food waste and sewage sludge Food ... not be conducted because of low VS concentration of sewage sludge 20 mL of seed sludge and appropriate amounts of food waste and sewage sludge were added in individual bottles Each bottle was supplemented...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

11 616 0
Effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and biofilm on the adsorption capacity of powdered activated carbon in activated sludge

Effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and biofilm on the adsorption capacity of powdered activated carbon in activated sludge

... 3,5-DCP in activated sludge was determined supernatant by centrifugation (8,000 rpm, 20 minutes) The adsorption Activated sludge with PAC was separated from From 100 to 200 mg of the sludge were ... return of activated sludge from the sedimentation tank The aeration and sedimentation tanks had working volumes of 2.5 L and 0.2 L, respectively Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan The activated sludge was ... adsorption capacity of the PAC in the aeration tank include that of activated sludge, the biosorption of 3,5-DCP by activated sludge was negligible mg g-1, respectively The K values of new PAC...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

10 557 0
Treatment of Textile Wastewater by a Coupling of Activated Sludge Process with Membrane Separation

Treatment of Textile Wastewater by a Coupling of Activated Sludge Process with Membrane Separation

... fluxes at extremely low cross -flow velocities and transmembrane pressure, which would extremely reduce energy requirement This technology integrated with an activated sludge process, has not been ... parameters were also investigated PERMEATE COMPRESSED AIR INFLUENT AIR SLUDGE WASTE Fig Schematic Diagram of the Coupling of Activated Sludge Process and Membrane Separation MATERIALS AND METHODS Wastewater ... set the time and interval of backflushing Acclimatization and Reactor Operation The sludge from activated sludge process was acclimatized by the textile wastewater in an aerobic batch tank without...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

8 434 0
Comparison of Methods for the Extraction of Bioflocculants from Activated Sludge

Comparison of Methods for the Extraction of Bioflocculants from Activated Sludge

... flocculants from natural activated sludge, which is a complex microbial system A strong flocculant from natural activated sludge might economically provide an effective use of excess sludge In a previous ... method for bioflocculants from the microbial cell surface Materials and Methods Activated sludge samples Activated sludge samples were collected from an aeration tank of the Obihiro-South local ... in the floc formation of activated sludge and the adsorption of pollutants on the floc surface Tezuka (1969) reported that the Flavobacterium sp dominant in activated sludge flocculated when calcium...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

11 695 1
Isolation and characterization of an extracellular polymer closely related to flocculation of activated sludge

Isolation and characterization of an extracellular polymer closely related to flocculation of activated sludge

... polymer closely related to flocculation of activated sludge would be useful as a flocculating agent Materials and Methods Activated sludge samples Activated sludge samples were collected from the ... effective use of excess sludge The present study was conducted to obtain a bioflocculant from natural activated sludge An extracellular polymer was extracted from an activated sludge suspension and ... mentioned, flocculants obtained from natural activated sludge have not been well investigated If a strong flocculant could be obtained from natural activated sludge, it would be economical and it might...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

12 511 1
Development of the Quantitative PCR Method for Candidatus ‘Accumulibacter phosphatis’ and Its Application to Activated Sludge

Development of the Quantitative PCR Method for Candidatus ‘Accumulibacter phosphatis’ and Its Application to Activated Sludge

... METHODS Activated sludge samples For quantification, activated sludge samples were collected from laboratory-scale EBPR process and full-scale wastewater treatment plants 20 activated sludge samples ... full-scale activated sludge by the quantitative PCR method and by the FISH method, and their correlation The results from laboratory-scale activated sludge are shown as “●” The results of full-scale activated ... various bacteria in activated sludge (Vervaeren et al., 2005; Boon et al., 2003) This technique is a fast and efficient tool to quantify population abundance in activated sludge Nevertheless,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

7 720 0
Occurrence of Polyhydroxyalkanoate as Temporal Carbon Storage Material in Activated Sludge during The Removal of Organic Pollutants

Occurrence of Polyhydroxyalkanoate as Temporal Carbon Storage Material in Activated Sludge during The Removal of Organic Pollutants

... these studied reactors MATERIALS AND METHODS Activated sludge reactors Activated sludge was collected from the reactors as shown in Table The activated sludge reactors were operated at Beijing University ... MUCT, SBR-1 and SBR-2 Figure - Carbon flow model in a continuous activated sludge process RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The concentration of PHA found in the activated sludge reactors As shown in Figure ... per procedures stated by Takabatake et al (2002) Ten milliliter of activated- sludge- mixed liquor collected from the activated sludge reactor was lyophilized After the addition of 2mL of chloroform...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

7 490 0
Impact of pH on Anaerobic Substrate Uptake by PAOs and GAOs in an EBPR Activated Sludge Process Analyzed by MAR-FISH

Impact of pH on Anaerobic Substrate Uptake by PAOs and GAOs in an EBPR Activated Sludge Process Analyzed by MAR-FISH

... the same way They were then subjected to the MAR-FISH analysis Batch experiment with activated sludge Activated sludge samples were obtained from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant in October ... was conducted in triplicate As control, activated sludge mixed liquor treated at 70oC for 10 was also incubated with the same substrate The activated sludge was collected after the incubation, ... microorganisms in activated sludge Appl Environ Microbiol., 63, 3662-3668 Bond, P L.; Keller, J; Blackall, L L.(1998) Characterization of enhanced biological phosphorus removal activated sludges with...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

9 457 0
Influence of Polyferric Sulfate Coagulant on the amoA mRNA Expression of Ammonia Oxidizer in Activated Sludge

Influence of Polyferric Sulfate Coagulant on the amoA mRNA Expression of Ammonia Oxidizer in Activated Sludge

... out for habituation of the activated sludge Batch operation of the activated sludge process was conducted with L conical reactor at 20°C The MLSS of the activated sludge was adjusted to 1,500 ... mRNA MATERIALS AND METHODS Batch operation of the activated sludge process with coagulant addition Actual domestic wastewater and activated sludge were collected from a wastewater treatment plant ... ratio of the test was set at (Run 1) and (Run 2) Activated sludge without any coagulant added was used as a control During 600 of operation, activated sludge was collected The parameters NH4+-N, NO2...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

7 382 0
A biodegradation and treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using a hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (HUASB) reactor

A biodegradation and treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using a hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (HUASB) reactor

... listed in Table 2.3 Seed sludge The sludge used for the present experiment was collected from the anaerobic pond, due to its contents of anaerobic microbial life [8] On these, sludge was obtained ... process[15] There was slow growth of the sludge beds in each reactor However, the sludge bed presented an improvement in both reactors with only 57 days The evolution of sludge bed particles was illustrated ... was also removed The estimated concentration of the provided sludge was 106 g/l COD, and 173 g/l TS 2.4 Start-up period The first feed flow rate was regulated at Besides, a hydraulic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

8 409 0
Flocculation dynamics of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment pptx

Flocculation dynamics of synthetic and activated sludge in wastewater treatment pptx

... dewatering of activated sludge is improved more than that of synthetic sludge after calcium concentration addition 60 50 CST(s) 40 Synthetic sludge 30 Synthetic sludge w ith cellulose Activated sludge ... better improvement of sludge conditioning, as indicated in Fig 60 50 Ca 2.5mM synthetic sludge CST (s) 40 Ca 5mM synthetic sludge 30 Ca 2.5mM activated sludge 20 Ca 5mM activated sludge 10 0 10 12 ... and activated sludge However, the sludge conditioning of activated sludge showed a greater improvement than that of synthetic sludge Although the solid content was similar in both types of sludges,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 13:20

11 331 0
Tìm hiểu thiết bị phản ứng đẩy lý tưởng   continuously operated ideal tank reactor (còn gọi là thiết bị phản ứng kiểu ống – plug flow tubular reactor)

Tìm hiểu thiết bị phản ứng đẩy lý tưởng continuously operated ideal tank reactor (còn gọi là thiết bị phản ứng kiểu ống – plug flow tubular reactor)

... đến thiết bị phản ứng đẩy lý tưởng nghĩa khối phản ứng vận chuyển ống theo kiểu piston (piston flow) phản ứng hóa học xảy nghĩa gradient vận tốc dòng theo hướng kính, không tồn khuấy trộn theo ... làm việc lý tưởng (Continuously Operated Ideal Tank Reactor, Ideal Stirred Tank Reactor, Mixed Flow Reactor) Quá trình phân bố thực thiết bị kiểu ống với chiều dài lớn đường kính Hỗn hợp ban...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2014, 11:53

43 1,3K 5
seafood processing wastewater treatment by using an activated sludge reactor followed by a cyperusmalaccensis lam. constructed wetland

seafood processing wastewater treatment by using an activated sludge reactor followed by a cyperusmalaccensis lam. constructed wetland

... type of macrophytes Subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSF CWs) have two typical types: horizontal flow subsurface flow (HF-SSF) CWs; vertical flow subsurface flow (VFSSF) CWs, besides two ... vertical flow 13 Horizontal flow (HF) Figure 1-2 shows schematic cross section of a horizontal flow constructed wetland It is called HF wetland because the wastewater is fed in at the inlet and flow ... velocity, and presence of the plant stalks and litter regulate water flow and, especially in long, narrow channels, ensure plug- flow conditions (Reed et al., 1988) One of their primary design purposes...

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2015, 08:53

61 420 0
Symbiotic hollow fiber membrane photobioreactor for microalgal growth and activated sludge waste water treatment

Symbiotic hollow fiber membrane photobioreactor for microalgal growth and activated sludge waste water treatment

... existing activated sludge tank using SHFMP 144 6.4 Concluding Remarks 146 Chapter 147 Coupling the Submerged Hollow Fiber Membrane Photobioreactor to Activated Sludge Wastewater ... could be built close to or on top of an activated sludge tank whenever land area is insufficient Hollow fiber membranes were directly submerged in the activated sludge tank and the microalgal culture ... after one – week incubation at 30oC 180 xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AS AS-SHFMP Activated Sludge Activated Sludge- Submerged Hollow Fiber Membrane Photobioreactor BBM Bold's Basal Medium BNR...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:31

221 1,3K 0
Activated sludge process

Activated sludge process

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2016, 14:04

19 308 0
Wastewater treatment: Activated sludge

Wastewater treatment: Activated sludge

... residence time t sludge = MLSS *V SS e * Qe + SS w * Qw Aeration Tank SSe= suspended solids in the effluent SSw= suspended solids in waste sludge Qe = effluent flow rate Qw= sludge flow rate Qw, ... Example Consider the following activated sludge system Calculate: The aeration period BOD loading F/M ratio SS and BOD removal efficiency tsludge Return activated sludge rate What is the required ... Considerations Activated sludge process is defined by: Aeration period = detention time= 3-30 hrs BOD loading = (BOD entering per day)/ (V=volume of aeration tank) F/M= (Q*BODin)/(V*MLSS) Sludge age...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2016, 14:28

9 230 0
Formation of Aerobic Granular Sludge in a Continuous-Flow Reactor – Control Strategy for the Selection of Well-Settling Granular Sludge

Formation of Aerobic Granular Sludge in a Continuous-Flow Reactor – Control Strategy for the Selection of Well-Settling Granular Sludge

... Vertical sectional view 4.7cm 13cm 20cm Sludge settling zone 25cm 5cm Effective volume: 7.5L Gas flow Liquid flow Sludge settling zone Effluent discharge (Continuous flow mode) Effluent discharge (Sequencing ... aerobic granular sludge in a continuous experiment In addition, the effect of feeding pattern, i.e continuous flow and sequencing batch flow modes, on the formation of aerobic granular sludge was investigated ... to successful formation of aerobic granular sludge in an SBR (Li and Li, 2009) Sludge settling time is known as an important factor influencing the sludge selection in an SBR (McSwain et al.,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

8 482 0
C++ Basics - More Flow of Control

C++ Basics - More Flow of Control

... Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 3- Flow Of Control  Flow of control refers to the order in which program statements are performed  We have seen the following ways to specify flow of control     if-else-statements ... Chapter More Flow of Control Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Overview...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:47

118 441 0