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Tài liệu Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 1 pdf

Tài liệu Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 1 pdf

... control whatsoever They're totally random, with jitter based exclusively on the percentage of jitter you apply Below you see two examples of Hue Jitter, the first set to 100 percent, the second ... Brightness Jitter setting allows you to alternate between fully saturated shades of your primary color The examples below show the jitter at 100 percent and 15 percent, respectively 20 All of these jitters ... short stroke over a white background using a red color The settings are: Hue Jitter, 6; Saturation Jitter, 67; Brightness Jitter, 17 There's one last setting in the Color Dynamics palette called...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:16

23 533 0
Tài liệu Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 2 pdf

Tài liệu Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 2 pdf

... brushes, for a more painterly expressive style 35 Creating a Spiritual City Jaime Jasso Award-winning CG artist Jaime Jasso takes us through the creation of a superbly-integrated 2D environment ... used no custom brushes, and the rest just involved changing opacity, colors, modes, and resizing The image was done completely in Photoshop 41 Here’s another of Jaime’s works: 42 ... with your line-effect brush, you can select the Scattering dynamic Set it to "Both Axes," and adjust the amount of scatter to about 400 percent Set the "Count" to or so Now when you draw on your...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:16

21 458 0
Allocating Marketing Resources by Sunil Gupta Thomas J. Steenburgh potx

Allocating Marketing Resources by Sunil Gupta Thomas J. Steenburgh potx

... Decompositions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (4), 636-646 Thomas, Jacquelyn, Werner Reinartz and V Kumar (2004), “Getting the Most Out of Your Customers,” Harvard Business Review, 82 (July-August), ... managerial judgment, to estimate demand These systems contain data that are collected in a number of ways; for example, they may include sales and costs data from company records, subjective judgments ... Descriptive Statistics of the Data for Jedidi et al Advertising represents average inflation-adjusted advertising dollars in thousands spent in a quarter Source: Jedidi, Kamel, Carl F Mela and Sunil...

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Middle Ages: Biographies Volume2: J-Z pdf

Middle Ages: Biographies Volume2: J-Z pdf

... Volume J- Z 2: JUDSON KNIGHT Edited by Judy Galens Middle Ages: Biographies Judson Knight Judy Galens, Editor Staff Diane Sawinski, U•X•L Senior Editor Carol DeKane Nagel, U•X•L Managing Editor Thomas ... toppled Justinian’s government By January 18, leaders of the Blues and Greens, realizing that Justinian’s high taxes were the source of all their troubles, had joined forces against Justinian, ... himself more than Justinian The latter became one of Justin’s key advisors, and early in Justin’s reign uncovered a plot against his uncle by one of the emperor’s rivals Although Justinian was in...

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English academic writing by Rob J Hyndman pdf

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... Probability, Weihai, July 3–6, 2009 7th World Congress on Health Economics Beijing, July 12–15, 2009 1st International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering Beijing, July 13–15, ... Probability, Weihai, July 3–6, 2009 7th World Congress on Health Economics Beijing, July 12–15, 2009 1st International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering Beijing, July 13–15, ... on Forecasting, Hong Kong, June 2009 2nd IMS-China Conference on Statistics and Probability, Weihai, July 3–6, 2009 7th World Congress on Health Economics Beijing, July 12–15, 2009 1st International...

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.Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context.Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology SeriesEdited by Eric DelsonVertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, USA delson@amnh.orgEric J. Sar pdf

.Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context.Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology SeriesEdited by Eric DelsonVertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, USA delson@amnh.orgEric J. Sar pdf

... Ditchfield, P Duringer, M Erbajeva, R Evander, C Feibel, Y Fernandez-Jalvo, B Fine-Jacobs, L Flynn, S Frost, T, Furman, J Genise, A Gentry, D Geraads, H Gilbert, U Goehlich, J. H Harris, K Heissig, A ... Goehlich, J. H Harris, K Heissig, A Hill, P Holroyd, D Iwan, N Jablonski, J Kappelman, T Kaiser, R Kay, J Kingdon, J Kingston, W Kimbel, J Knott, K Kovarovic, N Kristensen, O Kullmer, F de Lapparent ... Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom St, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK Johanna P.E.C Darlington University Museum of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ, UK

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Updates in the Understanding and Management of Thyroid Cancer Edited by Thomas J. Fahey doc

Updates in the Understanding and Management of Thyroid Cancer Edited by Thomas J. Fahey doc

... GF Jr., Turnbull, BW., Slate, EH., Chalker, DK., Chow, J. , Davis, LS., Glover, RA., Graham, GF., Gross, EG., Krongrad, A., Lesher, JL Jr., Park, HK., Sanders, BB Jr., Smith, CL., Taylor, JR ... Romjin, JA., Smit, JW (2006) Survival and death causes in differentiated thyroid carcinoma The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol 91, pp 313-319, ISNN 0021-972X Farahati, J. , ... Updates in the Understanding and Management of Thyroid Cancer Edited by Thomas J Fahey Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright â 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access...

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Báo cáo hóa học: " Fixed point theory for cyclic (j - ψ)-contraction" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Fixed point theory for cyclic (j - ψ)-contraction" pdf

... k Î {1, 2, , m} such that s - r ≡ k(m) Therefore, s - r + j ≡ 1(m) for j = m - k + So, we have d(xr, xs) ≤ d (xr, xs +j) + d(xs +j, xs +j- 1)+ + d(xs+1, xs) By (2.7) and (2.8) and from the last inequality, ... function j: [0, ∞) ® [0, ∞) given by ϕ(t) = t p(s)ds satisfies that j Î F Therefore, Corollary is obtained from Theorem 6, taking as j the above-defined function and as ψ the function ψ(t) = (1 - k )j( t) ... x)) and since xnk → x and j and ψ belong to F, letting k ® ∞ in the last inequality, we have φ(d(x, Tx)) ≤ φ(d(x, x)) = φ(0) = or, equivalently, j( d(x, Tx)) = Since j Î F, then d(x, Tx) = and,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Business of Mining, by Arthur J. Hoskin pdf

The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Business of Mining, by Arthur J. Hoskin pdf

... ILLUSTRATIONS AND ONE CHART PHILADELPHIA & LONDON J B LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 1912 COPYRIGHT, 1912, BY J B LIPPENCOTT COMPANY PUBLISHED JULY 1912 PRINTED BY J B LIPPINCOTT COMPANY AT THE WASHINGTON SQUARE ... thinking of such plants as but units of the "mining" plants At bituminous and anthracite mines whose products contain objectionable amounts of impurities, it is a common practice to subject the output ... The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Business of Mining, by Arthur J Hoskin This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and...

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Project Gutenberg’s Introduction to Infinitesimal Analysis by Oswald Veblen and N. J. Lennes pdf

Project Gutenberg’s Introduction to Infinitesimal Analysis by Oswald Veblen and N. J. Lennes pdf

... by a circulating decimal, ak ak−1 a0 a−1 a−2 a−i a j a−i a j , where i and j are any positive integers such that i < j; whereas every irrational number may be represented by a non-repeating ... (2) 1+ ezi + ezi +zj + ezi +zj +zk + = (2) THE SYSTEM OF REAL NUMBERS 19 Among the exponents zero may occur a number of times e.g., (c − 1) times If then zi , zi + zj , zi + zj + zk , ., be designated ... that if a < 0, then a + b < b for irrational numbers as well as for rationals The theorems just proved justify the usual method of adding infinite decimals For example: π is the least upper bound...

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Dictionary Of Invertebrate Zoology - J,K pdf

Dictionary Of Invertebrate Zoology - J,K pdf

... the jugal fold (plica jugalis) jugal sinus (MOLL: Polyplacophora) A depression between the sutural laminae of chitins jugal tract (MOLL: Polyplacophora) The tegmentum surface, adjacent to the jugum ... throat jugular sclerites see cervical sclerite jugulum n [L jugulum, collar bone, throat] (ARTHRO: Insecta) The median ventral plate of the head see gula The jugum of the wing jugum n.; pl -ga [L jugum, ... to the jugum jugo-frenate wing coupling (ARTHRO: Insecta) Lepidoptera, wing coupling where the jugum is folded under the fore wings and holds the frenular bristles jugular a [L jugulum, collar...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

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Khế ước xã hội của Thomas Hobbes 1 pdf

Khế ước xã hội của Thomas Hobbes 1 pdf

... Hubbes người vô thần thật chất có nhiều ý kiến trái ngược không đủ chứng Cuộc đời tác phẩm Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes sinh ngày tháng năm 1588 gia đình mục sư Malesbern (Anh) Trong năm học phổ ... thượng tầng James I (1603 – 1625), người kế nghiệp Elizabeth, tạo nên vương triều Stuart, làm tăng thêm khả đối đầu xung đột trị Với thuyết “Quyền lực nhà vua Thượng đế ban cho”, James toan tính ... với thành viên quốc hội Trong sách đối ngoại James kết thân nhượng Tây Ban Nha, khiến giai cấp tư sản Anh bất bình Vua Charles I, người kế nghiệp James vào năm 1625, tiếp tục sách tàn bạo độc...

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14 856 9
Báo cáo y học: "Hemostatic resuscitation for acute traumatic coagulopathy Thomas M Scalea" pdf

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... transfusion J Trauma 2007, 62:112-119 Kashuk J, Moore E, Johnson J, et al: Post injury life threatening coagulopathy Is 1:1 fresh frozen plasma: packed red blood cells the answer? J Trauma 2008, ... Hess JR, Dutton R, et al: Early aggressive use of fresh frozen plasma does not improve outcome in critically injured trauma patients Ann Surg 2008, 248:578-584 11 Dirks J, Jorgensen H, Jensen ... competing interests Received: 14 December 2010 Accepted: 10 January 2011 Published: 10 January 2011 References Cotton BA, Guy JS, Morris JA, et al: the cellular, metabolic, and systemic consequences...

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Dynamic Web Pages using JSP - Lab Deliverable 11 pdf

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... input="/jsp/simple/signin.jsp" validate="true"> //created in Exercise LG 18 ... Solution: The files used to run this application are: Signin.jsp SigninFailed.jsp

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Tài liệu Advanced Modern Algebra by Joseph J. Rotman Hardcover: 1040 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1st pdf

Tài liệu Advanced Modern Algebra by Joseph J. Rotman Hardcover: 1040 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1st pdf

... Sketch of Proof p for < j < p j By definition, the binomial coefficient j! ( p − j) ! implies p | p j = p! /j! ( p − j) !, so that p j p! = j! ( p − j) ! By Euclid’s lemma, p p j • If integers a and ... that j= 1 ε j < n, then the j= 1 ε j = n + If triangle inequality gives n n ε j + εn+1 ≤ j= 1 ε j + < n + 1, j= 1 contrary to hypothesis Therefore, ε1 , , εn all equal, say, to ω Hence, n j= 1 ε j ... 1) i=1 j= 1 n−1 k i=1 i , for k ≥ 1, as a polynomial in n: k+1 B j n k+1− j ; j the coefficients involve rational numbers B j , for j ≥ 1, called Bernoulli numbers, defined by x =1+ ex − j 1 see...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20

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ACTIVE SERVER PAGES và ngôn ngữ lập trình trên ASP.pdf

ACTIVE SERVER PAGES và ngôn ngữ lập trình trên ASP.pdf

... class ProgID hay ClassID phải đònh khai báo ClassID: danh đònh cho đối tượng lớp OLE ProgID hay ClassID phải đònh khai báo Vd: CLASSCID=”Clsid:79176FBO-B7F2-11EF00AA006D2776”ID=”spnTest” ... Chúng ta sử dụng object Session để lưu trữ thông tin cần thiết cho user Những biến lưu trữ object tồn user nhảy từ trang sang trang khác ứng dụng.Web server tự động tạo object session user chưa ... Application: • Đònh nghóa: Ta sử dụng object Application phép nhiều người sử dụng ứng dụng chia sẻ thông tin với nhau.Bởi object Application dùng chung nhiều người sử dụng, object có method Lock Unlock để...

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Tài liệu MIPS Assembly Language Programming CS50 Discussion and Project Book Daniel J. Ellard September pdf

Tài liệu MIPS Assembly Language Programming CS50 Discussion and Project Book Daniel J. Ellard September pdf

... MIPS R2000 Simulator by James Larus Other references include Computer Organization and Design, by David Patterson and John Hennessy (which includes an expanded version of James Larus’ SPIM documentation ... MIPS R2000 Simulator by James Larus Other references include Computer Organization and Design, by David Patterson and John Hennessy (which includes an expanded version of James Larus’ SPIM documentation ... any of the caller-saved registers ($t0 - $t9) which are used by the caller (c) Execute a jal (or jalr) to jump to the function The callee must, as part of the function preamble: (a) Create a stack...

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