... the upregulation of GnT-III In fact, the results of several studies suggest that E-cadherin can induce ligand-independent activation of EGFR and subsequent activation of Rac1 and MAP kinase, which ... glycomics and evidence for gain- and lossof -functions of target proteins for glycosyltransferases involved in N-glycan biosynthesis: their pivotal roles in growth and development, cancer metastasis and ... overexpression of GnT-III inhibited a5b1-mediated cell spreading and migration, and phosphorylation of FAK [61] The binding affinity of a5b1 for fibronectin was significantly reduced after introduction of a...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 17:20
... of the six stages should provide a representative and distinct physiological and developmental stage, and can be accurately and easily identified based on the relative timing of germination and ... compared and displayed as Venn diagrams 10A compares GA and germination; 10B compares ABA and germination; and 10C shows the comparison of GA, ABA and germination The number of probe-sets and their ... morphological and physiological characterization of barley germination and microarray assays LL carried out most of microarray assays YQA and LL performed bioinformatic data analysis and interpretation, and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21
... aim of this study is to investigate the additional functions of p23 and CP of HCRSV The specific aims of this study include: (1) To determine and investigate the subcellular localization of p23 ... Preparation of plant cells and protoplasts for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and silver/DAPI staining 50 3.2.8 Isolation and verification of highly purified kenaf nuclei and detection of ... INVESTIGATION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF P23 AND COAT PROTEIN OF HIBISCUS CHLOROTIC RINGSPOT VIRUS GAO RUIMIN (B.Sc., M.Sc., Henan Agricultural University, PRC) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:03
Mechanical insights into the physiological functions of claudin mediated adhesion at tight junctions a
... (1, 2.5, 5, and 10 µm/s) To minimize the number of adhesion events and maximize the probability of obtaining single-bond adhesion events, a contact force of 200 pN and a contact time of ms were ... (pixel dwell time, laser power, and gain) 100 pN/s for loading rates between 100 and 1000 pN/s and binning windows of 1000 pN/s for loading rates between 1000 and 10000 pN/s Each bin yields a ... contact force and contact time are crucial for measuring discrete deadhesion forces with molecular resolution.22 When a contact force of 200 pN and contact time of ms were used,
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:05
Mechanical insights into the physiological functions of claudin mediated adhesion at tight junctions b
... extracellular loop of Cldn2 dissociation constant (koff) and the reactive compliance (xβ) of Cldn2/Cldn2 and C2E1/C2E1 As shown in Fig 5, the average unbinding force of Cldn2/Cldn2 and C2E1/C2E1 complexes ... trans-interactions of Cldn2/Cldn2 Extraction of the kinetic parameters of Cldn2/Cldn2 and C2E1/C2E1 interactions Biophysical parameters characterizing the interaction kinetics of Cldn2/Cldn2 and C2E1/C2E1 ... a contact force of 200 pN and contact time of ms were used, b25% of the force–distance curves showed bond rupture events On the basis of Poisson statistics,25 the low frequency of these de-adhesion...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:05
Mechanical insights into the physiological functions of claudin mediated adhesion at tight junctions c
... used to construct the geometry of the conceptual energy landscape for the dissociation pathway To compare the topography of the energy landscapes of the dissociation of Cldn2/Cldn2 complexes at ... integrity and function of tight junctions, Mol Cell Biomech (2005) 105–123 M Furuse, H Sasaki, S Tsukita, Manner of interaction of heterogeneous claudin species within and between tight junction strands, ... a contact force of 200 pN and a contact time of ms were used Under such conditions, low frequency of de-adhesion events (b25%) was achieved, which ensured a N86% probability of single bond rupture...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:05
Physiological effects of BA and ABA on caixin seedlings
... Studies of Effects of BA (1 µM) and ABA (1 µM) on Seedlings 4.3.1 Chlorophyll Fluorescence 58 58 Effects on qP and qNP 58 Ratios of Fv/Fm, Fm/Fo and Fv/Fo 62 ΦPS2R and NPQ ... level of SOD and HSP90 genes were qualitatively determined by the method of equal loading of β-tubulin (a housekeeping gene) Transcript levels of Cu/ZnSOD, MnSOD and HSP90 increased due to ABA and/ or ... Properties of the metalloforms of SOD 17 2.2 Summary of research on antioxidants in Brassica oleracea 23 2.3 Summary of research on antioxidants in other members of the Brassica family 24 2.4 List of...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 13:46
Effect of red blood cell aggregation on arteriolar cell free layer formation and its physiological functions
... mean and SD of the layer width 79 vii (c) Effect of vessel radius on normalized mean and SD of the layer width 80 (d) Effect of pseudoshear rate on normalized mean and SD of the ... between mean and SD of cell-free layer widths 59 (c) Effect of aggregation and flow reduction on mean and SD of cell-free layer widths 60 (d) Effect of aggregation and flow reduction ... 67 (b) Effect of aggregation and flow rate on mean and SD of cell-free layer widths 68 (c) Cell-free layer variations in terms of frequency distribution and magnitude of deviation...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:52
A new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives – A contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents
... with the definitions of adjectives and their semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives Chapter III is a study to a new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives ... He wore dirty, wet, old and worn shoes But, there are some fixed phrases of adjectives which are often linked by and : old and musty with, a long and winding road, hard and fast rules When the ... classification of English adjectives in terms of usage and their semantic and syntactic functions in the chapter as follows : 3.1 Classification of English adjectives in terms of their usage...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46
Báo cáo khoa học: Expression and physiological role of CCN4⁄Wnt-induced secreted protein 1 mRNA splicing variants in chondrocytes potx
... the total outcome of the constitutive expression of the full-length and the differentiation stage-dependent expression of WISP1v in vitro Effect of overexpression of CCN4/WISP1 and its variants ... chondrosarcoma and it is one of the cell lines known to retain the characters of chondrocytes, as represented by the expression of type II and type X collagen genes To assess whether WISP1v and WISP1vx ... translation products of the novel variant (WISP1vx) (A) Nucleotide sequences of the amplicons I, II and III from HCS-2 ⁄ cDNA were analyzed and the structures of the corresponding mRNAs and deduced translational...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Two types of replication protein A in seed plants Characterization of their functions in vitro and in vivo ppt
... homologs of OsRPA70a and OsRPA70b (AtRPA70a and AtRPA70b) A thaliana was used for genetic analysis of the functions of OsRPA70a and OsRPA70b because it has closely related homologs (AtRPA70a and AtRPA70b, ... 20% of the relative activity of the OsRPA32 and OsRPA14 interaction The interaction of OsRPA70b and OsRPA32 yielded about 75% of the relative activity of the OsRPA32 and OsRPA14 interaction The ... grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Rice Genome Project IP-5006) and by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan (Grant-in-Aid...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The use of recombinant protein and RNA interference approaches to study the reproductive functions of a gonad-stimulating hormone from the shrimp Metapenaeus ensis ppt
... monodon As there is a high degree of sequence similarity and structural conservation of these genes and gene products, confirmation of the true identity and function of these neuropeptides remains ... analysis of the shrimp MeVg1 transcript level after injection of NaCl ⁄ Pi, rMIH-A, and rMIH-B (C) Left: relative levels of vitellogenin in hemolymph of females (N ¼ 10) at 48 h after injection of ... blot analysis of the hemolymph and ovary total protein of dsRNA-injected females (A) Hemolymph sample of NaCl ⁄ Piinjected and dsRNA-injected females Lanes 1–3: NaCl ⁄ Pi-injected and 4–6 dsRNA-injected...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20
Biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition units i & II
... Storage, and Excretion of Zinc, Copper, and Manganese 746 Selected Functions of Zinc, Copper, and Manganese 752 Assessment of Zinc, Copper, and Manganese Status and Deficiency Symptoms Toxicity of ... Ph.D 599 Chemistry and Physical Properties of Vitamin A and Carotenoids 600 Physiological Functions of Vitamin A 602 Absorption, Transport, Storage, and Metabolism of Vitamin A and Carotenoids 607 ... Digestion, and Absorption Transport and Conversion of Riboflavin to Coenzymes 469 471 xxii • • • Contents Riboflavin Catabolism and Excretion 472 Functions of Flavocoenzymes in Metabolism 472 Riboflavin...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:07
The Practices and Functions of Customer Reference Marketing − Leveraging Customer References as Marketing Assets pptx
... Wernerfelt, 1984; Grant, 1991), and particularly to the customer-based view of strategy and firm growth (Zander and Zander, 2005), in terms of addressing the multifaceted nature of customer references ... pay more attention to the role and importance of customer relationships, and to examine them as a source of competitive advantage and firm growth (Zander and Zander, 2005) Moreover, further empirical ... for customer-need and market sensing supports the customer-based view of strategy and firm growth (Zander and Zander, 2005) and could be compared with Penrose’s (1959) notion of an ‘inside track’,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Extraenzymatic functions of the dipeptidyl peptidase IV-related proteins DP8 and DP9 in cell adhesion, migration and apoptosis doc
... expressed cytoplasmic molecules [7–9] The functions of DP8 and DP9 are unknown The known characteristics of DPIV and FAP may provide hypotheses concerning DP8 and DP9 function DPIV is predominantly ... effects are independent of enzyme activity and of the RGD motif in DP9 2448 Results Specific recombinant expression of DP8 and DP9 AD293 or 293T cells transfected with DP8 and DP9 showed consistent ... inhibition of cell migration, increased apoptosis, inhibition of anchorage-independent growth and suppression of tumor growth in nude mice [16] Our own studies on DPIV and FAP in HEK 293T and LX-2...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20
Charity Law & Social Policy National and International Perspectives on the Functions of the Law Relating to Charities pptx
... permits the systematic gathering of information and the profiling of functions and policy in respect of Australia and New Zealand, the United States, Singapore and Canada Part IV, the final section, ... authority of a ‘deed of trust’ hold/s funds or property on behalf of other persons The three essential components of a valid trust are: certainty of words; certainty of subject; and certainty of objects ... Australia Myles McGregor-Lowndes Professor and Director Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, QUT, Brisbane QLD, Australia Karla W Simon Professor of Law and Co-Director Centre for...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu 5, handbook of probiotics and probiotics ingredients
... and distribution This Handbook of Prebiotics and Probiotics Ingredients is comprehensive in the field of prebiotics and probiotics; it includes the most current biological research findings and ... H and b ook of PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS INGREDIENTS Health Benefits and Food Applications Ha nd b ook o f PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS INGREDIENTS Health Benefits and Food Applications ... Department of Medicine Clinics of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland L Prisciandaro School of Agriculture, Food and Wine The University of Adelaide and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2014, 19:40
Báo cáo hóa học: "Reference values and physiological characterization of a specific isolated pig kidney perfusion model" doc
... for the performance of the isolated pig kidney Materials and methods Animals and experimental groups After approval of the local official veterinarian institutions, German landrace female pigs ... elevated values of 11.4 mg/dl (group C) and 12.9 mg/dl (group A) and significant alterations from Page of 13 (page number not for citation purposes) Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology ... approximation of the glomerular filtration rate and thus can be taken as one of the principal indicators of renal function quality with a physiological mean value in the control group of 76.1 ml/min*100...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Hydration status and physiological workload of UAE construction workers: A prospective longitudinal observational study" pptx
... integrated measure of the dry bulb, wet bulb, wind speed and radiant heat From these variables, and taking into consideration the type of clothing worn and acclimatisation state of the worker, the ... engaged in the construction of a large concrete water feature outside of a multi-story office building The nature of the work precluded any provision of shade other than that offered by the nearby ... the end of each shift and the data used to calculate mean and maximum working heart rates as well as percentage of cardiac Page of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) Journal of Occupational...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20