php web services tutorial json

php  web  services

php web services

... correctly. Handling JSON with PHP This is very simple, which is another reason to choose JSON as a preferred output format! In PHP, you can use json_ encode() to turn either an array or an object into valid JSON. For ... Chapter 8) and send JSON- formatted data along with it. In fact, this is a PHP array (because those are easy to understand and work with), which is then converted to JSON using json_ encode(). The ... focuses on plain PHP and looks at three different ways to work with APIs: using the built-in Curl ex‐ tension for PHP, using the pecl_http extension, and making HTTP calls using PHP s stream handling. Earlier...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:53

117 721 0
The WSIT Tutorial - For Web Services Interoperability Technologies (Version 1.0 FCS)

The WSIT Tutorial - For Web Services Interoperability Technologies (Version 1.0 FCS)

... Web Services Security. With the Web Services Security Conversation model, the security context is defined as a new Web Services security token type that is obtained using a binding of Web Services ... interoperability goals are realized: • WSIT web services clients can access and consume WCF web services. • WCF web services clients can access and consume WSIT web services. Sun is building WSIT on the ... Configuration • Message Optimization • Reliable Messaging (WS-RM) • Web Services Security 1.1 (WS-Security) • Web Services Trust (WS-Trust) • Web Services Secure Conversation (WS-Secure Conversation) • Data...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 23:15

238 493 0
php oracle web development - data processing, security, caching, xml, web services, & ajax

php oracle web development - data processing, security, caching, xml, web services, & ajax

... available in PHP and Oracle when building XML-enabled PHP/ Oracle applications. Chapter 9 shows how to build a SOAP web service exposing the functionality of a PHP/ Oracle application, using the PHP SOAP ... you how to build a simple PHP/ Oracle application by using a few OCI8 functions. PHP& apos;s Object-Oriented features, available since PHP 3 and signicantly improved in PHP 5, help you create complex ... object-oriented PHP and Oracle, refer to Chapter 5 Object-Oriented Approach. From a PHP developer's perspective, developing PHP/ Oracle applications is much easier than developing, PHP/ MySQL...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 11:58

392 667 0
pro php xml and web services robert richards apress 2006

pro php xml and web services robert richards apress 2006

... the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) conveniently does not state any definition for Web services; rather, the group defines requirements for the interoper- ability of Web services, ... 20, “PEAR and Web Services : Chapter 13 introduces PEAR and its XML packages; this chapter introduces you to some packages that you can use to create and consume a variety of Web services. Chapter ... the front- and middle-end Web site design and development. Adam began using PHP in 1997; he is the author of Upgrading to PHP 5 (O’Reilly, 2004) and the coauthor of PHP Cookbook (O’Reilly, 2002)....

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 19:51

936 403 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 1 pptx

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 1 pptx

... 161 Chapter 4: Web Services 163 Consuming Web Services 164 Consuming XML-RPC-Based Web Services 164 Accessing the Google API 170 Consuming REST-Based Web Services 173 Searching Blog Entries with Services_ Technorati ... 173 Accessing the Amazon Web Service 179 Consuming Custom REST Web Services 188 Offering a Web Service 196 Offering XML-RPC-Based Web Services 197 Error Management 202 Offering SOAP-Based Web Services 205 Error ... SOAP and XML-RPC web services, access the Google API, search blog entries with Services_ Technorati, access the Amazon web service, access the Yahoo API, and learn how to offer web services, either...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

30 425 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 2 pdf

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 2 pdf

... an existing MDB2 object, if you have one at hand. require_once 'MDB2 .php& apos;; require_once 'MDB2/Schema .php& apos;; $dsn = 'mysql://root@localhost/test_db'; $options = array('debug' ... folder of your PEAR installation. You can also nd this document on the Web, in the PEAR CVS repository: http://cvs .php. net/viewcvs.cgi/pear/MDB2/docs/datatypes.html?view=co Setting Data Types In ... try to make a best guess for the data type. Iterators MDB2 benets from the Standard PHP Library (http:/ /php. net/spl), and implements the Iterator interface, allowing you to navigate through...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

31 498 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 3 ppsx

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 3 ppsx

... highlight the cell. require_once 'HTML/Table .php& apos;; require_once 'Calendar/Month/Weekdays .php& apos;; require_once 'Date/Holidays .php& apos;; $tableAttrs = array('border' ... use the Services_ Yahoo package to fetch the top sixteen images from Yahoo Image Search and display them in a table. include_once 'HTML/Table/Matrix .php& apos;; include_once &apos ;Services/ Yahoo/Search .php& apos;; Chapter ... that, for Displaying Data [ 70 ] your web server conguration to parse the Excel Documents as PHP les, but once this is done you can have fun using PHP inside Excel Documents. Creating Spreadsheets...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

25 411 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 4 pps

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 4 pps

... natively by PHP5 but XML_FastCreate also supports PHP4 if you enable the overload extension (which is enabled by default in all versions of PHP4 .3.x). If you want to use XML_FastCreate with PHP4 , ... overloading extension in the PHP manual at http://www .php. net/overload. In the following examples we will focus on the overloading support provided by PHP5 . Interlude: Overloading in PHP5 In order to understand ... from PHP, it got more important for the PEAR project and the XML category has become one of the fastest-growing categories of PEAR. At the time of writing, PEAR offers 28 packages (web services...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

31 521 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 5 doc

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 5 doc

... application in an XML format Display content on your website that has been syndicated by any application or website Accept web service requests Parse web service responses While the last two scenarios ... built around the XML parsing functions available in PHP. The documentation on these functions can be found on the PHP website at http://www .php. net/xml; these functions can be used to process ... of web services. PEAR has a lot to offer to help you accomplish these tasks. Before we take a look at the PEAR packages responsible for XML parsing, let us talk about the XML support in PHP...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

34 336 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 6 pot

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 6 pot

... array: Array ( Web Services [ 164 ] In this chapter you will learn about the packages PEAR offers when it comes to working with various web services. Consuming Web Services When working with web services, ... rdf:about="http://pear .php. net/"> <link>http://pear .php. net/</link> <dc:creator>pear-webmaster@lists .php. net</dc:creator> <dc:publisher>pear-webmaster@lists .php. net</dc:publisher> ... not part of PEAR's web services category to consume REST-based web services. With the help of these two packages you will be able to consume almost any REST-based services, even if there...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

30 320 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 7 pdf

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 7 pdf

... and WSDL can be when using PHP 5 and Services_ Webservice. Last we will offer a REST-based service using nothing more than a web server, PHP, and XML_Serializer. Web Services [ 190 ] <currentPage>1</currentPage> ... functionality as a web service, and while the API is still labelled beta, it still is one of the most commonly used web services. You can learn more about the Google web service on its website at ... Amazon web service. The package provides two classes that you may use to access the service: Services_ Amazon Services_ AmazonECS4 While Services_ Amazon implements version 3.0 of the Amazon web service...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

30 422 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 8 pptx

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 8 pptx

... brings this functionality to PHP. Although the package is relatively new, it makes implementing web services a piece of cake. Services_ Webservice aims at automating web service generation and ... features of the new SOAP extension in PHP 5 and the Services_ Webservice package, using SOAP-based web services is even easier than using XML-RPC. Offering REST-Based Services using XML_Serializer Now ... logic. PEAR's web service category is still growing and offers more and more clients for different web services. All of them follow one or more of the approaches showcased in this chapter. Web Services [...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

24 376 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 9 doc

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 9 doc

... online at http://pear .php. net/packages .php? catpid=8&catname=Date+ and+Time. After reading the chapter, you will be able to use these packages as a replacement for PHP& apos;s native date ... shows an example demonstrating some of these methods: require_once 'Date/TimeZone .php& apos;; // TimeZone .php with // uppercase 'Z' $validIDs = Date_Timezone::getAvailableIDs(); ... use PEAR::Date instead of PHP& apos;s native Unix timestamp-based date and time functions. In fact, using PEAR::Date means a loss of performance because it is coded in PHP and not C. Additionally,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

24 812 0
PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 10 pps

PHP Programming with PEARXML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs - Part 10 pps

... 'Calendar/Month/Weekdays .php& apos;; require_once 'Calendar/Util/Uri .php& apos;; require_once 'Calendar/Day .php& apos;; require_once 'Date .php& apos;; require_once 'Date/Holidays .php& apos;; require_once ... 159 parsing RSS with XML_RSS 157, 159 XML_RSS 157 S SAX API 130 SOAP-based web services error management 210, 212 Services_ Webservice, using 206, 207, 209 SOAP extension 205, 210 SOAP extension, ... necessary. Calendar_ Day Index A Amazon web service accessing 179 additional services 187 Amazon account, setting up 179 Amazon API documentation 182 Amazon website, searching 180, 181 locales available...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 03:20

31 329 0

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