J For C Programmers ppt
... of balances to fid = fopen(acctfn); for( nacct = 0;2 == fscanf(fid,"%f%f",acctno,openbal) { acct[nacct].ano = acctno; acct[nacct].openbal = openbal; acct[nacct].prevday = 1; acct[nacct].currbal ... applicable to the final balance; // produce output record for( acctx = 0;acctx < nacct;++acctx) { acct[nacct].weightbal += acct[nacct].currbal * (daysinmo - acct[nacct].prevday); printf("Account ... record; update the balance fid = fopen(jourfn); while(3 == fscanf(fid,"%f%f%f",acctno,xactnday,xactnamt) { for( acctx = 0;acct[acctx].ano != acctno;++acctx); acct[nacct].weightbal += acct[nacct].currbal...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20
... 1ch1p2.cpp 4ch1p3.cpp 7struct1.cpp 9struct2.cpp 10 11strctev1.cpp 12 13 14strctev2.cpp 15 16strctev3.cpp 17 18strctev4.cpp 19 20static1.cpp 21 22static2.cpp 23 24strctev5.cpp 25 26strctev6.cpp ... 28strctev7.cpp 29 30strctev8.cpp 31 32strctev9.cpp 33 34destrct1.cpp 35 36destrct2.cpp 37 38destrct3.cpp 39 40destrct4.cpp 41 42 43destrct5.cpp 44 45destrct6.cpp 46 47destrct7.cpp 48 49 50ch1p4.cpp ... these topics is very valuable 7ch1p1.cpp C+ + commenting mechanisms C+ + and the if then else of C C++ and the for, while, of C 10 C+ + and the printf of C and the cout of C+ + 11 12vardefs.cpp C+ + and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:21
Expert C++/CLI: .NET for Visual C++ Programmers pptx
... this code is not just a C program, but also a C+ + program, since C+ + derived from C Because C+ + has a high degree of source code compatibility with C, you can mix many C constructs with C+ + constructs, ... the source code level, there is nothing special to The next block of code shows a managed source file that calls fUnmanaged: // ManagedCode.cpp // compile with "cl /c /clr ManagedCode.cpp" extern ... C+ +/CLI interoperability: • Existing C+ + source code can be compiled to managed code (source code compatibility) • Native code and managed code can be linked into a mixed-code assembly (object...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 1 pdf
... Almeroth TCP/IP Sockets in Java: Practical Guide for Programmers Kenneth L Calvert and Michael J Donahoo TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers Michael J Donahoo and Kenneth L Calvert ... Experienced C+ + and Java programmers will notice the absence of constructors Without an explicit declaration of a constructor, a default constructor is automatically generated by the C# compiler A complete ... encouragement Michel de Champlain mdec@DeepObjectKnowledge.com Brian G Patrick bpatrick@trentu.ca ■ Preface xix About the Authors Michel de Champlain is the President and Principal Architect...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 2 pot
... namespaces shown below, one for C (Compilers .C) and another for C# (Compilers.Csharp), can own (and access) different classes with the same name Therefore, Lexer and Parser for the C compiler are accessed ... using SC = System.Collections; // To access ArrayList class namespace Co { namespace System { namespace Collections { public class OurList { /* */ } // } } namespace Project { public class App ... structure, an interface, an enumeration, or a delegate NamespaceMemberDecl = NamespaceDecl | TypeDecl TypeDecl = ClassDecl | StructDecl | InterfaceDecl | EnumDecl | DelegateDecl So far, only class...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 3 docx
... public Counter(int count) public int GetCount() public void SetCount(int count) private int { { { { SetCount(0); } SetCount(count); } return count; } this.count = count; } count; } The class Counter ... on Constructor/Destructor Chaining Objects are built from the top down A constructor of a derived class calls a constructor of its base class, which in turn calls a constructor of its superclass, ... Console.Write("cR = {0} ", c. GetCount()); } static void IncV(Counter c) { c = new Counter(); c. Inc(); Console.Write("cV = {0} ", c. GetCount()); } static void Main() { string msg = "Hello!"; Console.Write("{0}...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 4 pdf
... Object o = new Object(); NamedCounter nc1 = new NamedCounter("nc1"); NamedCounter nc2 = new NamedCounter("nc2"); NamedCounter nc3 = new NamedCounter("nc1"); Counter c1 = new Counter(); Counter c2 ... null? c1 ? o? c2 ? {0}", {0}", {0}", {0}", c1 .Equals(null) c1 .Equals (c1 ) c1 .Equals(o) c1 .Equals (c2 ) } } Output: HashCode o HashCode nc1 HashCode nc2 HashCode nc3 HashCode c1 HashCode c2 nc1 == null? ... 33574638 no c1 c1 c1 c1 ?"yes":"no"); ?"yes":"no"); ?"yes":"no"); ?"yes":"no"); ■ nc1 nc1 nc1 nc1 c1 c1 c1 c1 == == == == == == == == nc1? o? nc2? nc3? null? c1 ? o? c2 ? 4.6 The Object Root Class 73...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 5 pptx
... Counter c1 = new Counter(); Counter c2 = new Counter(); bool result = c1 .Equals (c2 ); The operator == can also be overloaded for our Counter class in order to compare two counters more succinctly ... expressions or block statements, have the following syntax: CheckedExpr CheckedStmt UncheckedExpr UncheckedStmt = = = = "checked" "(" expression ")" "checked" "{" statement+ "}" "unchecked" "(" expression ... LocalVariableDecltor LocalVariableInitializer LocalConstantDecl ConstantDecltor = = = = = = ( LocalVariableDecl | LocalConstantDecl ) ";" Type LocalVariableDecltorList Identifier ( "=" LocalVariableInitializer...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 6 pot
... FinallyClause )? | ( CatchClauses FinallyClause )? CatchClauses = ( SpecificCatchClauses GeneralCatchClause? ) | ( SpecificCatchClauses? GeneralCatchClause ) SpecificCatchClause GeneralCatchClause ... namespace SubclassConstructors { abstract class Counter { public Counter(int c) { count = c; } public abstract void Tick(); public int protected void protected void GetCount() Inc() Dec() private count; ... Abstract Classes The declaration of an abstract class is similar to that of a class: AbstractClassDecl = AbstractClassModifiers? "abstract" "class" Identifier ClassBase? ClassBody ";"? AbstractClassModifier...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 7 ppt
... "protected" | "internal" | "private" | "static" | "virtual" | "sealed" | "override" | "abstract" | "extern" AccessorDecls = ( GetAccessorDecl SetAccessorDecl? ) | ( SetAccessorDecl GetAccessorDecl? ... typical component is designed with public accessibility for both get and set accessors But applications may also need accessors with different accessibilities For example, a public get accessor ... a cascaded counter A cascaded counter is a counter that, when it reaches its maximum value, increments a second counter (if attached) In the following CascadedCounter class, this second counter...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 8 pot
... Default constructor with initial capacity 32 Copy constructor from a specific collection Constructor with a specific initial capacity Constructor with a specific initial capacity and growth factor ... ArrayList(ICollection) ArrayList(int) // Default constructor with initial capacity 16 // Copy constructor from a specific collection // Constructor with a specific initial capacity Stack() Stack(ICollection) ... Stack(ICollection) Stack(int) // Default constructor with initial capacity 10 // Copy constructor from a specific collection // Constructor with a specific initial capacity Queue() Queue(ICollection) Queue(int)...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 9 docx
... the lock and enter a critical section associated with the lock Until the critical section is exited and the lock is released, no other thread may access the critical section of the object or class ... System.Reflection; interface abstract class public class sealed class struct MyInterface { } MyAbstractClass { } MyBaseClass { } MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass { } MyStruct { } class TypesInfo { private const ... the same object obj In another example, a lock is associated with a class called C lock ( typeof (C) ) { } // Refer to the meta-class of C and lock its class // Execute critical section Here,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
Praise for C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers 2005 phần 10 pptx
... Block ( CatchClauses | FinallyClause )? | ( CatchClauses FinallyClause )? CatchClauses = ( SpecificCatchClauses GeneralCatchClause? ) | ( SpecificCatchClauses? GeneralCatchClause ) SpecificCatchClauses ... SpecificCatchClauses = SpecificCatchClause+ SpecificCatchClause = "catch" "(" ClassType Identifier? ")" Block GeneralCatchClause = "catch" Block FinallyClause = "finally" Block CheckedStmt = "checked" ... "abstract" | "extern" AccessorDecls = ( GetAccessorDecl SetAccessorDecl? ) | ( SetAccessorDecl GetAccessorDecl? ) GetAccessorDecl = Attributes? AccessorModifier? "get" AccessorBody SetAccessorDecl...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20