php apos s session and cookie functions

PHP cơ bản - Bài 6: Cookie và session trong PHP pptx

PHP cơ bản - Bài 6: Cookie và session trong PHP pptx

... session .php với nội dung sau: Tạo trang session2 .php với nội dung sau: c- Hủy bỏ session: Để hủy bỏ giá trị session ta có cách sau: session_ destroy() // Cho phép hủy bỏ toàn giá trị session session_unset()// ... S dụng giá trị session: Giống với cookie Để s dụng giá trị session ta s dụng mã lệnh sau: Cú pháp: $ _SESSION[ "name"] $ _SESSION[ "name"] Với Name tên mà s dụng hàm session_ register("name") để ... file php. ini (tham s session. save_path) a- Thiết lập session: Để thiết lập session ta s dụng cú pháp: session_ start() Đoạn code phải nằm kịch HTML Hoặc lệnh echo, printf Để thiết lập giá trị session, ...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 07:20

8 417 4
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Refinement of Jensen’s Inequality for a Class of Increasing and Concave Functions" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Refinement of Jensen’s Inequality for a Class of Increasing and Concave Functions" pptx

... for various unknown weight vectors p This is why the statement of Theorem 1.2 makes the assumption that this is true for all possible weight vectors The following lemma gives a simple sufficient ... Equation 1.11 is true if and only if θ1 ≤ 1−f t x1 /f x − θ1 σ − q tx1 1.12 The right-hand side The cases q or t not pose problems because the right-hand side is still finite is an increasing function ... Theorem 1.2 Suppose that f x is strictly increasing, strictly concave, and twice continuously differentiable on a nonempty interval I ⊆ R, and suppose that f x is strictly convex on I Suppose that...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 03:20

14 373 0
PHP Architect's Guide to PHP Security

PHP Architect's Guide to PHP Security

... Attacks Encryption to the Rescue! Server Side Weakness URL Sessions Session Fixation Surviving Attacks Native Protection Mechanism User-land Session Theft Expiry Time Tricks • • • • • • • • • • • ... portals, insecure code can have very serious consequences for a site, the site s owners, and the site s users This book has two goals: to explain the common types of security shortcomings that ... becomes unnecessary  Access Exemptions A security-minded administrator generally doesn’t want users to access the central temporary directory, since it can store sessions To prevent access to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:14

201 1,1K 4
ThThe Cook's Wedding and Other Stories

ThThe Cook's Wedding and Other Stories

... mamma was sitting She was evidently oppressed by her isolation, and she was longing to express herself, to share her impressions with some one, to open her heart "He 's gone," she muttered, seeing ... a minute, sir, in a minute," says Pelageya She rushes out of the hut, and soon afterwards comes back with a bit of candle Yefim 's cheeks are rosy and his eyes are shining, and there is a peculiar ... Stepanov, is tossing from side to side on the floor She does not see him, but she hears him moaning and rolling on the floor from pain "His guts have burst," as he says; the pain is so violent...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13

11 717 3
Dell computer's tech and strategies

Dell computer's tech and strategies

... consumers, small to medium size businesses, and large enterprises, as well as through online sales, company-owned stores, chain retailers, and major technology distributors and vendors This direct ... products directly to consumers, small to medium size businesses, and large enterprises, as well as through online sales, company-owned stores, chain retailers, and major technology distributors and ... retail business by selling hard drives and RAMs for IBM PCs Dell bought his products from IBM dealers at cost, and later resold it through newspaper and magazines to individuals and businesses at...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2013, 12:56

77 436 2
A new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives – A contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents

A new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives – A contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents

... decision Fourth, unsure adjective, these expresses the speakers assessment about some potential event such as certain, sure, unsure, curious, The result of the race was rather curious I am unsure ... approaches the writer has pointed out similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese adjectives in terms of their functions, usages as well as orders Both English and Vietnamese, generally, ... beginning as well as semantic and syntactic functions of adjs The writer discusses their classification according to their usage then considers them if which kinds of adjective belong to semantic functions...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

44 1,8K 9
The relationship between an organization’s structure and culture and the effects on business performance

The relationship between an organization’s structure and culture and the effects on business performance

... Excitementseeking Positive emotion Modesty Tendermindedness Selfconsciousness Impulsiveness Vulnerability Basically, personality starts at birth, goes on adolescent and shapes in adult; but it can still ... Feelings Dutifulness Achievement Actions striving Ideas Self Discipline Values Deliberation A N Trust Anxiety Straightforward- Angry ness hostility Assertiveness Altruism Depression Activity Compliance ... “Microsoft s mission is not just about technology It s also about improving the way the company handles relationships with customers and others in the technology industry” Further, specific manifestations...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 21:50

10 718 1
The tragedy of love in Shakespeare’s  Romeo and Juliet

The tragedy of love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

... the King s new school known for its classical curriculum because of his knowledge of Latin classics and written scenes recalling grammar school experiences such as exercises memories by schoolchildren ... the responsibilities and actions required by social institutions and those required by the private desires of the individual Romeo and Juliet s appreciation of night, with its darkness and privacy, ... world has prevented the loss of so many unsophisticated lived lord Capulet followed his social role of the father, and felt it was his mission as the man of the house to protect his family and their...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 12:18

11 869 7
Factors influencing borrower’s behavior and decision making patterns in the success of a micro finance model

Factors influencing borrower’s behavior and decision making patterns in the success of a micro finance model

... and strategies to attract less educated masses through staff trainings and holding open sessions in these localities and persuading them in their respective languages towards micro financing Such ... borrowers and the lenders to run a business on long term basis The profit should be shared in the pre agreed terms and the losses are shared accordingly Expertise, knowledge of the business, wisdom and ... products, consult behavioral economists and consumer psychologists along with the potential customers to adequately visualize the possible repercussions and implications for achieving desired results...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:48

23 553 0
Teacher''''s roles and teaching styles

Teacher''''s roles and teaching styles

... VIETNAMESE CULTURE • Teacher is almost axclusive source of and transmitter of knowledge, guidance and assessment • Teacher transmits information, demonstrates skills and imparts moral and social ... trips, interviews, class discussion, small group discussion are additional teaching strategies • Teacher expects students to use other sources of information eg libraries, media, experts The teacher ... work • Teachers encourage independent learning and students are expected to take risks and initiatives VIETNAMESE CULTURE • Litte opportunity to ask questions in class sessions • The use of one...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 11:10

19 526 0
let''''s go 2A unit 2 let''''s read and let''''s listen

let''''s go 2A unit 2 let''''s read and let''''s listen

... and let s listen I) Let s read 1.Word Families -ed -en -et Wednesday, October, 13rd, 2010 Lesson 16: Unit 2: Let s read and let s listen I) Let s read 1.Word Families 2.Can you read? Ted is in ... Wednesday, October, 13rd, 2010 Lesson 16: Unit 2: Let s read and let s listen I) Let s read bed hen net red pen pet Ted ten wet Wednesday, October, 13rd, 2010 Lesson 16: Unit 2: Let s read and ... ten pens are by the hen The wet pet is in the net Wednesday, October, 13rd, 2010 Lesson 16: Unit 2: Let s read and let s listen I) Let s read 1.Word Families 2.Can you read? II) Let s listen a...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 02:10

26 1,4K 9
Girsanov’s theorem and the risk-neutral measure

Girsanov’s theorem and the risk-neutral measure

... and I ! = 0, this doesn’t really tell us anything useful about I Thus, P P we consider subsets of , rather than individual elements of e Distribution of B T  If is constant, then n o Z ... is a martingale under IP 192 Lemma 1.54 (Baye s Rule) If X is F t-measurable and  s  t  T , then f IE X jF s = Z s IE XZ tjF s : Proof: It is clear that Z 1s IE XZ tjF s is ... Theorem to change the probability measure, means change but variances not Martingales may be destroyed or created Volatilities, quadratic variations and cross variations are unaffected Check: e e dB...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 03:20

8 542 0
Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value

Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value

... S Since epi S = S × I + , we have that S is convex if and only if S is R convex Moreover,  f is proper and convex  S ⊆ I n nonempty and convex R =⇒ f + S is proper and convex  dom f ∩ S ... convex hull of a subset C of IRn is the smallest closed convex subset containing C It is denoted conv C Proposition The closed convex hull of a subset C is equal to the closure of its convex hull, ... (University of Science) Convex Optimization 18 / 108 Chapter Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value Passing from sets to functions A common device to construct convex functions...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 15:20

22 442 1
U.S. Food and Drug Administration -  Juice HACCP — The Final Rule

U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Juice HACCP — The Final Rule

... advantageous to small businesses and seasonal processors HACCP provides the processor with a record of identiÞed food hazards It allows quick identiÞcation of a breakdown in the processing system and ... However, by its terms, this part is not binding on small and very small businesses until the dates listed in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section (1) For small businesses employing fewer ... illnesses PESTICIDES Pesticides are usually applied to plants to combat insects, plant diseases, and weed growth to assist in the growth of the fruit or vegetable A food is © 2003 by CRC Press LLC...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 21:20

32 583 1
Using Local Variables and Creating Functions that Return Results

Using Local Variables and Creating Functions that Return Results

... channelNames[0] = "" (empty), channelNames[1] = "News", channelNames[2] = "Classics", and so on This is important to understand as we progress NOTE For more information on arrays, see Lesson 6, "Creating ... this function does not return a value Although the functions we used in this lesson have not made use of this syntax (they still work properly), using this syntax is considered good practice and ... watching You have created a simple application that uses six functions to perform several tasks Close the test movie and save your work as television4.fla You're finished with this file You'll apply...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 15:15

10 327 0
Tài liệu Future-Proofing BPON Architectures for Tomorrow’s GPON and N-GPON pdf

Tài liệu Future-Proofing BPON Architectures for Tomorrow’s GPON and N-GPON pdf

... present significant issues, such as different band passes, using low water peak fiber, splitters for specific transmission ranges, and the need to accomplish testing in different band passes For ... BPON transports data at 622 Mbits/sec downstream and 155 Mbits/sec upstream A move to GPON would increase those rates to 2.4 Gbits/sec downstream and 1.2 Gbits/sec upstream GPON also provides for ... higher split ratios to service more homes A centralized BPON system uses 1x32 splitters to service up to 32 customers GPON offers a 1x64 split enabling up to 64 customers to be serviced from a single...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 19:15

4 550 0
A study on words from names in nguyen nhat anh's stories and their english equivalents

A study on words from names in nguyen nhat anh's stories and their english equivalents

... research only discusses English words from names based on metaphor, some other names based on simile, parallel compared with Vietnamese ones and vice versa In this study I only focus on names ... is sometimes used as a synonym for satyriasis Don Juan is a rogue and a libertine who takes great pleasure in seducing women and (in most versions) enjoys fighting their champions In this situation ... renowned for his enormous scope of observation, his astute logical reasoning and his forensic science skills to solve difficult cases These are famous detectives They discovered and found the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:57

57 540 1