... trial of faecal occult blood screening for colorectal cancer Results for first 107,349 subjects Lancet.1989; 1:1160-4 Kronborg O, Fenger C, Olsen J, et al Randomised study of screening for colorectal ... and analyzed A panel of differentially expressed proteins was advocated for biomarkers of diagnosis for colorectal cancer Materials and methods Patients Experiment was performed in Taizhou Municipal ... Serum levels of an isoform of apolipoprotein A-II as a potential marker for prostate cancer Clin.Cancer.Res.2005; 11:1073-1085 25 Zeidan BA, Townsend PA SELDI-TOF proteomic profiling of breast carcinomas...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:18
... (Molecular biology laboratory) and the NTRL for laboratory support; and the study participants The authors also thank Professor Walter Schlech of Dalhousie University, Canada, for proof reading the ... country with high rates of HIV/TB co-infection The sensitivity for the in-house PCR in the Table More performance indices for In-house PCR Performance Indices five (5/186) had the corresponding LJ culture ... 94°C for min, followed by 31 cycles each consisting of denaturation at 94°C for 30s; annealing at 63°C for 30s and extension at 72°C for 45 s Then, there was a final extension at 72°C, for 10...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 03:20
Commercial Serodiagnostic Tests for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Policy Statement ppt
... tests for diagnosis of TB It is intended for National TB Managers and Laboratory Directors, external laboratory consultants, donor agencies, technical advisors, laboratory technicians, laboratory ... rapid diagnosis of TB and in a suitable format (e.g point -of- care) would be particularly useful both as a replacement for laboratory-based tests and for extending TB diagnosis to lower levels of ... detection tests for the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis Thorax 2007 Oct;62(10):911-8 Steingart K R, Dendukuri N, Henry M, et al Performance of purified antigens for serodiagnosis of pulmonary...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo y học: "Provider-initiated HIV testing in rural Haiti: low rate of missed opportunities for diagnosis of HIV in a primary care clinic" ppsx
... support for combating the AIDS pandemic Lancet 2001, 357:57-61 Chou R, Huffman LH, Fu R, Smits AK, Korthuis PT: Screening for HIV: A Review of the Evidence for the U.S Preventive Services Task Force ... at the clinic prior to HIV diagnosis, number of days between first visit and diagnosis, and CD4 cell count at time of diagnosis Any visit to the clinic before the diagnosis of HIV was made (dating ... 2003, 17 Suppl 3:S63-8 Undersecretary for Health's Information Letter Need for routine Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) risk assess- Page of (page number not for citation purposes) AIDS Research...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo y học: "Computerized tomography myelography with coronal and oblique coronal view for diagnosis of nerve root avulsion in brachial plexus injury" potx
... images, performed myelography, helped perform surgeries, and drafted the manuscript KD conceived the study and performed surgeries YH reviewed the images, performed myelography, and helped perform surgeries ... number or size of rootlets and the connection with the cord, and in orientation of the exact level of the root Coronal view visualized the whole image of the ventral rootlets, and oblique coronal ... axial view On coronal and oblique coronal view, nerve roots were considered avulsed when the number or size of rootlets was decreased or the roots was absent Image criteria for the diagnosis was...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo y học: "Threshold for detection of diabetic peripheral sensory neuropathy using a range of research grade monofilaments in persons with Type 2 diabetes mellitu" pot
... for diagnosis and the sensitivity of its detection [3] A community-based study [4] found a prevalence of 42% in persons diagnosed with Type diabetes for more than years, of whom only 48% reported ... http://www.jfootankleres.com/content/1/1/9 another [6] used a 5-gram monofilament as the reference for normal perception in the foot Therefore for this study a range of research grade monofilaments (2, 4, 6, and 10-grams) applied ... or family history of it It is recognised that the newly-diagnosed group may well have been developing Type DM for some time prior to official diagnosis as would have been the case for the established...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23
Báo cáo y học: "Multiplex Amplification Refractory Mutation System Polymerase Chain Reaction (ARMS-PCR) for diagnosis of natural infection with canine distemper virus" potx
... conditions for the multiplex-nested ARMSPCR were 95°C for followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for min, annealing at 55°C for min, DNA extension at 72°C for and a final extension at 72°C for ... conditions for amplification started with an initial denaturation at 95°C for and then the reaction mixture was subjected to 35 cycles of heat denaturation at 95°C for min, primer annealing at 55°C for ... potentially used in for genotyping those CDV lineages that will be useful for identification of CDV infection acquired from other lineage and also for monitoring the evolution of CDV viruses Notwithstanding,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo y học: " Systems biology coupled with label-free high-throughput detection as a novel approach for diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" pptx
... would form the basis of a molecular fingerprint of COPD for use in disease diagnosis Page of 17 (page number not for citation purposes) Respiratory Research 2009, 10:29 http://respiratory-research.com/content/10/1/29 ... Current Methods for Confirming a COPD Diagnosis The diagnosis of COPD is based on the presence of typical symptoms of cough and shortness of breath, together with the presence of risk factors, and is ... resonance biosensor for the detection of retinol binding protein for the early diagnosis of type diabetes Anal Chem 2008, 80(8):2867-2873 185 Teramura Y, Iwata H: Label-free immunosensing for alpha-fetoprotein...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo y học: "Usefulness of procalcitonin for diagnosis of sepsis in the intensive care unit" doc
... of infection may be responsible in part for withholding of, or delaying or unnecessary antimicrobial treatment in critically ill patients [4] Thus, there is an unmet need for clinical or laboratory ... comparisons of CRP, ILs and PCT, oneway analysis of variance was applied, with least squares difference for post hoc comparison The best cutoff value of parameters for the diagnosis of sepsis was ... conditions for statistical analysis of diagnostic reliability of serum PCT and cytokines Using Youden’s Index, the best cutoff value for PCT was 2.415 ng/ml The best cutoff value and AUC for all...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
Báo cáo hóa học: " Validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique 4 questions) questionnaire for differential diagnosis of pain syndromes associated to a neuropathic or somatic component" docx
... was performed to determine the cut-off value of the questionnaire score providing the best values of sensitivity and specificity for NP diagnosis and determination of Youden's index for the total ... allodynia) A score of is given to each positive item and a score of to each negative item The total score is calculated as the sum of all 10 items, and the cut-off value for the diagnosis of neuropathic ... diagnosis and DN4 classification for a cut off value ≥ pts (McNemar's test), ‡ p < 0.001 (p value for Cohen's kappa of agreement between reference diagnosis and DN4 classification for a cut off...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique 4 questions) questionnaire for differential diagnosis of pain syndromes associated to a neuropathic or somatic component" pdf
... was performed to determine the cut-off value of the questionnaire score providing the best values of sensitivity and specificity for NP diagnosis and determination of Youden's index for the total ... allodynia) A score of is given to each positive item and a score of to each negative item The total score is calculated as the sum of all 10 items, and the cut-off value for the diagnosis of neuropathic ... diagnosis and DN4 classification for a cut off value ≥ pts (McNemar's test), ‡ p < 0.001 (p value for Cohen's kappa of agreement between reference diagnosis and DN4 classification for a cut off...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis in people with HIV infection or AIDS in resource-constrained settings: informing urgent policy changes docx
... because of the high laboratory workload;43 however, fluorescence microscopy can greatly reduce the time needed for examination of smears About 15 times as many fields of view can be scanned by fluorescence ... in district laboratories that process more than 30 smears per day2 or in regional laboratories where more than 100 smears are examined per day.42 Other difficulties are the need for a reliable electricity ... tuberculosis, of whom 60% were HIV-positive.27 Algorithms for diagnosis As much as possible, patients should be correctly diagnosed and treated for smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis, but treatment of...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Upregulation of the a-secretase ADAM10 – risk or reason for hope? docx
... PKC or certain isoforms of PKC stimulate the a-secretase [114–116] (for the role of PKC in AD, see [117]) and this has been confirmed in AD model mice (e.g bryostatin 1) [118] ADAM10 as target for ... the use of statins was associated with a lower risk of AD [100], preserving the hope of a therapeutic value for statins in AD therapy Further evidence for lipids acting as modulators of a-secretase ... inhibition of b- or c-secretase or immunization, for the treatment of AD However, a-secretase activation must be moderate and closely monitored Acknowledgements The authors’ own work is supported by...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 09:20
... restoration or replication The Department may waive the requirement for 1:1 restoration or replication for projects which will restore or otherwise improve the natural capacity of any wetland or ... permitted for the impoundment or detention of stormwater for purposes of controlling sedimentation or other pollutant attenuation Discharge of dredged or fill material may be permitted to manage stormwater ... is permitted for the impoundment or detention of stormwater for purposes of controlling sedimentation or other pollutant attenuation Dredging may be permitted to manage stormwater for flood control...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20
New ESPGHAN guidelines for the diagnosis of Coeliac Disease in Children and Adolescents pptx
... *Or specific IgG based tests Asymptomatic Person at Genetic Risk for CD Explain implication of positive test result(s) and get consent for testing HLA DQ testing (+/‐Anti‐TG2) HLA positive for ... DQ2 and /or DQ8 Positive Anti‐TG2 3x normal Not CD, HLA negative for DQ2 and /or DQ8 ... changed: risk and cost of invasive procedure (OEGD, histological work-up) versus risk of false positive diagnosis Asymptomatic person at genetic risk for CD Explain implication of positive test result(s)...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20
the chemical laboratory its design and operation a practical guide for planners of industrial, medical, or educational facilities
... provides more than creature comfort for those working in a laboratory Conditions of reasonably constant temperature and humidity are important for the proper performance of many laboratory operations ... responsibility nor liability for errors or any consequences arising from the use of the information contained herein Final determination of the suitability of any information, procedure, or product for use ... Laboratories Sample Recording Records of Tests Industrial Laboratories Quality Control Records Product Sample Records Poor Record Keeping Purchasing Records Personnel Records Maintenance Records...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:37
Báo cáo sinh học: " Shell Vial culture Assay for the rapid diagnosis of Japanese encephalitis, West Nile and Dengue-2 viral encephalitis" pdf
... Comparison of indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and shell vial culture (SVC) techniques SVC IIF Negative No (%) Positive for JE antigen No (%) Positive for WN antigen No (%) Positive for Den-2 ... encephalitic form is rare Isolated reports of Dengue encephalitis from India [29] suggest that it might be an under -diagnosed clinical entity, because of lack of proper laboratory facilities A total of ... reports where in advanced age is the most important risk factor for morbidity and mortality It is unclear if this high mortality rate among the children is due to a highly virulent strain of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
báo cáo hóa học: " TLR3 signaling is either protective or pathogenic for the development of Theiler''''s virus-induced demyelinating disease depending on the time of viral infection" docx
... up- or down-regulating T cell responses, apparently depending on IFN concentration [21, 27] Furthermore, the time of type I IFN presence seems to be an important factor for the function of type ... left ventricle with 30 ml of sterile HBSS Excised brains and spinal cords were forced through wire mesh and incubated at 37ºC for 45 in 250 µg/ml of collagenase type (Worthington) CNS-infiltrating ... presence of viral or control peptides and Golgi-PlugTM (BD) for h at 37º C Cells were then incubated in 100 µl of 2.4G2 hybridoma (ATCC) supernatant for 30 minutes at 4º C to block Fc receptors Anti-CD8...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Shell Vial culture Assay for the rapid diagnosis of Japanese encephalitis, West Nile and Dengue-2 viral encephalitis" pdf
... Comparison of indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and shell vial culture (SVC) techniques SVC IIF Negative No (%) Positive for JE antigen No (%) Positive for WN antigen No (%) Positive for Den-2 ... encephalitic form is rare Isolated reports of Dengue encephalitis from India [29] suggest that it might be an under -diagnosed clinical entity, because of lack of proper laboratory facilities A total of ... reports where in advanced age is the most important risk factor for morbidity and mortality It is unclear if this high mortality rate among the children is due to a highly virulent strain of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học : Tissue Doppler imaging for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease ppt
... performed during both dobutamine and exercise echocardiography, and regional deformation responses differ with different forms of stress testing? J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2003, 16:299–308 40 Gorcsan ... However, these methods for noise reduction represent compromises between optimal signal-to-noise ratio and requirements for spatial and temporal resolution Semiquantitative information can be obtained ... directly from the color tissue recordings, and reduces the importance of noise The derived curved color M-mode and 3-D color strain images (Fig 2) give a visual presentation of data and may separate...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 11:20