pharmacological management of peptic ulcer disease

Pharmacological management of spasticity

Pharmacological management of spasticity

... Ordinal scale of tone intensity 0–5 Bohannon & Smith, 1986 Oswestry scale of grading Ordinal scale of stage and distribution of tone and quality of isolated movements Goff, 1976 Degree of adductor ... and safety of baclofen therapy without evidence of drug tolerance, even after many years There have been few studies investigating the effect of baclofen in treatment of spasticity of cerebral ... the efficacy of gabapentin for the management of spasticity There is significant evidence of the efficacy of gabapentin as an antiepileptic agent as well as an agent for the management of neuropathic...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

19 259 0
Tài liệu Guidelines for the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Children in the United Kingdom pdf

Tài liệu Guidelines for the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Children in the United Kingdom pdf

... Guidelines for the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Children in the United Kingdom Index Introduction Inflammatory Bowel Disease Management of Crohn’s Disease Management of Ulcerative ... next decade Guidelines for the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Children in the United Kingdom Management of Crohn’s Disease [26] Benefits and risks of any treatment should be discussed ... review the results of imaging in the context of the clinical history so that appropriate management can be planned 2.8 Treatment of IBD [7, 25] This consists of bringing active disease into remission...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 11:20

36 665 0
Tài liệu Evidence-Based Guidelines for Migraine Headache in the Primary Care Setting: Pharmacological Management of Acute Attacks doc

Tài liệu Evidence-Based Guidelines for Migraine Headache in the Primary Care Setting: Pharmacological Management of Acute Attacks doc

... Consortium Pharmacological Management of Acute Attacks A Introduction Effective long-term management of patients with migraine is challenging because of the complexity of the condition Migraine ... process of care that considers the best interests of patients with migraine headache Copyright © by the American Academy of Neurology: Licensed to the members of the US Headache Consortium Pharmacological ... available Individualized management is often required since patient responses to these therapies are not always predictable Therefore, management is often indivudalized The choice of treatment should...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

58 535 0


... THE MANAGEMENT OF SICKLE CELL DISEASE N ATIONAL I NSTITUTES OF H EALTH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Division of Blood Diseases and Resources NIH P UBLICATION ... children and adults with sickle cell disease, describes the current approach to counseling and also to management of many of the medical complications of sickle cell disease Each chapter was prepared ... result of a formalized consensus process but rather represents the efforts of those who have dedicated their professional careers to the care of individuals with sickle cell disease The names of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

206 424 0
Tài liệu The Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management of von Willebrand Disease ppt

Tài liệu The Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management of von Willebrand Disease ppt

... of the Panel represented the Division of Blood Diseases and Resources of the NHLBI The Panel was coordinated by the Division for the Application of Research Discoveries (DARD), formerly the Office ... 40 percent of carriers of type VWD, 82 percent of carriers of type VWD, and 23 percent of healthy controls had at least one bleeding symptom The major bleeding symptoms in carriers of type VWD ... Making the Diagnosis of VWD 31 Special Considerations for Laboratory Diagnosis of VWD 32 Summary of the Laboratory Diagnosis of VWD 33 Diagnostic Recommendations 34 I Evaluation of Bleeding Symptoms...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

126 587 0
Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Children doc

Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Children doc

... extremes of heat and cold Often, no cause is identified CPG 21-1 Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Children Page of 15 Inclusion Criteria: • Sickle cell patients presenting with signs of VOC ... sickle cell disease and a fever as defined by an oral temperature of > 38 ºC CPG 21-1 Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Children Page of 15 Assessment and Treatment: Emergency Management: ... Previous episodes of severe sepsis or meningitis CPG 21-1 Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Children Page of 15 Table I: Antimicrobial Therapy Guidelines STAT dose within 30 minutes of presentation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

15 388 0
WHO Guidelines for Pharmacological Management of Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 and other Influenza Viruses potx

WHO Guidelines for Pharmacological Management of Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 and other Influenza Viruses potx

... SEVERE DISEASE 27 ANNEX 2: LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 28 ANNEX 3: DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS 30 ANNEX 4: TABLE OF STANDARD DOSAGES 32 Pharmacological Management ... Any other condition or clinical presentation requiring hospital admission for clinical  management (including bacterial pneumonia with influenza).  – Any of the signs and symptoms of progressive disease listed below.  Signs and symptoms of progressive disease Patients who present initially with uncomplicated influenza may progress to more severe  ... should  follow  the  18  Pharmacological Management of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Part I: Recommendations   WHO  rapid  advice  guidelines  on  pharmacological management of humans  infected ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20

32 440 0
Diagnosis and management of chronic kidney disease docx

Diagnosis and management of chronic kidney disease docx

... recommendations on how to slow the progression of CKD and how to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease The management of complications of CKD, such as anaemia and bone disease, is also discussed Evidence ... patients with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease Stages of disease In 2002, KDOQI proposed that CKD be stratified into five stages of disease based on the normalised GFR The cut-offs between stages ... 2.5.1) and an indication of any documented disease progression or an assessment of the risk of future progression (see Figure 1D) 13 Diagnosis and management of chronic kidney disease Figure 1: Example...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20

57 472 0
Management of invasive meningococcal disease in children and young people pdf

Management of invasive meningococcal disease in children and young people pdf

... As the risk of invasive disease following acquisition of the organism varies, no NNT can be calculated for the prevention of a case of meningococcal disease 1++ A systematic review of retrospective ... apparent risk of IMD This model of early assessment is shown in figure Management of invasive meningococcal disease in children and young people Figure CHILD PRESENTS WITH A POSSIBLE DIAGNOSIS OF IMD ... have raised the profile of meningococcal disease and contributed to control of the disease Despite this, no quantitative evidence was identified to demonstrate the effectiveness of awareness campaigns...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

53 467 0
Modern management of chronic granulomatous disease doc

Modern management of chronic granulomatous disease doc

... Journal of Haematology, 140, 255–266 Review production of NADPH oxidase-corrected granulocytes after gene therapy of chronic granulomatous disease Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of ... patients with chronic granulomatous disease American Journal of Roentgenology, 187, 482–490 Gmunder, F.K & Seger, R.A (1981) Chronic granulomatous disease: mode of action of sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim ... M.L (1995) The surgical implications of chronic granulomatous disease American Journal of Surgery, 169, 320–323 European Society of Gene Therapy (2006) One of three successfully treated CGD patients...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20

12 407 0
Neuropathic pain - The pharmacological management of neuropathic pain in adults in non-specialist settings pot

Neuropathic pain - The pharmacological management of neuropathic pain in adults in non-specialist settings pot

... effects of each pharmacological treatment why a particular pharmacological treatment is being offered coping strategies for pain and for possible adverse effects of treatment that non -pharmacological ... are for the pharmacological management of neuropathic pain in non-specialist settings only The Guideline Development Group acknowledged that there are other pharmacological and non -pharmacological ... assessment and multi-modal management of all types of pain, including neuropathic pain NICE clinical guideline 96 – Neuropathic pain 11 1.1 List of all recommendations Key principles of care 1.1.1 Consider...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 13:20

155 257 0


... the 14 Peptic Ulcer Disease usual squamous mucosal lining becomes replaced by columnar epithelial cells of putative specific aspect, peptic ulcer disease, and stress-related erosion /ulcer disease ... the convenience of the readers and the content of each section is tightly connected to the rest of the book Peptic Ulcer Disease opens with a discussion on the causes of the disease The first ... by H pylori, only less than 10% of them develop peptic ulcer disease We should also remember that peptic ulcers sometimes occur in the absence of the bacteria Use of NSAIDs is an example Some estimate...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 18:20

500 509 0
Báo cáo y học: " The use of partial exchange blood transfusion and anaesthesia in the management of sickle cell disease in a perioperative setting: two case reports" pot

Báo cáo y học: " The use of partial exchange blood transfusion and anaesthesia in the management of sickle cell disease in a perioperative setting: two case reports" pot

... transfusion of unit of red blood cell 3.7 0.18 Transfusion of units of red blood cells 5.3 0.25 Debridement humerus, transfusion of unit of red blood cell 4.4 0.21 General anaesthesia to insertion of ... Sequestrectomy femur, transfusion of unit of red blood cell 4.9 0.22 Transfusion of units of red blood cells 6.6 0.31 Sequestrectomy humerus, transfusion of unit of red blood cell 5.6 0.27 5.0 0.23 ... Measure 2.0 0.09 32.3 Transfusion of units of red blood cells 4.8 0.25 5.3 0.24 Transfusion of units of red blood cells 5.0 0.24 Start dialysis, transfusion of units of red blood cells 6.9 0.31 5.6...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:20

6 438 0


... Objectives PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE Peptic ulcer diseas-Tran Ngoc Anh MD 1.Recognize the typical clinical presentation and risk factor for PUD 2.Understand pathophysiology of PUD focusing on ... ulcer silent Ve Dyspeptic are non specific: 20-25%  NSAIDS: 15 %of patients longterm NSAIDS (Piroxicam, Feldene, Ketorolac, Toraldo, Celceb, Indomethacine, Ibuprofen, Selective COX2) Peptic ulcer ... CONSIDERATIONS  An ulcer: disruption of the mucosal integrity of the stomach and/or duodenum (surface >5mm in size, depth to the submucosa)  Occur: Stomach and/or duodenum  Chronic Peptic ulcer diseas-Tran...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2015, 09:22

26 300 0
Tài liệu ESC Guidelines on the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy pdf

Tài liệu ESC Guidelines on the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy pdf

... Recommendations for the management of congenital heart disease Table 11 Recommendations for the management of aortic disease Table 12 Recommendations for the management of valvular heart disease Table ... Valvular Heart Disease of the ESC,4 the guidelines of the German Society of Cardiology (German Society of Cardiology),5,6 and the ESC Task Force on the Management of Valvular Heart Disease 2007.7 ... Torracca L, Wenink A Guidelines on the management of valvular heart disease: the Task Force on the Management of Valvular Heart Disease of the European Society of Cardiology Eur Heart J 2007;28:230–268...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

52 1K 0
Management of Complications of Chronic Liver Disease: “When to Refer to Transplant?” docx

Management of Complications of Chronic Liver Disease: “When to Refer to Transplant?” docx

... correlate with the degree of vitamin or trace mineral deficiency or the degree of hepatic dysfunction Nutritional Assessment of the Child with Liver Disease • A number of obstacles complicate the ... to the degree of malnutrition as assessed by anthropometric measurements Nutritional Assessment of the Child with Liver Disease • Hypoalbuminemia in chronic liver disease patients often results ... malabsorption of amino acids and peptides Nutritional Assessment of the Child with Liver Disease • Nitrogen balance studies are difficult to evaluate in children with chronic liver disease • Impairment of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

59 1,8K 0
Guidelines for the Nutritional Management of Children With Renal Disease pot

Guidelines for the Nutritional Management of Children With Renal Disease pot

... Requirements in Nephrotic Syndrome 4.1 Initial Dietary Management 4.2 Ongoing Management Nutrition in Renal Transplantation 5.1 Initial Management 5.2 General Management Future Guideline Development References ... sessions of 3-6 hours x times/week Nutrition in Renal Disease Author: Kerry Walker Date of Review: March 2013 Version: 1.2 Authorised by: Dr TJ Beattie Q-Pulse Ref: YOR-DIET-001 Page of 10 Issue ... ACUTE RENAL FAILURE The aim of dietary treatment is:1 To provide adequate protein and energy where possible Control of dietary potassium Control of dietary sodium Control of dietary phosphate To...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

10 691 2
Management of Bipolar Disease in the Elderly ppt

Management of Bipolar Disease in the Elderly ppt

... Bipolar Illness Bipolar illness - onset often early in life 10% of patient with BPI onset >50 years First onset of mania or hypomania is rare in the elderly Patient often presents with depression first ... characteristic of individual episode BPI is difficult to diagnose Manic symptoms establish diagnosis Absence of manic symptoms - not ruled out Misdiagnosis of unipolar depression Diagnosis of manic ... patient to recognize symptoms Lack of insight Depressive symptoms bring patient in Poor memory of manic symptoms Greater stigma than diagnosis of depression Predictors of Suicide age male sex isolated,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

29 395 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The pharmacological chaperone isofagomine increases the activity of the Gaucher disease L444P mutant form of b-glucosidase docx

Báo cáo khoa học: The pharmacological chaperone isofagomine increases the activity of the Gaucher disease L444P mutant form of b-glucosidase docx

... measures of disease (e.g reduced spleen weight, GC and plasma markers) were observed in only one of the 18 patients who completed the study The results of this trial provide preliminary proof -of- concept ... 2010 FEBS R Khanna et al ages further evaluation of this molecule for the treatment of neuronopathic forms of Gaucher disease The administration of IFG to L444P GCase mice for up to 24 weeks reduced ... administration of IFG to L444P GCase knock-in mice increased the activity and lysosomal content of GCase in cells and tissues, resulting in the reduction of several markers of Gaucher disease Recently,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

21 281 0
The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease ppt

The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease ppt

... Forms of Disorder - 178 The Influence of an hereditary Predisposition to certain Diseases - 179 Chap V ON WHAT CONSTITUTES THE MATERNAL MANAGEMENT OF THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN I Accidents and Diseases ... Of the Gestures - 169 Of the Sleep - 171 Of the Stools - 172 Of the Breathing and Cough - 175 III Other Circumstances which will assist in the early Detection of Disease - 178 The Influence of ... foundation of strumous disease is originated or developed A judicious management of diet will prevent some of these complaints, and mitigate the violence of others when they occur THE KIND OF ARTIFICIAL...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

97 418 0